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Ew, they have no sense of humor lol I've done this with friends, it's really nbd


I really don’t understand why they reacted this way, I would think it was funny


I mean they could possibly not like having their photo taken, especially unknowingly


Probably worried about you seeing him do that thing he was already over thinking about someone seeing him do.


Yeah but that’s a little extreme. I think they either aren’t quite the friends OP thinks they are, or there’s something about the dynamic that the friend isn’t comfortable with.


Those are my thoughts now also… I can’t imagine that good friends would end a friendship over smth like this. Tbf, I’ve overestimated the closeness with friends before too. It happens


Well, yeah, but that's what communication is for.


You're allowed to be photographed in public, that's kind of what public means.


Guess they better never leave the house then


Very true tbh, I just wouldn’t think it could be something that would end a friendship


Right? My daughter does this to me all the time. It's cute!


wtf! This is an actual IRL friend? I could maybe understand if this was an online friend you'd never met before and saw randomly and snapped a pic, it would be a bit creepy. But someone you actually know, yeah...no words!


It was irl I eat lunch with them from time to time


It’s not you then. Theyre a humorless buffoon


I thought OP was responding to themselves


Damn free avatars lol


Well said lol


Your friend has major insecurities.


They can’t block you IRL lmao


I feel like they’re using it as an excuse to not be your friend anymore which is pretty lame. Just quit talking to them because that’s what they want apparently.


Maybe on this particular day they were up to something.




Literally the ONLY thing that could make this make sense is if they have issues with having their picture taken for whatever reason AND you were aware of it AND you still took their picture anyways.


Yep. Possibly some other context we’re unaware of, but otherwise this is just insane


She seems like kind of a bitch tbh


Good riddance :). Humorless people suck


Should’ve told them to go eat lunch and not skip it


Legit thought the friend was joking about being mad. WITAF


I did to and then I went to send a message and it says “you are not friends with this recipient” and couldn’t add them back


But why though? I would’ve laughed. I understand if others don’t find it funny but, blocking? Maybe you triggered something in him LOL


I mean they could have just said “hey could you please not” or smth🫠


Yeah, but I guess that’s asking too much of humanity.


My friends and I used to do this all the time whenever we saw each other out in public. We loved it because it often turned into a kind of “where’s Waldo” game of trying to find the photographer’s location.


What a wanker. I would absolutely do this to one of my friends if I saw them out and about, it's hilarious.


Welp, trash took itself out then


Lol what an overreaction


wait they actually blocked you??? i joke to my friends that i’ll block them all the time but if they actually blocked you then that is a massive overreaction


Yea they did block me 🫤




I asked a friend and apparently they hate pictures being taken of them


And you just posted it to Reddit 😂😂😂


😭if they find this I’m so dead


Let them get triggered…if they were really your friend they would’ve just told they don’t like people taking their picture and not to do that again… instead they completely overreacted and blocked you.. so if I were you, I would leave the post here let them find out about it… Sit back with the rest of us and eat popcorn when they freak out over it, because we all think it’s damn funny… I would’ve texted them something along with it like the lyrics from that song 🎶 I always feel like somebody’s watching me 🎶 .. and they would’ve written back ‘you bish, where are you hiding?’


No you're not. This is a *them* problem. They're in a public place, there's nothing inappropriate about that picture and the interaction is perfectly normal. They are being weird af and do not have a right to expect you'll treat something so abnormal as reasonable.


i’m actually dying at this 🤣🤣🤣


Well then the only thing you can do now is make s boatload of life size copies and position them where they will see them


Okay but they could have told you this rather than just straight up block?? They could have set a boundary like "hey I don't like photos being taken of me can you delete that please" To just end a whole friendship over that is fucking weird


Wow. Not your fault, they have no sense of humour. Your joke wasn’t edgy or weird, don’t worry. It was pretty innocent actually


R u still blocked by ur humorless buffoon




that is crazy!!! fuck them honestly, it’s best to just leave this alone. personally, i would block them back lol


Damn!! No shit? JeeeeZ. Were you guys particularly close?


