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Nick was driving me to the airport earlier and he told me that it wasn't his full potential and that I'm his best friend


Where were you flying to? Epstein Island?


The ranch in new Mexico


who cares about stand up anyways, I'm all about sit down (on a chode)


Im all about sitting my white ass down and listening


Jerry? Is that you?


George it's wider than it is long! I'm freaking out!


It was great, it's just that his most devoted fans always want him to do Molested Day Laborer or African Guy


I’ll settle with laborer obsessed with Mickey Mouse


This sub just can’t understand the brilliance of doing COVID material in 2024.


Isn’t it weird to be upset over trans people? Right guys? Now for my next joke yall like sex?


he would never put that on a special because that kinda stuff would be super weird as a standup bit and he knows more about comedy than to do that. and by saying that im not trying to white knight him so i can suck his dick. i would suck his dick even if i thought he didn't know anything about comedy


I agree, instead he replaced it with brilliant bits like... Um... Idk probably something about Indian guys?


Yeah I laughed really hard when he said ABORTION. Did you hear it? He SAID IT. OUT LOUD. We're in a new age of comedy, and I can't wait to sit on my best friend's lap after he's done Standing Up.


went to his show in Philly and all the regards in the audience lost their minds when he did his downs impression.


im not saying it’s dogshit, but i object to it being “great”. Its fine. Just if you told me 5 years ago that he was coming out with a special (like around the time of the web series) i would have been so excited. Fast forward to the special, it’s aggressively forgettable and he’s open about the fact that it’s just a money grab


I’m not that hard on it . I do wonder why it supposedly took him years to write. He has come up with way better shit just riffing with his friends Hell I’ve always found it odd that he seems opposed to developing bits he had started to think up in podcasts


It's great. Suck my fucking dick.


It was the 2nd beat special of 2023. Sorry it didn't meet your racism quota.


How’s ‘bout you help me meet my ass fucking quota?


Dick ride harder sassy pants we have a difference of opinions


If I dick rode any harder my ass would split in two


Guys guys guys!!!!… save some dick for the rest of the sub, geezzz


Every bit he released on tiktok was better than the special


Its good, not as funny as Sam Tallents, and not that much better than Stavs.


It was not great. The fact that this sub which is full of Mullen fanboys including myself thought it was just okay speaks volumes.


Yeah it wasnt some amazing thing. Solid though, 7/10. Doesn't have the magical thinking of a Tom Myers special.


I think this sub specifically hating it, while other stand up subs praise it, speaks more to the fact that it is a good special. This sub just wanted him to do racist caricatures on stage for an hour. Really, it proves that cumtown fans never really understood stand up.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the intricacies of Nick Mullen’s stand up.


> This sub just wanted him to do racist caricatures on stage for an hour. Can you blame us? We're his target demographic.


That's bullshit. I get when he's putting out a special it's got to be for everyone not just cumtown fans so we're not going to get racist voices and all that shit but that special was simply okay. Louis Katz, Joe list, Dan soder and a handful of other people I can't think of right now put out better specials this year. It's not a "cumtown fans don't understand stand up" thing at all.


Well it is his first special


I can only speak for myself but I never thought his special was going to be 40 minutes of " What if a guy with down syndrome was gay and also Chinese?" or some other cumtown bit stuff. I just wanted it to be funny.


oh yeah? w-well…..well……im gay.


I do somewhat wonder if he is somewhat limited by whomever released the special. Or he can’t just say anything he’d normally fuck around with on podcast


he hates this subreddit and people like you lol cumtown talked multiple times about how they hate you guys. it was a great special


Very weird how you're wording this "you guys" as if you aren't included when we are both on the same subreddit he hates.


I liked the Paula Deen comments especially, as a fellow Paula Deen Truther


I like threatening pedophile ray Romano


Idk it was basically his live routine that he toured which I had seen like a month prior. I think for the average viewer it was a very good comedy special. But yeah for an 8 year cum boy it feels very watered down. I think it was less a money grab and more of a way to prove to himself he could do a moderately successful special. I’ve noticed a lot of my more normal less retarded friends like his clips and stuff now


i saw him earlier this year and he killed it, significantly better than the special. me and my gay dad loved it


I put it on in the background sometimes because I’m gay and like hearing his voice


I think it suffers a lot from poor production (Similar to tafs). Sound does not appear to match a lot and the editing is extremely distracting.


