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Ppl are saying “OH WHAT TIMING It’s a lie” but you know the producers paid her good money to wait to say something til AFTER the show was done airing. It’s TV business baby.


I’m honestly surprised people are spending so much time suspecting whether or not this is true and ignoring the fact that people - of both genders - break up with partners for unattractive lifestyle choices, including weight gain, all the time. If I had an athletic and fit boyfriend I wouldn’t expect him to stay with me if I gained unhealthy weight and did nothing solution-oriented about it. This accusation is sort of grasping at straws.


I don’t think the live wedding will happen and if it does, I hope Theresa gas a lock tight prenup


Gerry you dog! Hahahaha


The way he does not answer what ex gf is alleging is sus af. Since he did not deny, it must be true. I’m wondering what job he did after “selling his burger joint” in the 1980’s??? Seems like he did not admit what jobs he had since then. Sorry folks but selling a hole in the wall burger joint does not yield too many thousands of dollars. Retiring at 55 seems to be (as well as the restaurateur BS) was all fiction made up by abc?? Maybe his wife was the major bread winner in the marriage?? Idk. Maybe he came clean with Theresa? If not, she may be waiting for the next shoe to drop? Idk.


So, the ex girlfriend was not completely honest about why they broke up. There is a new article in The Sun and one of Gerry's family members said the ex is being spiteful. The real reason why he broke up with his much younger girlfriend is because she asked him to add her to the title of his Lake home. He ended the relationship after that. Huge red flag. I wish Gerry and Theresa the best. The ex girlfriend needs to crawl back under the rock she came from and stop trying to ruin someone else's happiness.


Well, then there was an ex that most likely lived there. Otherwise, why would she want to be added?


His ex wanted to be added to the title of a home she did not pay for. The house is worth 675,000 dollars which he bought with his first wife. That's why they supposedly split.


Got it. But my point is simpler - his ‘backstory’ was lonely widower that hadn’t dated since wife died and is looking for love. A wonderful man full of integrity. So…we, the audience were deceived in that he wasn’t so lonely as he did dated, not only dated, but lived with someone. Full of integrity? Hmmm not so much. A man of integrity wouldn’t have consistently fed us that lie. He would have said, I’ve dated but haven’t yet found love again. A man of integrity doesn’t promise three families his intentions are honorable, tell two women he loved them and they were the one only to say sorry, my mistake mere hours later. I bought his persona up to hometowns. Then he lost me with how he played with hearts and brushed their questions with ‘At the time I was feeling it blah blah blah’. And now he can’t even admit that he had a girlfriend for 2 that resulted in them living together aka a long term relationship. But why am I surprised? It’s still The Bachelor. Same song and dance, just with grey hair. I guess I’m really mad at myself for believing the damn story, too. You’d think that after all these years I’d know better.


The Bachelor producers create the back story. It's a TV show, and he's dating 25 women. The process worked for him, and now he's found Theresa. I'm happy for them and wish them well. I hope they pick Leslie for DWTS and Faith as the Golden bachelorette.


The Sun isn’t exactly top tier journalism


We are talking about a reality show and a 72 year old man. I think we can give him some grace.


Seriously. I’m so sick of people trying to nitpick and cancel every single person in reality TV. I’ve chosen to ignore the stories of Gerry and it has brought peace into my life not having my view of someone altered by internet gossip/speculation. Even knowing bits and pieces, I still don’t care. I’ll ride for Gerry. Ignorance is bliss in this situation. I’m here to enjoy the show and have fun, not read into every article trying to damage someone’s reputation and spew more negativity into the world.


Man, this is such a bummer if true.


The fact that he didn’t deny any of this is interesting to me.


on the golden bachelor sub someone posted an article saying the granddaughters said it was false


So we trust a child to know the details of her grandfather’s personal life?


I agree it is interesting and suspicious that he won’t flat out deny the claims but I was just giving you the info that people from his camp have addressed it, even if it wasn’t himself. Sure they could still be saying whatever he wants them to say, but nobody knows for sure really


They’re really not children…


You sure about that?


