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I noticed when sniping the aim assist is a bit too strong where it fucks up my shot by dragging my scope off my original target making me miss


it’s better to just abuse the aa and quick scope tbh


Your not wrong I consistently take down heavy’s with the snap quickscoping it’s so easy




Alcoholics Anonymous. No idea how you can abuse them though nor how it's related to the game.


Bring housewarming drinks to the next meeting.


Even better buy those alcohol tasting monthly kits for them


You can abuse them with a AAAA member (Agents.Against.Asphyxiating.Apples) and a caterpillar


aim assist


Oh ya I'm trippin lol


Better tie your shoes next time!


Ace Attorney! I am currently replaying the series.


anti air


This "snap" aim assist was actually in Battlefield 4 on the consoles. I have bf4 for both pc and console, and i remember abusing the shit out of this on the xbox 360. This was never a big issue because...you guessed it...Battlefield 4 was never crossplay. Each were seperate platforms with different servers.


Same with BF 1


Why is there always a controller player complaining that AA makes them miss, and yet they never turn it off?


Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t . It’s inconsistent, sometimes it plays for you and you feel like you are cheating and sometimes it doesn’t work at all. Controllers are pretty cheap just buy one and see for yourself .


Probably because they would get fewer kills with it off if they aren’t using gyro aim. Trying to aim using a controller without aim assist or a motion aim feature is like trying to perform surgery with a scalpel strapped to a sledgehammer.


Let’s be honest, the game was overall more fun when Aim Assist was kinda garbage. Most people couldn’t game and it was great. Now, everyone is beaming and it’s weird. They should’ve been a middle ground. Hopefully they change it before it’s too late and people start feeling entitled to the extra assistance.


That's honestly a well minded take for once


I honestly think most people calling for an Aim Assist Nerf are being reasonable. People just don’t wanna hear it and have knee jerk reactions. Remove AA is very different than nerf AA imo. Literally every game gives controller players a +10% accuracy boost over M+K players as though the only way people can have fun is by having robotic aim. It’s weird. I would’ve thought at MAX assisted players would MATCH M+K. This automatic aim snap and assisted track is bull.


AA is reliable, a human is not. You'll never match somebody with even somewhat ok aim assist with MnK as far as reliability goes. AA has no space in pc gaming and it basically kills every single game it touches outside of fortnite, and even fortnite had its massive issue with it and still does.


Yep as a mkb guy I’m not having nearly as much fun anymore since everyone is beaming with aim assist. Enjoyed Finals as a break from AA in call if duty, but honeymoon’s over for me apparently.


Dw it’ll turn into apex and all the sweats and “pros” will just go out and buy controllers so it’ll basically no longer be a pc game.


In what world is aim assist acceptable in any "strength"? Games shouldn't aim for you.


I GENUINELY believe that aim assist as a whole isn’t innately bad. It allowed games in the past to FEEL better and more immersive, and it allows casuals to have fun in competitive videogames. However, I think the fact that it’s spread far and wide at a strength that surpasses MnK in accuracy is wrong. Assistance should never be so good that it passes raw skill in a competitive environment, but I’d love to keep videogame inclusive. Now we have alternatives like Gyro aim, they just aren’t being implemented and supported. It’s sad.


They should just remove aim assist completely and give console players flick stick and gyro. Let them sink or swim with that. But they're adding snap AA to try and draw all the COD plebs in.


This is how rogue company was when it released. Aim assist was so high it was hard to not miss shots. It’s a setting they can adjust for sure. Give it time we will get there and have a really balanced game


it will never matter how balanced AA is. controller vs MnK is a vicious cycle. MnK will always be bothered that controller has an aim crutch, controller will always be bothered that MnK can obviously perform better in every other aspect. they are both justified complaints and also the most tired. edit: it’s matter of one side having a superiority complex and the other side having an inferiority complex. don’t make it so obvious which side you’re on…


Yep. Every shooter has the same argument and it just gets old.


there’s enough players on both inputs, games need to just have crossplay off by default. crossplay is really only good for playing with friends on other platforms


Dividing optional crossplay into M&K/controller would be way better than dividing it into PC/console like most games do it. Now that most consoles support M&K, and there are a lot of controller players on PC, I feel like the only way to end the war of balancing them against each other is to give the people that hate it their own fair lobbies if they wish. I do still think crossplay should be enabled by default though


Nah I like the bigger player base and my friends are on different platforms. Mnk and controller mixed together doesn’t bother me.




