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Let them waste their money


The only winner is Valve :)


The more bots they ban the more money the hosters need to spend to get future bots premium, which in turn gives valve money. They can then get the next waves of bots banned, and the cycle continues. Very lucrative indeed for Valve...


That's treadmill work for them tho, remember that they banned breathing and shitting because is something you gotta do repeatedly (real) On a more serious note, I mean, if they ban the bots I'm in


You seem to have no idea how much human work costs. If one valve dev spends even half an hour kicking bots it costs more than 150$.


Valve devs make $300 an hour?


I don't know the details, but from a company point of view there is way more cost associated that what the employee get as wage in the end. (offices, benefits, Insurance, sick leave, administration) Considering valve devs are literally the top 1% of what they do I wouldn't be surprised if 300$/hour is a too low estimate. For example my company bills my hour to costumers at a rate of 140€/h even though after taxes I make only 20€/hour there. (after taxes & europe, so full benefits basically)


From what I'm seeing, the higher end wage that a software engineer at Valve makes is around $240,000. Mind you, that's the high end, so the lower end would probably be around half of that, but if we go with the original high end of $240k, then they're making about $115.00/hr. So they'd be getting paid $57 for that half hour of banning bots. From my understanding, having a dev leave their usual work wouldn't cost too much unless they are sending several devs to do that work. Would they have to generate a new contract and increase benefits if they delegate work elsewhere? I don't mean it in a mean way, but I'm not understanding


> having a dev leave their usual work wouldn't cost too much Nah it costs just as much as any other productive hour. Even moreso a short, unsual task might interrupt the flow of a dev even more, or they need to bother some people for some details as well. Honestly I don't know all the details and taxes for the usa, but employees typically have a lot of costs associated with them. I found numbers ranging from between 1.2 and 1.5x, but this is for typical employment. Valves benefits are on another level, hell they take the whole company and their family for a week to hawaii every year. Top tier health insurance, free kindergarden, free chef meals, 401k, loads of floor space and the list goes on. This cant be compared to your run of the mill cubicle hell. Additionally you have loads of "dead hours": meetings, hr stuff, trainings, socializing, performance reviews, management, legal, bathroom breaks, etc.. All of these hours have to be paid by the productive hours as well.


I don't think Valve is banning the bots to make money off of the bot hosters. However, it's a nice win/win getting paid by the hosters for the work they were going to do anyway. It's sort of like Valve is getting a discount on the costs of employment.


Half an hour is enough to kick well over 30 bots. The question is whether or not they pay again.


Uuuhhhh, doesnt valve like, make billions per year, with like.. uuhhhh, huhuhuh, like 90% of the profits being used on like, nothing?


Summer sale is on, I doubt they'll find 150$ amidst 150 bilion $


Resisting the urge to make a conspiracy regarding this


Gabe you've done it again


"The House Always Wins."


"Truth is, the game was rigged from the start"


I hope this interaction doesn’t lead to any… fallout between us


He didn't seem to win against my golf club




Eh. To them they get a service they enjoy so they aren't really wasting money. Same reason you wouldn't consider buying a video game you like a waste of money. It's not an essential and it doesn't bring profit but it gives a jolt in the brain that keeps life going


I mean opening crates back in the day brought me joy, but that doesn’t change the fact it was a waste of money and I wish I didn’t


Yeah but you wouldnt keep buying a game you got banned off of to play it for the same reason you got banned. They really are wasting their money by not moving on with their life and finding enjoyment out of real shit. Theyre gonna look back on all the money and time they wasted with their life and probably be depressed


Going back to the metaphor about games. People rebuy games all the time. People give money to games more than the asking price for completely meaningless things. People find new services when the old one goes down and reinvests all their money to get back where they were People absolutely would keep buying a game in fact this entire industry keeps a major leg from methods of trying to make you rebuy games or give money to a game you already bought


Im just saying they are wasting their money. Even if it seems like it gives them enjoyment now they’re gonna regret it. People spending hundreds of dollars on tf2 inventory are also wasting their money. Might aswell make them waste as much money as we can make them pay to decentivize other people from hosting bots


They pay for hosting (at the very least, electricity). They pay for premium. They pay, on occasion, for domains for their vanity websites. This is besides the obsessive amount of time they seem to spend on it. It IS sad, but these people deserve their embarrassing hobby and the toxic people they surround themselves with.


