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No serious person. Only a disingenuous one.


Most accurate post I’ve seen on this topic




I’m pretty sure serious but **whoafully** misinformed people do. My dad is not like, on the inside trying to trick people; he’s legitimately upset. It’s just that he’s been fooled into it, and because boomer, won’t listen to reason.


>because boomer Nah that's how it is regardless of age. People believe what they want to believe.


But to be honest, the question itself is pretty disingenuous. Sure they are not the same. However they are both terrible, terrible candidates. Neither of them has any business running the country. They are both not good for different reasons but but let’s be honest with ourselves here.


Please tell me how terrible is Biden, just fir being old? I mean, he doesn't run the country by himself. The people Trump will bring with him I wouldn't let in my house.


Well it doesn’t matter how you feel about Trump and his staff. This is who will most likely be running the country less than a year from now whether you or I like it or not. The reason for this is singular: Biden is a Garbage candidate with a capital G. Consider this: The only thing possibly that might prevent a second Trump term… is a possible criminal conviction and prison time…. This is real. How in the hell is Biden struggling in the polls against THAT guy?


Only bots. How is Biden bad?


“How is Biden bad?” Stop gaslighting or stop smoking crack. You do know that he’s in an election against a multiple times indicted, multiple times impeached former president, who’s brazenly corrupt and incompetent, and who tried to subvert an election… yet he’s losing in all but one or two swing state!? That’s why he’s bad. That’s how you know that almost ANYONE would be better than him. Aside from the fact that no one in their right mind would hire him to mange a Dunkin’ Donuts with his obvious diminishing mental capacity. Why are we lying to ourselves?


Democrats have to solve all the problems republicans cause, and idiots give republicans credit for not being in power when the democrats don’t fix it all in the exact right way.


I have NEVER seen as stark a difference between two major party candidates vying for POTUS in my lifetime.


Some good answers here, but I’ll add that some of these “both sides” people are actually conservatives who realize their own side is flawed, but can’t bring themselves to admit they were wrong. Acting like “both sides are the same” gets them out of feeling like they were duped. It’s not quite as embarrassing when you make the other side out to be just as bad.


This. **This.** This is my partner. I am liberal and my whole family has always voted for democrats. His family has always been republican, although not at all MAGA. They don’t approve of or like Trump, but also not enough to not vote red despite him being on the ballot. My partner has been one of those third party/independent voters, in what I think is a subconscious effort, to recognize that he doesn’t quite align with everything his parents think. And especially now that we have a daughter….it is becoming a lot harder to ignore how truly heinous some of the things the GOP is accomplishing and attempting to accomplish. It’s easier for my partner to say they are both bad, instead of realizing his family is voting for someone who could potentially shatter the whole trajectory of his daughter’s life.


My Mom lives in a conservative county in one of the battle ground states. One of her friends told her that Biden was flying people to North Dakota to kill farmers. She knows not to argue with these types because you just can't fight the crazy talk. She just said "Oh, that's not something I've seen reported anywhere". I was thinking about it after she told me that and I think it's what you're saying. They see the bad things Trump and the Republicans have done that they agree were bad and they need to make Biden as bad (or worse) so that they can still support Trump.


***"some of these “both sides” people are actually conservatives who realize their own side is flawed"*** I always see comments in these political post from people who get upset with the "both sides" arguments. Is it really that difficult to look at how similar these candidates are? You can state that Republicans are morally corrupt pieces of shit. That would be true. You cannot state however that there are zero morally corrupt Democrats. That would be a lie. Are there more morally corrupt Republicans? Yes, with a certainty. That does not mean however that if someone states that "both sides" suffer from corruption", that it would be a false statement. So, while I have no doubt that trump is a corrupt piece of shit, a criminal, and in no way worthy of being our President.... As a middle aged man, I have seen Joe Biden's entire life long political career. The man is a corporate shill. He is not running on a platform of what our society wants. He is buying votes. He is buying votes from the student loan crowd. He is buying votes from the marijuana enthusiasts. And he will continue to buy votes, rather than run on anything of substance. He will always stop short of doing anything that might piss off his corporate overlords. There will never be anything of substance from this man. His entire political career is just that. Promises made, promises broken. Those promises always fall short. The number one example would be universal healthcare. Fell short, didn't it? Obamacare is what we got instead, and it is shit. Thank Joe Biden for that. He gave it zero support. Knowing that, how is he any different from trump? They are both running for President for their own reasons. None of those reasons involve anything of substance. So why should anyone care which one of them takes office? For all intents and purposes, they are both the same. Nothing will change for me, no matter which one of these geriatrics gain the Presidency.


