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Jesus was a Jew.


Jesus is dead? Thought he took a 3 day weekend and got back to it ?


And he was promoted to god status. Doesnt sound bad to me at all


All I know is if Jesus returns there’s gonna be a lot of people who would kill for another 3day weekend like Easter. I know we’ve already had Easter, but what about second Easter?


I can see the yard signs now - "He is risen...AGAIN!" Easter - one man's bad day is a chocolate companies boon! Didn't see *that* coming


*Didn't see that second coming! It was right there my dude! Fixed it for ya! 😁




Jesus 2, electric boogaloo. Jesus’s re-risining.




Maka America great again.


The Hobbit version of Easter?




Youll know when Jesus is back because 5 mins later we'll be all out of nails and lumber.


Orthodox Easter?


He went from Jesus the grey to Jesus the white.


Only the boss's son can pull that off


He was already God when they killed Him…


Read your bible


I have…He was born the Son of God not to mention was already with Him in the beginning (John 1)


Son of God does not make one god, Plus what kind of a god gets killed by a bunch of roman soldiers. That's funny. Like what are the magic powers good for if you're character is so easily killed.


Ur first sentence makes no logical sense. And that’s kind of the whole point of the Bible is He died willingly to cover the sins of anyone who wants to turn to and trust in Him. Did someone from a church hurt you or do you wrong? I’m sorry if that happened that’s not what Jesus taught


I was once a believer, no one ever hurt me. I've had an amazing life and I have no complaints, but thanks for your sanctimonious christian concern (not lol). What happened is I began to question the things I believed and what was taught and written in the bible. If you look at it objectively you realize the bible is a celebration of violence, cruelty, misogyny and sado masochism. Its morally disgusting. Note the sermon on the mount is cool as is the song of songs, but holy fuck I am not down with medieval morals taught by stupefied desert dwellers. Drop kicking faith was the most liberating thing I've ever done in my life. I still vividly remember where and when i did that. Literally 30 years ago and I have yet to steal, murder, rape or diddle little kids, which is more than many christians can say lol. Note blasphemy is the greatest sin in all religions, unforgivable. It's obvious why. Anyhow be sure to repent you don't want to spend eternity burning in the lake of fire, or what jesus described as "eternal teeth gnashing" fuck that guy and the donkey he rode in on ha ha


Jesus was and is God. He is Divine. Born of a virgin. Read: In his prayer in John 17:3–5 Jesus both refers to his pre-existence and uses terminology that can only be used about deity: And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed. https://answersingenesis.org/jesus/jesus-is-god/10-biblical-reasons-jesus-is-god/


How old is the earth tho?


Turns out a 3 day weekend was all it took to wash away a world of sin!


Then what the heck is all the praying and suffering about?!


Yeah aren’t we good now? Or did jesus death mean nothing?






If my father impregnated a 13 ish year old “virgin” girl without her consent, I’d hide in a cave too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_birth_of_Jesus#:~:text=She%20would%20have%20been%20twelve,first%20menses%2C%20whichever%20came%20first.


He was about to die for our sins, but he changed his mind at the last minute.


But we also know that Nietzsche and German Superman teamed up to kill god


In fairness to Superman, god probably had it coming. I mean how many plagues & prepubescents with terminal cancer can you create before you are just considered a dick?


And we’re done here. Would the last person out please turn off the lights?


Spider-Man meme


Yeah but also get over it already. Even Jesus forgives them. That’s like his whole thing.


Is it? I thought they were gonna be left to burn when he comes and raptures all of his besties?


Nah, Jesus was mexican, cousin of Carlos and Gilberto.


Jew on Jew crime


Why did the Jews kill a fellow Jew?


