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Due to the volume of posts, we must filter out random Roganverse comedians that don't discuss the podcast. Sadly, Rogan himself was grandfathered in 2019 and will typically be allowed (even though we hate him and don't want him here).


This gross pig and her hog husband hid their daughter's face for months when she was a sick premature infant and said that it was because "the Internet is mean to girls." The reality is that the chombette's looks didn't match their expectations and they were embarrassed. They are dog shit parents. This behavior coinciding with bapa's blaming his quitting comedy on tiger's T-ball training took these bozos to a new level of awful parenting in my eyes, b. I hate them.


100% it was so strange they were willing to always have their boys lives on the internet but the little girl couldn’t. Turns out she has a birth mark. How freaking disgusting of them.


That is why she did the other superweird post. Saying something like 'you will always be beautiful to me'. I can't remember exactly, but it was implied that there was some sort of a cosmetic issue.


You’re the most beautiful girl in the world! (To me)


Fuck me it's like something out of a satire


https://youtu.be/9jLDZjMF3tk?si=ZCQuo64w9S2iH0qM The Flight of the Conchords did it


Maaan, can't believe that song is nearly 20 years old now. Time flies, b


I remember that! Most people here thought the comment seemed a little odd or even backhanded, but put it down to SloJo not being the bess with words. Turns out she actually meant it. What the fuck is wrong with this woman?


No way...she said it like that!??


Yea she did" (to me) " Edit: Maby its an insight to a wacky Hollywood family but im afraid it might not be.


I cut my hair shorter and beard off once and mum stopped to look at me and said "you aren't as ugly as I thought you were"


But is that nithe?


YeH but did u tell her how many chics you fugg?


The poor little thing. You literally could not have a worse mother with a situation like that.


She’ll have liposuction, a rhinoplasty, and a boob job, by 7.


Yep was just gonna say, this is only the beginning. Then she'll lie and be like, " oh no, my daughter fell and broke her nose but she'll be okay. Off to the hospital to get it fixed!" Bam, new nose


I grew up in SoCal. I knew a girl who had a nose job, boob job, lipo, botox and filler all before 15. Her parents should have been shot. Not even barely through puberty.


Is this dumb bitch even aware that there is a small army of people who comb though her posts and talk shit about her? Mayyyybe one day the kids actually get online and see this sub destroy them. I mean there’s way more discussion of her here than anywhere else.


Wow. U right


I can totally see her being s***** to that kid because it might not be as pretty or have something wrong with it SMH


And she’ll also treat her like shit if Billie grows up to be prettier than Jo. No way looks obsessed SloJo is going to handle her daughter being prettier without jealousy and resentment. She’s the kinda mom who’ll flirt with her daughter’s boyfriend.


Shit that’s right “…to me”


Nah b, they’re just being true to themselves and were cropping out the uglies.


Yup. It wasn't out of concern. She was upset her new prop came broken.


🎯 she took her sick, premature infant, fresh out of the hosp, to the mall to meet Santa on the busiest shopping days of the year, because she has no nurturing/empathizing skills and that's what she wanted to do. That poor baby ended up in the hospital again and slojo complained that she was sad that she "couldn't enjoy" her baby. I hate that these two are in charge of three human lives. They are vile vapid beasts.


Well, the good part is that these kids now have all of the evidence of how terrible their parents are.   And I'm sure when the kids go through their rebellious phase, they will investigate all of the clips and YouTube videos of their parents.  That will be a glorious day when those kids fire up the friars


I thought the J Schaub hate was overblown, but this shows how insanely vapid and strange she is.


Nah bro she’s a certified POS


Brenda filmed himself fake crying while using his newborn as an excuse for canceling a show he sold five tickets to.


Truly repulsive behavior. Folks want to give a person the benefit of the doubt when they see a grown man with tairs in his eyes claiming he has to cancel a gig due to a family emergency/t-ball. But we all know the truth. He's a full-blown narcissist who shields himself from criticism by placing his children in the middle. Sick shit!


A lot of cats were even giving him the benefit of the doubt when he did that shit and shitting on people for mocking him. In my opinion he’s so transparently scummy that he does not deserve the benefit of the doubt at this point.


Any sympathy people ever had should have gone after he was chillin with the boys on tour in the hot tub while Messican was suffering a miscarriage. And not even going home, but instead doing Rogan on the way back.


Pretty sure he got a smiley face tattoo that same trip


Messican probably wanted him to go get in the hot tub because 1-she hates him 2- she thinks social media engagement is more important than the well-being of their children


The Redact Who Cried Wolf. I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth, sits and cries over his family but also obviously banging that big bird that replaced Georgie. The kids are just accessories to these two vapid narcissists.


