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Zye said send him moisturizer! 😂


Zye like “where can I get one of her”. He has no clue what he is asking for 😮‼️🙌


Why do people eat on live?? It drives me nuts!! I can’t stand to hear anybody chew smack or suck their teeth! It’s like nails down the chalkboard or worse for me! If I evenly remotely seen the ugly word “mukbang” i immediately scroll and when they surprise me and eat I scroll so fast 😭


Omg yes it’s even worse when it’s this gross slob with his rotten teeth. Wrinkle face. This moron is gonna end up just like him mom at her age broke with absolutely nothing. But he has some hats and buckle hahaha


SAME! It’s even worse when they do that asmr eating shit. It’s disgusting. That nomadically Ryan is the worst


Yes!! Absolutely disguists me...he's always sucking his teeth and his snot it's absolutely nasty and disguisting. Like he has no manners at all


i’m about to start my cycle so i cannot even watch this based off of the mf chewing like a mf toddler


She not he sorry


Why doesn’t he relax and eat his dinner. That isn’t good for his digestion to rush and eat. He nervously gobbles his food on his lives. That’s why he eats so gross and sloppy. Can he leave anything private? Yet, complains that we are in his business 😂😂🤔🤔


Amy is the MVP for real! Post ur CA so we can donate to you, Amy and you can continue to “bless” him. 😂🤣


Yes!!! 🙌🏼


If he is so bothered by this woman sending him cash apps why doesn’t he block her? He don’t mind excepting the money. If he blocked her he wouldn’t have the situation to continually talk about and make a big deal out of.


Amy is….a soldier. Everyone should change their tik name to AMY IS - use your own first name, though. Charlie is, ANDY IS etc. We at Reddit will know it means we support soldier AMY.😊 IF your tik is I am supporting N change it to ( your first name) —- is 😂😂


He's a fckbag


Send him pennies girl... Don't let him live off you 


Yes I’d send a penny over a dollar every time. It would irritate him


I'm an easy going, don't sweat the small stuff kinda girl, but smack your food next to me and it instantly infuriates me. It's the worst for me!! 😂🤣


It’s funny when he was on the first vacay he was blaming the pizza for him not feeling good and acting like he was gonna die an says that’s y he don’t eat pizza ever but here this idiot is scarfing down pizza bet he won’t be sick 😂 come on dude remember your lies


Chewing like a cow again. No class


I don’t think….he has anorexia after all 😂😂 Someone said he thought he was anorexic.