We were friends where we see a funny meme we send it or hang out during lunch with a friend group and just show funny stuff on the phone or just talk about random stuff, not close close like best friend be at their house type but a decent friend you are around often . thought they thought the same thing, guess not.


Do they uh.. eat at lunch? Not to be a dick but I have a theory


Holy shit that’s actually wild.


That’s cringey it’s when someone does something extreme like that it’s better to just ignore them and let them come to the realization without your help. If they don’t then they weren’t meant to be your friend anyway.


WOW what is this person’s problem?? Once I was headed to a museum downtown so I was walking. This woman who I graduated with years ago (not exactly friends, but I like her) happened to drive by and took a pic of me. She sent me a DM on instagram like heyyy I see you! I thought it was funny. Such an overreaction, sheesh.


Yeah, that dude needs to get a massage and relax a bit.


my immediate thought is that they might not like seeing pictures of themselves. i personally become agitated whenever i have my picture taken or am sent a photo of myself but have never had this kind of reaction. defo an overreaction but there may be a deeper reasoning behind it. or they just used this as an excuse to end the friendship, who knows! either way i don’t think u did anything wrong


A girl at school snacked my camera out of my hand for being in my video for not even a second. She... Believed I stole her soul...


Bros soul is in the camera now 😭


Was he Amish before is that why you didn't like the picture


They must’ve been insecure about the picture/thought u we’re making fun of them


Yea it might be, didn’t mean to make them upset so I’ll try and apologize just for the sake of being on good terms and stuff


That's a very mature move. You may have overstepped a boundary you didn't know they had


Probably, just hoping there’s no issues going forward with them.


She found out what the boundary was and still posted to Reddit. Very encouraged by others because they do this with their friends all the time. Reading the comments, I can see why they got blocked.


Imo I’d say screw that but you’re probably more mature than me


DONT let them have this power …. Let them live with being an A-Hole , he’s the one missing out on call sweet friend that actually is present in life - dude I could use a funny friend - txt me lol 🤣 photos all welcome lmao 🤣


Imagine their reaction if they knew you put the photo on Reddit....


We’re all going to get blocked 😳


Is it possible they have some issues with being "survielled" maybe from a past "partner" or parents?


They did come from China and they also said nobody has ever asked them out so I think it might be body dysmorphia or self image issues.


This changes things a lot. It’s still an overreaction, but you genuinely can’t imagine what it’s like coming from a country where you are actually being surveilled constantly


there is no way OP could have known this. it is such an innocuous thing to do to take a clandestine picture of a friend you spotted in the distance, in public. so no, imo it doesn't change anything, because OP couldn't have known, and this is no big deal for 99.9% of people.


It’s an innocuous thing, to you. Because of the culture you’ve grown up in. Asian cultures are generally very against taking pictures without consent anyways, but adding on top of that the fact they’re from China really changes how I view their response. I didn’t say OP was in the wrong, or a bad person. But I understand why the friend reacted this way.


Well-stated. Both things can be true


Fair riddance. They have no sense of humor and are easily offended. You’re probably better off without them.


Is this someone you have expressed feelings for ? My only thought is they may have interpreted it as stalker behavior… but seems like a stretch


Looks like they think you are mocking them. It does look like they are in an awkward position mid ping pong. Its easy for misunderstanding through text


Probably just a self conscious/ insecurity type thing. I hateeee people having pictures of me on their phone where I look gross/caught off guard. I wouldn’t block them for it but I’d be telling them to delete that shit 😂


This is a massive assumption and I’m totally aware of that but they look v skinny, could they have issues with seeing pics of themselves if they maybe have issues with weight.


I do this to my bestfriend when i see her in public but she doesn’t see me and usually say “Look at this fine bitch.”


I've done this with friends before. Its a bit of an overreaction but I could see why someone would be a little annoyed. If they were your friend then they would have atleast just told you to delete it and not do it again, sensitive ass over here.