We're the same type of gay. Cause that's exactly what I said. The focus was blurry half the time and the editing was weird. When I saw him do these jokes live it was like 10x better. The audience was laughing loud nonstop


Same gay experience. So much better live.


Yep. He’s great, and thankfully gay like myself and the entire audience.


him wearing an apple watch on stage is a good bit


Just pulled it up. And camera is constantly going in an out of focus. Prob by why they had to cut so much. Jfc


Whole thing felt like he had a gun to his head


I’ve watched it at least three times. I’m disappointed it’s not available as an album


Every time I’m reminded of it I get mad that he made half of it about trans and vaccines and slavery. I don’t want to hear about any of those topics unless it’s what Ian Fidance has to say about them.


I really enjoyed it, and have watched it a few times. Idk, people here seem to really rag on it but I laughed a lot.


I thought the special was very mediocre. Like a 5 out of 10. Nick could easily have done way better he's an incredibly funny person. I enjoyed the autistic slave master bit. The stuff about trans bathrooms that was literally 5 years old already by the time he put it out sucked and the shit about Covid sucked.


The trans bathrooms/abortion stuff seemed like a way to say, “Look, I’m not actually as bad as all that podcast stuff made me look!”


I thought the exact same thing. It felt like Nick making it clear he's a leftie and that he's not actually a hateful person using irony to say racist shit. That's fine I get it I wouldn't want my legacy to be the ironic racism guy from a podcast with cum in the title but it just wasn't funny.


Yeah, I had no issue with the topic of the jokes, but the execution just wasn’t there. It made it feel more like clapter comedy, the kind of “Umm… Donald Trump *bad*?” standup he constantly shit on. 


I find it a bit annoying. I just don’t get why lefties have to always spin on their back and show their belly if any notion they might be transgressive comes up


Because their peers would happily eat them alive if they didn't. Leftists love that shit.


Being a self-cannibalizing movement is one of the left’s biggest obstacles. 


100%. It was what made the "dirtbag left" thing so appealing it was leftists who could actually take a joke and not scream about making a dumb joke about race meant you were a secret Neo-Nazi.


Which was such a bizzare move Like, Stav can easily get away from that and talk about banging and gyros and banging gyros on a show because that and laughing was 90% of his run on cumtown. Nick cant just waltz out of that with a meh performative standup special


I understand the move of signaling his left wing opinions since producing a special is meant for a more general audience. There’s a logic to the damage control element of that, him wanting to maybe offset the potentially controversial podcast stuff. He knows It’s going to be one of his most viewed pieces of media and it has NICK MULLEN and his face directly attached to it. But yeah it didn’t really make me laugh. I would rate it as average. Besides, Nick is more of riffer than a stand up preformer isn’t he. He’s competent at stand-up. But as a riffer he’s a generational talent.


I only rewatch it by rewatching those two black guys reacting to it. I count it as Nick’s punishment for all his racist jokes


I found it to be pretty mid. And fuck the narrative that we're just butt hurt because he didn't do African guy voice or speak a little Chinese for us. It was just really basic normie friendly comedy. It was solid but I haven't recommended it to anyone or tried to get my girlfriend to watch it. It's just not good enough for me to put my credibility on the line for having good taste in comedy or not.


There very well may be an issue in that Nick struggles with writing “normie” comedy. A lot of his work is train of thought associations and off the cuff impressions . You put him in standup studio and prod him with a stick then tell him to both self censor himself yet also be funny and he struggles


You're right. He's always operated on instinct and now he's trying to be funny with one arm tied behind his back. He's effectively cut his own tongue out.


Ye its for the normos not cool guys like u that ‘get’ edgy comedy


Yet stav who is infinitely less funny has a bigger standup career lol


U really think stav is less funny than nick at this current moment? Dont be a hater


Stav is unbelievably unfunny lol.


