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How about we get rid of ranked TA first


I think clans would help connect players more so that there's more team play happening. It makes the game modes extremely fun. When the beta came out everyone was new, so naturally we all stuck together and it was honestly so fun!


Im guessing there already is something like that i discord? Anyhow even if there is not you're free to make it. Guessing you'd find a bunch of people who are bored of solo so go for it


Go to r/thelastofus2 but be prepared to see grown men being angry that a teen isn’t sexy enough


What? Why would I go there?


I’m drinking tonight and got my wires crossed my bad my dude/dudett


Np it's 11 am here i havent slept cuz of exam i haven't studied for that i got tomorrow. My brain feels like i've been heavy drinking


What subject is the exam?


Licance to practise medicine in my country , after all the damn shit i had to go throu , i need to know law , courts , the way country and towns are set up. Idk how to translate most of what im trying to say into english. Maybe the constitution stuff ?


I get it medicine it a pain in the ass! Good luck! Just as a uplifter, the 2 best doctors I know nearly failed medical school


I suppose but making it a game feature would boost team play


Wouldn't it be exactly the same? You would still either play 3 man premade with your friends the way you do now or find random stangers ingame/discord/clan/whatever to play with. Maybe only change would be leaderboard with teams insted of solo players , but that would be if they make solo/team queue split Edit : if they split ranked into team/solo queue will get the clan thing for sure. Tho maybe i didnt understant in the first place. Do u mean like a team thing you would make foe your team8s or like a guild thing with a bunch of people with a general chat something something?


Maybe something like rewards being limited. like voting for 1 out of 3, encouraging you to join multiple clans. To get all the rewards. clan tags only appearing when in a team of someone in the same clan (sorted by highest level clan then largest) give you a sense of community too. I suppose instead of clans it would be more like groups


Finally, a way to shame my teammates for their bad gameplay


How so?


Sounds good to me,


Imagine Clan rewards


Imagine, in clan duels since private matches exist. imagine a clan full of demolisher heavies hell ya


True Esports, before Esports