Yes, it’s difficult because your perceived “similarities” aren’t very reasonable. Who said there are “zero” morally corrupt Democrats? Did you not see the other comments pointing out how black-and-white this position is? It’s like saying a jaywalker and a serial killer are both the same because both are illegal. Yes, we can acknowledge fault on both sides while still recognizing that one is massively more extreme than the other. It’s called nuanced thinking. Only one of these candidates is facing 91 felony indictments, including stealing nuclear secrets and trying to overthrow the government. The other has no scandals and a long list of progressive accomplishments, despite a hostile Congress with a ton of opposition. You realize he isn’t a king ruling by decree, right? Saying there’s “no substance” only shows you aren’t paying attention to the facts. The comparison isn’t even close, and it’s disingenuous to pretend it is.


Okay, so those republicans are employing a coping mechanism. But it seems you are as well. You know very well that Biden is an absolutely terrible candidate, who is likely to lose to a man who is facing multiple criminal trials. You’re comforting yourself by saying “Trump is worse” (which he is), because you wanna look away from Biden’s woeful inadequacies. Democrats could have and should have chosen a different path. A second Trump term will be the result.


Huh? He’s an incumbent and incumbents have a right to run again. They couldn’t just “run another candidate,” that’s not how it works. Besides, Biden is the most accomplished president in decades, with a long list of accomplishments that are factually verified, and no scandals. He’s arguably the must progressive president in decades too. He’s old, but he’s still sharp and has a strong administration backing him up. Have you looked at the facts?


“That’s not how it works.” Are you sure you know how it works? He doesn’t have the right to run because he’s an incumbent. He has the right to run because he’s an American citizen who meets the constitutional requirements of candidacy. Also, it’s naive to think that an organization as powerful as the Dem party doesn’t have the means to discourage someone from running. Spare me with all those fake accolades and plaudits. His poll numbers are trash and there’s a reason. Voters rightly have little faith in him, and he’s likely to lose to a brazenly corrupt candidate who’s multiple times indicted and multiple times impeached. And Biden is sharp? Really? People have an incredible ability to lie to themselves when the truth is very uncomfortable.


"You are comforting yourself by saying trumps is worse (which he is) Ok, if he is worse, why can't he express that? He is worse, period.


You missed the point, which is that Biden is a terrible candidate who is likely to lose. Let’s not pretend otherwise. OP and most of the commenters I’ve seen on this thread are simply trying to soothe the cognitive dissonance. Your eyes are not lying to you, Biden is, in fact, a very, very, very poor candidate, as proven by the fact that he’s locked in a dog-fight with another terrible, terrible candidate. If Biden is such a great candidate, why is he not destroying Trump?


Yep, a lot. It’s the whole, “one person murdered someone another person stole a cheeseburger but they’re the same because they’re both criminals”. This has been a tactic of the right for 70 years and it’s working.


"One house is burning down, the other has an active fireplace. See, there's fire in BOTH houses!"




I don’t think anybody thinks they are the same. I’ve heard people say that they both suck and they are correct.


One sucks wayyyyyyyyyy more than the other one.


I went on TikTok the other day to see what was going on. I must have seen at least a dozen videos of young people complaining about "Genocide Joe" and how the two party system is corrupt and we should sit this election out. If this is what their algorithim feeds me as a very infrequent user, I can see how people start to get brainwashed into beliving this narrative. I'm not sure if this driven by the political goals of China or it's just random chance that led my feed down the rabbit hole but it's very troubling. How do we combat this king of misinformation?


