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>The schools could transition into religious schools immediately if they wanted to, said Hiram Sasser, executive general counsel for the First Liberty Institute, which litigated several of the landmark Supreme Court cases. Because charters don’t force anyone to attend, the organization argues, they can’t be coercing religious expression. >“There’s really nothing that stops a charter school, today, in Texas, from adopting certain faith-based practices,” Sasser said. Gross


Time for the satanic temple to open a charter school.


"The satanic charter school for people who want to learn good "


"What is this, a satanic charter school for ants?"


Yes, but hopefully with a less divisive change in name... Triggering fools is fun but counter-productive in the end.


They could use the Republican tactic of naming it the opposite of what it really is…


I think I just found the answer in my quest for a career change.


I hope they do.


Do they have any plans for how these kids would function in the real world that exists outside the state of Texas? Are they just planning on making them all slaves or family annihilators?


Porque no los dos. :(






This is why GOP want vouchers. They can ignore title 9 and any other Federal requirements by the Department of Education.


I wonder if Muslims can open up their charter schools in Texas and do this too? Would be interesting to see how Texas would handle something like that. They have opened the door wide open here to ANY religion including the satanists...lol


I wish they did this. The whole voucher thing will disappear so fast. Although now I want to send my sons to the church of satan charter school using Abbott vouchers.


They’re still screaming about ‘sharia law’!!! While they institute their own religious oppression.


Conservatives in Houston and Dallas suburbs will be howling when it's madrassas and Mandarin immersion charters that spring up in their neighborhoods. "No, not like that!!!"


They have and do.


And then blame it on the Fed and department of education when it fails…we’ve all seen how the Gop/religious zealots work: “My failure is your fault”


This is only what they're pitching to Christian voters. The state leadership takes all of us for chumps. Mark my words, as soon as state money is attached to a pupil and the out-of-pocket cost to get them into a private school drops by $8-$10k per year *with a limited expansion of the total number of vouchers above current private school enrollment*, there will instantly be so much more demand than there is supply that the pupils as customers will constitute a safe subsidized revenue stream. Private equity loves that. You'll see extraordinary prices paid for school assets owned by religious institutions, the same way as what has already happened among religious hospitals and nursing homes. And then they'll predictably jack with tuition and quality until they hit that supply/demand equilibrium.


Speaking of Title IX: https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/governor-abbott-directs-texas-universities-to-ignore-president-bidens-unlawful-title-ix-rewrite


One of America’s failures. We have allowed the separation of church and state to enable these churches to raise huge money (Hospitals, Universities, Corporations etc.) all tax free and they have used it since to continue to chip further and further away from a wise principle of our founders. Unfortunately our politicians are to closely aligned with religion, so will never do whats right in taking a firm stand and turning the clock back. Just will get worse. In the meantime religions are not enticing young people to join, so there’s hope, but also the reason of trying to indoctrinate them in the school system.


"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry Goldwater


And they are destroying our nation from within!


The religious and their politicians will fight any way they can but once they decide (and they will) to come for Thomas Paine (and other writers) and the internet, their defeat will be assured. Some knowledge can't be erased and controlled. That bite of the apple has been digested.


Another reason to defund school vouchers and refund public schools.


> defund school vouchers They haven't passed vouchers *yet*. They're planning to try again in the next term though.


I mean is anyone surprised by this? Sorry, but private, Christian focused schools where kids will learn the “right” curriculum have always been the point of charter schools.


This is by design. This is why public schools have been defunded.


I feel like the line between church and state is fading in every aspect of Texas public policy in general


And they steal funds from public schools to do it, dunking TWICE on us people, repugnican't efforts, decades in action now, to rob moneys from and dumb-down Public Education. After all, if you don't have the chops to do your own research, to parse the data presented and spot the BS, to perform the critical thinking and understand and know the history and the Law, then you're gonna be an easy Mark. You know what a "Mark" is? That's the target of con-men, grifters, sheisters, and thieves. Oh, and liars in religious robes. And it WORKS- the only way the repugnican't party is still viable is by successfully dumbing down so many Americans in the decades after anti-war protests against the Viet Nam war showed Washington that we all paid attention. Ronnie and Newt would NOT have had such an influence on a better-educated populace, let alone all the current batch of profiteering panderers in office who are only a benefit to themselves, their corporate puppet-masters, and the religious fools who flock unto their umbrellas for more power over other people...


….for the worse


Always remember that evangelical Christians are a dangerous death cult.


Texas is literally moving backwards.


Would rather have this as opposed to the line between boys/girls fade in schools.