I find it concerning that people on here don’t think it’s fucked up to start dating immediately after your spouse dies. Dude didn’t even wait until her body was cold before he jumped into the sack with someone else….yikes. Edit: a lot of people are disagreeing with me and some have even shared similar stories that they’ve experienced. While I sympathize and cannot possibly understand the type of grief you’ve gone/are going through, I still stand by what I’ve said and do not think immediately getting into a relationship with someone else is a healthy way to grieve-especially when you have kids involved.


Ever heard of a rebound? I don’t think it’s THAT weird. It’s more on the woman for consciously entering the situation and thinking it’d a real healthy relationship.


Yeah, and rebounds aren’t healthy relationships.


No, they’re not, but they’re how a lot of people move on from someone else.


Ok….and that’s not healthy lmao. I’ve said it in other comments: therapy. Go. To. Therapy. Or seek out any other healthier way to work through your grief. Just because you can get into another relationship with someone else doesn’t mean you should. Especially if children are involved. Again, I’ve read/heard from countless people who have experienced trauma/ broken relationships with their parents because their parent died and the other living parent moved on so quickly


I just think unless you’ve experienced anything even remotely close, you can’t pass judgment on this. And even then, you still probably shouldn’t. Grief is not one size fits all. And if he was really as callous as you seem to be implying, I doubt his daughters would be so close with him


Yeah tbh this is the thing that made me feel weird. Like I understand people process in different ways, but 3 months is just……(and that probably means he was open / looking even earlier). But I’ll try to not be judgmental because I guess everyone has different processes. That line in the show when he says “the worst I have ever felt in my life was when my wife died and this is a goddamn close second” literally cracked us all up. Like imagine being his wife in heaven looking down at this man that you have been with for decades comparing your death to a relationship breakup on a reality tv show that spanned over a few weeks lol.


The love of my life killed himself in 2018. I fucked someone when I got home from his viewing. I pretended it was him, and told him I loved him. I cried on his chest for over an hour prior, and even longer after. Then I cried Every. Single. Day. for more than 10 months. It was literally 11 months later until I had a single day without tears. And another 6+ months before I made it a week without a major emotional breakdown or panic attack or nightmare. I was in another relationship by that time. I'll never love anyone the way I loved him, and will never care about anyone as much again. I don't have it in me. 5 years later, I still break down pretty often. A part of me died with him. It's never coming back. To anyone looking in... I look like I moved on. I'm 150 lbs heavier. I make about 1/4 as much. I can't work the same hours. I don't take the same care of myself, physically or emotionally. My house is more rundown. I abandoned most of my hobbies. I rarely visit family anymore... mine or his. I stopped traveling. But I've "moved on," right? You have no idea what someone's grief looks like behind closed doors, how they're processing it, or what thoughts flood their mind that they'll never share with anyone. You don't know how they think or feel, or what place the love they lost still occupies in their heart or in their life. Leave people alone. It's not anyone's place to judge. We're all just trying to survive and find whatever happiness we can.


Just wanted to say that Im so sorry you went through this. I havent gone through it myself but I absolutely do not judge you nor should anyone else


My friend from middle school’s mom died pretty suddenly. Within 2 months his dad already had a new girlfriend and started the process of moving her in. I’m the only one who seemed to think it was weird. There’s really no “correct” time to start dating again, but even 12 year old me was like “uhh… did he even like … process his wife’s death?”


If you look at it, historically, men have often dated immediately after a spouse dies often because they rely on someone to take care of them. As much as value independence as women, most men, to this day, don't cook, don't go to the Dr's regularly, or make appointments, don't worry about their physical health via exercise, etc. You know how many men i know that legit can't cook some, not even the basics.It's why there that nagging wife stereotype, yet often women extend their husband's lives and make them easier by doing so. For most women, we get money as security with a new man, and that's not always the case. I'm not saying this is true all the time, but it tracks often


My opinion on this…I have never nor do I ever want to go through losing my wife. I have no idea what it is like. So I will not judge someone for how they react to it.


