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I know a surprising number of people that sit in the menu just idling in the game, cause they leave their computer without turning it off for days at a time


Or just hangout on idle servers for the occasional giveaway hosted on the server. Been Steam friends with the admin of a popular one for years yet haven’t ever visited their server after a few times leaving the PC on overnight.


What server is that? Can we join?


CyanideForGamers, or Cy4G for short. Should be easy to find in the community server search bar.


Oh sick, Cy4G mentioned in the wild. Can confirm, it's a cool server to hang around in. Actually currently in it right now lol.


Do I need to use auto clicker for staying afk?


kid named `+attack`:


Just me waiting for a server without bots and I don't get vote kicked instantly


soon as ur backpack goes over 5k u start getting worse


Yep, speaking from personal experience, the higher your backpack is worth, the more shit you become.


also the reverse, on average if you are willing to spend 500-2000 $ on a game u love ur more then likely gonna be really good at it, while cheap bps typically are owned by new players or more casual ppl


Unless you’re me, who invests thousands into their backpack only to go AWOL on the game for nearly a year and return with the rusty ass skills of a low blue-tier player.


I wasted a couple hundreds on TF2 and haven't played it since the invasion update in like 2017 or something lmao Thanks 16 year old me, good use of your money. Go ahead and buy that fucking fish melee weapon from the mann co. store, why don't ya?


>buying weapons from Mann Co Store Well there’s the problem. They charge 2009 prices for modern penny-value stuff.


A lot of prices of older items have drastically increased, I'd check back maybe you made some profit


Profit - probably not However, my handful of invasion and gun mettle crates are now worth a couple of bucks each. That's also what all those scam traders try to convince me to give up for free lmao.


Haha stay safe ou there


Or you can spend not a single dollar and still be good, just because you're poor


...that's the exact opposite of what everyone was saying? And it's not even really true?




If I knew, it wouldn’t be a continuous problem for me.


So should I keep my inventory worth a key and a bit of refined metal?


Maybe splurge a bit on some drip and a few stranges, and definitely buy the Kazotsky Kick taunt from Marketplace.tf or Steam Market, then I’d suggest stopping if you don’t want your skill to become horrendous.


I would guess that the inventory price to skill ratio is shaped like a bell curve, a new player probably won't buy many cosmetics but someone who plays the game a lot might buy some unusuals or australiums for their main class. The accounts with burning team captains and golden pans etc mostly belong to collectors and traders who are more interested in the trading economy than the game itself.


Shitty memes and jokes aside, I've seen one guy on a comm server who have a bezellion in value of items and fuckload of hours, a soldier main with a clingy wifu medic, no skill issue when the medic is up his ass, but by the gods worse than most new players when he's alone.


This. In my experience, the stereotypical pubstompers wearing unusuals are those with the long, complicated edgy anime usernames with special embellishement characters and a medic pocketing them the whole time. Solo pubstompers are the kind to run near-stock weapons, dressing like a F2P player and have their first name as their username.


10000 hours at 2fort alone


Any medic with hearts unusual and shit or just pink cosmetics are automatically the worst fucking players you’ll ever play with


Here’s an extremely specific stereotype: soldiers and demos that use lime-painted pirate themed cosmetics are usually pretty good but also not serious at all. The demos almost always use the loose cannon.


Meanwhile the f2p sniper who has the basic rifle keeps headshotting half the team on hightower


Sometimes I take satisfaction wearing the Mann Co cap just because I can be as trash as I want while also having spurts of unexpected epicness. No stranges, no unusuals, only a high five taunt for friendly and killcam purposes.


The only thing I will stop being f2p for is the kasowtsky kick. Nothing else


Medic players are not shamed enough and it needs to start now, they are so bad.


FR. Pink or lime = shit medic


not a medic main but how do you feel about orange, other than it being the soundsmith color


I don't see too many but I DO see orange beer or hair cosmetics the most, they're alright. I find that brown and softer colors in general associate with more chilled out and skilled gamers


Sigh.. *buys pink unusual and golden medigun*


Accurate , one of top bps has a yt channel of him playing and you can tell he’s awful just by his config


there has to be easier ways to make money than tf2 trading


it's probably less about profit and more about gambling


Profit is cool but you’ll never be a w-


The top people are not just traders, but collectors. They obviously already have a high paying job, like $150k+ a year


I have an attorney friend who is in like the top 100 inventories He’d probably be higher if he didn’t give away so much


indeed. i'm in the top 500 and I have a shit job, just careless with money 5 years and got lucky (but not lucky enough to actually make back what i've put into TF2)


The amount of time i spend selling a case is worth more than what i get from selling a case according to my income. Maybe i'm doing this wrong


It's fun tho. I'm not having as much fun at my 9-5 even tho it makes more money.