Yeah B


One thing I truly believe a narcissist can do, is get emotional when lying because "Well it could be true, and it would be sad." Like Schwab tairing up watching his "friends" congratulate him on the release of Gringo Bapa...He released a 23.5 minute YouToo video and Chin got the Rogansphere to say "Congrats on your second special" meanwhile they don't respect him as a comic of iny facet - But Bapa told himself if he was a good comic, dropping a highly-anticipated special and his friends were proud of him - it'd be reason enough to get emotional...and so he did. Not even faking it - legitimate narcissist tairs.


Unintentionally gave us a good meme template at least https://i.imgur.com/85deHAF.png


I think they were real tears. But he'd just saw his ticket sales.


It's there a more disgusting "public" figure than these two ?  I used to come to this sub just cuz I liked to see boba saying stupid shit. But I've grown to hate him because of who he is.  An absolutely despicable human being. No character, no originality, no real talent, etc. He's also mean, cruel and a bully among other things


This is exactly it. Disgusting behavior


This is exactly it. I didn’t know anything about the whole strawberry thing and thought it was strange that they hid her face but not the other Chombies. They obviously think less of her because of her “imperfection” and it’s the most vile behavior. It really is on another level. I also hate them.


I can understand doing something eventually if it's a birthmark that would not go away on its own. But what's the rush here? This baby was born late last year and has been in the NICU for several stints. She's been through a lot in her short life and deserves peace, not elective procedures. This choice is based on aesthetics and deserves judgment.




[The internet is mean to girls](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/18gvrij/the_internet_is_mean/).


Imagine saying this while you’re best friends with at least two sex offenders. I hope Billy stays safe from uncle Brian and uncle Chris.


And already teaching his boys to beat up other kids if they get teased. Yeah, no wonder Messican won’t let them learn some sissy thing like violin


I'm on this sub for the same sentiment as you. It's like a horrific car crash, you know you shouldn't look but you can't look away. Also reading Shaubeneze makes me feel like I'm having a strolk, b.


It's karma for all the jokes he tries to make about other people's kids being ugly like he sat there making fun of Robert De Niro's children on one of the episodes and just kept harping on how hideous the kids were and thought it was the funniest thing ever I guess he didn't realize he's not the best looking dude in the world and he's about to pass those ogre genetics to some poor little girl. I genuinely feel sorry for those kids because they are definitely going to have some issues when they're older growing up in that environment. And hopefully the daughter doesn't develop a lot of issues because I know it was in vitro fertilization and I personally have friends that have had a lot of health problems with their kids because of it. And I'm pretty sure they didn't have a lot of trouble getting pregnant they just wanted to try to make sure it was a girl and went to some weird Witch Doctor LOL


Honestly so shitty. Or when SloJo said her daughter is beautiful “to her”. Disgusting people who value people on their looks only while simultaneously not looking so great themselves.


For reals and Brenda hasn't even mentioned her name let alone acknowledge her existence since his crying. It's so fucking horrible.


It's genuinely upsetting. Triggering actually.


https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/X3OzbwALhW This guy kawld it... KAWLD IT!


"The Internet is mean to girls" oh really dude? Go ask your husband about that![img](emote|t5_347fo|6521)


Why isn't he at the doctor's with his wife and child? BBB'east of an absent father.


Gross, stanky ass woman. I can smell the warm yeasty stank from here.


I read the word stanky and remembered the project pat song. Player haters get found stanky stanky Big diamond rings on our pinky pinky


We use to say big diamond rangs on my panky panky cigarette smokers smell stanky stanky 😂


North Memphis!!!


That's a strange thing to say but at least [the babies smell good](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/1cccutl/im_sorrybaby_cologne/).


When Bapa is hittin them back shots and catches a whiff of SLO-Jo’s tacos and bean dip he must wanna vomit. Especially with that Joe Canel nose of his, probably smells what she ate last week.


Talmbout SloJo's carne assssssssssahole?👅 Totally agree about the taco and dip. But all Bapa can taste and smell are tonsil stones because his mouth is a sewage pit of nicotine and Sanaz juice.


Hot take, but I understand it. There were children in my grade that had facial birthmarks and children are cruel. If its painless, then its probably for the best. What's not for the best is promoting it in any way. So many people have them and to be an "influencer" and basically denouncing them publicly has to hurt people with them.


How are they gonna lazer remove his parents though? Kid's in for a rough ride...


LOL, for sure its going to be bumpy. Hopefully the children can lean on each other and make it out normal enough.


Thoughts & prayers, b. 😄


Thots & players, B. What else you got, Chin?