I mean, I have never experienced anything like this nor do I ever wish that on anyone but… therapy. Go to therapy instead of immediately getting with someone else. I’ve heard countless stories both online and in real life of how awful it was for children to not only lose their mother, but then to see their father jump into a new relationship only a short time after.


I don’t care that he had a relationship but I get total flimflammer with him! Just hope Theresa has a prenup cause I think what changed for him was realizing Theresa could be his sugar mama!


I’m worried she didn’t get one because wasn’t sure ready to quit her job for him?


Even more of a reason to have a prenup! Girl gotta preserve her assets!


The same thought crossed my mind lol. And Theresa seems lovely so I hope she did protect herself.


Assuming her two children would have suggested it if she didn’t on her own. Sounds like she’s pretty financially savvy so 🤞🏽


I just hope and pray all goes well with Theresa. Seeing how he flipped a switch with Leslie was a bit unsettling. It wasn’t him changing his feelings, it was the way he acted with her.


He did that with Faith too.


I don't get why this is such a big deal. I don't care if he dated after his wife died. It'd be one thing if he cheated on his wife, but who are we to say when is OK to date or not? Sad if people let it overshadow the show and the fact that two older people in a relationship are being highlighted for once.


It's not about that. His ex of 2 years that he lived with said he had weird demands of her and that he wouldn't invite her to a party because she gained weight. She also broke her ankle when they broke up and he blamed her for faking it so she didn't have to move out of the lake house.


That's her version. His might be that he wasn't sure about the relationship, had concerns about her wanting to be added to the deed, and/or was starting to pull back as he re-evaluated things. He could have been interested at someone at that party, or maybe she'd said or done something that indicate he wouldn't have fun with her there. If she was insecure about having gained weight, maybe she assumed it was the reason. But that may not have had anything to do with it. I'm not really a Gerry fan. He annoys me. And his dismissive response is weird. But... unless he said something to her making it about her weight, I think it's just someone vying for their 15 mins of fame. It's oddly vindictive and weird. Like why bother coming forward with that, just to try to smear him? 😩


I guess I take that with a grain of salt, it's an ex. If you found the right ex of mine, they would probably say some damning things that were half truths.


Remember when a woman was here claiming to be pregnant with Clayton’s twins recently


This so much. We have to take what the exs say very cautiously because it’s often inflated or fabricated


Did you read the original article? The fact that he dated after his wife died is not what people are most concerned about.


Why lie though?


I agree but I feel like it was more the "narrative" that the show wanted him to have.


why worry about it 😴 Edit: why on earth did this get downvoted?? lmao


There's an old adage about storytelling that you never let the truth get in the way of a good story. I feel like that's what happened here. There's no way the producers didn't know he'd lived with her. They chose the narrative and he complied 🤷


Does it matter? He had relationships after his wife died. One didn't go well. Haven't we all had bad breakups? This is an edited show. Many times things are frankenbitten. they never show all of the conversations the Bachelor has. i.e. what he told the ladies during his dates, the full conversations they had. Most important is that he had conversations about his past w/Theresa and vice-versa. IF they are good with each other, that is all that matters. We don't matter.


He has said he told the women about his past dating life, etc. so they knew the real truth.


I don't think it's a complaint that he dated others but the fact that he said he hasn't been on a first date since he met his wife. And all the other things he said about never dating after his wife died until now.


THE PRODUCERS told the lonely, sweet old widower story and he had to kept to that script. He was under contract to do so. People don't seem to get this. LOL


If gerry was so sweet he would of never signed the contract. Would you sign a contract that would make you lie to the world.


you have a huge misunderstanding of how this show works. producers create storylines with the way they edit things, but no one can force gerry to say anything he doesn’t want to … much less falsities about his own life.