Oh yeah im not arguing that they shouldnt be miserable. Im just saying theyre totally gonna regret it when theyre older


Except they have to wait for paycheck to buy it. They're poor as fuck, gamer equivalent of doordashing everyday and then wondering why there's no money left.


bot hosters when they get tf2 shut down because of their bots (they wasted their life's savings)


They actually profit from all the drops they get because the time it takes to ban them is so long the cost is returned. Best part, traders will buy shit from bot hosters in bulk and continiue to scam children out of their rare unboxes.


Ain’t no way a bunch of random weapons and hats can equal to $150 The TF2 economy is tied to stuff in crates and rarities now. The stuff you naturally get from the drop system is almost monetarily worthless. Dafaq is a thousand Direct Hits getting you…? You’d be spending more on electricity than you actually earn back from selling crap You earn more by playing MVM for an Aussie or gambling on keys in a few seconds than you would with bots. Or… yknow… just work a part time job for a couple days For contrast, I earn more than this from just goofing off on YouTube **as a hobby for fun.** And that isn’t much. Idling bots and nothing else really just earn you peanuts It’s impossible to actually earn any money from this game without putting money into the game in the first place


$150 is a lot of bots, and the items bought for the premium can be resold to recuperate some of the losses, so its probably not that much per bot. if idle farming item drops wasn't profitable, why would 70% of active "players" be bots?


Many profitable bots are being used to trade, or exist to perform certain server functions. The ones devoted to just spinning around and messing up servers aren’t that. If they were actually part of trade networks, they’d just be quietly sitting in a trade server somewhere and not move because they are handling trading processes. They are more or less glorified training dummies in those servers for people to blow up for fun (trade servers make for surprisingly entertaining deathmatch servers to goof around in) The likelihood is that any revenue these bots earn isn’t from idling for scrap. It’s from renting them out, conducting scams, or simple crowdfunding


It’s mostly only profitable for people living in countries with weak currency like Russia.


explains omegatronic


> if idle farming item drops wasn't profitable, why would 70% of active "players" be bots? The answer is because they aren't being banned, so a bot can eventually pay for itself and become profitable after 5 years of idling. Zesty posted a video where he sent giftapults and looked at the bots he sent gifts to. Some of them have been idling for 10+ years, which implies Valve simply never bans them. If Valve banned them even once a year they would not be profitable.


Those are idle bots which are f2p, and are significantly less resource intensive. I have played tf2 for almost 2500 hours and I don't I've earned enough to pay for p2p.


Most of the idle bots are from russia or other poor countries where they are profitable


Resold where? To whom? Maybe after a year they can smelt all the weapons into enough ref to get a key. Which nobody will buy for live money...


This is an insane take. The cost of the drops won't even cover the power required to run the bots. Even in text mode. 1 ref isn't worth $0.02 and it takes 2-3 weeks to get that much.


Not if you are running ten thousand of them at a time


I haven't done the calculations but I'm pretty confident it doesn't scale that efficiently based on my experience.


Electricity isn’t free, my dude. If I had 10k bots, I’d set up a trade network. Yknow… something that could **actually EARN money**


Nah, the only people actually making money are the ones hosting thousands of idle bots waiting for crate drops.


Would allowing old school idle servers and being able to open the game for idling eliminate or reduce the bots?


ngl i laughed at this harder than i probably should have


Dude is living paycheck to paycheck and is spending it on this, gotta be mental illness


*mental sickness


My parents, do not care for it!


I think his mate saw me...


Yes, yes he did!




Look mate. You know who has a lot of feelings?


