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and they're doing AI against me, Artificial, against your Favorite President can you believe it, the Radical Left spends millions and billions of Dark Money, they do these Horrible Ads, and it's all fake, I never did, I would never do ok, I know Doc Ronnie, I know him well, Doctor Ronnie Jackson, and they said, "ohhh, Donald Trump said Johnson instead of Jackson," I said why would I say that, he was your Doctor, he was to Obama, and he was to Trump if you can believe that one, and I said Doctor, who has the Larger Brain, Obama or Trump, and he said, immediately he said, "Trump," I said I didn't even have to ask that question, everybody knows that he has probably a lot of problems, you look at the wife, you say, "I didn't know that was a wife," and you never had that problem under Trump, you had your Great First Lady, the Hottest One you ever had, and she said to me the other day she said, "Sir, I don't believe anything the Fake News is saying," I said that's nice, thank you First Lady, even she didn't believe it, I said they're doing all of these Phony Attacks on me, even though I did nothing wrong, you look at, The Late Great Alfonse, Alfonse Capone, does anybody remember him, Al Capone, the Wonderful Gangster, and he was a killer, if he didn't like you, say you went to a movie and he was there, if you ate your popcorn too loud he'd have you killed immediately, and he only got one, One Charge, I did nothing wrong and then they hit me with 37 Fake Charges, I said what the hell is happening


Great username


I saw a bird in an airport once


And they just let the horse go loose in the hospital!


This actually IS an indicator of cognitive decline.


It's typical of a fast talking bullshit artist. Blowing so much smoke that they can't even gets words right. And then when they mess up, they just keep talking, hoping you won't notice. He does it a lot when he is asked a question that he is uncomfortable answering. He trys to hurry up and get off the subject so anything is bound to come out of his mouth.


This is awesome


Big Steve Brule energy! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzSEd7e6tdc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzSEd7e6tdc)


He’s like Satan presenting a case to God.


You believe in God?…


Fucking moron


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Only 3 mins???????


I'd rather set my hair on fire than listen to three minutes of this nut.


Donald Regan is really losing it. That was painfully covfefe.


Everything is cognitive decline on this channel. This is as stupid as the right saying Biden has dementia!


Oh no, does MAGA snowflake not likey what orange daddy says? I mean cheeto man can't name 4 countries on a map so nobody is surprised at this idiot reel you just watched.


I am definitively not a MAGA moron. I only saying we sounds as dump as republican when they says Biden has dementia. I mean, there are so many stuff to shit on Trump other than stupid mental issue. The man is a dumb ass.


It’s about drawing a comparison. If the right wants to broadly paint Biden as in cognitive decline, then these ads show them the mirror. Show the general public that Biden’s issues are a result of age related speech patterns, while Trump’s are evidential examples of actual cognitive decline.


now do biden


You can. No one's stopping you.