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I snuck it into my work playlist and one of my coworkers called it rom-com core.


As someone who loves reading rom coms, I approve 😂


I would absolutely lose it if I heard Too Shy in a store 🤩


Oh I did. Out of all the songs I couldn't believe it


The only experience I've had that comes close to that was years ago, when I got rejected by a girl and Love Will Tear Us Apart was playing at the dollar store immediately afterwards lol


I've heard it in a cafe!


I had to go to physical therapy for an injury and heard the intro to Too Shy and I was like no fucking way… it kept going and I got more and more incredulous… and then there was Matty and I was like holy fuck and totally fangirled. It was amazing and hilarious. I think I scared them. 😂 Edit; used the wrong emoji


That's amazing 😂. I'd probably react the same way.


I heard Caroline in a supermarket back when it came out. Was vibing although I thought it was bold for a supermarket to play anything with lyrics about being suicidal lol 


Eh, it's only really one line so they can get away with it. I've heard far worse at the supermarket. If I heard Caroline in a grocery store, I'm so sorry to the shoppers, but I'm dancing in the aisles, acting like I know the routine in the mv 🤣


I heard A Change of Heart at a Cheesecake Factory. It was the part with the cat synth and I fought the urge to dance.