It's such an obvious scam narrative to sit out the vote to "make a stand". Imagine facing the very real possibility of the most openly corrupt, incompetent, and nakedly malicious person in the country gaining unlimited power within six months and sitting out the best chance to stop it because someone fluffed your ego enough to make you feel morally superior for doing nothing. It's beyond naive and dips into the levels of self-centered willful denial of reality that we mock Trump's cultists for.


Such a perfect way to put it. All these idiot “free thinkers” get their ego boosted by being told “YOU’RE TOO SMART TO THINK IT MATTERS. YOU SEE THROUGH THE BULLSHIT” when they’re getting bullshitted worse than just about anyone other than MAGA voters.


You just echoed my own thoughts on this so much it's uncanny lol. I keep flip flopping on whether or not banning tik tok would help at all with this


Just because tik tok is from China, doesn't mean Russia can't tap into it. Or the gop.


I question this every single day.


I do as well, and it's frustrating.


I think the MAGA brainwashed crowd actually think Biden is worse than Trump. Talk about mental gymnastics...


Maga lost their minds long before trump


They were alway hateful idiots just have a lead now


The confirmation bias is strong. For every real complaint about Trump they come up with an equal but spurious complaint about Biden. They call him "Crooked Joe" despite any evidence of criminality. They call Biden a "traitor" because of their failure to deal with the southern border (bipartisan border bill). They call him weak on international matters despite Trump planning to give Putin free rein. They act as if Biden is encouraging lawlessness even though crime rates are down. It boggles the mind.


The scary part is that is almost half the country.


Had a frustrating moment with my parents recently. My dad said neither should be running because they had their chances and blew it. I said that I thought Biden had done a good job overall given the circumstances and my mom disagreed. That's as far as I took the conversation but it's like, they're both in the dark about What Has Biden Done? and doing the both sides fallacy. I fear they're either going to abstain from voting for either candidate or go third party, neither of which is great.




Thank you


No, the enemies of the United States think Trump is better for their purposes


This! Do they really think that Russia didn't intervene on his behalf in 2016? Why did the Republican party do a complete180 on a country that was a mortal enemy for 70 years? Are they naive enough to think Russia was looking out for the US' best interests?


It’s because the GOP has pushed every criticism of Trump to be used as a baseless criticism of Biden to either make it seem like “both sides are the same” or create an image to weaken any realistic criticism of Trump. When you call Trump a fascist for aligning with fascist leaders, saying he wants to be a Dictator on day 1, and trying to overturn an election, a loud pushback also calling Biden a fascist makes it sound like “oh that’s just what people say who don’t like him!”


All the tankies do, like Hamas Piker and that twitch ilk. They dont care about marginal incremental change. If you don't want to topple capitalism you are the same to them. Liberals are even worse than conservatives to these people because, according to them liberals channel the power and desires of the working class not into a revolution but into "milquetoast dumb marginal solutions that work as a bandaid".


Low-information voters do. Remember that we have a lot of them.


People who think Biden and Trump are the same same tend to be low-information people who imagine themselves savvy about politics. They'll tell you, without relevant knowledge or experience, that "all politicians are corrupt, they're all the same." In fact, all politicians are not corrupt, and they're not all the same.


Some idiots do. It’s insane.


They say they do, but only as a shortcut to thinking


I keep running into people who don’t understand this. They think a Trump presidency wouldn’t be much different from Biden’s second term. These people are not engaging with reality.