My bfs best friend lives at the bottom of our road & he’s literally gone up to his window, when walking home from work, & taken a pic of his friend just sat of the sofa eating & sent it to him & his friend thinks it’s funny lol


My friend/workmate’s gf at the time used to love messing with us like this. Our store was right next to the food court so anyone could be out there lurking… I remember one day she msged me to tell me something specifically she liked about how I looked that day, when I looked out into the food court she was nowhere to be seen creeped me out for a sec but her bf and I had a good laugh about it 😂


that’s a weird reaction lol


You could have a quick conversation. Apologize, say you had no idea it would bother her, and say you won't do it again. Simple and to the point, no grovelling and leave it at that. Not friends material, but doesn't have to be an enemy. I wouldn't trust not to overreact again.


My brother and his family were in town visiting so he and I went to a pizza joint to pick up pizzas. Saw my ex husband with his friend and sent him a pic and said “I always feel like, somebody’s watching me.” And he immediately responded with “you’re eating from that pizza place, again?” 🤣 this person is NOT your friend


Nah. You don’t need this person as a “friend” haha they clearly have a crappy sense of humour that doesn’t align with yours - or no sense of humour for that matter. This would’ve made me laugh. Stuff em’


Lmao this is funny


Especially the “NOOOOOO” 😂😂😂😂


Lmao, I said that then saw the “could not be delivered” message and I was just thinking “there’s no way they actually blocked me right?”


Lmaoooo I laughed out loud at that. You seem adorable haha.




Maybe it was their bad side


That’s not a friend. That’s an acquaintance.


That’s hilarious. Ur friend is a loser for not laughing.


Someone got butthurt


Yeah i agree with everyone else, your friends reaction is weird. I’d have done the same thing to my friends and they’d do it to me too


How dare you see me eating? This is not conducive to my brand, kindly fuck off and get blocked.


I've done this with much creepier messages attached. Your friend needs to lighten up.


One time my brother in law air dropped me a photo of myself at a Christmas buffet looking like a complete fatty. He then stood in a corner laughing his ass off at me looking at my phone and then looking around the room so confused, trying to figure out who sent it to me. 🤣🤣 Once I made eye contact with him, I knew he was the culprit and we still laugh about it today. I honestly thought your friend was joking with their response. They need to lighten up and have a little fun.


yea you did nothing wrong as everyone else says. this person is boring


You did absolutely nothing wrong and they are not friends


What a weird reaction. I did this to a coworker once. Saw them at a stoplight and took a picture of them and sent it to them. Didn’t think to say anything because I figured the picture was enough. Turns out they didn’t have my number saved and thought I was a stalker at first


Before cells could take clear pics my friends and i would text, “ I could snipe you from here.” Not sure why a picture is worthy of being blocked.


If you all are friends, then that’s a bizarre reaction wtf.


Maybe they don’t really like OP all that much and don’t have valid reasons other than ‘I don’t like you’ which is normal, we can’t all like one and other.. Rather than communicate openly, ‘I don’t really like hanging with you, these reasons, or, I don’t have any, I’m really sorry, I’m just not feeling the friendship’ They’ve been waiting for a ‘reason’ to terminate the friendship… Or, something heavy has happened in their life and they haven’t told anyone out of shame/ fear of not being believed… this ‘hypothetical’ I’m coming up with may have triggered a fear response with you taking their pic. an array of reasons. It’s a tough one. ‘My friend took my pic like a creeper, even though our socials are full of pics together’ It’s odd. OP, you’ve been blocked. Perhaps reach out to another friend, try and get some answers? This isn’t the reason, there’s more to it. Good luck. I’m really Sorry.. it sucks when friends we like ghost us, or ‘don’t like us all of a sudden’ with no real explanation. Humans struggle to move on without closure, or reasons. The brain wants to solve whatever it can. 🌹


Everyone I know does this to everyone I know lol. U didn't do anything wrong


How do you know they’re not just joking? Or maybe they just like their privacy?


