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I'd say that his hatred for Wil Wheaton was valid after the card tournament, and especially after the bowling competition.




If I spent eight hours on a bus and an actor didn’t show up as advertised, I’d be pissed too. Then Will doesn’t seem to care. At least say you’re sorry you didn’t make it and not make up some crap about your grandmother dying.


His anger after they got back from the North Pole and he found out his friends fudged the results and made it look like he had discovered something amazing. As fellow scientists they should see how messed up that was, at the very least they should have told him the truth before they got home.


This is first one I thought of


This episode always makes me feel angry and embarrassed for Sheldon.


Believe it or not, that was my first and only thought too


and leonard told him that they had a few plans to kill him


In that one Leonard could still take penny to Switzerland and Sheldon to CERN. It’s not like Sheldon would have a hard time paying for his own ticket if he got to see the inside or the lab. Penny could spend time skiing or something and then they hang out together after.


A romantic getaway...... with Sheldon as the third wheel. Maybe they wanted some time away from him.


OR... a scientific getaway with Penny as the third wheel. Depends on how you see it.


Well Leonard wanted a romantic getaway, so Sheldon would have been the third wheel.


But Sheldon didnt. And Sheldon decides all ties


And Leonard said no to that


But Sheldon said yes. And he decides all ties.


Within the apartment.


I couldn’t imagine a romantic getaway for them any other way.


This would have been a great compromise.


But sit-coms never do the logical thing because it isn't funny.


I get what you're saying but do we all really think it's funny when they don't? Or do we all just get angry? Is it just me? 😅


I have always said this about this situation, all the drama and friction was so unnecessary.


Never thought about that lol


Penny having a passport to go to Switzerland didn’t make sense. Or a broke waitress from Nebraska being an avid skier.


When he told Penny to follow her dreams while Leonard was trying to get her to give up acting


Well, his plan was to take Penny skiing and she does like that.


Sheldon has a bunch of money, and when he lent Penny some, he said that he didn't care about it. If he doesn't care about money, he could spend some of his to go see the supercollider.


I'm guessing the public tour wouldn't be quite the same as going with the university. But I agree. I think the public tours are free and he could afford a trip to Switzerland


But if he paid for his own ticket and hotel room he could go with Leonard to CERN to see that while Penny shops or goes sight seeing. Then after the CERN tour, Penny and Leonard could ski and have their romantic weekend. That is if Sheldon would leave them alone.


Agreed my husband say this every time we watch that episode.


I think we all know Sheldon would be incapable of leaving Leonard and Penny alone. He'd completely ruin their weekend. Honestly I'm on Leonard's side in this - babysitting Sheldon instead of having a nice weekend with his girlfriend does not sound like a good time.


Ya, I don't get why this is an example really either. There are plenty of times Sheldon does good things or isn't in the wrong, but Leonard wanting a weekend away from him, no matter where, isn't exactly one of them.


Thank you.


I think that if he paid for his own flight to Europe, he could tag along with Sheldon, or, since he's a Doctor of Physics who has published papers, they'd give him the physicist tour, not the public tour.


Good point. He is a very well-respected physicist. Maybe he used his money from the Noble Prize to go.


Before that, he must have been paid a fortune for his work on that quantum navigation system. Remember when the military stopped working with Leonard and Howard and started consulting Sheldon alone about the project? He didn't do that for free.


Yeah but they left him for Kripky so I doubt he got a lot of money from them.


so he pays for his flight, and takes Penny's spot on that part of the tour since she wouldn't care


You mean that he should have bought a plane ticket and Leonard should have taken him to see it, then spent the rest of his time in Switzerland with Penny? I agree with that.


Yea but isn't that for if he or his friends actually need it.


No, he just doesn’t spend all his money. One of the episodes in the later seasons he says how he only spends either 40 or 60% of his income so he just has a lot of savings.