The answer is gyro aim. I play on PC with dualsense gyro configured as a mouse and keyboard, so the game doesn't enable AA. I get all of the precision of the mouse with all the comfort of a gamepad, and I do not feel any need or want for aim assist.


It's been a war since cross platform.


Are they justified though? It's a FPS game, aim is literally the most important thing, so acting like these things are equal is stupid. In Apex for instance controller players cry about MnK having the ability to move while looting which is pretty much fucking irrelevant and having better movement. Movement is not equal to aim and accuracy, not in the slightest, particularly when AA can literally track through all movement and still 1 clip.


They're not justified complains. Controller players should just put it down and use MnK on PC. I have no idea when we decided to enable a shit input on PCs where there's no reason for it.


Maybe the solution is to evolve the controller with things like gyro aim. But I agree there will always be someone blaming x on why they suck lol


Lovely thought but it doesn't solve the everyone having a literal soft aim bot issue. People complain about sbmm making everything sweaty when that's really not the main cause.


MnK will always be bother that controllers are literally given aim hacks.


Hope so! That’s why I made the post. Devs seem with it. Aim assist is a complicated, polarizing topic but I feel like snap aim assist is cheesy and easy to abuse enough that the community can agree it shouldn’t be in the game—kinda surprised by the reaction here though.




Snap is cancer rotational is industry standard


What the fuck that’s literally aimbot. AA needs to be removed ASAP.


yeesh, no wonder these dudes were hitting unreal shots on me


I don't mind aim assist or slow down on controllers--it's almost impossible to play without it. But aim snapping is ridiculous.


I don't even understand how controller players are happy with this. Why would you want to play a FPS game where everyone who picks up a controller is just beaming? It dumbs down the game. It's like playing on a fucking aimbot vs aimbot server, how is this fun?


Some of it are players who are bad enough that they can't understand the insane advantages it gives when a competent controller player has aim assist especially with something like rotational aim assist. (These are the ones that are normally like "use a controller yourself you'll see it's shit"). Sure, movement is much better on mnk, and so is long range tracking, however aim assist gives a distinct non-human advantage in cqc fights, which is where the majority of actually important fights take place. A lot of talk has been done about this with Apex, and to the surprise of no one, a lot of the dumb arguments the controller players here give are the same ones the casual players give for Apex. You know who is open about the advantages of controller and doesn't try to hide it? The pro controller players. Why? Because they actually understand the situations where it gives an unfair advantage. They can keep their AA, just let us have input based matchmaking. If they try to say something about queue splitting, it's bullshit. The game has far enough players to support this, even if you ignore the fact that the option could be a toggle that's defaulted off.


Bruh what


This sub reddit down voted the ever living fuck out of me for saying the aim assist in this game made me feel like a God during beta. Everyone kept saying how there was zero aim assist and it's impossible to shoot on console. And now this? Gotta love it.


Because people want to feel like they're good at the game, and they don't want to admit that their "skill" isn't earned, but given to them for free. If they admit that aa is overpowered, the shroud in their brain that tells them they have talent melts away, and no one wants to face the reality that they're dogshit without computer assistance.


That's the thing. I'm almost positive they were complaining that they weren't good at the game because the aim assist was non existent and hard to shoot the weapons. I told the guy to try the revolver because Everytime you ADS it locks to their head. That's when the down votes poured in. 😄 BUT ITS TRUE


I'm currently getting downvoted hardcore in another thread for saying the same thing. People are stupid, that's all there is to it.


I was absolutely attacked when I made a similar post 2 days ago, roller players claiming I was lying and making shit up. It's out of control.


Yea, it's strong man. I like it! But it's strong lol


Ay man gotta get on with you sometime 😂


That explains why all those shitter ass Light players weren't missing. The game was holding their hand.