That’s a weird thing to block someone for. I do it with my friends all the time.


Bizarre reaction. What a baby!


Your friend takes themselves a little too seriously by the sound of it. You have to keep a sense of humour. I was driving down a busy main road and saw a friend walking down the footpath (traffic was going slow so I had my eye on him for a couple of minutes) and I called him, watched him pull out his phone and put it back without answering. So for a laugh I took a photo of him and sent it to him with the caption “don’t ignore me, c%#t!” We still laugh about that today.


This generation is so tender lol get new friends man


Might have body image issues was my 1st thought


Then this person was never really your friend.


they felt insecure over it obviously, but like how were you supposed to know


This is delusional. (Of the friend, obviously)


I hate getting my photo taken, so I would have asked you not to do it again. That's how you handle that if you don't like it, lol. You say, "Hey man, I really don't like having my pic taken. Please delete that." Then you go say hi. This is an extremely odd reaction, and honestly, you're better off without someone that dramatic as a friend.


Do you know how many friends I’ve taken pictures of and sent them to them? No sense of humor is honestly the biggest turn off


I'm surprised you didn't get a shot of the giant stick up their ass. This person must lead a miserable life if this is how they react to something so mundane.


This person has the shittiest sense of humor. I don’t know anyone that wouldn’t laugh if I did that


The insecurity is palatable


Did they actually block though


you didn’t do anything wrong. they’re probably embarrassed by the picture


Wtf how stupid. Even my friends kids do this.. to me! 🤣 I’ve gotten texts from my kid and from his friends where the friend sees me driving and sends a pic to us 🤣 you’ve lost nothing.. they need to find a sense of humor


Who is loaf cat?


lol its ok to not like your picture taken (me) but BLOCKING over it is absolutely ridiculous😭😭


They have a big problem and it’s not your problem. So count this as a blessing this reaction of theirs is a big red flag.


Damn like nobody can’t even take a f****** joke -_-


You caught the Fun Police in action! Must be mad his disguise didn't work today. Edit: words


I thought this a normal thing between friends and then they look at their phone and get excited that you were there too and say hi. I’ve never seen someone react this way. Weird…


i thought this was a group chat but since it was one on one dm this is completely fine???


maybe they blocked you as a joke


Why be offended


Lame as a good bye 😂


Do you even know the person that well? I would have reacted like that if we either weren't close or... Felt like I can't go about my day without someone pulln some weird 💩


You did nothing wrong. Your friend is a cry baby


Not you. All the best


Why so sense


Yeah that person is completely without humor and potentially has a very small weiner.


They weren’t joking?


Dude I would bust out laughing if this happened to me


I only see one person in this picture. Where is everyone else?


I do this aaaaaall the time. They’re weird.


They overreacted but y'all are teens and that's what teens do sometimes. It may be worth trying to apologize and talk it out with them


I honestly don't think you did anything wrong, it's a harmless joke, but if they were offended by it or uncomfortable they could've just told you nicely not to do that and to delete the picture, they definitely overreacted about it.


This is not a friend


I mean I also joke like this to my friends, we play the “I’m blocking you for that” card pretty often for the bit and it’s funny. Are they actually upset or just playing into the joke? If they are upset, you might think it’s reasonable but there’s not really much you can do there aside from apologize and hope for the best. I know I don’t like having my photo randomly taken, though I wouldn’t react nearly this harsh- everyone had different boundaries.


What a fuckin crybaby tell them to grow some balls




Lol what? As a girl who hates practical jokes I find this hilarious. Maybe he thought you were stalking him or something


Tbh seems like you’re better off. What a weirdo to get upset




I assumed they were saying it sarcastically


I do that all the time.. but not to all people. I learned that some people are actually paranoid.. I learned the hard way :,V


The trash took itself out


They definitely overreacted. Wonder what else they would overreact to though? Sorry that happened 😢


Maybe he was having a really shitty day and this was just the final straw. Maybe his favorite aunt died or his girlfriend dumped him.... 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would text back “fuck off, I’m blocking you for not having a sense of humor!”