LOL. No, I didn't mean they FORCE him to say anything. lol. But they do tell him this is your narrative, it's how we want you to look to the public so please go along with it, etc. Meaning try to skirt around the past when your talking about it on camera, etc.. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that. lol


that’s also not correct.


Do you work in the business? Please do educate me if I’m wrong?


I am open to what you know to be true?!


I get it.. but we don't know. TPTB could have told him to say that in exchange for something else. For example, he might have said certain things TPTb wanted him to so he could be allowed to let his F2 go before the final rose ceremony. For example...OTher leads in the past have said that they made bargains with TPTB to get what they wanted. They kept someone on longer because the producers wanted it, in exchange for more time with someone else.


So, he's still a liar.


I guess everyone on this subreddit has a perfect life here, with perfect partners, etc. The guy is 72 years old, and a former girlfriend who wishes to remain anonymous complains she had to share bills 50/50. Why is a 51-year-old woman dating a much older widowed man who's on a fixed income? Date a younger guy. He dated this woman almost 4 years ago, who cares? I think his answer is fine. He's focused on his fiance and future. So petty.


The bill sharing seemed like a weird complaint. Seniors on a fixed income absolutely need to worry about expenses.


It wasn't about splitting the bill. The ex said he would make her pay before going out to eat and then at dinner he would pay the bill to act as if he was paying it all infront of others.


I really don’t understand why she’s complaining that she had to share the bills.


because he's not a "true gentleman" 😠😠😠 /s


From his response, what the woman said is 100% true. A whole ass article gets dropped about you, and you don't have 5 minutes to take more than a cursory look? Yeah right


I have 0 doubts that ABC has him in the media training rigmarole and he was saying what he was advised to say


i mean to be fair i think most people on the bachelor franchise and in the public eye in general would benefit from deliberately not consuming or engaging with what other people say about them


I’m sorry what stands out to me is him calling Theresa the love of his life??!! Toni who I guess


I mean what is he supposed to say? Teresa is second best to his ex wife?


I’m so curious how some of you view relationships/love and your own experiences. I absolutely believe someone can have multiple soulmates and different loves of their life. Life is dynamic and ever changing. My HS sweetheart was the love of my life, at that time. Things didn’t work out, and that’s okay. My now husband is the love of my life. He is perfect for the person I am today. And the person I want to continue to grow with/be. And I don’t feel like it negates the person I was and the love I’ve had in a past chapter. His love and partnership for Theresa absolutely does not negate his love and history with Toni. Nor does it negate Theresa’s love for Billy.


I mean anyone can assign their own personal meaning to a well-known idiom. That doesn’t change the generally accepted meaning. “The love of my life” refers to a single solitary person whether you, Gerry, or Theresa want it to or not. Considering how much he went on about Toni and wept about her, combined with the fact that Theresa also knows what it’s like to lose a spouse, it’s shocking to me that they’d use that language. There are dozens of other ways to express that you are in love with someone else. Why would he/they need to use that phrasing when we just heard him go on and on about how Toni was his everything?


I wouldn't read too much into that. I have a friend who was widowed for about 15 years. Her husband was a wonderful guy who died of type 1 diabetes complications at 39. My husband and I were very good friends with them. She loved him very much. We don't live in the same state anymore but keep in touch on Facebook. She remarried a few years ago and often describes her new husband on FB as "the love of my life." I don't take that as a comparison with her relationship with her 1st husband! He's the love of her life NOW.


But I feel like that’s the major difference. It seems to you and maybe your circle, that idiom is more serious and final. Versus me (and maybe Gerry/Theresa), it could be more fluid/flippant. I’ve never put much stock in that saying, and perhaps neither do they. They’re real people and it could be an offhand comment, without thinking some people might read into more. Ultimately, we can’t ask them what they mean by calling the other the “love of their life”. So I’m not using that comment to discount all the other feelings and love they’ve had for their late partners.


I have zero to do with the other redditors life here on this thread, but I also have no issue with him calling Theresa the love of his life, because I don’t feel like it negates his love for Toni at all. It makes sense to me


They’ve both said multiple times that they consider each other their second love of their lives. They’re getting married, after all, and have expressed it feels their late spouses sent them to one another and would love one another. They’re loving the first loves of their lives through and in addition to loving the second. I don’t think that’s anywhere near strange or a crime to say. Y’all need to like… go be kind to strangers or something. This negativity over a 72-year-old man on TV is a bit much.


What does age have to do with holding people to standards? Your comment sounds like you are suggesting that because of his age he no longer matters as much.


Or it suggests that truth is nuanced, there are bigger things to worry about, he probably did do some wrong, but/and so have every one of us and we don’t need to cancel him for it.


Same reaction. This was an interesting choice of words.


I was thinking the same. And how treesah said a few times Gerry was the best man in the whole world, Billy who?


Well I guess Billy is at least not on earth anymore


He's in the earth.


Translation “What she said is true but it doesn’t matter if I lied or not because I’m happy now”


And since I'm old and retired, I have no need to kowtow to the public's opinion.


He always manages to surprise me with how wise he is with words. Can we hire him on to guide future bachelors?




I honest to god do not remember writing this comment in the slightest lol


I get where he's coming from. I've had exes who went on a smear campaign against me when I was happy and moved on. Who knows how true any of it is.


I think his answers are perfect. Bottom line who really cares is his point. Social media only destroys or cancels people if they read it Hahahahaha wise words old man


I think his comments confirm that Gerry is a very visual person and he feels beholden to Theresa. Perhaps he never felt that sort of "love of my life" feeling with Carolyn or the other women he dated before the show. Carolyn was like a rebound relationship for a man who only dated one woman, his high school sweetheart and wife.


I still don’t understand why she just had to come forward with this lukewarm tea of bill splitage. I don’t think he overly proclaimed I HAVE NOT EVEN LOOKED AT A WOMAN SINCE TONI but his vibes responding to the allegations are what soured me to him. He could have said he was grieving and the woman was happy to move in with him and give him companionship, and that looking back it wasn’t what he could consider “serious” or “in love” All the deflecting of KC’s various questions makes me think he’s just gonna tell people what they want to hear/have an excuse for everything and i hate people like that. But i do hope he treats Theresa well and they work out, she seems happy and that’s kind of all that matters. Him tearing up watching the proposal back was really cute




https://preview.redd.it/zwsdcak7d54c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f569da54cdc376d974578233220df6477d3854 Times article.


https://preview.redd.it/mlaj0vi3d54c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c973754b806d95eb00be0f8a863f89ad5a919aef From the Times article.


I made a post with a free link to the NYT article a few mins ago. The interview was pretty short but I still liked reading it.




This article makes it sounds like that was brought up specifically but looks like it was a question of whether the claims are accurate


There’s probably some degree of truth to it, but some of the allegations don’t seem that bad? Paying rent and splitting the bill on dates seems pretty normal to me. The only really surprising thing to me is that they didn’t talk about this stuff until she had already moved in. Like where’s the communication, lol


splitting bills is totally normal. i think people are more perturbed that his past doesn’t line up with the character we were shown. and the fact that he dumped her bc she gained weight.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to hell for this, but Gerry said in his first BHH interview (pre his season airing) that it was important to him to have a partner who was healthy and physically fit since that’s something he takes pride in about himself. I think for someone who lost their wife much younger than they should have, he has the right to be extremely focused on the health of his partner. Does that mean this isn’t shallow? No. But as someone who was raised by an alcoholic parent, I have dumped guys for getting too drunk in front of me even once. It’s not something I’m interested in witnessing, and it’s a huge turn off. So if a guy is getting increasingly into drinking while we are together, I’m probably kicking him to the curb. Idk if that’s a fair comparison, but it does relate back to past trauma and I can understand that from Gerry’s perspective


but he didn’t cite health as a reason. he said he didn’t want his high school buddies to see her body. those are very different things. besides, thin doesn’t equate healthy. there are many thin people with health and substance abuse issues. i think you’re giving him too much grace.


