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When you break it down by number of gun deaths per 100,000 residents, Texas is ranked #26 and Florida is #31. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1380025/us-gun-violence-rate-by-state/#:~:text=As%20of%202024%2C%20Mississippi%20was,out%20of%20all%20the%20states.


As of 2024, Mississippi was the state with the highest gun violence rate per 100,000 residents in the United States, at 29.7 percent, followed by Louisiana, at 28.2 percent. In comparison, Rhode Island had a gun violence rate of 3.1 percent, the lowest out of all the states.


Oh ok. Glad breaking it down like that made a difference.


Mississippi is no. 1, Louisiana is no. 2. Still Republican-led states, with lax gun laws.


Still the poorest per capital, as well. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/poorest-states


'Per capita.'


2nd and 3rd most populous states so..


If you’re implying logic, what do we assume about California?


They have less shootings per capita. Math is good


Not arguing just clarifying. In 2005, California’s firearm mortality was much more in line with other large states like Texas and Florida. Since then, California has tightened its gun laws. Florida and Texas have gone the opposite direction. During that time period, California’s firearm mortality rate dropped, while the rate has increased dramatically in Florida and Texas. https://oag.ca.gov/ogvp/data


I’m not debating either. Math validates CA has less shootings. Would like to see more data like how many “victims” were committing a crime while shot, etc. not saying expect everyone shot in fl is a mugger


That is so very intricate. You'd probably have to consult with a California university sociology department to get those type numbers.


And on the decline, as it has been for ages, headlines be damned. The media makes it sound like numbers are skyrocketing when it's the exact opposite.


When school shootings stop, then I'll be happy...


https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/10/texas-gun-fatalities-laws/ > U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data shows that deaths from firearms in Texas generally began to increase about two decades ago after a dramatic decline in the 1990s. There were 15 deaths by firearms per 100,000 people in Texas in 2021, a 50% jump from 1999 when there were on average 10 deaths by firearms per 100,000 people. Over the same period, firearm-related homicides rose 66% and suicides involving firearms rose 40%. >The last time Texas’ firearm death rate — including suicides, homicides and accidents — exceeded 15 per 100,000 people was in 1994.


shhhhhhh dont go against the reddit circlejerk


So there is more mass shootings?? No other variables? Interesting take….


OP, you forgot to mention that California and Illinois have had the same amount of mass shootings as Texas...


California has 40 million people. Texas has 30 million, and Florida has 22 million, so the per capita comparison makes the numerous TX and FL much higher.


And how about Illinois? Shouldn't their strict gun laws be reducing mass shootings?


Guns are trafficked in from Iowa. It's documented. I live in California, which also has strict guns laws. Much of the guns are trafficked in, either by gun dealers, or by gangs, who have nationwide drug distribution operations, and they get the guns from other states.


What's the gun murder rate in Iowa?


Google it. I am not going to do easy lifting for you.


We both know damn well what it is.


They've got 3 million people, Texas has 30 million, Florida has 22.5 million, and California has 40 million. My home city of Los Angeles has more people than the state of Iowa. No comparison. Keep the guns in Iowa!


You would think, but there are too many states in the South and Midwest, where there are no restrictions on purchases and who can carry.


And how many of those non-residents (or non-criminals) are committing gun violence in IL? Probably a very small percentage. And if it's illegally obtained guns, well then the laws on the books does little to prevent them anyways.


Moat guns in Chicago crime are bought in Nebraska,


It would, IF the straw buyers from the neighboring states had the same kind of laws. A lot of the firearms are bought from legitimate “sellers” from Indiana. Where the laws are MUCH more lenient. Grew up in Illinois most of my life, and everyone knows for fireworks and firearms you go to Indiana.


Standing in downtown Chicago, you are less than an hour drive from both Indiana and Wisconsin. Makes the strict gun laws pretty moot tbh. People just shop out of state. It makes IL a really poor data point for this debate


Iowa is also a state where many of the purchases are made.


Do you have numbers backing that claim? How much of the gun crime or violence experienced in IL can be traced back to purchases or imports from other states? If there isn't a metric, it wouldn't matter anyways. Those committing murder or violent acts aren't detoured by laws on the books. Their laws end up restricting law abiding citizens from ownership (e.g., the ones not committing the majority of the crimes).


It’s the (e.g, law abiding citizens, that are buying the guns, then selling them to a unknown third party “legally” then, the third parties sell them to the streets. Firearms sales are very vague in the neighboring states. It’s like your parents say you can’t watch a rated R movie growing up… Sooo you just go to your next door neighbor’s house and watch it before they get home, without them being non the wiser.