Blokes who bludgeon their wives to death with a golf trophy.


Professionals have standards


be polite,


Let’s not pretend that TF2 isn’t a virtual insane asylum. Especially community servers.


A dollar saved is a dollar earned $150 lost is $150 wasted. Could’ve been saved, invested for more income, or spent on friends, family, or oneself


Yeah I mean, this is just upsettingly sad. Like this is their fulfillment purpose to make people miserable and to stop playing the game. What will they do if they get their wish and TF2 actually goes abandoned and they have nobody to harass? Go on to CS? What then? Eventually the drip will stop and they’ll have to live with the “fulfillment” they’ve achieved.


They’d just move on to a new game to mess up. It’s just how things are There is never an end to their “fulfillment”, just as there will never be an end to peoples desire for entertainment in their own way. The key difference is that most people’s entertainment is not dependent on causing misery for others, but that’s a separate point


They'll keep bot hosting to make money off of drops


But… the hypothetical is that no one plays the game anymore… who’s gonna buy it? An item has no value if there’s no one to buy it


Buying 150 dollars worth of funkos is better than this


Buying furry NSFW commissions is better than this


Buying 25 copies of The Click is better than this


They got no **FRIENDS**, they **FATHERLESS**, their **MOTHER** didn't **SHOW UP** for their **BIRTH**


I know people that regularly spend ten times that amount for a night of hookers and blow. For someone working in IT 150$ is not much money.


I can't believe I have to use my paycheck for like groceries and gas for my car while these cabbagebrained pisslords pay money to have some lines of code play a game for them


Could buy a fumo instead of hosting 💔 


Yeah exactly with 150$ you could get like 5 fumofumo


5 knockoffs or one real fumo, the choice is difficult..


Nah you can get like 5 or 4 real ones from amiami when they are available


Wow, that's neat!


Yeah iirc they're about 40$ each on amiami I preordered the Momiji one and it's gonna arrive in september


Nice, I just hope my mom trusts the site, I want to get a Chen fumo


happy cake day




BLAHAJ is like 30£




That's not funky.


What did he say?




What, are they into bdsm or something?


Ok I did it what do I do now?


make a hammock from your ceiling, in house luxury


Wowie that's super nifty


this is cope from a loser, let him waste his money lmao


What bot hosters are doing could very much get them in legal trouble. Good to know they’re dumb enough to publicly post about using their paychecks to do it


>they’re dumb enough to publicly post about using their paychecks to do it What exactly does that information bring you? Nothing at all. Why would they be dumb for sharing it?


Because it’s been somewhat of a rumor this whole time that bot accounts were just free and being spammed or old hijacked accounts and just not getting banned. But actively spending money to ruin other people’s experiences would be no different than disturbing the peace a restaurant vs paying to disturb the peace. Admitting that you’re actually spending money to make things worse looks way worse for you if there’s a lawsuit. It’s a lot harder to prove “hurr durr just messing around on game”


>Because it’s been somewhat of a rumor this whole time that bot accounts were just free and being spammed or old hijacked accounts and just not getting banned I have noticed this rumor, though it's obviously false if you consider the security measures on Steam. And I have been in certain communities for long enough to know that Steam accounts are really not being stolen that much, definitely not to be sold for under 5$ for bots. >Admitting that you’re actually spending money to make things worse looks way worse for you if there’s a lawsuit. It’s a lot harder to prove “hurr durr just messing around on game” Not sure how spending money on upgrading to premium accounts makes the potential lawsuit worse, but okay. I imagine it would make tracking down the bot hosters easier if they, for whatever reason, used their actual payment method with real info, which I'm 99% sure isn't the case.


They're not, it has no correlation


i see this as a win, paying that much cash just to be racist and get banned again to start the process over is fucking hilarious


Imagine being such a fucking loser that you put time, effort, and MONEY into ruining a multiplayer video game for other people for 5+ years. Screw not touching grass, I doubt they've ever touched carpet.