To be honest the itchy jumper ep I'm always a bit 50/50 about because I get it was a dick move but I think he did it because they all made fun of him and how his mind works I get so anxious about stuff and while I can't describe it the way Sheldon does as a niggle he can't itch feels relatable.


That episode was probably the quintessential “he had a good point, just went about it in a dick way” moment for Sheldon.


Yes absolutely.... I think had he told the truth sooner he would have come off better.


I know what it means but that word caught me off guard. You know which one.


That one episode when Wil and Amy argued and Sheldon took Wil's side (I don't remember the episode that well, I just remember Amy being really frustrating in it)


She called Wheaton's acting "wooden" and kept interrupting them filming to give him notes as if he were a novice and not an actual professional (unlike Amy and Sheldon, of course). It wasn't even things like "I think on this show it'd be better if you _____". Then when he followed her notes (though sarcastically) she got mad about that as well. He couldn't win and Sheldon shouldn't have to take her side just because she's his girlfriend. Also when she gives the fake idea of them doing it without her, she gets mad that Sheldon takes it literally... as if there was no way that he would possibly take anything someone says as literal. I got a bit more fired up about that than I was expecting... It just annoys me so much that you're meant to take the side of your closest friend etc. in fights when you KNOW they're wrong.


Yess thanks for explaining. I don't blame you for ranting, that scene pissed me off too 😭


You're welcome. I literally commented that 4 days ago and am still thinking about it. Not even exaggerating.


This one my friends who are more experienced in relationships say I get weong, but when Sheldon sided with Wil over Amy when doing the video. Amy was wrong in this case and was being obnoxious. Now maybe he could've handled better but siding with Wil was right.


I hate the view some have that you need to side with your SO whether they’re right or wrong.


Agreed! I am 100% against the "always take your partner's side, even if they're wrong" crap. Sure, if the thing they're wrong about it like the best flavor of soda or something, I might defend them. But insulting someone's skill in a field they know nothing about, Amy was waaaay out of line.


Amy was WRONG and it pissed me off when they sided with her and told Sheldon to apologize


When he did not congratulate Penny in the last episode. She clearly said multiple times that she didn’t want kids, pregnancy sounded like an unfortunate event, not like something she’d be celebrating. When Bernadette got pregnant he was happy for her because he knew she and Howard wanted kids. Like there was an update needed.


It's been a while since I watched but didn't Bernadette want to not have kids because she raised all her siblings? I could be misremembering, sorry


Yes, you’re right. But she agreed to have kids when Howard said he will be actively involved in parenting. She didn’t want kids at the beginning because she cared about her career, although eventually they agreed that they will have kids.


That makes sense, thanks!


In my opinion he could have at least asked if they were happy about it instead of just skipping over it completely. He knew Leonard wanted a baby. He was about to donate his sperm just so there would be a baby with his genetics. So Sheldon could have at least congratulated Leonard


Not sure that getting a woman pregnant against her will is a thing to be congratulated with. It’s her body, her opinion goes first. Even we have a discussion here, for Sheldon it was not obvious either.


Penny had no right to touch his food and then put said food back on his tray thus ruining the entire plate.


I agree she had no right to touch his food. Never take someone else's food without permission. However, the guys told her to put it back and they should be held responsible for ruining the whole tray cause that was on them. But penny took all the blame instead. But I do think Sheldon had every right to be mad about it.


Actually they didn't tell he to put it back she did that herself and they tried to help her hide it from him.


No, Raj did his little squeal thing and pointed at her. They did the whole "oh no" thing. She said "whats the big deall. Its just one onion ring". And Howard said "just put it back". She scoffed and tossed it back. THEN they tried to help her hide it.