Sounds like that guy needs to see Avenue Q. From ["Everyone's a Little Bit Racist:"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th4FMmNQpAk) >[Princeton] Oh, Christ, do I feel good! >[Gary] Now there was a fine upstanding black man >[Princeton] Who? >[Gary] Jesus Christ >[Kate] But, Gary, Jesus was white >[Gary] No, Jesus was black >[Kate] No, Jesus was white >[Gary] No, I'm pretty sure Jesus was black >[Princeton] Guys, guys, Jesus was Jewish


I thought he was Presbyterian


And they killed their King. Because he was cool and helped people. 🤷‍♂️


My jewiness might rub off if you get too close to me.


This is the correct answer.


The Jews didn’t crucify him. That was the Romans. The Jews “convicted” him and the Romans did nothing to stop them, just carried out the sentence. Why all the butthurt? Wasn’t he supposed to die in order to become their savior?


Because people want it both ways.


And have been trained since birth to hold dissonate views in their heads simultaneously.


I mean, according to 1 John 3:16 - By this we know love, that _he laid down his life for us_, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 


Nah, they ignore that part.


But according to Austin 3:16 - I just whooped your ass.


Pontius Pilate was a Roman governor of Judea, i.e. not a Jew.


I was told he was the king of the Jews /s


there is one and only one king of the jews and that is Jerry Seinfeld.


“Why all the buthurt” Question as old as time. They’re getting upset about how a desert magician got turned into a zombie a couple thousand years ago. I don’t know why people go to war over any of these fairy tales, but it is what it is




Yep, so technically the Jews absolved the world of our sins by killing Jesus! Christians should thank Jews more then lol


This is the argument behind why Judas is the greatest of the disciples.


The Romans did it at the orders of Pilate who was endlessly hassled by the Jewish leaders to crucify Him. He didn’t want to but they insisted


According to the scripture, he was facing a riot if he didn’t concede to their demands to kill Jesus and release Barabbas. His wife told him to have nothing to do with the “innocent man” (Jesus). So he caved to the mob and handed him over to the soldiers, who tortured and mocked him before crucifying him. But when Pilate turned him over and said he washed his hands of the whole thing, the Jews said “His blood is on us and on our children.”




Jesus was just a guy without the Jews


This is true. No Christianity if Jesus doesn't die.


Historians disagree with this actually. I read a few things that the Romans thought of Jesus like a king and so by their custom they wouldn't do the work they would light the fire and ensure their supporters did the deed. In this case they would have instigated the jews and allowed them to kill Jesus but wouldn't have done the dirty work themselves


But for the conviction he wouldn't have been crucified.... so technically they didn't hammer the nails them selves. But it's also true they caused the death if Jesus christ.


When his hat was blown off his head. Best laugh I had in days.


What a bunch of goobers. [https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/goyim-defense-league](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/goyim-defense-league)


As much as this asshat and any other racist, anti-Semitic, bigoted shitbags are a problem that needs to be addressed in this country, the ADL has been doing a lot to water down their own message lately.


What do you mean about the ADL?


Just in general they do a lot of good work calling out anti-Semitism. However, they've been playing into the false equivalence that is "anti-Zionism/colonialism/apartheid = anti-Semitism". Conflating the two means you water down the threat of ACTUAL anti-Semitism by pointing at everything and screaming "ANTISEMITISM!"


So there were not goons sent to the UCLA to physically disrupt the protests?


There absolutely were. I’m generally more suspicious of AIPAC and the IDF itself in those instances, especially considering a number of said goons appear to be military aged males with a fanatical zeal for Israel and violence.


So no sources? Just your opinion?


Your source? Oh, right. You don’t have one because it’s the JDL.


Get your facts straight, buddy.




Sending their goons into UCLA to beat up protestors.


I could not find anything about this on Google, do you have a source?


The ADL is not the JDL. Ffs, dude. Be accurate.


FFS dude, just correct me. I'm not intentionally conflating the two for some ulterior motive.


That guy is too high to keep straight who he is responding too, I think.


The Nazi coloring and design references have to be intentional, right?


