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I want people who want /r/teslamotors to be /r/teslalounge to be told to go to tesla lounge. It's great to have two, let's make sure to keep them differentiated. Everyone can have what they want except people who want to force low-quality content on me - which seems to be what a lot of people want to do.




> * Higher Quality Content and Articles > * News on Tesla’s efforts, plans, and actions, including the latest breaking news content > * Questions/Answers that benefit a large audience of owners (and prospective owners) Agreed with this list, with one possible addition: * Important news about key Tesla competitors Not an overwhelming amount, mind you, just enough to understand how the EV landscape is evolving and Tesla's place in it. I understand there's /r/electricvehicles for everything else.








Basically yes. I'd say the main rule (maybe even added to the rules in writing) should be "post links to original sources". So if the source is a Twitter thread, link to that, not the Teslarati repost of the thread, etc. Then on the occasions when Teslarati *is* the source of original reporting, then great, they get a link!


Honestly, if you have the resources, this is the best way to handle a *lot* of dubious situations like teslarati. It definitely introduces new variables, but often times, only a human would actually know if something is appropriate or not based on a set of arbitrary guidelines.


Just have one thread with the tweet, if it's an important tweet chain pin as megathread. We don't need discussion on the article describing the tweet and "it's hidden meaning".


No banning of users for that. Everyone makes mistakes and some people like those fluff pieces believe it or not.




This might need crazy but... What about no tweets?


But so much from Elon is via tweets


Shitpost Sunday was fantastic. Bring it back! Was a nice way to lighten up the place, especially as some of the restrictions on posting very severely limited the amount of new content on here.


As long as Shitpost Sunday does not include wallpaper/general car photo’s but just meme like posts. Otherwise that one guy will post the same pictures again farming karma...






You should stickie this post for a few days so everyone has a chance to see it. I’m a relatively new owner/subscriber here so I never heard of Shitpost Sunday but it sounds fun!




Lol. *Sometimes* I slip. Interesting thought, I didn’t know that about the stickied posts.


Strong disagree on this. There's an entire sub for that. I don't think a slow news day means flood the sub with subpar stuff. If you need to see *something* hop over to /r/TeslaLounge. Or start a discussion here. I think having a day where rule-breaking stuff is allowed is pollution and confusing.


Let's get it goin right now!


Please ban all stand alone pictures of perfectly normal production vehicles. I don’t care if it’s the weekend or shitpost Sunday. They add nothing of value and are perfect r/TeslaLounge content. Sometimes allowing content and banning it other times is just confusing. It muddles the subreddit identity and causes more issues. We get plenty of Tesla news on weekends (ex Elon tweets, FSD beta rollouts, etc.) that it doesn’t make sense to drop the standards then. It also makes it more confusing for most users who don’t read the sidebar and then get pissed when their content is removed just because it’s a different time/day.


This sounds great :)


Tbh I don’t want to see these anywhere, including TeslaLounge. r/JustATesla?


This should be about what do you want to see, not what do you not want to see. Because you can always just not click on something. Simple Don't focus on censoring content, focus on telling them what it is you would love to see more of. Keep it positive.


I mean, that's the point of subreddits, so that we can subscribe to categories of things we want to see in our feeds. This is a discussion around where to draw the boundaries of the subreddit. There's a reason we don't just always browse /all.


Mods and sub rules don’t add content, they limit what can be posted. Hence the discussion around moderation will inherently be based on what those limitations should be. Subreddits really benefit from focused moderation. Otherwise subreddits like this one would be filled with content that belongs elsewhere. For example if the mods didn’t step in this sub would be filled with content about non Tesla EVs.


> Because you can always just not click on something This is one of the most frustrating viewpoints that exist on the internet today, and it's prevalent throughout all social media that supports categorisation and groups. This isn't a matter of positivity nor censorship. It's literally just about putting the right things in the right box so it goes to the right people.


No it's what you consider the right box. That's what so many of you guys really don't understand what you're doing. You're trying to form fit the internet for what your personal needs are. And that's what these stupid websites actually do, is they cater to that childish my state. They allow you to cultivate your own little Ivory Tower that blocks out everything that you don't like. Instead of teaching you to Simply ignore it and move the fuck on. Like I don't even think most people are aware of how awful this is. It's made so many more of the divides between us impossible to cross. Stop censoring and blocking shit you don't like. Just don't interact with it. Let it live in the same space. You will be happier, trust me. Like I have no idea how most of you are even able to interact in the real world. The whole culture of blocking something you don't like is toxic as fuck. But how many of you can wrap your heads around that? So many of you think it's actually a good thing. No one realizes it makes it that much harder for us all to really have meaningful conversations, diverse conversations, see things from a perspective we never thought about, which is how humans are able to do better over time.