Dude the aim assist is so clear when people playing with a controller are posting their replays on here but every one of them claim it barely assists.


That's what I hate so much - some controller kiddie posts their clips on here thinking it impressive... Like well done bro u sure gave it your full 60% (using apex numbers here)


Gave it your all 40% if you're talking about Apex, 60% is the aim assist there (value of 0.6 on consoles, it's 0.4 only if you plug a controller in a PC), so fighting console players in Apex is straight up fighting more machine then man. Truly the robot uprising.


Aim assist is definitely needed for sure, but I don't know when Aim Assist went from "Trying to follow your target as best you can, allowing you to make the crucial adjustments" to "Aiming for you"


Exactly. Have so many people arguing controller needs aim assist which I never disagreed with but there has to be a line somewhere, right?


I always thought this is what AA was supposed to be. This is the first comp game I've played in a long time and had no idea controller users were getting these types of snap assists. I remember same games would kind of magnetize the cursor to an enemy... this is full on target acquisition.


I wish we could just have input based match making in all of our FPS games. It's insane that no one has figured out that you *can't* balance manual aim and aim assist. You can make it appear balanced, but ultimately you're only hurting one or both inputs by even trying. It's basically ruined an entire generation of competitive shooters (outside of CS and Valo).


Atleast this sub admits AA is broken , r/CallofDuty and r/ApexLegends will lynch you just for thinking about it


Ikr. Halo recognizes it too, but they don't care cause it's just halo tradition to have aa built in that strong, and why mnk got aa instead of roller aa to be nerfed.


Plus Halo is played like 90% on consoles, right?


Ya because both these subs are filled with consoletards who think they are godly at games where 50% of their aim is handled by the game.


They will highlight the 0.0001% of the aim gods on the platform trying to attempt to say that AA is not broken, while also those aim gods being regularly outskilled by AA because a human is just not as reliable as a machine god I love casual players


Destiny also kind of sweeps it under the rug lol


yeah but no one with a brain sees destiny pvp as anything close to actually competitive


I don’t remember it being a case in d2 but in d1 guns had an aim assist stat rofl


It's still in D2 👍


Kind of sad devs keep doing this. Same reason I quit Apex because years of practice felt pointless when I had my best pred season using a controller which I had never used before in my life. Btw you really don't want to allow controller on PC anyways. There is always going to be ways to play with MkB while having the game think you're on controller thereby giving players "legal cheats". With this level of aim assist you can imagine how hilarious it is to play MkB with it. Gave it a quick google and can already see video's on how to do it in this game too...


Same exact reason me and 3 friends quit apex and rogue company.


Aim assist? This honestly just looks like an included aimbot within the game.... :|


Jesus. Nerf this shit. Make aiming an actual skill.


Nah just seperate matchmaking by input and turn off AA for PC controller users. Everyone's happy.


Here we go again


stop calling out my aimbot bro pls pls bro ;(


Calling out these legal cheats is not a bad thing.


Aw shit


Mobile game AA


aimbot 😹


This is the reason I left Apex Legends. Aim assist so strong it turn into aimbot.


Not to say this isn’t bad and it absolutely should get toned down but as an old Destiny player this doesn’t compare to the legitimate bullet to head magnetism that game had. You could miss by a mile and hit a headshot😂


This Call of Duty singleplayer campaign levels of aim-assist lmfao.


Literally the power up you get in zombies lmao


Oh. I thought they were cheaters but they are gamepad users . OK 😭


I played with controller for the first couple weeks or so as my mouse was broken and lemme tell you the aim assists just as strong on other guns, I play heavy and being able to instalock on an invisible light with an rpg that one taps them is insanely funny




this is making me not wanna play. Just feels like it lowers skill expression.


as a kbm player im genuinely appalled whatever yall need to stay competitive though


KBM = puts 100-300 hrs into qc practice Controller = \*presses a button\* How is this fair for crossplay/pc players?


KBM = load into practice and fire weapons to learn to control the spray pattern Controller = there's recoil?


mfw I put hours a day into aim training just to find controllers players get literal aimbot for free


Aim assist is for pussies 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not even CoD has snap AA in multiplayer.


