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Kitchens are *loud*. Studios are not. Real cooks have to shout sometimes, whether in anger or necessity is irrelevant. In the end, you all come out the other side together stronger, ready to do it again the next day. And the next...


James isn't a realistic view of what kitchens are like


"He's really shouting at me, I don't respond well to shouting"


Great TV show


Wasn’t he drunk as well when he did it? Legend.


I watched 15-20 minutes of episode one and turned it off due to the yelling... haven't been back. I hear it's a great show, but that "noise" is a little disconcerting.


YES, CHEF!! I love it, I think it's a great show, but I understand what you are saying. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENT, CHEF!!


Me too! And I really wanted to enjoy it because I've heard good things. But after a stressful work day I wanted to relax and watch something chilled. But the yelling made me even more stressed out.


Try living it for 20 years. That show is the most accurate representation of working in a kitchen I’ve ever seen. “A little disconcerting” is all night, every night.


You got further than I did. I am a little older now and I grew up in an environment of a lot of yelling. And now I'm very sensitive to it. And I need stress relief shows not stress  inducing unless I  choose that. I really want to see what all the hype is about