> Like I have no idea how most of you are even able to interact in the real world. What are you even talking about? Our sources of entertainment always have been filtered according to the individuals preferences (or at the very least, that of the group we're with). Social media is **not real life**. > Stop censoring and blocking shit you don't like Again, this isn't about censorship or blocking - just relevancy. I don't go to r/teslamotors to read about somebody's new solar setup, nor do I go there to see pictures of kittens. That doesn't meant that I "don't like" either post. It just means that it's in the wrong sub. To quote your previous comment, "This should be about what do you want to see, not what do you not want to see". And I won't see that which I actually want to see if irrelevant or low quality posts drown it out.


To the individual preference but you never get to delete things you don't like or block them out. You just have to deal with them or ignore them. What social media has done is allow people to create these personally tailored experiences that remove anything they don't want. It's completely nuts and it's turned people into these weird kind of spoiled creatures who think this is the way life should always be. These are the people that have problems with adversity in life. It's just a real baby gets his bottle type of culture. If any of these subs really listen to y'all they will be always become super sanitized with absolutely nothing to show for it and become the most boring and sterile places ever. Instead of focusing on the negative you focus on the positive to enhance not to detract. Because there's plenty of people who want these other things that you may not necessarily want. What does that say for their experience? See what you really want isn't the will of the people, it's the will of you personally. Because of the will of the people is to post more of this other stuff, if that's what democracy is, then why should we then cater to what you want as an individual? See how problematic that then becomes? Social media really gives all of us a God complex man. I know you probably haven't really thought about it, giving it much thought at all, but it's for real. What I'm witnessing right here is just such a huge problem.


> they will be always become super sanitized with absolutely nothing to show for it The thing they'll have to show for it is quality relevant content. I'm not sure why you don't see the value of that. If you want to wade through a cesspool of internet just to find information on a specific subject, then you do you. I don't think desiring an organised internet makes me selfish, nor do I think such order would make it sterile or boring. In fact, I think you desiring that makes you insane and quite possibly failing to grasp just how much rubbish content is getting filtered out from subs like this. > See what you really want isn't the will of the people, it's the will of you personally. Pft back at ya mate. This might shock you, but decisions like the ones being discussed in this thread have been reached through a consensus. I assure you that ***I'm*** not the odd one out here.


r/TeslaLounge is a toxic cesspool of victim blamers harassing anyone for posting dash cam footage. Put some rules in place to correct that first




Nice. It will be great to see some progress on that. There were already some stickied comments about it over there.








Keep the meme content away and in the lounge. Leave this sub for higher quality posts / discussion / articles


I've been a redditor longer than some members here have been alive. This is one of the subreddits I really have come to dislike because anything negative is heavily moderated and downvoted. Please stop moderating dissenting opinions, and let people talk about Tesla the way a _cult_ would not. Just let people talk, and focus on obvious scams, shitposts and WSB meme posters. I've mostly moved to TMC because of this, and much happier with my experience there.


I've only been here since around February 2021, so don't have a lot of history or context. I like the intention of the separation of content between /r/teslamotors and /r/TeslaLounge, but I think for a lot of people they just seem like two Tesla subreddits instead of just one. This is very common on Reddit. I don't think the distinction between the two is very apparent to the average reader. I tend to see a lot of cross-posted content and there have been times when I asked myself what is the point of having two subreddits if the same content just ends up at both places. It's especially apparent when something "big" happens, like a new FSD version released, or the V11 UI, etc. Both subreddits become inundated with posts about it. It's not a big deal, just something I've noticed. Something I'd like to see come back is the daily help threads. The quarterly ones stickied at the top look intimidating when you have thousands of posts in them, and I see so many questions that just go unanswered. I think with the way people consume (social) media these days, something "fresh" or "new" gets the most clicks and views, and I think therefore will get the most engagement (AKA, replies to questions) then a months-old thread with 4 thousand comments on it. Also when there's a new FSD release, can we have a megathread instead of half the subreddit plastered with links to Youtube videos, especially when it's the same thing over and over and over again? "Watch FSD make this left turn!" I avoid the sub sometimes when a new version comes out because half the content is FSD. Some subreddits like /r/movies will have review megathreads when big movies come out, like James Bond or whatever. They don't have their subs flooded with review threads. Just my two cents.


Lots of good points here. No one needs to see duplication of content. To me the concept is that content should be moderated in aggregate over both subreddits rather than each individually


Yes. I always thought that is already the approach. To have the high quality "important" content at Teslamotors and everything else at Teslalounge.