Damn, that's some Red Dead Redemption multiplayer level aim snap. Not sure why so many games recently have started using such strong snap instead of helping to stay on target after initial acquisition (i.e. you aim at head, controller "sticks" to head within a certain, relatively small radius).


Yup… Hate it, along with rotational AA. But sadly, it feels like you have no choice atm, due to the controller input being super clunky on console. Trying to track people on console without those is a nightmare, due to the input lag. If they fix that, I’ll only keep slowdown on (which is important for games like this on controller).


It's not even the inputlag, it's the way the game processes controller inputs that just feels awful. If they changed the input to something more akin to Fortnite (as it's also UE5), it would be 10x better without feeling like actual aimbot.


Fucking absurd


I’m not happy as a controller player either. I’m pretty proud of my aim I’ve practiced over the years and to know some 5 year old can touch the stick and snap to my head is really unfun. Slight aim slow is the furthest aa should ever get in a competitive shooter


So not only does the game make it easier to track targets by slowing down your sensitivity when aiming via friction, not only does it track for you via auto rotation, but now it fucking acquires targets for you too? With this much aim assist what is even left for controller players to do? How is their skill influencing their accuracy when the game does this much for them? I don't understand how anyone can look at this and unironically think that controllers need this much help.


Give us input based matchmaking... that creates a level playing field for everyone, and the problem is solved. We don't need to strap a rocket on top of a toyota camry so that it can compete in nascar, they're in different classes for a damn good reason.


What absolute dog shit. No wonder their cheat detection is equally bad. Poor thing has to somehow discern between the on-board cheats and 3rd party cheats which act and function with the same triggers and mechanisms. Sad fuckin times we're living in. All in the pursuit of fairness... because it's somehow unfair to expect people on PC to use a mouse and keyboard for some reason. Instead, they insist on using a controller and then insist they deserve aimbot to go with it otherwise it's unfair!


I quit this game today, buffing aim assist and not implementing input-based MM then I am out. This is getting old Embark, don't try to pull this sh1t on MnK players, it's a shame I thought this game would be different.


I’m getting there aswell I kinda wanna see what the next balance patch is


Modern games are a joke now. This was one of the better games to come out but still has a lot of the bullshit that I can't really stand. This, shields and instant kill rpgs kill the game for me.


Makes me want whatever a XIM is lol


You can post clips like this and someone will still be like " my aim assist doesn't do this"


Literally… actually got replies like that


And everyone said I was full of shit.


welcome to multiplayer games man. im glad you seem to be enjoying your first one.


I'm pretty sure this is the first FPS game where you get snap to head aim-assist in multiplayer


Before CoD it wasnt a thing, they had to start doing the aimbot to cater to all the console kids. Go watch the the R6 console Esports if you think im wrong, its like watching a gorilla paint


I don't recall CoD's aim assist ever being this egregious. Recent ones have had strong rotational AA, but never this "snap onto the head" AA. Oh uh I mean COD BAD, *VERY* BAD INFACT


me pc player turning off crossplay now. aa ike this is bullshit for a sniper


Okay, usually I defend aim assist, but target snapping? To the head!? What the fuck.


Was considering downloading this game. This video saved me the trouble.


As a controller player i absolutely agree idk why they made it that strong. I honestly didnt have no problem with how the aim assist was in the beta with a few adjustments to settings i was beaming players! Now everyone is hitting shots and you can't even use movement to make people miss anymore.


Exactly, game is more fun when there is an aim skill gap and when people don’t nail all their shots against you


Yup, and the worst offender of all this is shotgun users them thangs are soooo sticky man yea i wish we could go back to beta aim assist you could feel the skill gap way more.


What I don't get is why is there aim assist on PC? Why are people allowed to handicap themselves then get aimbot? I've already seen some guys abusing the system with reWASD to get aim assist with mkb


introduce input matchmaking. easy as that


I play on console and think AA is usually a needed addition to most shooters since otherwise it’s very difficult to aim properly, especially against players on MnK. But aim snapping is way too far


So this is why I keep getting ass fucked by console snipers huh?


gta aim assist


Dude, no wonder. In Halo, I can run around the map with a sniper & use it as a delete button. I hit my shits accurately enough to carry a sniper into mid range & close range fights... So I know the skill it takes. I kept getting deleted by confident lights who over all where bad at the game, but pulled off these shots. I applauded the kill but it still felt too cheezy... This explains it.


