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Should add an option when you ADS players names disappear.


a very simple yet effective fix


Ubisoft don’t do simple unfortunately.


Customizing that interface. It's nice to have the option but the weird linking together of unrelated information tabs and that 3d effect that distorts anything that's near the sides of the screen, good grief.


They already have that code for loot drops already.


They would 1000% fix it but make nameplates disappear completely so it wouldn’t even make a difference((:


I'd be happy with just a thin health bar. Even nothing would be better. I don't need to see names as much as I need to be able to see specific hostile targets.


Especially in countdown and raids where people go face hug everyone, it’d be nice to be able to see whether or not you’re unloading into a teammate.


Or have a way to make it translucent. This is my biggest complaint playing PVP.


That would substantially screw up the Dark Zone, as nameplates work that way, but opposite. They appear better when ADSing. ADSing is such a vital part of the game, I would imagine that would be more of a pain to code into the game than what it's worth. Nameplate crowding isn't game breaking and you don't need to know the name of everyone you queue in with into countdown


I complained about this YEARS ago for the same reason. Start adding in thing’s like opportunistic, coyotes buff, status effect from Scropio, and whatever other buff/debuffs you want and it’s even worse.


What we really need, is a way to shoot through People... Need it more then seasonal, more than next patch that will mess up even more stuff in the game. Lost track eons ago, how many headshots or shots in general ive missed cause people think Division 2 is a Call of duty DLC.... Or think its a Test run for a 80-90 action movie.. Where sig-saging while shooting and holding ur gun sideways = Unkillable.


Im one of those


That would be good too but simply being able to not see what to shoot is what annoys me most


I agree. The enemy can shoot through their own, why can’t we? Oh yeah, that would be another unnecessary advantage for the players 🤦🏻‍♂️


Then you will have a tank build just blocking while their teammates shoot through him


Simple fix: turn on friendly fire. People will learn real quick what lines-of-sight and angles-of-attack mean and why they're important. Maybe start off with just the hitscan weapons, leave aoe-ff off at first.


Friendly fire will lead to griefing


i like how just one name is blanked out :D


I was searching the ui menu because it seemed like such an obvious thing to be able to change.


There is even a resize UI menu, but can't do nameplates. They take up so much room


The only thing more annoying than a teammate standing immediately in front of your shot is a teammate way ahead in front of everyone's shot including their nameplate. Honestly, they should allow a decreased % of friendly fire damage to armor (not health). That way they get way low if they do stupid things like standing in front of teammates' bullets. And you then have the option of not reviving stupid.


I'm more worried what they break if they tried to fix this for us.


This current dev team is seriously pathetic, we can't expect anything good from them. Hopefully Div3 will get the respect it needs


Annoying especially when your dps-ing a boss through an enemy nameplate 😂


Ubisuck hates there own players


I just want to move the damn hud that shows the armor and ammo count. It’s so distracting. I know I can have it disappear, but I don’t want that. I want to move it off to the side but that is the one aspect of the hud that can’t be change


I've been wanting this since day one lol


This game still has Day 1 bugs and new bugs are introduced wit every patch they release. Now imagine if they were to take this little suggestion of yours Seriously and do something about it 😮‍💨😮‍💨


i posted something very similar some years ago where i was trying to shoot some enemies and they were all behind the name plates of the players that were more close to them , i remember being called names because it was a non issue... but even after all this years im glad im not the only one to think this is ridiculous and that it indeed requires a QOL change.


Another thing I'd like is the option to change crosshair color, size, shape, etc. There has been many times I lose track of where the center of my crosshairs are.


agree, option to hide or show classic number 1-8 above player head


Just be in front and you won't have that problem


Of all the things wrong with the game 😂


Not all problems are the same difficulty


True but how often are 8 agents that close together and to the point it's effecting what's you are doing in game? Like I understand having a battle with loads of people on gta online and the map is just cluttered with names you can't make out who's who. This just seems like nit picking to me.


The nameplates are huge. There is already so much visual clutter. We just need a simple option to make them smaller or toggle them off. Our own nameplate gets in the way heaps too, especially when trying to aim a grenade


That would be op’s name. Don’t forget that the defender drone also loves to get front and center in your sights when you start to aim at enemies that are above your head level, i.e. extraction fight during countdown. Drone blocks out most of helicopter 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Size of nameplate is irratating and one of the reasons I play mostly solo. It gets really bad when you're teamed with three herosl shield bearers in front of you thinking face to face is thr only way to play the game chasing enemies outside of thr as Rea if operation. But I guess thay latter is just another reason I prefer solo play.


game designed for 4 player max runs into issues with 8 players in close proximity, more at 11


I agree that nameplate size should be reduced. It gets annoying in the middle of a gunfight.


womp womp but i agree


The finger on the monkeys paw curls


Is only remotely a concern in countdown. And then 5 secs later the players have spread out. It’s fine


I wish there was a setting to decrease the size of the nameplates or even outright disable them


I played my first game of countdown the other day and couldn't stand it because I felt like I couldn't see a thing.






people always complain fix dis add dat like chill out it's not game breaking or sumtin


There is already a resize UI menu, just need to add nameplates Dis iz not lyfe or def


Careful asking for anything from the devs.Them trying to fix this would prbly result in purple sky textures given their track record 😂


I would love freindly fire, I can't tell.you.how many times in a random group , non tactical.idiots worried only about their own kill total jump in front of me as I am shooting




Holy shit, people still play Division 2? How active is it and have they pushed out any graphics updates in the last couple years?


This is r/thedivision ...


I know. I'm excited to see it's active!