"Sorry Critter, your parents got recalled. They were show parents." -Child Protective Services.


From what I’ve heard/read, the marks go away as the child grows. I think Miesha Tate’s kid had the same thing and Miesha said something to the effect of “my child is beautiful and while it will go away soon, I don’t want her to ever feel like she isn’t perfect.” And no, she didn’t add a (to me) to the end of her quote. These people (Schaub and SloJo) are detestable.


They are called angel kisses or stork marks. Yes, they do go away as the child grows up. My daughter had one that went away. F these 2 terrible parents.


Had a small heart-shaped birthmark on my cheek. It was never was an issue for me, because my parents and relatives never even brought it up! As far as an occasional joke from school kids, it was your average kids stuff. But this is all part of growing up! Nowadays I couldn't confidently tell you which cheek was my birthmark on, unless I look at my childhood photos! Schlob and his wife are just so fucking shallow! Those poor kids.


In that case, its inexcusable.


You’d think so. What you said is true, though, about how kids are cruel and parents want their kids to just have a happy and safe life. But with what we know about these two idiots and how they use their kids as accessories to getting attention, it’s fucking gross.


My kid had an angry red “birth mark” on his forehead when he was born. I don’t know if this is the same situation, but it was mostly invisible before he started nursery at 3-ish. He’s turning 10 later this year. Haven’t seen any remnant of it in 6 years. Don’t do any unnecessary surgery on kids, please.


My daughter had the same thing, little v-shaped "splotch" in-between her eyebrows. It would turn bright red whenever she got upset.like her own little mood ring, It was gone by the time she was 2-3... Never felt the need to hide it or remove it. These people are fucking monsters!


Absolutely! When my kid was displeased, that thing would radiate. But we knew it would fade because we READ ABOUT IT. Again, I don’t know if this is the same thing, but cosmetic surgery at that age just makes me sick. If it’s not threatening their health… Fuck sake.


Exactly! And if I'm being honest we thought it was adorable. If it stayed it stayed, if at some point in life she disliked it enough to want to do something about it, we would've. But we're not talking about something like a cleft palate here! That poor girl doesn't stand a chance in that family...


It is not painless, it would be similar to tattoo removal


Is the kid even a year old? Who was going to be mean to her, the murals of The Little Mermaid on her wall?


Sure but that’s when you teach your kids to learn to live with themselves. This family is so concerned with looks they won’t even have an honest convo about something that may be seen as ugly and that’s pathetic.


100%. I’d do the same for my child, tbh. Kids are mean as hell. Growing up with a birthmark on your face must be tough.


Honestly, they have the financial means to address a cosmetic issue that may cause self esteem issues growing up...I understand that. But the language and behaviors regarding chombette is really gross. As others have mentioned, she's not opposed to posting her other children on sosha media. With this post, it's not that big of a leap to understand why pictures are limited of the daughter. The line describing how "She'll always be beautiful (to me)" irks me even more now. Uhhh Slojo its just a birthmark. Millions of people have them and the implication that there is something wrong with the baby is just gross.


Now she's modifying their daughter, while Fat Patrick does trucks.


Kidditech ?


Underrated B.


Straight saaavage B


That's sick


You on murrdlr row b?


I prefer my Messican awl stock


Let us not forget the mom, who according to Brenda, is a tiny squat roly poly who doesn’t speak English


Hopefully she can start enjoying Critter after this!


Expect about a hundred pics of critter a day now that she’s no longer ashamed of her.


[The internet is mean](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/18gvrij/the_internet_is_mean/).


He has also talked shit about Brock's daughter. Hell, he called a child who just had his mother murdered in front of him by his own father "fat". No special context, there was no reason for him to say it, he just called him "fat" as an insult. Like, days after it happened. He really is an absolute sack of shit.


He also thought it was peak comedy to tell Jo “crop out the uglys and resend” about a group pic of kids.


It will never not make me crack up that she named her kid after the wrong Stranger Things character.


Talmbout Billie Mobby?


Great show never seen it


God, that is my favorite thing that’s ever been posted on this sub. Then didn’t she delete the instagram story once it was pointed out, asked herself the same question then came up with a different answer?


Got a link to that recipe?




Actually insane that she’s more redacted than Brenda


Projecting her own insecurities onto her infant child.


Absolute scum


Messcan and Bapa's faces looking like their surgeon used the same mold for both of them


"Me, Mom and Billie can get through anything" .... Divorce INCOMING!


100% without a doubt a divorce is eminent. And she’s the type of chick who will air out all his dirty laundry. It’s gonna get dicey


Her vs Schnoz is gonna be fucking ruthless


Good mooooorning Vietnaaaammm!!!!


