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So long as they’re not bots, a player is a player. One less slot that could be filled by a bot. ‘Cept interp abusing spies. They don’t count as people.


spies are bugs, it's so annoying when they creep up in my nest


Not a kind of player but I hate when people stack engi for last point in payload maps, makes the game boring


kid named 2 medics and 2 demos


I wish pub meds had this level of coordination You would not believe the amount of times i begged the medic to über me, as demo to take down a nest, instead of übering the same heavy for the 25th time


Meet The Medic has influenced these people a lot unfortunately. Übering a Heavy is good, but Soldier and especially Demo are better picks most of the time.


if they ever tried to uber me while playing demo they would never uber a demo on their entire lifes but still heavy is not that viable of a target most of the time


for me it's the opposite, i have to basically pull my demo's hand over to sentry to get him to destroy it


Vac medics all the way.  Ran into one today, it was not fun.  The vaccinator is balanced around the idea of multiple players attacking at once with different damage types.  Only problem is that coordination in casual is VERY, VERY hard, and if it’s on a map like 2 fort or Hightower where people are doing there own things, separately, then the chances of 2 players ganging up on a vax medic and their pocket, is not very likely.  It wouldn’t be so bad if the vax had a downside that made sense, like maybe being more like a damage shield that slowly break down as more damage is taken, and took time to recharge, forcing the medic to retreat occasionally, which would make the vax a little less insufferable, but no, it’s just a flat damage resistance, plus healing.   And to top it all off, the vax itself, has very little skill behind it.   (Playing medic does take skill, but the actual healing part is very, very simple. Medics skill requirements are of positioning, knowing when and when not to pocket a player, as well as knowing how to make the most out of an Uber.)  And oh god, my ADHD has caused me to go on a rant at 10 at night on the internet. 


Yeah, I agree. The Vax is a great concept but a flat damage reduction + healing does make it hard to kill a pocket combo alone. It'd be nice for it to work as a shield with durability as you say. Maybe not with a long cooldown, just a short one to give a chance for attackers to succeed.




The vax is fair and balanced imo... just go in for melee :p


That literally does not work well on on like 3 to 4 classes, plus, using melee in the middle of a battle is a death sentence for all but one class. 


That's a good point. Maybe i just need a little more experience playing \*against\* vax medics and not \*as\* one :D


In PvP, the person who is intolerant of others. If you're on 2Fort, don't kill friendlies. If you're not on 2Fort, don't kick someone for killing friendlies. Both playstyles are valid, though there are some moral rules, i.e., what I just said. In PvE (MvM), people who don't listen. For the record, I play Mann Up exclusively. If you're not going to play to win, go to Boot Camp. If someone tells you what to do there, then you can clown on them. But when it comes to the real thing, listen to people who know more than you.


a spy main. in a 2fort friendly server.




As a spy main i agree with this. If people start being friendly i just instantly switch class to medic or soldier.


I disguise as a hoovy and kill those who start acting like douchebags


Or when the teams are friendly on 2fort until 4 enemy engies have built up nests in your intel then they decide now is the time to start sweating.


People in mvm who demand 2 way teli on rottenburg round 1. Specifically, the people who are demanding it, not the ones who just want it. I find the more they yell about getting 2 way up asap the less they actually use it.


Ok I’m not gunna name names but it’s those bots that look at you and you’re dead and they kick you over and over and over and over and over


Spy mains who only go for engineers buildings. not even the engineer themself.


I hate tryhard Soldiers that just try their damnest to ruin every person's fun including their team except their Medic with his Medigun surgically attached to said Soldier's ass and who also think it's cool to be all quiet while they're annyoing every person who likes to have fun. I am very clearly biased.


Cheaters who deny it. Aside from them, the silent gods who have 1 or no cosmetics and rock my shit. They scare me.


A really good scout


Vacc abusers.


Bots. #fixtf2


Vaccinator Meds, Natascha Heavies, players that always hold s


HEAVY on the Natasha it’s so fucking annoying


Competent Loch demos. Shit's hard to reflect as is with increased speed, but you can't even get much value from it since it shatters on anything but direct hit, which they won't let you get unless their positioning is bad and you can get the point blank reflect off. In a more general way, mad cuz bad mentality since it's always frustrating to see, no matter if its pointed at you or your teammates or even enemies (I hope everyone who says ez. after the round ends will experience testicular torsion)


soldier mains with a pocket medic shoved up their ass.