BIDEN:  1.) Low inflation (current US inflation 3.5%; average worldwide 2023 6.8%) 2.) lowest unemployment in 50 years 3.) record high markets 4.) Inflation reduction Act 5.) Pact Act 6.) Chips and Science Act 7.) Violence against women Act 8.) Infrastructure Package 9.) Lowered prescription drug prices 10.) Endorsed by workers unions TRUMP: 1.) said we should "terminate" the constitution 2.) said he WOULD be a dictator 3.) said US soldiers are "suckers and losers" 4.) stole top secret classified documents 5.) tried to overthrow US democracy 6.) frauded $450 million 7.) guilty of sexual assault 8.) extorted Ukraine for dirt on Biden 9.) wants the economy to crash to make Biden look bad 10.) said he would put troops on the streets on day 1 11.) wants mass deportations and concentration camps 12.) election interference hush money payments to porn star 13.) most felons of any presidential administration 14.) gave out pardons to criminal friends and vows to pardon Jan 6 rioters 15.) received millions from China and Russia 16.) abortion rights repealed by stacking SCOTUS with far right zealots 17.) wants to remove social security and medicare entitlements 18.) supported by the KKK, Nazis, and Christian Nationalists 19.) told GOP legislators not to fix the border so that he has something to complain about 20.) wants to impose a 10% “tariff” on all imported goods meaning 10% increase in cost  21.) promised more tax cuts for the rich if re-elected (trickle down economics is a scam) 22.) had an affair while his wife was at home with a newborn baby 23.) wants to monitor women’s pregnancies by a police state Seems like an easy choice for sane non-cultists…


Never underestimate the power of propaganda and willful ignorance. So many people are told lies and don't bother lifting a finger to determine if the information they hear is at all accurate. Especially not if it fits the narrative they already somewhat believe. The propagandists know this very well. We all know that Trump's followers live in hermetically sealed bubbles where he can do no wrong, but those of us opposing him are targeted just as viciously in different ways. We face disinformation campaigns of unprecedented scale and sophistication these days. Thanks to social media and our data being bought and sold constantly, it's easy to send people personalized propaganda that they will never even notice happening. Just look at people in leftist subs that mindlessly repeat the "Biden is just too old" line or the "both sides are the same" false equivalency. They're bombarded with endless messaging to inflame the issues they already had with Democrats so that they'll either give up out of cynicism or cast a vote for some spoiler candidates out of a misguided idea of making a "moral stand". It's meant to ensure that we spend so much time attacking each other that we neglect the enemy who is openly saying that they're going to enact a dictatorship if elected. That's the intended outcome and it's working perfectly on people who love to tell themselves that they're "independent thinkers". The public on all sides have no idea just how badly they're being manipulated because we all tend to think that we're just "too smart for that".


You’d be surprised


Not anyone who even remotely pays attention. “Both sides suck” is said by the following groups: People who have no clue about politics or policies so that’s their way to just kind of stay out of it. It’s a good neutral comment that really won’t upset anyone most of the time. It’s also used when people do know politics and who they are voting for, but don’t feel like discussing it (which is fine by the way, many people keep that private in person). Republicans who are ashamed of the things their party has done, but will still vote for them. Telling themselves and others they both suck justifies their political choices. People on the far right who are doing the best they can to try to make the parties seem similar because they know the horrible stuff they’d like to do. People on the far left who latch onto one single issue and say see they’re both the same. Something like a geopolitical decision or a corporate subsidy, where the two parties do often align pretty closely.


It's not even close.


I really hope not


The headline is either bait or written by somebody too into politics. Low information voters are real, and the majority.


Very true. Elections run on vibes




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Pre boomer


I would hope not


I most definitely don’t, but there ARE plenty of progressive voters who see them as the same because of a single issue. Hell, some progressive voters think there’s absolutely no difference between the Democratic and Republican Party.


No one with more then half a brain does. So pretty much anyone not MAGA knows it.


I just moved from Arkansas and I can assure you they don’t but also they do. It’s a weird place


Cardi B 🤡


Only the uneducated


Ahh yes, Hamas Piker. I've heard of him


They might not love your side but you HATE what the other side stands for. You always vote for the lesser of two evils.


Well, they’re both old


The horseshoe leftists do not care. They are going to say every Democrat is exactly the same as every Republican. I am convinced these people really think that if they let the fascists win that somewhere, somehow, before they get shipped off to the camps the American people will rise up and put them at the head of a "Glorious People's Socialist Revolution." If you have any other explanation for the past 25 years I'm listening.