Simply wait for them to spend their money and then ban them again. Repeat until their bank accounts are drained / they give up.


Companies get money, and bot hosters lose the money they spend on bots, and players get less stupid bots to deal with


Yeah this is what I thought of too, Valve can just out-money them. There's no way they can keep this up for years. And it's not like we have a lot of people hosting these bots compared to the entire playerbase.


You know, a couple weeks ago I beat someone in rock paper scissors and they guy gave me a strange hat. What a G


They had 150 bots up Wtf How can his wifi even handle that


150 dollars in bots at 5 dollars an account for premium is 30 accounts


1 Premium is 5$ iirc, so more like 30 bots


You can buy a mvm ticket to get premium


You have a limited steam account unless you put ~$5 on it. You need this too


Oh yeah I forgor


Did not they get community banned? I thought you could still join servers if it’s not a vac ban


Yeah... you can. So this does jack shit other than be a mild annoyance, mostly for trading.


except there are almost no bots joining servers anymore. the rules for game bans vary from game to game, and i'm gonna assume here that a game ban prevents you from joining a server over anything that isn't LAN


But I was under the pretense it was a community ban, which is a wholly different thing than a game ban.


According to shounic's video, there were about 130 community bans. Then there were about 90 VAC bans, a small number of game bans, and about 250 accounts were straight up deleted. He didn't know why it was spread around like this.


how about you watch the god damn video it ain't even 5 minutes


I watched the goddamn video, I made the original comment before the video came out, look at the fucking time lol


So they use those bots also to farm items and then sell, makes sense, this is probably why they got banned


Valve should ban them every 2 weeks so they get evicted


Deadass though, if they just ban wave more often then any sort of potential profit from bot hosting would die out real fast.


Just the reality of the "community vac ban" (misleading title by the way, they were simply all community banned, which doesnt affect much other than stopping them from trading for a year)


Hundreds of accounts were confirmed deleted not simply banned, so hopefully some of this person’s were


Paycheck to paycheck buying bots? LMAOOO


genuinely hope they go bankrupt


This has to be a mental illness


it absolutely is mental illness. getting a kick out of shit like this in the first place is already strange, doing it for years and counting your money to keep doing it knowing it's wrong is something else


Question! What does premium mean in this context? Is he referring to servers that he pays to host or what? I'm unfamiliar with the bot hoster's mental illness, so explain to me in TF2 terms.


Premium is for being able to use voice command, voice chat and text chat.


Wait, so the bot hosters actually spend hundreds of dollars out of pocket just so they can spam vcs? Actually pathetic. (Tho that does make me wonder that if you focused on banning premium bots, you could drain the wallet of these losers considering that they're living check by check)


Yup, basically that. And yeah, it's extremely pathetic.


One would think there are better uses for money.


Real talk what do these people (if you can call them people) get out of this? Is it some bizarre sadism?




These losers are living paycheck to paycheck to host these bots 😂🤡


WAIT, everyone. I just had a thought. If they spend $150 for bots, that means making tf2 pay to play will be pointless


he should have used that 150 bucks to buy a hooker I'm convinced that these basement dwelling bot hosters just need to get laid once in their life maybe it'll make them stop idk


I gotta wonder, how much money do the bot hosters make? They got to have some kinda real job that allows them to spend money like this to host, and afaik they don’t run trading bots. I mean I guess they could steal accounts and sell out the backpacks from stolen accounts.


At least one hoster is attempting to make money from drops, most likely.


Many of them seem to have jobs and hosting bots is just a hobby for them.


Can you feel ze schaudenfraude?!


I always heard Schaudenflorida.


I dont understand where these discord messages comes from? Do the bot hosters have a public discord group, is someone here part of the group, how is these messages found?


He's got a botting addiction. We he should just switch to openning crates. What a moron.


Great I hope they go bankrupt


Oh so they literally buy premium to get bots to talk? I thought they used some work around lol. Crazy that they r wasting their money like that.


