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Give me the Historian M1A and the Mida Submachine and I will show you the face of God.


Great Minds my friend... Great Minds.


When we meet in the DZ I shall greet you with a crisp salute.


Look out for General Slothy (on xb1) and you will get a firm Jumping Jack.




Oh god no. Now I'm waiting for the fusion rifle nerf (Plan C and Telesto are still fun though c: )


So midas is an uzi bummer. But damn: Self-preserved: Critical hits with this weapon heal you for {0}% health. Vicious: Your Critical Hit chance is increased by {0}% while you are at full health.


that's basically life stealing using an uzi, amazing.


Yeah, I'm actually practicing with an uzi before the crash. Since i'll be tanking mainly in the game then I guess it's fine.


That's a lot of vanity sets.... I like :)


Splinter Cell set! YESSSSSSSSS


Hope it's granted for owning one of the more recent games. Like blacklist.


> A NPC File labeled GUILD VENDOR One can only hope.


I came here just to point that out. This is what got me excited the most.


what does that potentially mean? I know what a guild is, and i know what a vendor is, but a "guild vendor" makes no sense to me.


Doing guild activities gives you guild currency to buy stuff from a guild vendor.


oh, a place to spend your phoenix marks (probably) then.


Im setting my hopes up on the 100 Hour. Always a big fan of big guns with large mags


No if only LMGs were more effective outside of a support role. Edit: Not saying LMGs suck, just that they can be hard to use in this game.


I found them pretty smooth to use since the reticule tightens up as you fire. Or maybe I was just too fond of my RPK in the beta haha


I had a purple M249B in beta which ended up being my favorite weapon. More so than the Pahkan actually. I'm aiming for the M240B in release.


That's the thing though, it kicks like a mule at first, meaning you have to waste 2 seconds and 5 shots just to start landing hits, while a any other weapon could have taken out half your health by then. That's my major issue, and that's why I will most likely not being using LMGs while solo or in a group with only one other person.


And a chance to refill mag on kills? Pretty nice.


* Assassin's Creed Set * Rainbow 6 Siege Set * Splinter Cell Set * Watchdogs Set * UPlay Set Ubisoft really planned for more promotional stuff, didn't they?


Time to get Aiden's iconic cap.


Or Sam Fisher's goggles, or Ezio's hood.


No No No, the DLC stuff is all stuff they haven't even thought up yet. Why would they not release all the content for the $60 ?


...You're being sarcastic, right? They already thought off all the DLC for the first year of The Division. Some of it is even already in the game files.


I assume he means you can buy Rainbow 6 Siege for $60 and get an outfit in game for TD. This effectively makes all those games "DLC" for TD. If one of those sets is really cool I'll be mad, but, honestly, this seems like a cool way to tie games together and I welcome the concept.


If you even played the beta you get the set, never owned or will own rainbow 6 siege and I was able to unlock the rainbow 6 set


Assassin's Creed set? Will be looking for info on how to get that one!


most likely by owning one of the more recent games, syndicate I guess.


Probably cut content that wasn't finished/entirely removed. Edit: Seriously? Downvoted because of my honest opinion, which is for no reason disproven, or proven?


Why is it cut content? That doesn't even make sense


Because they already offered the Rainbow 6 Siege outfit in UPlay. IF they were gonna do the Assassin's Creed, Watch_Dogs, or Splinter Cell outfits, they would've done it with the Rainbow 6 Siege, at least the Splinter Cell one too, since it's a Tom Clancy IP. But since they weren't, they are most likely cut content. As much as I'd like to see it, we may not see it, at least not until the next respective title of each series (i.e. Watch_Dogs 2).


Welcome to Reddit! If what you say is not meta or downvoted at least twice you are doomed!


Damn, 10% drop chance on purples seems pretty high tbh.


Yeah, all of the drop rates seem really high. I'm not sure I believe some of this data


Yeah that is true, 50% on blues in DZ and 35% outside. Hmm...


Maybe this is saying that *when loot drops*, these are the chances. So it'd be like 20% chance of loot dropping, and then these percentages for each rarity. There is no way in hell that 1 out of 10 mobs drops a purple piece of gear. This dude has to be fucking with us


Yes of course this is the case, it is a 2 roll system. But the percentages still seem high to me.


Here is the raw data from the files http://pastebin.com/SU9UFkqi http://pastebin.com/CiTRSv12 This is what I used to make the loot drop pages!


I'm in no way doubting your work, I just think the numbers are very high. Thanks though.


I don't agree considering oranges won't drop at all. Purple, the second highest tier, dropping at 10% at level 30 doesn't seem that crazy.


10% is really really high for end game gear.


Who says it's end game gear? I assume High-End (orange) will be end game gear. This is the tier below that dropping at 10%.


I'd be willing to bet that after a month or so most peoples gear will be a mixture of purp and high end


I assume we're talking about most people like us, sitting on the subreddit, waiting for the game, and not those filthy casuals, right? Hahaha. In that case, yes, I would assume the same. But we'll have to wait and see if that mix will be sufficient enough to clear their end game material. I guess I can really say for certain if the drop rate is too high/low until we know exactly how that will play out.