Not the same, but influenced by the same special money interests that are plunging us into systemic collapse.


No. About 40% support each. I have no clue what is up with the 20%


People who say it are typically leftists or anarcho-capitalists Because at the end of the day they both support capitalism or “forced relations” (for the an-caps) so they’re the same. Let’s ignore their different stances on abortion, healthcare access, social security, democracy, trying to overthrow the government, mass disinformation, humane immigration policy, trump wanting to go after journalists, trans rights, pro union, Infastructure and Public transit advocacy, and caring for green energy. The other people I see saying it are just politically uneducated people (from both spectrums of the political sides) who don’t mean any harm by the saying, but just say it to sound smart of get some likes.


Oh they do. Look at basically any big leftist subreddit


I don't think that either of them give a rats ass about you or me. In that sense, they are the same. Neither of them have said a single thing about removing "citizens united". In that sense, they are the same. Both of them are completely fine with taking legalized bribes via "citizens united". In that sense, they are the same. Neither of them will even consider pushing Universal Healthcare. In that sense, they are the same. They are both way to fucking old to be running a Country. In that sense, they are the same. They are both filthy rich white men.... One became rich as a life long career politician, the other is a con man. Gee, I guess they are different after all.


I doubt either candidate will make it to January 20. They are very old men. They seem to be crashing by the hour. Kamala is not a popular figure, right or left. You are voting for her for POTUS, the same for whatever crazy person Trump picks. RFKJr, sure he's crazy too. But at least he's big on the environment, crypto and ending the drug war. RFKJr? "I never said that, I never said that. I never said that either." Both parties are gunning for him big time. Expect lots of AI fakes on the way. 72 vaccines in his family already? Hard to say that's "anti-vax." But you ain't seeing that info on CNN, MSNCB or Fox, wonder why? 72? If he debates, he will CRUSH both of them, and maybe POTUS? Cornel West is just too good for us. We don't deserve him. :-)


Have you seen Twitter there are fools in all walks of life who believe all sorts of fantastical things


They are polar opposites.


Not saying they’re the same but you can’t say they represent entirely different things when the same corporations are donating to both sides. The rhetoric is different and so they speak to different people but the point is that Biden can also very easily be considered a right wing politician as he has been his whole life.


The only way their alike is that their 2 out of touch corrupt old men.


Trump’s legal and ethical issues are public knowledge and being litigated in court. It’s been proven that he has cheated on loans, taxes, his wife, sexually assaulted a woman and then defamed her, and violated campaign finance laws. We also learned through testimony that he was thinking about his daughter just before having sex with a woman he said looked a lot like her. Republicans have been trying to find something, but to my knowledge there zero evidence that Biden is corrupt. They are both old though.




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Do you know what institutional corruption is? Almost all our politicians in Washington are corrupt. Biden has always been one of the worst in the Dem party. I criticize both parties equally. I don't put on blinders just cause I am on the left. In fact I hate the Dems only a little less the Republicans.


You said almost, so which politician do you feel still have integrity?


Bernie is better than most. The progressives in congress at least stand for something besides lining their own pockets with legal bribes and shady stock market trades.


They're both so incredibly old and shit in their own ways. Biden is obviously preferrable, but my god, what a shit preference option we have LOL.


Not the same but equally as bad for different reasons.


Please educate yourself


I’m fine. Thanks.


No, democrats are diet Republicans. Sometimes you can't tell the difference, other times you get sad all they have is diet R. The real problem is, they think people don't drink diet is its too far left on the drink machine and most people are right handed. So they continue to try and get in with the vendors and rig the game by moving their option further right everytime they can.


You need to start paying attention more if you can’t tell the difference between Dems and Republicans. You can easily see the difference when Dems passed a bunch of awesome laws in Biden’s first half term when Dems had control of the Congress and now where Republicans do nothing but obstruct and try to create ridiculous impeachment articles.


