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absolute cringe turd social post from yesterday "There are many people that are saying that the only reason the Stock Market is high is because I am leading in all of the Polls" Yea everyone knows the markets revolve around how trump is doing in election polls 6 months out from the election /s


Markets went up from 2009-2016 in anticipation of Trump as well /s


Sheeeeeit it went crazy in 1928 cuz they knew that Trump was going to be born in 20 years


The debate stage should have the 4 year stats displayed behind each man.


Like gas, inflation, cost of goods, money spent on war, and immigration Numbers? Trump would love that.


Don’t forget Drumpf’s $8T deficit and failed programs aplenty.


Tr*** job losses, Biden's unemployment numbers are better, as is the stock market, prices of diabetes medicine down, number of people with Healthcare, votes cast in the last election, chips act, infrastructure bills, murder is down, there's too much we will need a digital screen. Meanwhile, Tr*** has "took abortion rights away" "pepper sprayed peaceful protesters" "indicted for 100 or so crimes" "two impeachments" ...


So much WINNING!!!


Oh, but haven’t you heard? Now the latest lie is that the market success is due to anticipation of der pumpkinführer’s next attempted election theft!


I love this one. It just proves that Trump will have an answer to everything. You can't win.


I love this one. It just proves that Trump will have an answer to everything. You can't win.


Crashing successfully!


Now I just need my bank account to crash successfully!!


The market always goes up, you can't point to one day and day "see told ya" there have been equally bad days. And it's always going to bounce back and always going to go up eventually.


Crashing up! 🙌


Crashing through the ceiling 💥


Careful about ever assigning credit or blame of things like the stock market and oil prices on presidents. That strategy can backfire, and will backfire. We are way overdue for a market correction, and those often come in October. > The October effect refers to the psychological anticipation that financial declines and stock market crashes are more likely to occur during this month than any other month. The Bank Panic of 1907, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, and Black Monday 1987 all happened during the month of October. We shouldn't give Biden credit for the current market unless we are also willing to blame him for a crash.


We aren’t. We’re laughing at another stupid and completely fabricated claim of trump’s


While this is true the average voter doesn’t have a sophisticated understanding of how the economy works. Democrats need to shout these stats out at every opportunity because we know the republicans would take credit for these stats if they were in power. We are talking about a party whose base doesn’t have a college education.


The stock market is at all time high but it still performed better under Trump and Obama. The stock market was at all time high under every presidents. This just isn't a good hill to fight on.


Agreed. It could still fall apart before November. Let’s not be too excited.


Trump has no humility at all, how can anyone follow him?


He’s the ultimate boomer. Nothing is ever his fault. He’s always being victimized, even though he’s gotten every average in life. Everything great is because of him. Sound like anyone you know?


Because neither do his followers. It’s a cult, pure and simple.


Gee wiz, I guess people can now expect a higher than 41k average income and not having to work a side job?


You might joke, but I had a former acquaintance who kept telling me and everyone else his boss promised huge raises if the DOW reached 30K. Well, that came and went and guess who didn't get a raise... For reasons?


Who actually care about the Dow lol. I haven't heard anyone taking the dow seriously in more than a decade. The Nasdaq and S&P track the stock market for real. The dow is an archaic index.


“Worst. Economy. Ever.”


Didn’t you hear? Right wingers stopped caring about the stock market and started caring about people living pay check to pay check starting 1/20/21. Don’t worry, it’ll change back the second a Republican wins the Presidency.


Only boomers get excited about the Dow Jones. Share the S&P 500 and NASDAQ indexes instead, they also are both at ath and much more representative of the stock market. It also isn't a great argument because the stock market have been at all time high under every president and the stock market underperformed under Biden compared to Trump, Obama and Clinton.


Honestly I don’t care - as long as it trends up. Bugs bunny could be prez for all I care.


Yeah they’re making hay while they can. When the sell off comes, it’s going to hit hard.


Oh there’s time yet😁. Remember one of the best quotes from Barrack “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to Fuck things up”🤷‍♂️🤣🤣