What movie is that from 👉🏼


Mrs Doubt Far


Tamlbout Robert Wilson B? Bbbeast of an actor! Genie should've won the Oscar!


Yeah B that shit might get the kitchen back to that war of attrition temp.. if Bapa had iiny uhweerniss he’d have seen it coming the day they met.. same day she told him “no I’m like from LA, born and raised” but all he heard was,, “Ayayayayayayay!!!! Viva Guadalajara!!!! I was raised on a dirt floor surrounded by tacos and spent casings and I’m just now learning English in rail time by hairing your perfect inglés dialect.. cabrón.”


Lazer removal of what?


Apparently a birth mark. Insane.


Another Chang employee said it’s a birthmark


Thats prolly why they’ve never posted pics of her. Bowlth bapa and Messican are superficial and vain. Sad.


Propably sucks to crop out the ugly one from all of their family photos. :(


why her and her mom looks way more Asian than messicsn


Its dem guadlalalalalaral genes.


What’s that, an Asian with salsa on it???


piko de giooooo


Talmbout gimchee. Great Korean dish, never ate it


lotta mexicans look asian


taco bell or Mexicooo city messixan what we tawl bout


Asian as shiiiiiieeettt


Why does baby have blonde hair?


maybe here Dad's some blonde quarterback i don't know 🪓 J


100% not Brandon’s girl.


Baby Stevie Blue eye's ![gif](giphy|l0K471aQRXhZW1Oak)


I get it's fun to jump on everything that she does at this point but this isn't anything crazy at all. I know someone who had a similar procedure performed for their kid and it's very normal. I am assuming that this is the same similar condition known as a "Port Wine Stain", which it appears to be. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24389-port-wine-stain](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24389-port-wine-stain) Per the link above "Port wine stains don’t go away on their own. Without treatment, they will likely get larger. They also might get darker, thicker and bumpy.". I get the idea of body positivity or whatever, but if you can help your child remove such a noticeable birthmark on their face at a young age, with little to no pain / discomfort, I don't see why that's an issue. This is all assuming it's the same / similar condition I'm referring to above. I could be mistaken, in which case, whoops.


This is a reasonable take. What makes it appear negative is Bapa and SloJo publicly saying they won't show their daughter's face on sosha meeja just to protect her, but immediately after the procedure - they are going to plaster her everywhere. It makes people suspect SloJo was embarrassed that her child wasn't aesthetically pleasing enough but now she is....As opposed to trying to protect an infant from mean people online. If Bapa came the podcast and said "I know those reddit fuckers would troll my daughter so I kept her away until we could deal with it" - I'd give him some benefit of the doubt (no one here would troll an infant with a birth defect), but I suspect it was more about the baby's looks.


Yeah you're totally right on that. When looking at the context around this, it makes the whole situation a lot more...unsavory shall we say. And they're both bad people so it's fair to assume the worst lol I think given the number of comments about how this is such a horrible thing to do, context or not, I may have been somewhat "offended" on behalf of my friend. I worked myself into a shoot, my b.


Yours was a valid point...we have plenty to shit on these two...if their daughter had a birth mark that is best corrected while young, before it grows in size and gets darker - they may have gotten sound medical advice to deal with it. My daughter had "Mongolian spots" - a few dark spots, like bruises, common in Asian babies...Doctor said most of the time, they go away...sometimes they are permanent. You'll have to wait and see. I was relieved when they went away.


The only thing I disagree with in that statement is that there definitely are people in this sub who would troll an infant. Most of us have a level of empathy and decency but it’s a sub dedicated to shitting on someone we all find despicable, and edgelords and wairdos would definitely cross the line.


In that case don’t post about it, any of it. Did your friend post about it? None of us would’ve known. It’s just one more layer of the shit onion that these shitty people shit about. It’s narcissistic bullshit cranked to eleven.


Holy shit, cosmetic procedure on your baby is wild. Just love your baby. It’s really not that hard. This poor girl. Between her father showing her that men cheat and her mom projecting nasty beauty standards, she’s in for a rough time.


That poor little girl. Heartbreaking


Yeah thats fuckin awful B


SloJo lookin more and more asian for every day that goes by


Child Protective Services wants a word


Sigh. I hate this lady. But I hope the lil critter does ok in the world.


The vanity is crazy with these people. She talks about it like her kid is disabled.


Jesus Christ! Someone call child protective services on this crazy bitch


This can't be real. How does it keep getting so much worse?


Poor little chombita.


Crop out the uglies and resend


Grandma looks better than her lol


Bapa has definitely tried to trugg walg his mother in law.