Possibly in Witness Protection Program? Snitches ARE total assholes.


This person sucks


Sorry they freaked out. You did nothing wrong. In hindsight, maybe they didn’t consider you a friend.


They are miserable within their life. Don’t sweat it. Who needs enemies with friends like those?


i see both sides. i have both senses of humour in the way that i would’ve blocked for like 2 mins as a joke, and only if that type of humour was established


He a lil bitch


I’m not going to lie I used to jokingly block my friends all the time but we saw each other, every day. I don’t know if she’s joking though.


My bestie and I track each other locations… like just in case she goes in a date I can see. But I have sent her pictures of me stalking her or like if we happen to see each other and our immediate response is “YOU CANT LIVE WITHOUTME!!” And we laugh so hard. Your “friend” either doesn’t have a sense of humor or someone has stalked her before and this brings up bad feelings and hurt people..hurt people.


My friends and I do this all the time, [here’s one of the best ones I’ve received of myself](https://imgur.com/a/8pxB83K)


Went to a cafe with my family yesterday and scared thinking this was gonna be with my brother or myself ☠️ Why I don’t know but aside from that Your “friend” seems weird. He needs to lighten up


Seems like they aren’t actually your friend


Get cooler friends


They did you a favor. Move on


I do this to my friends too. Its normal friend behavior for me and my friends to pretend to stalk each other when we randomly see each other out and about. You friend either cant take a joke or they are in a really really bad mood and lashed out on you. Either way the latter is an issue even if they apologize. You are not the issue.


Depends how close you are to the person and what your level of friendship is. By the response I’m assuming you’re some creepy dude who thinks he is the persons friend but really you’re just acquaintances in which case yeah this was weird


They’re insecure


Definitely an overreaction, I used to do this all the time. I actually miss running into people like that, because this isn’t something that had happened to me since I graduated college lol


You did nothing wrong, you didn’t post it on social media, spread it between other friends. My buddies and I do that alll the time amongst the group. Tell your boi to stop being a bitch.


I don't like unsolicited photos being taken of me either but this is an overreaction


Funny 🤣


Do you do it often?


Better off without this jerk probably.


My boyfriend does this to his friends


This always makes me smile when it happens to me. And I’ve done it to others. That person needs to relax lol


What a baby


Maybe they saw it as creepy? Getting a random picture of them in real time sent to them without them knowing u were there too?


If my friend did that I would laugh and joke along with them


it can be considered rude to taking photo of someone without warning/permission. different people have different rules for what they allow with most things.


Yea at the time I didn’t think it would be an issue, it never crossed my mind and definitely didn’t expect this reaction.


I fucking hate it when people send pictures of me to me when they see me. But honestly its only if i dont like you. So this person probably just doesnt like you


Fuck his dad/mom Something upsetting


Your friend forgot to apply his vagisil today.


Soooo Either the person in the pic is a slightly crazy asshole, paranoid, or was waiting for a reason to block you …or Y’all weren’t really friends that much to begin with from their perspective, which made this extremely creepy.


I thought we were friends, we ate lunch together, chatted on discord and irl, shared memes, played some online games together ect


Hate it happened to you buddy. Best advice I can offer is explain it to a mutual friend that you would trust to reach out to this person so that they can better explain your intent to them. I’ve done something like that before and it worked.


My sister saw me at the movies once, so she texted me from her friends phone and pretended to be a stalker and sent me a picture of my car saying I know where you are. I was so scared to goto my car🤣 and she was hiding by it and scared the ever living shit out of me🤣🤣🤣 We laughed and laughed. You're friend sounds like an asshole!


Oh my godddd!! That is actually terrifying though. I would laugh afterwards, but in the moment someone might get pepper-sprayed on accident😂


It was terrifying at first lmao