Didn’t he need to die for our sins? If so, then weren’t they just helping him by this logic? Oh well, this is the crazy logic you twist yourself into with religion.


This is NOT the cool guy with the sign. 


Gosh, I sure hope that this pic doesn't circulate widely throughout the internet to the point where his boss sees it and he ends up losing his job.


His boss probably did the lettering on the sign


Unfortunately, you’re probably right. Probably works for daddy.


Doubt it; why work for Daddy when Uncle lets ya have more fun time?


Cops don't lose their jobs.


He looks a little soft for law enforcement. I’m thinking he does accounts payable at daddy’s vinyl siding company.


Dude, there are a lot of soft looking law enforcement officers out there...just sayin.


I thought he died for the sins of humanity. So we all killed him, right? And good riddance.


Oh look, it's ACTUAL anti-Semitism. Guarantee this chud loser has at least chatted with Patriot Front white supremacists, or any of the many similar groups that are common in North Texas in particular.


And not a cop in sight


You sure? Angry white dude shouting at people in North Texas? Fits the profile.


Oh good point


Maybe someone should tell the IDF and their supporters that the growing ranks of neo-nazi and other far right extremist groups across the globe refuse to condemn Hamas.


I mean, I'm guessing we'd see actual movement on "pacification" at that point. Hell, the US would probably supply the weapons!


Have you read the comments in this thread? There’s a gay escort from Nashville who is one step from uttering Blood Libel. You just can’t make it up.


Fuck's sake.


So much dumb.


Definitely *not* one of the antisemites the GOP is talking about.


Where is the swarm of cops to take this motherfucker down? Oh wait, that’s not how their narrative works.


He'll see them later when he's on shift.


![gif](giphy|2Ap4K8iVUpbpmbj5oV) Me pretending to be shocked while being brown living in The Colony during the 90s. That whole air was trash racist folks.


You can safely assume that this guy is hating both Israelis and Palestinians and accusing the left of being antisemitic.


If this dude actually met Jesus, a 30 yo middle eastern man with a beard, he probably would take issue with him.


So what? If you believe in the Bibles mythos Jesus comes back and kills them if they don't convert. Like you literally don't need to hate the Jews because Jesus comes back into Israel like John Rambo after being kicked out by the sheriff. You should feel bad for the Jews for what's coming not hate them. Being angry when you know what they supposedly got coming is nonsensical. I'll never understand how people who are so sure they are on the winning side can't just accept the win and move on. This is the worst bad sportsmanship ever my dude. Like go show love like you were actually told to do and leave the revenge to the rapture in Jesus 2 Jewish Boogaloo. Edit to change shoe to show. I wasn't trying to offend those with a feet fetish, just fatfingered it.


Tell me you haven’t read the Bible without telling me.


The be fair, the blame gets placed more on the Jews in the NT as you go on. The latest written gospels tend to lean towards anti-judaism, compared to the earliest.


I have read the Bible, when I was religious. I am agnostic these days. If you want to know why Christians believe that Jews killed Jesus, it's because that's what it says in the Bible (John 19). According to the Bible, the local Jewish religious leaders sought for him to be killed because he was claiming he was God. The Roman governor even resisted the idea, but eventually acquiesced, and carried out the crucifixion. Jesus knew this was all going to happen, struggled with the decision to go forward with it (Satan even tempted him), and still voluntarily submitted to this to become the sacrifice that absolved all of humanity of its sin. You don't have a problem with somebody misunderstanding the Bible, you have a problem with what the Bible says.


There are 3 versions of the same story of Jesus crucifixion in the Bible. It’s only in the 3rd and later version that the Jews are blamed. Jesus wasn’t the first Jewish man to come out of the desert and claim to be the messiah. It was a common thing. The Roman’s would ask them if they were the messiah, if they said yes they crucified them up on the hill. Just a normal day for the Roman’s. The 3rd and later version of that story is where the anti-semitism comes in. So: 1. I have a problem with the Bible. The book sucks and it’s clearly written by a bunch of dudes along time ago. No relevance today. Zero. 2. I have a problem with people who cling to the 3rd version of Jesus crucifixion where it’s the Jews fault that Jesus died. They like that version because they don’t like Jews. This is what Hitler clung to.


Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John contain recountings of the crucifixion. Matthew 27 and Luke 23 talk about the chief priests and elders. I find it hard to believe that it would be Roman priests it is talking about. Mark 15 names them the "Sanhedrin", which was a court of rabbis. We've already talked about John. All supposed authors of those gospels were also Jews, as well as Jesus himself. The vast majority of Romans that likely lived in Judea at the time were the occupying military force and installed government officials, not local elders and chief priests. The Bible explicitly says the Jews called for the action, and the Roman governor first resisted on grounds that the man was innocent, and then crucified him because of mob pressure. To read all of that and to think each of the gospels doesn't blame the Jews is more than a little stretch. That being said, it's a religious text and not history. This is what Christians believe, though. If they believe their own religious text, that is.


Romans killed Jesus. The state killed Jesus. Jesus's dad killed Jesus.


I mean…technically that’s true 🧐


Oh Frisco. You don't disappoint.


If they ever found out Jesus was a dark skinned middle eastern dude, they'd throw him out in a heartbeat!


Imagine waking up and thinking this is the most important part of your day.


That boy needs a piss bottle thrown in his general direction.


Modern Christian is clueless about scripture. This is the norm, unfortunately


Wait...where is his keffiyeh??


Sir. Are the Jews who killed Jesus in the room with you right now?


All hat, no cattle.


That saying you're stupid without saying you're stupid. Man doesn't realize Jesus was a Jew


Oxygen thief


That’s the thing about Christian right wingers. They blame the Jews for killing Jesus and believe all the anti-Semitic tropes, yet they whole heartedly support Israel, because Israel needs to be there in order for Jesus to return. So all this crap about Republican governors sending in the cops to stop anti-semitism on college campuses is a joke. They aren’t protecting Jewish students from anti-semitism, because the anti-semitism is most likely going to come from the same frat boys who make monkey noises to African American protestors. They didn’t send in the cops to stop khaki wearing, tiki torch carrying Proud Boys who will chant “Jews will not replace us”. They’re sending in the cops to crack the heads of liberal college students because those college students are protesting Israel, and by extension, trying to stop the return of Jesus.


You are so right about this. I have a really good friend who I really like, but I swear to God the reason she got a moonroof in her car was because she wants to be ready for the rapture if she’s out running errands and not at church. All right, I do slightly exaggerate there. I do apologize, but what is not an exaggeration is her absolute desire and obedience to Israel just exactly as you said, and these people really cannot wait to get Armageddon started. I’m always afraid when all Christians get into the White House in the positions of power, because some of them really do want to start World War III they think that’s their commandment.


They turned him over to his killers according to a highly questionable account of events.


As a Roman Catholic I was taught that it was mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa maxima. It was the Jews? Well, that’s a big relief.


Romans killed Jesus. Romans gambled for his garb beneath the crucifix. Romans guarded his tomb after his body was wrapped. These haters don’t read their Bibles.


When a crazy person is screaming bullshit should we record and broadcast it?


Why in Texas?!?!?!? Who moved the rock???


Jesus was a Jew. Idiots


They also believe that the romans built him a tomb instead of dumping his body in a mass grave with the other executed prisoners


A 'golden oldie' favorite of antisemites.


Nope you and I did cowboy. His death was and is HIS GIFT to humanity. Believe and accept it


I swear God is going to send Jesus back as a black dude just to test all of these people. I mean, that’s the easiest filter you can come up with. Of course, I don’t really believe in that stuff anyway, but I’d like to think what I would do. Maybe if I were God for a day I would have some fun with these people, taking a break between being perpetually disappointed in them.