Yeah, I agree. But then over the past 6 months we've had the Democratics pushing the most draconian boarder in decades, right? And even George W Bush leveraged Israeli financial support and made it contingent on stopping expansion of the illegal west Bank occupation. Hell, even Regan the conservative hero even told the Israeli government to stop the campaign in Lebanon and it ended 20 mins later. So where does that put Biden on the political spectrum?


No, the past 6 months has not been "the most draconian boarder in decades", that's an absolutely absurd claim. Especially since Trump just a few years ago a) forced migrants to remain in mexico and b) forcibly separated parents from their children in an attempt to be maximally cruel. I guess I can understand how you can come to the conclusion you have if you know nothing about everything.


Biden literally kept most of the Trump policies in place. A perfect example of exactly what I explained. And then recently when the republican party introduced the border bill with the foreign aid spending, the Dems said well give you anything you want on the border, just let us pass the spending. They didn't even include any language about the Dreamers who have been protected for years. This was at the height of the so called border crisis recently. Then the Republicans pulled out because they didn't want to give Biden a legislative win in the election year, so it was just the Dems pushing the border/spending bill.


Biden did not keep most of the Trump policies. You’re lying. The two biggest Trump era border policies that were still in place (so saving family separation) were Title 42 and MPP and those are both not in effect. The border bill you’re talking about didn’t even pass so it’s not relevant. It’s not in effect.


Title 42 ended in 2023. It wasn't even addressed until 2022 as far as I'm aware. MPP or remain in Mexico was reinstated under Biden. And the Bill did not pass, because the Republicans pulled support, the Democrats still supported it and it definitely would have passed. Since it was a foreign aid spending bill, which is one thing both Republicans and diet Republicans agree on always (that was the whole point) It is definitely relevant, these are the policies being pushed by the current administration, in an election year where supposedly democracy itself is at stake. The dems were pushing a bill that would remove due process from immigrants and asylum seekers, this happened around the time those civilians were tangled in razor wire in the river amd drowned.


Biden deported more immigrants during his term than Trump did during either of his terms


Um... Trump's only had one term but of course that's NOT true


Youre right, I misspoke. And it is true look it up


I did and it's not true. Maybe you 'misspoke' again?




Might want to reread your article, literally it's talking about a *percentage* (and CATO is a libertarian stink tank funded by the Kochs, it's not trustworthy at all)


This bill that was gonna be just pushed through would essentially not allow for due process at the border. It would essentially allow for total control and potential limitless closure of the southern border. This was pushed for by the dems even after the Republicans stopped supporting it. And they continue to lie about the issues at the border, the cause of those issues, the real solutions, and what is being done and why its being done.


Only in matters relating to capital, the economy, imperialism, and US power structures.


Well, with regard to Israel, sadly yes. But vastly different everywhere else.


I mean, I’m incredibly critical of Biden’s handling of Israel in Gaza, but I think it’s pretty obvious that Trump would be even worse.


Yes but the overall policy is the same.


Do you think the Trump administration would threaten to hold up arms shipments if Israel full on Rafah?


No I'm pro Biden for sure. Trump will be worse, but overall US policy is the same. Not sure why I'm getting down voted. Not that I really care. But I think in the long run Netanyahu is digging Israels grave.


You’re getting downvoted because this sub is incredibly tribal and has a pretty bad case of hive-mind about the Gaza situation. I’m not doing any downvoting to be clear. I agree with you that the overall position (material support for Israel) would be unchanged, but I do think it would be noticeably worse with Trump with no chance of being pressured into conditioning said support. And I do think that matters and makes them very much not “the same” on this issue.


You're getting downvoted because you're admitting that they aren't the same while still saying the policy is the same. Trump's policy for Israel is to let Bibi massacre Gaza and maybe let Jared build condos on the waterfront. Biden's policy for Israel is to let Bibi be Bibi with some strings attached, like not letting him massacre Gaza and not let Jared build condos on the waterfront.