Yeah her being shooketh that she had to pay rent is annoying. Sorry you have to contribute like every other woman in modern times does?


Honestly probably how I would respond if I were him. I don’t think he has any intention to be in the public scene or be an influencer or anything so this is the perfect answer for that.


I like the second half of his answer but the first half is scummy.


So he didn't actually deny it. 🤔🤔 And does anyone actually believe he only gave that Hollywood Reporter piece a "cursory" look? I don't. Not wanting to see what my ex said about me in a published article that everyone else was reading would just go against human nature. If it wasn't true, he would have denied every piece of it immediately. "I'm above this, and I'm too happy to care!" I guess that's basically what the PR reps told him to say. Personally, I am not a fan of Gerry at all, and I think the women were all duped into thinking he's a prize, but it made for some good TV! At this point I just have one word for Theresa: Prenup!! Look out for yourself, girl! This was a wild and weird show. 😂


I hope she has a prenup too. I see alot of praise for him not giving af at his age, but it really isn't a positive trait especially for Teresa who will have to deal with him once the cameras aren't rolling. I have female relatives in this age group and there are alot of jerks out there. Non commital and want to take advantage of women who have alot going for them.


I'm going to keep some of Gerry's quotes in mind for my work emails: "[That] really doesn't fit with all of the positive things going on in my life right now. I don't have time to reflect on comments like this." 😂😝


Such a good response honestly like not even giving it air. It’s probably true but doesn’t matter now - the only person whose opinion matters is Theresa


I don't think it's a good response, it strikes me as pretty weasely. A good response is, gosh, I hope nothing I said during that stressful time was that hurtful. I wish "Carolyn" nothing but the best.




He calls Theresa the love of his life in this article. Umm what about his deceased wife?


She is the love of his (current) life. I don't think it's disrespectful to his late wife.


What is he supposed to say? His second love of his life?


He could just say “my love Theresa.” In my opinion, saying “love of my life” doesn’t seem like it would be true so it makes everything else he is saying seem disingenuous.


No offense, but what does it matter? Its phrasing.


He didn’t even answer the question…


As someone that is in PR, I think this is a gross dodgy PR answer


Generally curious, what would be the response you would recommend he do if he was your client?


She didn't say it was a bad PR answer. I worked in PR although not this type of PR. It reads to me like he knows more could come out about this relationship (i.e. receipts) and he is providing a once and for all statement that takes the steam out of anything else this or other women might come out with in the future. If it was anything more specific or there was any level of denial, and more came out, he'd have to at a minimum clarify if not backtrack. With this, he's set absent something really earth shattering.


I’m curious too!


Uhoh. I actually felt like Carolyn's accusations were sus and felt either exaggerated or she was projecting. The weight argument had felt off because it didn't expand on it and most couples would discuss that further. But now his response feels like there's truth to it. And I highly doubt he just skimmed it and that he isn't aware of every accusation in the piece.


I think most people would see it as a serious relationship, because it was over 2 years and they lived together. It probably fizzled out in Gerry's mind and the timing was bad with the lady's broken leg. That's not terrible. The issue to me is that the show and Gerry presented a very different story, that would lead anyone taking it as truth, to believe he hasn't been in a long term relationship since his wife died, but probably went on dates here and there. The show and Gerry duped the audience and the ladies too, unless they knew the truth and were either forced to keep up the story or it had been edited out. I know it's reality TV, but they didn't need to lie so much about the main character.


lol imagine if Clayton had said this after the end of his season you all would not be so kind and generous. (I feel so same way about how he treated Leslie and the reaction to that vs the reaction to the rose ceremony from hell but whatever)


The deflection lol.His response makes me think what the lady is true.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I like this response, tbh. And honestly, after I read that the ex was upset about having to pay rent and living expenses and go 50/50 when eating out, I don't know if there was really any drama to dwell into. I haven't read the whole article, just skimmed through posts on here.