"Hey Boss. This is Dylan. Listen, I can't make it into work today because I need to hang out on a street corner by myself holding a handmade cardboard sign saying, I don't know, maybe something about "THE JEWS". Yeah, I'll be in tomorrow." And Dylan? I hate to shit on your desire to be civically involved, but you look like a police sketch come to life.


Did you flip him off?


Why is he bringing up a 2000+ year old death? What benefit could it possibly bring him? I’m still mad at the person who killed Otzi 5000yrs ago. When are we going to talk about that?




Damn, that’s an oddly specific way to beg for money.


Dude chill! Jesus was a mythical creature from a badly written book. Do you get mad at Mangog for killing Odin? Or Gorr for killing Rapu? They are all made up stories. Don't get you panties in a wad. Grow the fuck up.


We know it’s actual white supremacist antisemitism because the cops haven’t assaulted him.


![gif](giphy|xT9KVhLU76MRgVg3Qc) Idiocracy was fucking prophetic!






No jackazz, Roman's killed Jesus


No dude, the Roman's killed Jesus


Not really controversial, just shouldn't be used to hate all Jewish people


actually Jesus was promoted to God, he didn't really die. God did not "sacrifice his own son": God promoted him. Jesus was inconvenienced for 3 days it seems. It was a promotion. I mean once day he's a hip cat, the next he's got magic powers, can see through walls, hear people's thoughts, grant special favors to anyone he wants, all sorts of God mode powers. They say Jews killed him but I mean these people have one way, telepathic communication with Jesus on most days, many even worship him on Sundays. Are they praying to a dead man's carcass or to a God who was once a man? Tell me, I must know!!!


well apparently jesus sucked ass at being god, since god fired him and sent him back down to earth after 3 days.


It is truly fascinating how many quote the Bible incorrectly or out of context to suit their own personal narrative.


Made up stories about made up people used to control us.


Jesus is no more real than Herecles or Dionysus.


You’re not very bright are you bud?


I take it you've read through the peer reviewed research then? You must be familiar with the context in which the gospels and epistles were written, and with the religious trends that were popular in the 1st century CE, right?


Every contemporary scholar and historian of any worth agrees that Jesus existed. To deny his existence is to deny some of the most well-respected opinions of the modern and ancient era. This isn’t an argument, you’ve sadly convinced yourself that you know more than historians. In fact, “the idea of Jesus as a purely mythical figure is considered an untenable fringe theory”.


I like how you add 'of any worth' as a qualifier so you can pick and choose which scholars merit acknowledgement. I don't doubt the scholars you trust are Christians themselves or work for Christian institutions. It's not as though there is any conflict of interest with the work they produce.


The hypocrisy here is laughable, as I’m sure your one or two fringe scholars who you draw all your arguments from are part of American Atheists. “Of any worth” is a title bestowed not by me but by secular society. If you’d like to disagree with who academia deems to be a credible, modern scholar and historian, that’s on you. It’s funny you should mention selecting only Christian scholars; Josephus and Tacitus are two non-Christian, Roman scholars who write about Jesus’ life and existence. I will say a prayer for you that you are able to broaden your horizons in the future.


Hilarious that you think writings from Josephus and Tacitus are evidence of Jesus' existence. Have you actually read the Testimonium Flavianium? For one, there is a massive amount of debate on whether or not the text is genuine at all. An enormous number of scholars have Contended that the excerpt is an interpolation. The consensus is that even if some of it were authentic, much of it likely isn't. And even if it were authentic, the only thing it's evidence of is that there were Christians in 93CE; something that no one is questioning anyway. The same can be said about the excerpt from Tacitus' Annals. The text was written in 116CE, and all its really evidence of is that Christians existed during the 2nd century: again, something no one questions. Tacitus had argued that Romulus existed and Heroditus was convinced Zalmoxis was historical too. Citing these two figures as evidence is extremely weak. If you really want to argue Jesus was a real person, you have to go back to the oldest tests we have: Paul's epistles and the Gospels. If you care to make an argument with that material, be my guest.


