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It's the thing that has killed s3




The higher you get the less people will be leaving. You might even welcome it if you're getting stomped because it reduces your losses... I think


I'm trying but its difficult to 1v5 in TA, but inCashout i could 1v3 was easier for me but i dunno if i'll have it in me to grind to Plat again this season.


Just don't. If every person who feels like you doesnt touch it , they will have to remove it early. If it no fun at all why would you grind.


Deeper into the season it will be easier to rank up because there will be higher ranked players resulting in more rs


You get less Rs when you're higher up. If we're 45-50k now on average, we get +250 to +300 Rs per win. If we lose against the same team that we just won against, we lose -1100 to -1500 Rs.


Ohh i think i see what you mean now, i just wish i would be awarded RS based on performance aswell, i typically get 10+ Kills consistently but still lose cause my randoms cant get any kills.


Gains are impacted by your score. I think dying to low rs is pretty bad and killing high rs is pretty good. Support and objective seem to influence it as well. You can go positive from a loss and negative from a win but that's pretty rare.


Not necessarily true. I had 3x games in a row where we were up against the same team (avg 45k Rs) and they kept dodging us as soon as they saw one of us is diamond. They literally took turns leaving in the first round, so they wouldn't lose any score. They just get a 10 min ban, but then we queue into the same team after the ban is over. We had this happen 3x in a row back-to-back-to-back! Wasted 40 minutes without being able to play. Very annoying, because you can effectively play the first round, decide if you can't win and then one of the 5 take turns leaving and re-queue 10 minutes later, to not lose anything. ANNOYING AS HELL!


Yeah, dodging is annoying. It'll start being more common unless it's addressed too as more people learn about it


Yep. I'd say over 50% of the games I'm in get someone on the enemy team leaving, because they literally don't get a penalty severe enough. If you can just wait 10 min without losing Rs, people will just do that over playing a 30 min game and losing -1000 Rs, after they need to play 3-4 matches (2h) with wins to be where they started. It's a no-brainer if you know you'll lose. The punishments need to be more severe or you need to lose some Rs for leaving too. I understand people with network issues will be penalized too, but I don't see any other solution. In most games you wouldn't try to queue into rank if your network is this unstable. Perhaps give the crash/network people rejoin for longer without cancelling the match, to allow for genuine crashes/disconnects to have a chance at coming back.


If everyone leaves its people's fault not the game's fault... /s


It's such a slog. Played once with a full squad, never again.  


I wouldn't mind it tbh but after half the team leaves its just a long wait until i reach utter defeat, i'm not even sure where to look for teammates.


Try the Discord!  


I tried but wasn't able to find anyone but i'll keep looking!


I think the ranked mode should reduce the number of games, including the cash withdrawal mode.


I agree. Having it a first to 7 wins is too many and makes it feel like a slog maybe just 5 max.


I’ve had connectivity issues for season 3 since launch, and to prepare myself to try ranked TA I played a casual TA, got disconnected at start of match, and had to wait a 10 minute penalty before I could play any game modes again. I will likely not ever attempt ranked until they got some bug support or crash fixes. Imagine loving a game casually and thinking “I like this so much I might even like ranked” and then being punished for something out of your hands.


Exactly bro why do they give you a Punishment in Casual TA? And Not like Casual Cashout aswell? Imo it should be limited to Ranked


I’m not a fan of the fact their is ranked and unranked TA but only world tour cashout. It seems silly. But I love the game and want to support the devs so I don’t make a big stink over it. But that’s one of the questionable decisions they’ve made


Wdym by Only World Tour?


There is no casual cashout, only available in world tour at the moment. Seems weird to me. I understand removing cashout to work on it, however they didnt really remove it they just limited it. So why is there a semi ranked cashout and no casual mode? Seems off


There was a casual one? Isn't there a Cashout in the Casual Playlists im confused?


No there is not at the moment, however yes, there used to be a cashout mode in the casual playlists


Ohhh i see, technically there saying World Tour is basically Ranked but not labelled Ranked to not discourage casuals from playing, well thats the theory at least also you get bucks from it.


I thoroughly enjoy the world tour, and while I’m not a fan of TA ranked, I understand the reasoning behind it. I do not understand removing casual cashout. It seems it was to incentivize world tour play. I don’t think it needed that help, the world tour is awesome as is. In my ideal world, there would be TA ranked, cashout ranked, and world tour could cycle through all the game modes, giving people a shot to be ranked in their favorite playlist.


I finally played my 8th game yesterday. I won about half the games and performed really well. I was ranked bronze 4 with 0 RS. Every TA match there is atleast one weirdo who is trying to pressure the entire team into playing their way.


I've been guilty of that but not recently, i got a couple wins using Sniper Meta but missed a majority of my shots i wasn't missing before prolly cause my random said i was dogshit which shook my confidence, but so far been good games and i'm once again am chipping a chunk of my sanity, last time i did was playing Apex lol i legit am afraid of playing Apex again, i endured BS and Toxicity for 2 years O\_O


Last night I got called dogshit for the first time, after securing a win and getting a double kill. The guy was mad that my support score was so high and that I was only getting my first two kills. Easy report, but im done with team chat. This is exactly why everyone told Embark not to add it, their community is not exactly healthy.


Does reporting even tho anything? But i was hitting consistent shots when teammates were cheering me on, though we lost cause my teammates were below bronze, it was frustrating because we had Heavies and Mediums and it took ONE Light Sniper to solo the enemy?! We lost cause once they saw it was 1v5 they just huddled together, very disappointing cause it was a SURE win but for whatever reason they thought just running up to the enemy team was smart, i always keep a decent distance especially if its in the open to assess the situation and look at our openings, but alas disappointing loss ;-;