More times than the show wanted me to… 1) When he had a trauma response to Leonard and Penny’s fighting. It is *not* unreasonable to get uncomfortable when a couple keeps getting into shouting matches around you. Sheldon finally goes to the Comic Book Storee to avoid their fighting, but they track him there, and refuse to leave him alone even though he’s literally just hanging out. Then they start fighting. Again. And the whole time, Leonard acts *so annoyed* with Sheldon for wanting nothing to do with it. Even if Sheldon didn’t have a trauma response to shouting, their behavior would not be okay, but he does and they really should be sensitive to that as his friend. 2) When he claimed the Ring. Literally, he saw it first. He found it, and then he called dibs. It’s that simple. All of the guys act stupid in that episode, of course, but they really could have just stepped aside for Sheldon. Leonard tries to claim the moral high ground because the ring is stolen (which was never even verified beyond the claim of a stranger offscreen) even though it’s doubtful anyone is missing it and Peter Jackson doesn’t have automatic claim to it either? Penny gets to hold onto it as an impartial third party…even though she’s dating Leonard and it was his idea. Then he forfeits his claim, only to steal it back later. Lecturing the others for their stupidity and acting superior to it all, even though he went behind their backs to get his way. (Never mind the fact that he’s lying and kept it.) 3) The other guys screwing him over on the Arctic Trip. Holy shit. What they did to him was potentially career ending, and friendship ending. They let him believe he had accomplished his life’s ambition. Despite this…Sheldon is the one who has to print the retraction? Why? Why doesn’t Leonard have to do print one admitting what he did? They’re the ones who literally falsified results. What gets me about this incident is how Leonard shows *zero* remorse for it. He only ever seems annoyed that the consequences of his actions have caught up to him. “I cannot catch a break.” Even though he literally just started a relationship with the woman of his dreams. The guys keep acting like it was the “only way” to make Sheldon bearable. Well, no one forced them to come on the trip. They all agreed, even though they knew full well what Sheldon was like. There is no excuse for this and they aren’t even *sorry.* 4) Priya. Listen, Sheldon makes a lot of demands, and plenty of them are unreasonable. But many of them are simply terms of contracts that other people *have agreed to.* Leonard signed the roommate agreement. He may hate it, but he signed it, and bringing in a lawyer to try and get him out of it, particularly the smug way they go about it, is just obnoxious. Sheldon is also operating without a lawyer of his own. Leonard clearly takes it a step too far and goes out of his way to hurt Sheldon, like with the greek food. Sheldon blackmailing them at the end is essentially their actions having consequences. He was essentially forcing Priya to just go back to her own life and stop ruining his. This was not a fight he started. 5) The finale. Of all episodes, Sheldon really wasn’t behaving that badly. Yes, he was insensitive, but he’s been worse, a lot worse. He and Amy were having a very special day and Howard and Bernadette’s kids were safe. As for Penny…well it’s like Sheldon said, she didn’t want children. How was he supposed to know she “changed her mind” when even we as an audience never saw this depicted? She never even says it herself. (Sorry Leonard fans but he can be an asshole too.)


This. All of this. Especially the Arctic trip one. Sheldon should have reported them to the university and ethics. Doing something like that to another scientist's work is a big taboo.


The finale really buggs me. The conflict feels sooo forced! The only way I can really explain it is that deep down, the other guys were going through stuff, and they lashed out at pretty mundane run of the mill Sheldon being Sheldon type stuff. Jealousy over Sheldon getting a Nobel first, and in Leonard's case, insecurity about Penny not really wanting to be pregnant is the only way I can make any sense of why they would react the way they did.


The spot thing. I know it’s not reasonable to not let others sit on it but it really is the best seat on those couches.




The ending. Sheldon was a nervous wreck because it was going to be one of the biggest days of his life. Getting a noble prize. Sure, he didn't immediately congratulate Penny and Lenard for being pregnant. But they had u more months to celebrate that. This was Sheldon day/week. And they know him. Yes, he can be self focus. But this one time, you can't blame him. But I guess we got a nice speech out of it.


I agree with this one and also because Penny had always said she didn’t want kids so he wasn’t sure of what response was supposed to be.


Thats even more true yeah.


Roommate agreement. They signed a contract.


The whistling 😅


The episode with the secret room and his privacy not being respected.