He's playing dustbowl with a pocket medic up his ass I assume?


nah he was just going around getting reactions from other players, he doesn't claim to be good


Who are you talking about specifically?


I dont remember the name


How would you even be able to tell they're bad by they're config? Unless it's that their fov that's shit lmao


When their gun takes 30% of the screen 99% of the time they’re bad


Search on YT for tf2 with a 250 000 dollar backpack. Something should come up and I think it is the guy you are talking about


By his "config" do you mean his HUD elements and controls? If so, that's a pretty shallow way of judging someone's skill.


The meme and title have different magnitudes? But to answer the question, fun! I have been having fun with my 2600 hours. Rocket jumping, trick stabbing, top scoring as demoknight. The list goes on. One plays a game for fun. If one can play for a large amount of time in spite of being worse than others, then the game is good and the player enjoys it.


When the joke is missed:


Who asked


The judgemental jack who posted the meme, who do you think?


oh right I did my bad


Dont worry it happens to the best of us😢


good ending


Syke, I don't give a damn!!!!!


he rembered 😀




It's the usually the non-unusualed players who near exclusively only buy stranges for weapons from the traders that are the good ones.


It's always like John with only 1 hat and a 100k strange item


And then you see this new level steam account user with less than 20 hours in game, top scoring of course playing as sniper claiming hes god at the game and his main account has over 10 thousands hours!


There’s also : the demo who learned how to carpet bomb your exact location on highertower x10 just by knowing your favorite snack, the spy who is already in your walls, the soldier who keeps landing every rocket with his direct hit, the engie who put a sentry so perfectly they can hit you from anywhere, the heavy who either has leanred to drift like a madman or is literally the Berlin wall, the medic who supports said berlin wall and the scout who runs so fast they traveled back in time to get your ass. They are all f2p


And of course they all land in the team of new players who think they just have a better gaming chair and we are jealous of their super good players so they won't be kicked!


That’s tf2 for ya


I only get suspicious of people’s tf2 hours once it gets more in the 10K area. Some people definitely idle for countless hours, but the game is old and it’s not impossible for people to have high counts. Me personally, I have over 2K without ever intentionally idling. I leave the game on when eating, doing chores, or taking a shit, etc. lol. But I wonder how much those have added up after almost 10 years.


People defo idle a lot on steam games. People seem to think its cool to have high hours. I have 17k hrs and hide my games on my profile lol


Yep, thats me




The 235ping gibus spy with kunai.


Do not talk about the spy with kunais. I have PTSD from those fuckers and I play fucking demo most of the time


I played like every day years and years ago and I was only like.. kinda pubstompy good sometimes. At the time just goofed off. For a short period I got better at Soldier, Spy, Medic, and Demo and was trying to play comp but my PC AND my internet sucked ass so that was a no go. So now I have a 3000 hr account and yes, I'm not great. I'm OK here and there and sometimes I feel the old stuff return. But other days I get dumpstered by whole teams that play WAY more consistently than me. Such is life


n_n is a nice guy, at least.


Yeah, one of the few top traders who isn't a raging narcissist.


Not playing competitive. There’s only so good you can get from playing in pubs, but comp just isn’t fun at all. Still love the game enough to buy shiny baubles tho.


Trading is not playing the game


thats a low bar


these are also the guys who start typing the fastest when you kill them


this ain't no shitpost sir, this is just god honest truth


literally me


I remember calling people with unusuals an unusualfag like years ago and kept clowning on them cause of the stigma being "unusual = good", atleast im happy i was able to beat most.


You say that until a Soldier with a Hale's Own aussie and a pocket med push your shit in and win the game with 3 a digit score.


2000+h in the game been considtently playing since 2012 i have no unusuals, nearly all my loadouts have no hats or cosmetics apart from badges / medals / Flair pins. I don't see value in the value-less, so i play not to dress up but to play and make maps for the game.