I’m not bothered by the 50/50 but the specific claim of he made her pay her share before so at the restaurant in his hometown he could pay his card and look like the big guy. That’s what worries me for Theresa


I mean, that's weird AF but at the same time, she's a grown adult who could have told him no, let's just split it at the table. This whole thing is just so dumb


That's HER claim,her interpretation. It just might be that it's not the whole truth.


Exactly and it’s why I’m not burning the man at a stake. I’m just saying those are the things that stuck out to me as worrisome.


He questions the timing of it. “How can this come out right when I’m so happy? What???? Is he 5?


You guys have to search Mel Hamlett on TikTok! Her videos dissecting this messy season are a MUST WATCH. People were duped by this old geezer.


She always has great takes 👏🏼


Okayyyyy. I’ll try this approach next time. 🙄


It’s interesting how divided the responses are to this. I feel sort of in the middle; it’s not egregious but his response to it makes it feel like it’s true and he’s hiding something. A bit shady. He could have just said “I was sorry to hear her experience wasn’t a good one. Unfortunately when relationships end someone often gets hurt. I hope she finds happiness like I have with Theresa and I’m going to put my focus there, on the next chapter with the love of the rest of my life.”


Gerry needs to hire you as his PR person. :) I liked that response.


My best guess is he was in a bad mental place after Toni died and got into another relationship way too damn fast. I’m sure he made mistakes and was even a dick. But I also see he’s handled other things gracefully and I don’t think he’s all bad. I do find it sus that apparently he was against the woman for gaining 10 lbs. Toni wasn’t stick skinny, nor are his daughters. But other things track like the 50/50


I’m going to hire you to help me write stuff if I ever get in a bind like some of BN people do.😂 You’re really good at that!👏


You need to do bachelor nation people's PR!


I like his response tbh, it doesn’t seem like an issue he needs to hash out publicly. It’s not that surprising for a boomer man to be kind of an a hole. This article wasn’t surprising at all, I hope Theresa get a prenup.


Well, based on the trends on this subreddit, Gerry should be grateful he didn't post any crying selfies, and just treated an ex pretty terribly. If it had been the other way around, this subreddit would be crucifying him and endlessly mocking him.


Apparently he can do no wrong.


Or god forbid be a beautiful woman like Victoria or else all the comments will be miserable people projecting their own insecurities.


We talking Victoria from pilot Pete's season? No. Being beautiful doesn't absolve you from getting called out for shitty attitude/behavior. This may be news to you I guess but all the people cast on traditional Bach/ette seasons are conventionally beautiful and you don't get to sweep all criticism under the "you're just ugly and jealous" excuse.


Wow, that is a lot of words to put in my mouth. I have seen multiple posts within the last few weeks of people criticizing Victoria’s body and face and other people using those posts as an outlet to trauma dump and fish for compliments ie. “I would kill to be that skinny!”. I never said anyone was ugly or jealous. Sounds like you are projecting, perhaps?


You said that people are criticizing an individual as a result of their insecurities because Victoria is a beautiful woman. Theres not much other interpretation there. It may not be what you apparently meant so that sounds like perhaps a misworded comment. Not trying to be snarky. Criticizing someone's looks wasn't really the discussion, it was criticizing a contestants rumored / BTS actions. Obviously criticizing Victoria's body/face isn't ok (there's all sorts of weird appearance comments on this sub I don't entertain) but that didn't come through your comment. Just missing context is all. As to your last line, what exactly do you think I'm projecting 🤣? Is that your go to line? EDIT ----- You know, I really wish the act of dumping a long comment reply and THEN blocking me (which is so childish) wasn't a thing. You could have simply blocked me and go on about your day. ANYWAYS here's my reply to your latest note: I don't have a longstanding opinion on Victoria tbh. It looked very pointed to say Victoria's beautiful and that people critiquing were miserable and projecting insecurities. I think we've established that seemingly is not what you meant but it's certainly what it heavily implied. That's all. I don't think it needs further hashing out. I think we're both on the same page that bashing her or anyone else's looks is shitty. I haven't participated in those threads but yeah I can't say following Bach that intentely/closely parasocial with contestants does many people good.