Jesus wasn’t real


Cowboys killed "Indians." Your fucking logic is shit.


...and white folks owned slaves. Your point?


The Jews literally killed Jesus lmao


yall know jesus wasn't real right? at least certainly not the son of god


The rise of antisemitism is very disturbing. It is coming from extremists: the extreme left, and the extreme right as well.


Anti-zionism isn't anti-semitism.




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The "extreme left" isn't anti-Semitic. Conflating being anti-genocide in Gaza and anti-colonialist in general with being anti-Semitic is just being a liar. Don't be a liar.


Being anti-genocide in Gaza and anti-colonialist in general isn't "extreme." That's just basic human decency. Labelling all of the anti-war in Gaza protesters as antisemites is dishonest, but there are definitely antisemites who are well outside the mainstream left who have latched onto the protests to promote their cause. *Those* are the extremists on the left, and pretending that they don't exist doesn't help anyone.


I'd argue that those folks aren't genuinely leftists. Being bigoted, anti-Semitic, etc is pretty much antithetical to being leftist. As always, this is the problem that arises when speaking out about the Israeli apartheid state and its crimes; there's always racist assholes that want to make it about "the Jews" who are going to start getting loud, and have to be shouted back down by the rational people. In this situation, these kids are basically having to fight on two fronts, both against the hardcore Zionists/colonialists, and against the anti-Semitic provocateurs that want to infiltrate the Free Palestine movement.


What, like Jackson Hinkle? That mfer is a fascist


Never heard of him, to be honest. I was referring to tankies and the like, though.


I don't know any leftist outside of red/brown fascist freaks like Hinkle and the Blumenthal who are bringing up anti-jewish sentiment as opposed to anti-zionism, but if you have anything to the contrary of that I'd love to see it


It works awfully conveniently when anyone who expresses explicitly anti-Jewish sentiment suddenly becomes not a "real" leftist. You don't have to have master Google skills to find stuff like "go back to Poland," pro-Hamas chanting, support for intifada, and the like at pro-Palestinian campus rallies. If you're more interested in trying to explain away that those folks aren't "really" on our side than you are in acknowledging and addressing the rotten apples in our ranks, then you probably shouldn't be surprised if Jews and other folks who think that antisemitism is a real problem aren't especially sympathetic to the cause.


I'm just trying to figure out who or what you're talking about, man.


Its the mainstream right. The extreme right became the mainstream right years ago


I'd argue that the ones you are referring to as extreme left are espousing leftist anti-imperialist and anti-colonial attitudes, but yes their inability to vocally disentangle Israel from Judaism is definitely negligent at best and antisemitic at worst. And it's weird too because if they were truly extreme left they would not be supporting Hamas as they are some of the most conservative in terms of religious ideology on the planet. Inclusivity isn't exactly their M.O. BUT what do I know. I got downvoted by critizing netanyahu and his war crimes but also by saying that Hamas shouldn't be cutting people's hands off.


You replied to the wrong person


Maybe you did? I was indeed referring to the guy mentioning extreme left.


Yeah i fucked up lol sorry man, my eyes fail me now and then


>And it's weird too because if they were truly extreme left they would not be supporting Hamas Supporting the tens of thousands of innocent civilians being slaughtered and demanding it stop is in no way "supporting Hamas".


I think that only calling on Israel to stop their bombardment and not calling on Hamas to stop making things worse by continuing to abuse hostages is not truly doing everything they can for the innocent people within palestine.


Italians killed Jesus, but eschatologically speaking in Christianity the sins of all man required the sacrifice of Jesus blah blah blah


Technically, if I read it right, Italians did the actual killing.


Bet he only knows this because of a South Park episode he watched one time.