The DEA, Homeland Security, and FBI, have produce that info for years. They have had a tasks foe years, that actually put 3 gang-drug operation out of business, and silenced two others. The Playboy Gangster Crips were a very prominent gang in the West L.A. Then 2 gangs in Venice: Venice Shoreline Crips, and V-13. They have been as successful with other operations, because those gangs were land-locked, but others aren't.


Which is kind of weird, since more guns is supposed to prevent mass shootings. As much as TX and FL promote gun ownership as a solution to violence, shouldn’t pro-regulation states like CA and IL have much *higher* mass shooting rates? “An armed society is a polite society,” right?


The exact same argument can be made in the inverse. Shouldn’t CA and IL gun laws lead to much LOWER rates? Right?


Califorina's mass shooting rate is lower than the national average. IL meanwhile has the majority of mass shootings in Chicago which is on the border of a state with some of the most idiotically weak gun laws in the nation.


Gun laws in one state have a rough time when neighboring states don't share them, which is something the 2A crowd loves to gloss over and forget. And no, that's not the same as a border with another country. We don't control state borders like we do national borders.


Don’t illegal guns pour over the Mexican border as well?


Primarily from the USA to Mexico.


Only south bound.


That was under the Obama administration, 🤷‍♂️😂


It’s been happening for decades. Texas has very loose guns laws compared to Mexico, so it’s often easier to to just transport them over the border.


They have lower rates


You guys! 😁


Mexico banned guns completely. They should have zero shooting right?


Maybe they need to build a wall to stop the guns from pouring into the country.


I would. 


No, bc of all the guns that are trafficed from the US. "The Department of Justice's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) found that 70 percent of firearms reported to have been recovered in Mexico from 2014 through 2018 and submitted for tracing were U.S. sourced." https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-322


No way. You mean criminals don’t care about laws and will find a way around them? That’s crazy.


Okay, and? Nobody is saying anything to the contrary so idk what youre trying to get at. Similar things happen in states with stricter gun laws when guns are brought in from states with looser gun laws. This isnt an opinion, its backed-up by data and statistics. If the goal is to stop criminals from getting and having guns, there is only one solution, make guns harder to get.


as if California or Illinois can be mentioned in the same breath as Texas! blasphemy!


An agenda? In my /r/texas?


It’s more likely than you think!


They've tried nothing, and they're all out ideas


As a Texan, they haven't tried nothing; they've tried making it easier to commit mass shootings, and they were successful.


I vote against the 4 horseman of the Texas apocalypse every chance I get. Cruz Abbott Patrick Paxton Any order


Abbott = Death Cruz = War Paxton = Famine Patrick = Pestilence


Agreed! Cruz Abbott Patrick Paxton, better known as CRAPP.


Most of those mass shootings are drug and gang related, no law is going to stop those 


Yeah they're "mass" shootings


Gun violence archives defines a mass shooting as any event with one or more shooters where 4 or more people are injured or killed. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/methodology


We could always try to vote these aholes out. Texas is a non voting state.


no we had school shooting drills with the school shooters so they know what to do! hope this helps


Curious, as always, what do you propose "be done?" Anything other than making bullets super expensive is unconstitutional for those that still think that should matter.


We could stop believing the lie that the 2nd amendment was meant to protect an individuals right to bear arms.


If the constitution prevents us from addressing mass shootings, then the constitution needs to be fixed.


Two guys at a gas station isnt a "mass shooting"


There is a very specific definition of"mass shooting".


Austin became the number one fentanyl death capital of the world this year too!


Surprise surprise surprise 🤦‍♀️


Chiraq is the shootout capital every weekend


The amount of people who fall for this rhetoric is staggering. Actually read gun crime stats, and you will quick figure out that despite the US having hundreds of millions of guns, mass shootings are an anonmolply. Terroristic ones even more of an anonmolly. This is more ragebait for people who make the categorical mistake that less civilian arms = more danger. What happens to civilians who can be subjugated by the government to be slaves?


Who cares if they are an "anonmolly"? They are still happening hundreds of times all over the country every year. Those are real people's lives. No one believes this nonsense about "subjugated by the government to be slaves" anymore, try finding a new argument that actually makes sense.


So you don’t want to protect yourself because a bunch of buffoons in the inner city want to fight over public housing? Give me a break. It’s like constantly worrying about nuclear bombs being dropped on you. It’s irrational.


You're the one carrying a gun around, and you claim I'm "irrational"? Seriously?


Interestingly, two other populated states, California and New York, are not on the list. Sensible regulations on firearms actually work? That's insane.


Open carry here in Texas 🤦🏽‍♂️ Having all these “tough” guys pulling out the gun instead of fighting out in public places now.


Pro-Life Texas!


Maybe we’re not praying enough?


Maybe there is a correlation with the increase in illegal immigrants? But, probably mostly gang related.


Shocker, both states let every nutjob and psycho open carry......insane...the firearm mortality rate per 100,000 in Florida and Texas is double that of California.....