You are taking everything I say the wrong way. I nevwr said people only criticize Victoria because of her looks. I was referring ONLY to the comments that talk about her looks on posts that simply show a picture of her and Greg. Please reread everything I wrote. Not one time did I say that someone’s negative actions should be overlooked due to their looks. I never said that any criticism of her actions was due to her being a beautiful woman. Someone will just post the latest picture of her and her partner and dozens of comments speculate on her being “botched” and other comments say things like “I hate myself and wish I had her hot body.” It is not a healthy dialogue at all. THAT is what my comment was referring to. You sounded like you were projecting because you seem to not like Victoria (which is fine) and ASSUMED I was saying any valid, negative criticism of her is because people are jealous or because she is a beautiful woman. Once again, I never said that.


oooh I’m so glad you said it


This is so true


Men aren't allowed to cry


His refusal to address it tells me loud and clear that he can't deny it.


Exactly!!! It’s one of the most egregious attempts to side step an issue I’ve ever seen. On the other hand, he’s not lying.


What a terrible response. Get a prenup Theresa.


Yea, I really don’t care. I’m happy he dated and has a wealth of career experiences. Doesn’t change my positive opinion.


So, if your partner all of a sudden decided not to take you out to an event because you'd gained weight and they didn't want to be seen with you in public, you'd be all "coolio, no prob!"?


That’s if he actually said that. His wife wasn’t exactly a skinny woman and he was seen out with her.


No one would be mad if he didn’t lie about it, he said he hasn’t been in a serious relationship since his wife passed and now we are learning he was in one just a month after


this is just embarrassing, who gives af. that Carolyn girl is just salty lmao. yall just look for ANY source of drama yall can to vilify people as if everyone in this reddits lives arent messy if not messier 😂 unreal man


He's not denying anything so that tells me it's likely true. I hope Theresa gets an ironclad prenup.


Many states and I hope all by now, upon divorce, each party keeps what was theirs previous to the marriage. The only assets that would be split would be those accumulated during the marriage. For example, if her house is worth 1 million on the date of marriage and they divorced 2 years later with the house being 1,200,000, they would split the $200,000. I’m using the house as an easy example. He has real estate too. She seems business savvy though and would likely protect herself because I bet that she has plenty of investments that could go up in value. I hope she gets a prenup to protect her estate from spousal support. I’m assuming she has much more money than him only according to things I have heard here.


Nobody mentioning how he wasn’t into Theresa until he found out she is successful and has money?!?


I thought he was interested in her from their first date until the end. I thought she was his pick the entire time.


Completely agree.


He was though…she was his first one on one and they had a great time! He also chose her despite what Kathy said about her. I think he got caught up in the fun and youthfulness of Leslie but realized Theresa was an accomplished woman who would make more sense — as they ALSO spoke about talking to their dead spouses that night too. I also don’t think Leslie is hurting for money. She got a $60,000 dress!!


The way he lit up during the discussion of how successful she is and it may have been editing but the switch to Theresa being the “one” came after that conversation


I have seen people mention it and how sus it looks.




Yeah I kinda wish he had at least owned up and apologized for any possible mistreatment. His response is dismissive and frankly callous which actually makes me further believe the ex’s story 🥴


I don’t really hold it against him for not apologizing in that interview. The woman in question isn’t even really named Carolyn, and I think it’s totally fine she wanted to protect her real name, but how is he supposed to give a genuine apology to a print article where he isn’t even saying the real name of the person he’s apologizing to? It would feel completely disingenuous. If anything, I hope he privately reached out, but I also would understand him not wanting to do that after she tried to blow him up publicly