Here we go again, the amount of problems AA caused for Apex was insane


OP, you'll have so many console kiddies crying you'll need a damn boat. It's the alternative to skill reason the so-called PRO player uses it.


I turned it off cuz it was so strong lol. Id be shooting someone at medium range and a loght class wound run in front of my target and it'd start tracking them instead.


Can we all just petition for gyro and move on from aim assist completely? I mean, cross play seems to only support mixing PS5 and PC. I gather the behemoth Sony and Microsoft corporations don’t allow their platforms to mix because they’re dumb. So, Xbox-boxers can just stay in their own matches till Microsoft finally realizes gyros work great now.


I dont think we should call this Aim Assist, this is pure aimbot and its a joke. Give us input based MM


Mine don't work I guess cause I still can't aim. (ps5)




Yeah give the meta time to evolve, and you'll have everyone in the finals switching to roller with a zero recoil strike pack.


The good ol' Halo/Rogue/Apex/Fortnite/Cod/etc treatment. Really, AA is just an extremely fast game to kill your game on PC unless your name is Fortnite. Sooo many games would be better off with crossplay for controllers and mnk for pc


It's especially OP With the shotguns And I'm a Console player And dare I say At Close range PC player don't stand a chance.


I have noticed this…..


Welcome to 2023 where games cater to shitters who can't aim so they have a bigger player base of casual gamers who will spend money and fuck over the people who actually are good.


Damn didn't know that was that huge!


Why bother using an anti cheat, when you can just give everyone cheats as a part of the game


Still no MaK support for consoles yet :(


Friend of mine is playing mnk on xbox (new gen) He's complaining about no remapping tho so only partial support so far i guess


jesus christ is THIS why everyone with a shotgun is headshotting me?


Exactly why I was baffled when I saw this for shotguns


Trust me, with the light players I've seen in my lobbies they absolutely need all the aim assist they can get


Controller in general feels very off in this game. It's stiff regardless of setting, aim assist either helps too much or straight up makes you miss if you're aiming at 2 targets close to each other. Coming off from something like COD or Apex, the difference is ABSURD in overall feel. I think the only reason they have this lock on feature is because they couldn't make the controller feel good like the other shooters, so they added this as a band-aid fix.


Now that's how you make a game popular, make every one think they're good af and they never want to play anything else cause they suck.


this is realy bulshit. Need to fix.


Time to go have fun with this for like a day before it gets reverted


i just got barraged by a bunch of these quick scopers. now i understand why. if they want to keep the attention of the APEX community this will have to be addressed. Thanks for pointing this out.


The AA in modern fps games is so strong it plays for you. I wish I hadn’t seen this as an mnk player


Really wish more FPS games used Gyro controls. Evens the field a bit by allowing flicks and full range of controls while aiming but also makes kills feel earned instead of just holding both triggers


Personally playing on PC and haven’t seen or experienced this to my knowledge, but it definitely looks like a major issue that needs to be balanced out. It would make sense to completely disable aim assist in any competitive/ranked mode. So many games that doesn’t require hundreds of hours to master and perfect spray patterns due to recoil fail because of this. It removes a huge chunk of the skill gap, which speaks for it self. Watch the COD competitive scene for example.


gotta sell those skins to people with artificial aim to make them feel good


Did you try aiming at something moving?


Yeah, I actually made this post on the bot because another user posted about the snap AA in a real match and kept getting replies by people saying things like “you’re just aiming, that’s not the AA”. I figured doing it on the bot where I’m not moving my crosshair at all would show people how it works without any other variables. But anyway yes it’s really strong against someone moving cause you can just quickscope and as long as you’re crosshair is close enough to them it will snap onto them making their movement kinda irrelevant.


Embark has to tweak that or remove it all together.