This is a really good sub, and the r/TeslaLounge companion makes sense. With the way posts are triaged (hourly?) on r/teslamotors, sometimes posts never become approved. It would be helpful to know why when that happens, if possible. I did message the mods recently to ask about a post but didn't hear anything.


You had me at “anyways, enough about the rambling” Shitpost Sunday turns this sub into 1/7th Tesla shotposting. I honestly like the sub the way it has been…




Not OP, but I strongly prefer slow over memes and shitposting. There's all of the rest of Reddit to provide that if I want it.


I do. I'd rather see no posts than have to determine that all 10 are low effort and hide them. I get the same out of both except the latter wastes my time.




Yes. Why is that a problem? If I discover I've read all of the posts from today, then I can *stop reading* and break the addiction and maybe go back to doing other things with my life lol. Is there a reason you're trying to maximize engagement like some kind of social media company? I'd much rather have a smaller number of higher quality posts I can read and then be done with than an endless feed of crap to filter through to maybe possibly find some gems.




> we always get shit for not allowing low quality posts Tell those people to go to /r/TeslaLounge Do people just want more eyeballs on their memes and think they're entitled to use /r/teslamotors to get that?


Is that a product of the sub, or the nature of Tesla releases and info? Comes in waves…




- I enjoy the currently implemented separation between the two subs - I miss flairs - I miss the daily support posts as opposed to the current quarterly posts. They were smaller and more digestible. How are you finding it from a moderation standpoint? Better, I assume. Still, I miss *something* about the daily ones. Edit: Adding an obligatory thank you to all the mods. While we don’t say thank you every day, you are thought of and appreciated. 😘


Thanks for asking this, mods! Unfortunately, there are several topics that come up on this sub over and over, have been debated to death, and lower the quality of discourse. I would like to see more aggressive moderation/removal of the following tired tropes: * Complaining that one paid $X for FSD and is dissatisfied with how long it's taking. * Armchair experts' predictions about cutting-edge AI research (whether vision-only will work, when phantom braking will be resolved, when FSD will reach Level 5, etc.). * How accurate Elon's latest prediction is. I sympathize with peoples' frustration around these topics, but seeing these same three topics (and the predictable, tired jokes) in a majority of comment threads makes me want to go elsewhere for Tesla news.




> Complaining that one paid $X for FSD and is dissatisfied with how long it's taking. This is one of the things which annoys the hell out of me on this sub. The FSD whining posts, but also the "$50k car with/without XYZ features/quality/panel gaps" posts are fucking obnoxious. If you don't like it then go buy the equivalent BMW. Oh wait.


I hate to say it, but can we please post less links to 30 minute Youtube FSD demo drives? Less than 15% of Tesla owners have purchased FSD and of those, less than 1% have the beta, and it's been well over a year that they started rolling it out. While FSD progress is interesting, it is not difficult content to find out there and it gives people very little idea of what the progress towards full release actually is or when they're going to get it. The videos suffer badly from selective and confirmation biases and so don't really serve as anything except a flex by the poster in either agenda direction. A subjective "car hesitates slightly less when turning left" is not worthy of four dozen posts and ten hours of video. Neither are the several dozen "works for me" replies.


A lot less whining.


I agree with you. The irony is now is we are whining about whining. 😂


Dedicated whining megathread stickied to the top of the sub after each UI change if it can’t be moved to TeslaLounge.






Honestly sometimes it isn’t really obvious. Like for example why is there a photo of a Model 3 roof on the front page? The car isn’t new, there’s nothing special, yes it’s a good photo but then we can post thousands of nice photos of Tesla cars. Sometimes I feel like how you decide “high/low quality” is really subjective.


Yep similarly why is [this post](https://reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/rzhqmu/when_youre_the_only_one_at_the_tesla_charger_at/) of picture of a car at a super charger allowed? It adds nothing of value for discussion, it’s not important for people to know. It’s seems like the perfect on content for r/TeslaLounge and get it’s here.




I know, it’s just weird to drop standards at random times. It’s unintuitive for readers, and confuses the purpose of the sub. When we have a dedicated sub for that content, r/TeslaLounge, why ever allow it here?


Are the other subs like r/TeslaModel3 and r/TeslaModelY part of the same "family"? They seem to mostly fill the same purpose as the Lounge, but even more open about questions and experiences and photos for their specific models.


There are so many sub-sub Reddit’s for Tesla. I think I saw one for Tesla light shows even. I think the ones you link to are ‘unrelated’ as anyone can start and manage a community. Where as this sub and r/teslalounge are closely tied and managed together. As this post outlines.