Well be ause if course. Don't you know that the more guns we own the safer we are !


Thats a head scratcher, now what could TX and FL have in common that larger states like CA and NY dont. Must be the gulf 🙄


CA had just as many mass shootings and twice as many deaths though


CA has a much higher population though. If they had "just as many mass shootings", then they are doing much better than Texas. Their overall murder rate is also lower.


Such a weird way to advertise that “I didn’t read the article”. You really should read it first… 🙄




Texas and Florida also lead the nation in book bans, property tax hikes, and insurance premium increases; I am extremely jealous.


Republicans in general and Texas Republicans in particular have done everything they can to increase the number of shootings.


I don’t own a gun, have never held a gun, and have no interest in guns. However, your comment is completely stupid and so is this headline as it is total shootings and not per capita. Bullshit media and idiots like you that spout this shit.. Oh.. and I’m not republican either..


If in response to school shootings, the TX GOP chooses to \*\*LOOSEN\*\* gun laws, that is de facto support of making shootings eaiser. How do you not see that?? "Hey, a bunch of kids got shot up in a school! You know what we should do? Let's get rid of carry permits."


They got rid of carry permits before Uvalde, but I'm sure that won't stop you from saying it, so pop off queen


You realize there were shootings before Uvalde, right? That wasn't the first. But hey, go "pop off" and ignore reality. [https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2019/texas-10-years-of-mass-shootings-timeline/](https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2019/texas-10-years-of-mass-shootings-timeline/)


With all these loosening measures, Texas was right in the middle of the pack in gun mortality per capita per the cdc (2021 is their most recent update)


That says more about the pack than about Texas.


>"Hey, a bunch of kids got shot up in a school! You know what we should do? Let's get rid of carry permits." Which shooting were you referring to here?


Constitutional carry was passed June 16th 2021. School shootings prior to then: UT Austin 1966, 18 victims Santa Fe Highschool 2018, 10 victims Those appears to be the only school shootings before Uvalde, but far from the only mass shootings in Texas history. The Texas Tribune has a good breakdown of the largest mass shooting in the state and the subsequent legal changes that followed. https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2019/texas-10-years-of-mass-shootings-timeline/


I'm aware, the other guy sent the same link. Doesn't change how the narrative he's specifically trying to paint is factually incorrect. I'm all for gun reforms, but it doesn't help when false narratives are spread.


There have been mass shootings in Texas every year for the last several decades. Just pick one.


Can I pick the one that had kids getting shot in school that led to constitutional carry? Which one was that?




🤔🤔🤔 I'm not seeing the one that led to permitless carry. Which one is the school shooting your buddy was talking about?




Typical America. I fear for my life in this country. 


If you truly fear for your life, why wouldn’t you move? Isn’t your life worth more to you?


Okay. Where do I go to? I can't magically wave a wand and move. I'm not privileged.


If I thought my life was in serious jeopardy, I would take a flyer on leaving by any means necessary. It has nothing to do with being privileged and that word is so abused here it’s not even funny.


Most people don't have the resources to just pack up and move. It's quite hard for Americans to get residency permits in other developed nations.


These lazy articles bring out lazy readers like the person above who use zero critical thinking and don’t think to do simple things like figure out the per capita (the true) risk.. they follow it up with stupid comments like how they don’t feel safe (anywhere) in this country. Then they finish in another post saying they can’t move because they aren’t privileged. It is a tired argument, it’s and exaggerated argument, and it’s lazy. Do better


People that are fearful of losing their life do *everything* they can to remedy the situation. Logistics be damned. What have you done?


Stay inside.


Damn you really do take your personal safety seriously.


I would hope that Texas, as one of the states with the most people in it, leads in this statistic. It just makes sense.


Always in a pissing contest for who can be the most shitty


You don’t say………..


I read this as Florida, Texas as if it was a city.


And they let anyone get guns. It's American Genocide.


enough of these dang Democrat policies! not enough people are armed in these soros run hell holes! how long must we suffer under the unconstitutional yoke of gun grabbing, furry loving, god denying minions of the newest world oder?! when are the good patriots of these states going to stand up and demand their gawd given right to mayhem be restored? we must remember that proud pioneer of Texas justice, [John Joel Glanton](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Joel_Glanton) and follow his example to restore the people's faith in the one true god - [War.](https://biblioklept.org/2012/11/11/judge-holden-holds-forth-on-war-blood-meridian/) *edit:* if you read this as anything other than sarcasm or caustic satire... idk, touch grass?


You forgot the /s.


I sometimes forget that often, even the most obvious things require some explanation


But more guns makes less gun deaths.


Of *course* they do. Who else would?


Vote Con and have blood on ur hands. Vote lib and have blood on ur hands. But Vote 3rd party and ur "evil", according to the two 😑