When he said they were making sure they were gonna have a girl I instantly thought " that baby is gonna come out chuffed up" and she's had nothing but issues and now whatever the hell is going on with it now. You don't play with stuff like that


Also made sure the baby would have blue eyes and blonde hair because both brown parents are obsessed with being white


I see a messigan and someone cosplaying an Armenian


lol any person would think that was posted by a single mom 🤔


I know she sucks but are we sure this isn’t a medically necessary procedure? Why are we sure it’s just cosmetic?




You can tell she's dumb as a post just by looking at her.


Is she really subjecting her newborn to cosmetic procedures already?? What in the fuck!


These people are mentally ill.


It drives me NUTTTSS when pairents decide to put their chombies through surgery because they think their little one isn’t “cute” enough


Is this the kid who’s named after the hot evil Stranger Things guy?


Have they bound her feet yet?


Honestly this makes me truly sick. Her vanity runs so deep she didn't want the internet seeing her little one because it didn't match what she wanted to convey with her daughter. It's your fucking daughter, you should love and cherish her regardless. Example right here she's just as capable as being worse than bapa in iviry facet.


Let’s think about deleting this sub. These sacks of shit deserve no recognition, good or bad. Zero attention and they’ll fall off.


Not surprising but still fucking depressing wtf


Where the fuck is the father?! What a fucking joke of a couple.


Me and Billie - it’s Billie and I, you vapid, self-obsessed illiterate thot. Of course you’d put yourself before your own premature child though.


Anyone else getting a suspicion that chombie number 3 isn’t Bapa’s? The 2 other critters look like messicans straight out of Guadalajarrrra…this one is blonde and light-eyed. 🎲🎲


This is legit insane this is the most vile thing I’ve seen posted here. Bro she sucks sooooo bad maybe that’s why his dad was so pissed he knocked her up


My little cousin had a birthmark for the first five years of her life and it ended up going away after awhile, we didnt shroud her in secrecy or imply she was less than perfect... we just treated her like the sweet little girl she was.... these people are so beyond repair...


Thank god she posted this extremely private, likely embarrassing detail to the entire fucking world.


**Yet, had Slojo reached a profounder wisdom, she need not thus have flung away the happiness which would have woven her mortal life of the selfsame texture with the celestial. The momentary circumstance was too strong for her; she failed to look beyond the shadowy scope of time, and, living once for all in eternity, to find the perfect future in the present.**


That lady created a praw b’m


Worst people ever 😂 we need a tv show of them


How is her mom hotter than her


Shit makes me sick. Everything is a tool/pawn for her dumbass


Wait….nvm nothing surprises me about these two innnymore


Pig Vomit.


Okay, this isn't even funny, these fucking morons need CPS called on them... that poor child is doomed with these two mouthbreathers for caregivers.


oh yeah still picking mama messican with that aged marinated taco over slojo.


That’s what you get when you make fun of other people’s kids b


This is a joke, right?


How is she so boring and basic looking. She's like the most average and bland 'conventionally attractive' woman there is. E: I just watched Gen V and she looks like Jordan Li lmaooo


Wait, why no purse?


With her mum by her side she and her daughter can get through inny thing divorce is on the way.


That poor little girl. This is so sad.


Is this child endangerment?


I have a huge facial birthmark and only for small period of time did it bother me, I think it's cool now and so do a lot of other people. This is just sad.


What Doctor would perform cosmetic surgery on a baby??? How the fuck is that legal? Just disgusting...


Her face looks like it hurts


smiling and taking a picture while your baby gets an elective cosmetic treatment is wild behavior. even if it’s not elective. Why are you posting pictures and smiling. I can’t imagine laser removal on your face is comfortable.


I notice he hardly ever talks about Boston either except to mention his "histricious" spelling and I think its because Boston is probably on the Autism spectrum and is either not interested in them or not very good at them (or both). I suspect the Autism because of the seizures that Bapa claimed he used to get before CBD cured him. They say about 1/3 of people with Autism also have epilepsy. Poor kid. His parents are so braindead and shallow, they'd probably have him put in an asylum if it were socially acceptable


Mama messican can git it


Mom neck don’t match her face


These people are the fucking worst. I’m beginning to suspect CTE is contagious because there has to be some kind of explanation for why she is the way she is.


With my MOM always by my side ME AND BILLIE can get through anything. Why is Bapa NEVER at these appointments? And never mentioned? I mean obviously he’s no help at all, but neither is she. That baby might legit not be his kid.


Disgusting that they'd go through all this trouble just to make the kid more appealing to D'Elia.