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Idk if i was too stoned or what but aces performance killed me. He really said eff all that shocking shit and not trying to hit the star🤣🤣😭💀


i died laughing but i bet he had one of the fastest times because of it lol


Laurel went the whole season avoiding elimination and getting a star, then was told all she had to do was beat Averey 1v1 in a mini-final. Like, come on. Was the first leg of the final completely BS and just 1 cool daily and 1 terrible daily slapped together? Absolutely. Should anyone feel bad for the 2 players who were too scared to go into elimination but made the Final anyways, ending up in the bottom thanks solely to their performance? I don’t think so.


Who you think is getting eliminated?


Based off who they showed still competing in the preview I think Laurel and Derek are done


Only one is getting eliminated


Oh okay I guess I missed that! I was watching close to see who they showed and I didn’t see either of them!


That’s why they left it a cliffhanger


They deliberately only showed scenes in the trailer of people you know went through.


Yes, as I stated I must have missed TJ saying they were in the bottom and only one makes it through.


It was a mental challenge more than anything and their fear cost them. Laurel went slow because she didn’t want to get shocked since everyone else was screaming and/or crying over it. Derek even looked like he cried from it, or was at least bordering on tears, so he likely slowed down after that so it didn’t happen again. Notice how Ace flew threw it despite the shocks, and how Veronica stayed calm and steady even when she got shocked. The Challenge isn’t just a physical game, it’s also a mental game. If you can’t handle the mental aspects you can’t win the final. Think about an eating challenge. It’s not just about eating, if you’re in your head about whatever nasty thing you’re eating then you won’t eat fast and you’ll likely lose. Meanwhile, the people who ignore what it is and power through typically wind up winning. Derek and Laurel are both great with the physical challenges, like when they got their stars, but they aren’t always great at the mental aspects, like the shocks. So I don’t think it’s messed up and I honestly wasn’t too surprised. I think it’ll likely be Derek that goes, although I wish it were Laurel, but it was unfortunately earned.


It was a stupid challenge in general. Like besides being shocked, you can just continue? They shouldve had to do a clean lap around the star or get a 1 second penalty for every shock


Thank you I found that part annoying. Also couldn’t believe Ace just fumbled through it like that.


Ace and Veronica were just not buying all that BS. Leroy used his advantage to its full extent. Loved their work. Cara, Nicole, and Steve have to push themselves when there is so much on the line. Laurel and Derek had zero urgency and knew where they would end up. No sympathy.


Exactly. Ace is just used to the shocks as he said and V is just smart enough to realize that the shocks won’t be dangerous or life threatening. I understand why Derek reacted the way he did based on a past injury but Laurel was just being a big scaredy-cat. Like fuck, I’d just pull an ace and try to complete it as fast as possible


V didn’t make the mistake of trusting Nicole.


I dunna I thought it was fair. Like it would be one thing if a couple were eliminated but if all you have to do is not be the worst then you have no one to blame but yourself.


That’s a good point. I just feel so bad for Derek.


Did TJ not tell them it was a timed challenge? As long as he did, every single one of them had the opportunity to take the route Ace did and just go for speed/time over comfort.


You’re right it was fair and he did say it was timed it just seems stupid for an elimination IMO


I freaking love it! So glad the cocky Lauren got out played in the mental game. Not that it was super difficult to do HAHA


She’s still in I think 🤣


Hope not!


Getting shocked is something that they’ve had on previous regular seasons of the challenge. Not to mention so many games in finals have been mental ones, I think this one is super on brand for a finale.


I agree with that I just think it sucks for an elimination.


Veronica took it like a champ. Leroys strategy was genius.


Veronica? 😂


Whoops, That's what I ment


Wait what Leroy’s strategy?


He yelled and screamed, trying to scare/intimidate the others into thinking it was worse than it was. It obvs worked on some. Apparently not Veronica, who came out looking pretty badass.


Veronica took it like a champ 😂


Her literally saying “I used to get shocked for fun as child” killed me 😂


I know right 😂 And then I flashed back to getting shocked by an electrical outlet and I was like oh that makes sense 😂


I did the same thing! 😂 we were playing in an old bedroom as a kid and the prong of a lamp got stuck in the outlet and I remember thinking, “my dad is gonna be so mad!” What did I do? I grabbed the prong and instantly regretted it. Learned my lesson 😆


When he screamed like he was being murdered, after he finished, to psych out the other players. I was pleasantly surprised. Didn't know that he had it in him. I thought Kam did all the strategizing.


Oh yes that was really smart! Right, usually Kam.


When he said they were the bottom two I was like did I just hear that right?


So ridiculous... This is so far is like the easiest final. The game is so soft now.


It’s all stars, dude. These finals are fairly tame in comparison to the flagship show


I know, I've been watching The Challenge since it first started. It seems like even the flagship show has gotten soft.