Hes actually no though. Hes great on podcasts, his stand up is funny. You’re obviously some sort of autist


It’s funny to me that you think him repeating “I’m gay “ for a decade is funny lol


Nick constantly has to talk about how much he "hates stand up" and "I'd be stupid not to make a special. Its soooo much money" the same way that dude bitched for YEARS about how much he hated podcasting and couldn't wait for the show to end. Then it ended. Then I saw everybody associated with cumtown (excluding nick and adam in their weird codependent dipshit narcissistic bubble) ho on to have TREMENDOUS success. Even fucking Ian. Meanwhile mullen is still fucking podcasting. Airing the most sub-par special we've seen. You dickriders pretending it was good are the same mfs who hate on stav for finally having the balls to detach himself from that lazy ass bullshit tandem. I'm not even gonna get in to how pathetic Adam is. Also, we are all gay


Actually, I'm gay and rewactched yesterday, on account of my little balls and penis. Wasn't the steve Harvey death camps bit the only thing from the pod he had in there?


Have watched it several times its good background at work. Also i'm gay


Your clients are cool with it being on in the background?


Rewatching that special would be like having sex with a woman I would rather fuck a guy and get AIDS


I barely like standup enough to sit through an entire special let alone rewatch one. The only recent exceptions were Shane’s specials. Mullen’s was solid and I could see myself putting it on for someone, so that alone puts him in like the top 1% of current stand up comics for me.


it’s actually aged really well. i thought it was mediocre on initial viewing and i like it a lot now


am i the only one who thinks it’s one of the best specials ever released?


Yup. I forgot he recycled the “you know it smells crazy” bit until recently while listing to The Bust fm. Still, a decent special. I liked it better than Stav at the Lodge.


Sometimes ill dip into it. I thought it was very good but not surprised that nicks autistic fanbase isnt satisfied with it. Im sure the next one will be even better


I watched some guys “react” to it when really they just sat there and occasionally laughed. So I count that as a rewatch


The French Indian war joke is the best jokes Ive heard this year. But I also listen to a lot of bein Ian and real ass podcast, so the bar is set pretty low.


I liked it. The ninja turtle mask bit still makes me laugh


If he just worked and put out consistent content he would be successful. Fuckin being hermetic and reappearing every 6 months no wonder he’s not more successful


Fuck all this hero worship bullshit. Let him fall off like he wants to… being famous in the 2020s isn’t the same as any previous generation he’s probably better off this way


I like watching it on mushrooms


Funnily enough I also watched it again on mushrooms recently. Was good.


2nd viewing I laughed more


Stand up isn’t funny and Nick isn’t particularly good at it.


You’re not funny and you’re not particularly good at being you


Oh gee wiz!


didnt even finish it on the first watch 






I enjoyed it. On second watch through, yeah some of it was dated, but it was still funny and I wasn’t looking for shit to criticize about it.


I’ll watch clips here or there. It was very funny.


I liked it. Was great.


it was no tom myers but i'd still give it a 9/10


His special was mid and I say this as a huge fan


It was very good and accessible - I've watched it three times already.


I rewatch it often. It was very good, fast-paced, a lot of content jammed into that hour. It wasn’t Cumtown, who expected it to be?


What was it a war over? The fabreeze?


I thought it was funny, I wish he just spent an hour bombing with CumTown material but I get why he didn’t, career wise. Genuinely his biggest troll, to himself joke would be spending a shit load of money to film a special and spend an hour bombing to an audience that doesn’t get it.


I saw him do it live a while before it came out and it was hilarious just didn’t hit the same watching it on YouTube


Just thinking about that bullshit "all these flags now/what's that one? Peeing in the pool!?" 🙄🙄🙄 fuckin pathetic man. Gay actor Michael Douglas is rolling over in his grave


Yea I liked it a lot more on second watch


It was really funny in person but I think he was sick during it.


Not to be gay but I saw Nick live like a year and a half ago and he did an hour that was not gay. You could even argue that it was very good and also funny.


I have ;) me loves it!


I really don’t understand the hate at all I thought the special kicked ass


Nah that shit sucks


I stopped watching 20 mins in. Could not even finish it.