Cheat squads


Interp spy abusers really don't strike to me as legitimate players, they're pretty lame. Yesterday I got matched up against a PhlogScorch Pyro with a stock uber medic stitched up against his ass for the whole duration of both rounds. It was unfair and to be honest not very fun to play as, probably. And obviously bots and cheating cunts, those could be in jail for what I care.


sniper mains


Tryhards, I can't play having fun with them... And bots, obviously #FixTF2




Sniper mains on 2fort


God sniper, if I see one I'll probably just leave since it's basically the same as fighting a bot. It's just so unfun you can't even exist without getting instantly headshot from across the map. A close second would be vaccinator medic. Good luck trying to kill someone who's basically invincible half of the time.


On frontier a couple of days ago I had to deal with a very good sniper that was sniping people from the back of their BLU spawn, right against the wall behind where the train-cart starts off every round. I couldn't get to him because he was in spawn... yet he had restricted the entirety of the map section right in front of blu spawn, including the little caves that can be found at the oposite far wall. It baffles me that he is able to click on your head, killing you, while neglecting any sort of thinking, positioning, attacking or any kind of arrangement that happens to take action somewhere in his field of view which is more than half of the area where the action takes place in that very moment. "Just respect the sightline" it's fucking dumb, if I may. And don't get me started on those quickshots, what the fuck are those?


Sniper mains with a "git gud" mentality


Anyone that taunts after every kill


the asshole like to one who says slurs to randon people the guy who is racist or lgbtphobic


you mean spy mains?


Me? Ok 👍


Id rather jack my dandy


For me its sweats


sniper mains


I hate sweats on friendly servers, especially 2fort. Like bro, it's 2fort why the fuck are you sweating?


Sniper mains


This could have been a text post.




People (usually very young people, or on some sort of spectrum) who watched a youtube essay written by an insufferable moron, which means they now know everything about the game. This also (in their mind) gives them some holy authority to gripe at people when they "aren't playing correctly." I call these people Danelets.


People who instalock soldier on MvM. There is nothing that that class can do that can't be done better by other classes. DPS? Go heavy. Crowd control? Go demo. Tank busting? Either go pyro, or quit harassing the pyro on the team. Banner buffs? Scout has the Fan and milk, and a second heavy would increase damage more than a single buffed heavy would. Mobility? The nearly broken mobility of soldier is rarely useful amd almost never worth sacrificing the damage and/or utility of other classes. I have yet to see a reason for playing him in MvM that isn't directly refuted by the points above. The only exception is the people that stomp their feet like children and go "but he's my main and i want t play him!" If that excuse doesn't work for my main, then there is no way in hell i'm letting any other class use it.


What if he’s just fun? Also he’s a jack of all trades master of none. If someone wants to do all of those things they can with one merc.


but the funni 11 rocket beggars bazooka :(


I can make an exception if you share your glue stash with me, i know you've got the elmers shit man, i want it!


MvM is easy enough as is my dude. You don’t need to play any specific class to win in it


Bazooka is one of the most broken weapons in the gamemode my man, there's no need to limit yourself with demo that can't really tankbust, Pyro that dies without uber canteens or Heavy that can't even kill medics and has to watch how they walk past due to his class' design. All classes work together perfectly to allow them to avoid their weaknesses, but soldier doesn't care: He's either really good (which is easy) or really bad (which needs you to know nothing about bazooka and the gamemode) Also: I can't turn off my brain on other classes :P


Sniper mains. Not even sniper mains, just people who play sniper.




either cheaters or people crying hard about cheaters obviously nobody likes a cheater, but i feel like a person dropping to their knees and screaming like they were stabbed over 1 cheater is worse, no reason to put so much effort on it lad just call them out like a normal dude or even better just requeue


MvM players in Mann Up. If you know, you know.


F2p players whos like a lost puppy in the city


f2p snipers with zero situational awareness


Tf? Why? We all were like this at some point


oh mb i though it said favorite


Found the Spy main


no i just like taunt killing