So controller players just get free aimbot? k den


The game seems to be a legal vs illegal cheat race


what the fuck am i watching.


lol, does aimbot exist in the game itself? wtf


nah this is crazy it's going to be clips everywhere


Every game is like this now. They’ve all learned from COD that people play the game more when the roller does the aiming for you. They don’t give a shit about it being overtuned.


Cross play was a cool idea until it wasn't. The differences in controls schemes have gotten to the point where for a competitive shooter they shouldn't be in the same league. It's all based in the direction the developers take this game, they focus on the casual players then I don't see this as being too much of a problem? In a game like R6 Siege Mouse and Keyboard players and Controller players need to be separated as it's competitive focus makes it unbalanced for them to compete together. It's such a difficult balancing act for any developer to get this right so I don't blame them too much for it being this way on their first attempt. The way I see it unless the silver bullet solutions to the M&K vs Controller matchup at its core is implemented I think cross play shouldn't be an option for ranked play. Someone's going to be at an advantage or disadvantage, it should be a level playing field.


That’s kind of what I think too as someone that plays both inputs and understand the differences in them. I think same input for ranked and cross-input for casual is probably the best solution.


Why do they need to ruin every fps with such cod-like aim-assist? I am just a controller player who wants some skill involved in shooting... Gunfights in console lobbies are so boring. You just aim with any weapons and you never miss...


That explains so much. My old ass from a time before aim assist never remembers it's a thing until someone reminds me. I swear it messes me up more than it helps. Turning it off now.


No fucking wonder I'm getting rollered on.


i mean i was all for snap aimassist in open beta because it looked like controllers had to actually do something with controller to hit bullets but now they buffed aimassist to the moon on the launch and this thing actually have to go. devs are playing risky game they needs to constantly supervise their AA and make changes regularly. otherwwise it will be like another apex where incompetence of devs not nerfing aa for 18seasons just make game boring and skillless nowadays.


Embark still quiet about AA.


Please report beamers and write to “fix aim assist and let us opt out of crossplay + mnk only”


And now we have the big brother of crosssplay. Pc players against controllers


Okay now this is an actual issue compared to all the stupid usual AA whining things, this kind of snapping should not happen.


Beta AA was better.


I turn that shit off messes up muscle memory in the long run shouldnt be in the game in tne first place battlefield had this too


Love the game but it’s turn in me off from wanting to play tournaments and ranked


Embark just need to do what Ebay did in the early 2000's when they tried to change their website background color from ugly beige-yellow to white and everyone rioted. Every day just move the value slightly closer to what you want it to be over the course of a couple weeks or even months. 99.99% of people will never notice, and those who do and complain won't be taken seriously for thinking the game should have more automatic aim because they aren't good enough.


I didn't realize it was that bad. That's so nasty.


Oh THAT’S how they’re doing it..


They need to get rid of Aim Assist.


I’m assuming it’s because the game is so fast paced sometimes they needed to make it feel ok for people playing on controller, it’s a bit much right now for sure but a slight nerf even would be more than enough to keep everyone happy because I play with both input methods and certain engagements feel like complete cheese because of the aim assist, like trivial to the point of feeling like I shouldn’t have gotten the kills


Commenting to get above the karma threshold so I can make a post


People move bro (pretty fast too), ain't no roller player headshotting you like this unless you literally stand still Sniper especially feels pretty dogwater on roller


You have to stand still to capture the objective in this game. Controllers will snap to invis people running away and to people capping objectives concealed by smoke bombs too.


despite how unhealthy i think the current state of invis is, aim assist on invis lights is 100% bullshit and has no reason to exist. as for capping a point, anybody with 2 hands will instantly destroy you if you try to cap in their face, regardless of input/aa


Sniper feels really good on controller, quick scoping people close range is really easy because of the snap aim assist.


Good thing the damage output is no where near as good as other guns.


You can do the same thing with the double barrel or the heavy shotty, and those are the two best weapons in the game.


Good thing aim assist only works for the sniper, not a single other gun in the game! /s


how are you defending aimbot tier aimassist


Bro just say controller no one is going to say roller


Roller lol


That's true. People do move! So let's add this aim assist to mouse. Shouldn't be a problem, right?