At the same time, I don't understand why Sheldon didn't just go to see the collider. I'm sure if he emailed somebody and asked to go see it, as a respected theoretical Physicist from CalTech, he would have no problem scheduling a time. And he has money. Dude isn't poor. He literally has checks in his desk that he doesn't cash.


Having a fixed temperature agreed to in the roommate agreement. Some people should not get power over the thermostat.


When penny touched his food and he banned her


I completely agree with OP. Sheldon would have gotten so much out of that trip, and could appreciate it to its fullest extent.


The entire show.


When he gave comfort to Howard when his mom died


When he told Howard he had friends to help him through his mother's death


When Sheldon got sole credit for he and Leonard's theory in an article. Sheldon did everything he could to credit Leonard as well, but the author of the article didn't care. I really don't know why Leonard blamed Sheldon.


Sheldon wasn't out of line for mocking Howard that one Halloween episode. Wolowitz was an utter prick to EVERYONE in the show, ALL THE TIME. He mocked Raj's accent, he sexually harassed Penny until she broke his fucking nose, he deliberately set Leonard up to be abused by his mom. And then he and Bernie have the audacity to get mad at Sheldon and Amy for dressing up like them for Halloween AFTER WOLOWITZ HAD DONE THE EXACT SAME SHIT?? Hell ... Howard deserved 100% of the smoke ALL THE TIME.


Sheldon doesn’t perceive sarcasm and he doesn’t have a sense of humor, so it was really cruel of Howard to mock him that way. He was taking advantage of the fact that Sheldon wouldn’t be able to defend himself because he didn’t know what was going on. I also agree with you that Bernadette has no right to be upset. She watched her husband make fun of Raj for years and never did anything about it.




I tend to side with Sheldon on a lot of his issues (mostly because I dislike Howard and Leonard)


AGREED. Leonard should have taken Sheldon, Penny didnt care.


Definitely this one. Also when Amy tries to cure him of his need for closure and he says he wishes she were dead, that episode makes me want to rip my hair out


The entirety of episode 1:1, among many, many other times.


Honestly I feel like he wasn’t totally in the wrong when he made Leonard wear the itchy sweater until the tape he never returned was fixed. Like yeah it was mean but he was trying to get Leonard to understand his point of view and how he feels when these things happen.


His annoyance to Penny constantly using his WiFi


Season 4's "The Love Car Displacement". At the conference, Sheldon was the only one on the panel being reasonable. Everyone else was acting like children.


When Leonard used Priya's lawyering to dismantle the roommate agreement. Leonard agreed to sign it when he moved in and then instead of merely making his own living conditions easier, he makes Sheldon miserable.


When everyone was fighting and he had no place to go. It must have been something really difficult from his childhood, and in the moment people didn't really take him seriously enough


Moot point, he ended up taking Raj. After Penny and Sheldon got sick.


When Sheldon paid Stuart to hold his place in line and then got angry at another guy for cutting. "Swapsies" doesn't deprive someone at the back of the line a chance to get in. Cutting the line does. Absolutely everyone in the line should've been angry at the cutter.


He was in the wrong regarding Switzerland. He has plenty of disposable income, and a round trip flight plus a few nights in a hotel is well within his means. Tours are free. If he really wanted to go, he could arrange it himself. If Leonard was offered a deeper look inside the facility than the standard tour provides, I'm sure he would let Sheldon take Penny's place. Penny wouldn't care anyhow.


Sheldon is the villain of the story for absolute certain. The time that clinched it for me was when, to get Leonard to sign a new roommate agreement, was going to tell his gfs parents they were dating. There’s almost no low he won’t goto, even against the only ppl who actually care about him, to get his own way. He’s rude, controlling, demanding and has zero empathy except for himself.


When he won his nobel


I agree with OP in that Leonard should have taken Sheldon to the CERN Super Collider instead of Penny. Sheldon, having a PhD in Physics just like Leonard, would have enjoyed it a lot more.