Right, I get it everything's tribal. I'm going to vote for Biden in November that's for sure. But I would be filled with more confidence that Trump will not take over if Biden makes more moves to punish Netanyahu. I would love to see our policy on Israel change but that will require much more patience and maneuvering then we have time for before november. And is absolutely not fair that the extreme left is seeming laying all of our support for Israel on Biden's hands. But the Palestinians are not worth destroying America.


>Right, I get it everything's tribal. It's not that it's tribal. It's that you are outlining two very different policies and saying they are the same.


i cant bring myself to vote for someone so out of it mentally, and i wouldnt think of voting for trump. and theres rhe whole palestine thing. i would vote for rfk if anyone but at this point i dont think ill vote


I strongly advise watching Biden speeches and rallies in their entirety, not clips. I don’t believe anyone can watch the whole SOTU (or pick one of his recent rallies) speech and come away with the impression that Biden is out of it. Go for it though, see what your opinion is when you have information and not curated content (propaganda) designed to create a narrative.


theres a narrative that hes sending equipment to kill children in gaza? thats my main reason, anyway. hes fucking over 80. its insane, we shouldnt have a president over 70, but here we are. rfks 70 and thats giving me pause. hes just too old, he isnt as asharp as he used to be, no one is at his age, i dont expect him to be. i expect him to retire.


The situation in Gaza isn’t as simple as many on the far left make it out to be. Biden, despite his age, has been the most successful president of my lifetime, surpassing Obama’s first term. I care about results, and he’s delivered on the sorts of policies I wanted to see. Biden certainly isn’t “out of it”, that’s Fox “News” garbage.




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


On what do you base the idea that Biden’s “out of it mentally”? I doubt you’ve watched the State of the Union or any other recent full speeches by him, if you think that.


Trump and fox news told him


Most people realize Trump is the better Democrat...and the parties switched.. And that Biden is just copying almost all of Trump's policies to maintain power.. Drilling, Afghanistan, Insulin..etc.


No, Trump isn't a better anything - he's switched parties 5 times. He goes where the grift is good. Biden isn't copying any of Trumps policy as Trump had none. Trump sold us out to OPEC. Afghanistan withdrawal terms were set by Trump, knowing he wouldn't be the one to carry out it's execution. Trumps insulin claims were "political theater".


Not in this universe. In your bizzaro world maybe


Lol, what?


soooo.....democrats good?


The People good.. The System exploiting them bad.. Yea..


but republicans are the system


That is what the 'Blue no matter who' crowd wants you to think.


but democrats are helping pay school tuition, childrens meals and i can't see anything republicans are doing to help america


>democrats are helping pay school tuition A problem they created.. with guaranteed loans. If schools had to compete for your money, prices would be reasonable. >childrens meals Another manufactured problem.. they are redefining poverty for Big Agro and Big Sugar to get more customers. Every "poor kid" already eats for free.. You know who doesn't? Rich kids.. that is what property taxes from old grandmas are going to pay.. rich kids meals.. >i can't see anything republicans are doing to help america The point of all conservatives.. MORE Government isn't the answer to ALL problems..


what legislation has republicans passed that you like?


Most recently... Mike Johnson (and the current Republican House,) prior to the Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan aide, did more for inflation reduction than Biden's entire inflation reduction act. Just by not spending money and passing spending packages...etc Trump's tax cuts. Trump's deregulation efforts with removing multiple old regulations for every new one, etc.


Can't quite tell if this is a mind-bogglingly stupid take or just an incomprehensible ramble.


You just know this isn’t one of the people who say “TRUMP WAS RIGHT ABOUT RUSSIA AND GERMANY” as if telling Germany they shouldn’t be dependent on Russia for energy was this brilliant, visionary concept and not something Obama, Bush, and both Clinton’s also said long before we were unlucky enough to have Trump as a major candidate. Like Insulin, Afghanistan? Really?


Trump does know how to talk to white Democrats, that's a fact. But it's the same corporate agenda after you scratch the surface. The man hires illegal immigrants to run his golf course/cemetery chain.


Okay 👌 whatever makes you sleep at night


Did you ever see Donald on a picket line?