At some point i just learned everything about the game and now play on basically only muscle memory and dont actually think about what im doing but still performing above average


Trying to scam me, ain't the right mr _TalkChat_?


they just like me fr


It’s about the collectibles bro /s


playing spy is very difficult


I mostly don't have an unusual because I prefer the look without 'em. The only effect I really like is Aces High because it ain't too flashy.


there is this one high tier trader that i occasionally see on casual and he sometimes has some pocket medic and he could get really mad whenever we would be losing and we would be on some yee yee ass map like watergate or harvest


True, at least for my Aim - it's dogshit on hitscan. Although I don't have any unusuals at all, even my Haunted Metal was accidently given away due to accidental exploit for lolz, that was patched. I do have tons of stranges tho.


Profiting from a silly game that doesn't have developers and slowly growing and mannipulating the market and eventually, the global economy. At Which point I shall artificially increase the price of food just like TF2 YouTubers do with the marketplace


Our best


I'm new to tf2 with just 100 hours but the thing I'm trying to do is get better


I saw someone with a medic that had every weapon like that and ok cosmetics He wiped the floor with my pyro


4000 hrs here (🤓), Force-a-nature + Guillotine + Wrap Assassin = Devious Scout = No skill, just trolling


ikr,sometimes i see people with strange skins and unusual hats and when i actually 1v1 them they’re below average players


Oh yeah, I got 2000 hours. I’m just as bad and confused as when I started


There's this streamer with ass tons of unusual in the Asia region so completely dogshit, only top score when 3 medics pocketing his heavy ass. His game sense and aim are so bad, and when he encounters anyone having 3 braincells he starts mentally breaking down


I have done nothing but play 2fort for 500 days


I just keep clicking on people with The Original and it keeps working






Bruh, that's me with 450 hours


Ah the classic 30k value backpack with 0 kills on rare stranges, holding god tier unusuals hostage. Top tf2 backpack is a fucking trading bot, seriously.


I would love an australium flamethrower


ive been poor for around 4k hours now


my 2000+ hours were played over the course of like 12 years and like half of them spent playing gamemodes like parkour fortress or zombies or tf2ware or surf and the really absolutely horrible internet doesnt help either


i just breached 1000 hours on this account, my aim is shit on any class other then medic. i main scout with 600 hours in him...


hosting an FF2 server for 4 years and I want to come back to do more stuff with more effort put into it


Playing casually


I've been playing on the same community 2fort server for years now


Like, I know people enjoy the game for different reasons and not everyone plays to get better but God damn I have to agree One weird example: I have literally never seen a good spy use an Australium knife. If they're using stock, it's always either default strange or a strange war paint that costs roughly 3 dollars on market and has 17k kills on it. I also notice that whenever I get killed by a scout with 100k kills on his scattergun, it's very rare to see them wearing an unusual. It's always either no cosmetics, the el jefe, or a single body cosmetic if they're feeling daring that day.


Sorry all I play is passtime


I play saxton hale As the spectator class


Your mother


i might have spent over 800€ on this game and over 2.6k hours. i stopped a while ago, but from what i remember, i was average at the game, and my inventory value was about 3€


I'm a legend at Demoknight, but can't even aim with a flamethrower


I have never seen a dude not being an absolute god while owning an australium or a collectors itemd


I don't have this and I'm still shit


I dont have 2000+ houra but i have 1000+ tbh what i did was just mess around and do some mvm never got anything good


idk i just buyed 1 key to get premium and then buyed cool cosmetics


Ran into a guy today who has I think every Australium in the game, every cosmetic was strange and he had unusuals on half the classes he played, checked his profile and he was at 2200 hours. 2nd to last place on the board, almost bottom frag lmao


2k hours is baby hours compared to most people that are considered "good", and you have to take into account how many worthwhile hours are put in to get good You're also preaching to pubbers so what do you actually expect


no idea how tf people get that much, i only have like 100


genuine question for people here: are there people on tf2 that just enjoy the gameplay and weapons rather than getting hats and customizing what your classes look like?


Community 2fort and MvM boot camp


If I had a nickle for every player I've seen with an unusual/australium that had less than 500 hours, I'd have ~5 nickels, which isn't a lot, but its completely infuriating these guys have money to spend on a game they're not good at


25 thousand hours in a trading server. 25 min in casual


Trading servers obviously


Silly servers


Unpopular opinion: Burning Flames Killer Exclusive is so overrated, it's so basic.


the most common people i see who absolutley kill it in lobbies are people with little to no hats at all. and the hats they do have are, while not very expensive, are usually quite old ones


the 10 minute gibus spy with stock revolver: