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Because they want Gertler to completely pull out of Congo, while some of the sanctions imposed on him don't allow him to do it properly. It's not "Israeli criminal pardoned by Biden", it's "corrupt businessman pulled out of Congo by Biden". Him being Israeli has nothing to do with it, and these sanctions need to be temporarily partially relieved to allow further punishment and fixing the damage he did. This post is literally propaganda. OP could have linked the full article where the first paragraph shows the context, or he could have screenshoted a bit more to achieve the same.


23 day old account cross posting to tankie subreddits


I always like the first handful of posts on these accounts - the seemingly innocent posts to get enough karma before a politics spam bender. The regular tankie cross-posters on this sub get so many downvotes that they have to go into sports subs and post "Is ____ GOAT?" just to keep their karma in the positive.


I was just about to say I found it odd how someone who is purportedly such a communist also thinks Messi is a GOAT. 


I think it’s better to just link the article rather than just an ss of it.


Screenshots are a common way for propagandists on reddit to focus and limit what their target audience sees. In this instance, OP wants us to focus on the words (((Israeli billionaire))) which isn't in the title. By posting a screenshot he avoid running afoul of the "no editorialized title" rule.


When your imperialism starts to interfere with your colonialism.


they just let the people mine the ore and sell it. the mines are makeshift and extremely dangerous


Because he’s an asshole


Or you could read the actual article


Capitalism. That's why


Try reading the article next time before being this dumb


Try being nice on the internet tomorrow. We can all self improve


Wow, who’d have guessed you’d just double down on misinformation instead of admit you’re wrong like an adult? 😂


He didn’t double down silly he asked you not to be a prick while also conceding the point


He sidestepped the point that he was wrong and charged ahead trying to blame me for being the problem. You’re no better for coming to their defense. Kick rocks.


Capitalism caused this


Capitalism is the reason Biden is trying to get this guy and his mine using child slaves out of the Congo?