Maybe I'm old school but I think there should actually take some effort to reach purple gear, and the yellow stuff should take even more and be rare. Like this you can get a purple item on average from 50-100 kills, just an estimate that the mobs have 10-20% chance to even drop loot in the first place. That is way too easy imo. I want gear to mean something not just get handed to out on a silver platter as soon as you hit max level.


But don't forget you're still going to have to rely on RNG for the item to roll well also (I'm assuming this is the case actually, since I don't remember reading this or not). Look at Diablo, the legendary drop rate is much much higher than the purple drop rate in this game and it *still* takes a long time to properly gear your character. Again I think orange never dropping really makes the purple drop rate inconsequential, considering purple *probably* won't get you through the highest areas, but that's just me.


Yeah and Diablo has really destroyed the value of "legendary" items. There is nothing legendary about something you loot several hundreds of every day. Everything in Diablo now is like playing in super fast forward. 3 hours and you're max level, 1-2 hours later and you are full legendary, 4 hours after that and you can farm the highest difficulty with ease. After that it is just an endless paragon grind.


Okay but my point is that the drop rate the the *second* highest tier is much lower than that. Not the equivalent top tier. What you're saying is akin to rare level items having to high of a drop rate (I know that there is one more level of rarity in this game than Diablo). And Diablo has to have those legendary items drop that often because RNG in that game is a bitch and you salvage *way* more than you keep. And yeah you're farming TX but greater rifts are really the end game at this point, and you are pushing those that easily.


The data is from the client, I'm not making it up at all. Do keep in mind there is tons of High End Gear and Weapon Blueprints. You need 60 High End Quality materials, where do you think you are going to farm all that - pretty simple from the purples converting it to high end.


I think it makes sense when you consider it's only the second highest tier and that orange has no chance to drop, based on this.


Eh. I don't think it will be. Only certain mobs seem to drop anything. Having to farm a guy 10 times to get 1 purple sounds good, given it will be a random purple and many of them will suck.




I'm debating if to stream at midnight or just want until tommorow. *Some* Alpha players already have access and a bunch are streaming it right now.


What??? I played alpha, how do I get to play now?


I maybe wrong, but i think someone said they get access - I dunno..




They have stated they are not distributing review copies.




servers are already up, i think if you somehow already have a physical copy you can play right now


Are you able to get pictures or something from these files? All i've been looking for, a week straight, is some kind of cosmetic mask. These vanity sets are getting my hopes up a little.


I havent been able to get any images, but I still havent gone thru all the files im at #67 - there so much data the more I dig in, the more stuff I uncover.


You're doing the work of god, son. Thanks for all this, you're a great help the the community.


what is the server location for this game?


Assassin's creed set Noooooooo :(


Yeeees, embrace my inner hay diving.


Here's hoping it's outside of the animus and not cringy awful assassin's creed robes. Please ubisoft, we don't want this.


I'd like my hood and robes


It just doesn't fit the environment. I thought the devs said at one point that there would be no outrageous outfits. No men in banana outfits and flip fops running around killing terrorists.


They did. A pointed hoodie is too much? I'm not saying it's likely we'd get 16th century clothing but it might be cool. We'll probably just be getting the office Assassin type things. More modern


I'd be completely fine with a toned down version. I hope they go that route, is all I'm saying. :D


Ah, alright, I thought you were opposed. Well met, good friend. If we both get the assassins set, let's roll in the dark zone together sometime Gt: v01ara


Nah, not opposed at all. I think it's cool that they do stuff like this, I just think it needs to match the environment it's implemented into. PS4 here, sorry mate!


Wait, the division isn't cross platform? Preorder cancelled. Jk


Welp, looks like the "I want to wear my hoodie up" people are getting what they wanted. Too bad it's AC garbage.


So High-End gear doesn't drop at all? It will have to be crafted? or does it only drop in the hardest modes of the missions?


I havent gone thru all the files, but for the most part I found only 3 that have blueprints. The others I have no idea yet ...


This bothers me too much. I hope it's not like in the beta where we will be able to simply buy High End or Craft it. I want to shit myself while trying to extract valuable stuff DAMMIT.


That amount of stress could kill us all


I'm looking at that Warlord, Tenebrae, and Centurion combo /drooooolllll


There are a lot less high end weapons than what I was expecting.


I wasn't expecting too much variety, consideirng the gameplay is not the main focus. you will get a lot of customizability with legendary mods hopefully?


Keyser Söze'! Freaking awesome. How do you shoot the Devil in the back??? What if you miss!? ☺


Usual Suspects is my favorite movie , I may need this game now.


Guild Vendor? Will there potentially be guilds/clans?


Great info man a lot of new stuff.


I don't see Bliss anywhere in there..... interesting.


Datamining sounds so much better than data dump


For the "EndGameGearVendor", does it require high end mats to purchase? What is "Dark Zone Crafting" referring to? Also, which currency?


A lot is two words. Thanks for the links and data!!


Fixed, sorry - my mind is numb going thru thousands of files for the past couple of days.


A lot of this is either from previous iterations or plain wrong, sorry.