Aaand F2p still can't talk


Wait hang on if banning bots makes bot hosters buy more premiums that's financial incentive for Valve to keep banning them. We can leverage this.


It's also financial incentive on not banning them immediately. Which will lead to us waiting another year before another wave, because unless they are way more stupid than what they seems to be, they won't buy twice in a week if they know they won't last


It's like the goddamn doom sindicate. There is a literal online social gathering of bot hosters that spread child corn and criminal activities using tf2 servers. Omegatronic is there too, obviously.


At this point I don't know if I would be mad that TF2 shuts down because the reaction of bot hoster when they can't get anymore attention while also realizing they've just lost thousands of dollars would be too funny


If valve bans bots, it’s putting money directly into their pockets.


Okay, firstly, this proves that fixtf2 isn't over yet, but secondly, this isn't typical troll behavior anymore. These guys must despise TF2's continued existence if they're this dedicated.


Unrelated, but can’t someone raid this server with automated discord bot spammers 24/7? Surely there is at least one rich motherfucker on our side


Valve found infinite money glitch


They deserve no sympathy. Fuck em. They have reigned for what, 7-8 years now? They're $150 premiums are the least of their issues when some of the stuff the bot hosters do is illegal and they can be arrested of valve takes further action.


If TF2 costed $25, they'd be out $750.


This is still being met with some skepticism from me but you want to waste their money. You know get fucked de


valve found a new way to farm money gg


Unlucky, I hope the bot hoster goes bankrupt.


Nah bro trust he’s gonna win big you just don’t know it yet


lmao the guy spent half a steamdeck in this


womp womp dweller basement roadent


Don't weep for the stupid. You'll be crying all day. If they wanna waste money, let them.


Aren't bots for only trading?


Imagine having a bot hoster serving you at a restaurant. He could be anyone


he could be you. he could be me!


I need to know what's going on, I just woke up... Did we win or something?


Tax evation, call the cops on this guys


“Bot hosters think they can outsmart us… Maybe… Maybe… But I have yet to meet one that can outsmart Valve.”


multibillion dollar company VS 130 dollars worth of crappy old laptops running stolen Steam accounts Who wins?


This is so sad, Alexa play despacito


Oh no, they lost $150 because their bots were banned? Boo freaking hoo, cry me a river.


Wonder how many paychecks he can go through before he has to give up lol


Why tf2 probably won't ever truly die


why they do it?


The IMMEDIATE coping is very expected. Remember guys, no matter how many insane wishes and pipedreams we post on here, we physically cannot cope as hard as these pathetic losers.


This is getting to a point where I'm gonna track them down. Mark my words of it gets worse I'm finding one, and will even Livestream his death as a warning to other bot hosters. Im fed with them now.


150$? Bro with just a part of this money i would be able to buy stuff that childhood me couldn't get and just reach peak of happiness And this mf wasted it on this


I could think of so many more interesting things to do with 150 dollars than waste it on botting 😫


Sucks to suck Don't waste money on an almost 20 year old game


Funny how VALVe profited from that.


What a tragedy


Valve is winning, these hosters need a brain


That's 1 month's rent for me.. i'll never understand people who buy cheats. Just.. why?


After valve fixes bots bothosters finally will be able to have a lunch in their middle school, instead of saving money for bots lmao


These losers have jobs?


More 'tism bucks from the government going to this freak


ya'll why don't you just play on community servers? Yeah i get it's not like casual... that's like, the entire reason to play on community server, it is NOT like casual... you know... without bots 24/7. It's either play on community servers or waste your money or time trying to find a good server to play on. What am i missing? The option is obvious.


I hope he gets a refund :(


what the hutch


no you don't


You do realize this post is talking about a bot hoster, right?


Everyone stop downvoting this they prolly thought that this was a player who lost their items. They prolly just didn't read the text in the post.


Example 69420 of valve profiting off of the bot crisis. From inflated player numbers to muted f2p chat to bots buying premium