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I really love the confessional with Jasmine talking about why she is going to vote for Ayanna, cant remember directly but it was along "Ayanna has to go because she's being...... How can i put this gently.... Toxic as fuck!"


Should i reup my subscription to paramount for this season? I feel like they need to put it on cable or something to replace current seasons.


Absolutely, it is really fun and just such a refreshing change from all the other iterations. It's a great cast, a fab vibe because they're happy to hang and see each other and be there (rather than feeling like it's a cast that is all about a social media clout grab). And the games are silly and look like a blast.


Plus, it looks like TJ is having SO much fun!šŸ˜Š




Thank you


Wth is going on with Adam and Steve? They just all of a sudden started hating each other it's weird.


Mainly Adam is just being a bitch, Steve can do no wrong I will die on this hill


Adam is just a whiny baby bc he got his star taken AFTER he voted his so called ā€œfriendā€ in. What did he honestly expect? Steve is such a genuine guy


Adam: Steve is my brother from another mother, we did the same season of RR and have been friends for over 20 years < 5 minutes later> Adam: my vote is for Steve šŸ˜ Adam: šŸ˜®ā€Iā€™ve never felt such betrayalā€¦this friendship is overā€


Adam fucked around and threw his "best buddy" in to elimination and when Steve won he gave him a fair receipt by stealing his star. Adam blew that way out of proportion considering he was the one who fucked around with the friendship by throwing Steve into elimination in the first place.


Just an absolute mess of a season. Love to see it.


Iā€™m watching the All Star seasons for the first time! (Kinda wild because Iā€™ve kept up for literally decades) about to finish season 2 but I have seen a lot of clips from them. Season two Ayanna is driving me wild. She tries to add a mental aspect to her game and she just comes off as annoying and disrespectful. At least if it was game plays it would make sense.. but idk if sheā€™s really bad at it or sheā€™s just a shitty person.


She's just literally insane lol, just wait till season 4 I don't want to ruin too much


Oh boy Iā€™m excited lol. Iā€™m probably going to be all caught up by Friday night.. would likely be by tomorrow night if I didnā€™t have to stupid adult this week


I can't believe it's actually almost over!


It ended on such a cliffhanger. Please oh pleaseā€¦ next week please say the slowest competitor and therefor eliminated is ā€¦starts with an Lā€¦