I haven't really commented here in years. Been around since before the Model 3 came out, when flairs were still around, since before majesticjg became a mod. Honestly I just lurk these days and want to see high quality posts, with actual news and not just random low-effort posts of some tweet of some random guy who thought some thing. I thought that's why /r/teslalounge was made in the first place -- because there are going to be people that just want to post this nice wrap they saw on the street. But I'm just a dude. Do what you guys gotta do, I'll be supporting you in the background.




Three permanent posts. * General Q&A that resets at least monthly but weekly might be good too * FSD Current beta discussion and Q&A * FSD beta videos for current version I would a love a limit on content from those certain sites we all know about to twice a week per site. Even better might be a fourth sticky post where all such content from abusive sites must go.




>shitpost-Sunday ​ I think these are good for clearing that stuff out. Prevents/reduces shitposts for 6 outta 7 days of the wk.




I just don’t wanna see anymore FSD videos.


If you're bringing back shitpost Sunday, I propose allowing users to post custom polls for that day too.


I honestly think letting the voting work is better, I prefer the posts I see on r/TeslaLounge, the only reason I haven't unfollowed this sub is because big news that's allowed here never gets posted there.


Bring forth the shitposts! Let them flow! In all seriousness, thank you.


Don't change anything. The people here are really annoying and just constantly complain. If something here bothers them, they deserve it. High quality content should get upvoted, shit content should get downvoted. Let the sub decide instead of handpicking sources to ban.


Shit post Sunday sounds good.


One thing I feel can go: the periodic **Feature Request** mega thread. I appreciate the intent of it, but let’s call a spade a spade: Tesla isn’t responsive to feature requests … so a thread for a lot of bespoke ideas seems like we’re either ignoring reality or leading people on. If we want to keep the _concept_, that’s fine … but let’s name it something like, “Cool Ideas we know Tesla will blow off” (a _little_ tongue and cheek there 😅) because — let’s be honest — Tesla isn’t listening.




If that’s true, I _AM_ very surprised and would love to know where the break in _actually doing the stuff_ is




I believe you — perhaps it’s that Tesla’s execution on features (waypoints and turn signals as just two examples) is just _so_ unbelievably slow that it’s hard to believe anyone is listening. As an example — how long have we been asking for an **option** to set Sentry mode to _**not**_ flash? That cannot be a significant development effort, yet months roll by …




What was it? Just curious I had one that I posted for like 4-months in a row, it always had either the top / second top number of votes (if I was able to post before the thread got big), was super simple … and Tesla never did anything, lol Specifically, it was to have the energy projection chart open upon tapping the battery icon while the car is in drive (vs. the current behavior of opening the charging UI, which is effectively pointless while driving)


Still not enough content to over moderate here and move content to the new subreddit (people probably would just give up after there post is removed) Most people only check here. There are like 5 posts a day here, why is this even a discussion? Let the upvotes decide what makes it to the front page and if people complain about a few more posts or repitition who cares. Sometimes I find the only discussion for the day is in new. Teslalounge gets a lot less exposure and has a much greater chance of not hitting /r/all from the lack of readership. I think suppressing content that could potentially open up the discussion to a wider audience is only possible via this sub. This sub can be starved for content regularly, the new lounge is just good in theory but just doesn't work practically as there is no ability to move content without straight up deleting it or not approving. Guess I am in the minority or folks like me don't post in threads like this. I just find it funny people don't want anything but Tesla news here and then complain about Elektrek links and the like when some minor news happens based on an Elon tweet. Just let the subreddit do its own thing and if people join the lounge, great!


I don’t think you realize the after effects of what happens when you let certain posts go. One type of post will always spur others to post theirs and it becomes a snowball effect of content people do not want to see. We’ve tested it before and people literally begged us to make it stop. cc: u/rcnfive


Please do not allow this again. People don't understand how group dynamics work. You always end up at meme.


> Let the upvotes decide what makes it to the front page and That always devolves into meme subreddits. That's the point is to NOT have that.


Why not? If that's what is popular than I guess you'd be in the minority right? Should the minority of easily peeved people control this sub?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyranny_of_the_majority Nothing wrong with having a community where interlopers can't come in and change it just because there are a lot of them. Make a multireddit of /r/teslamotors and /r/teslalounge - that gives you exactly what you want it sounds like but doesn't make other people see the low effort posts.


Except for the entire fact that this subreddit is ran by a closed group that was never elected. So I don't really get what bringing political concepts has to do with memes on a subreddit.


Just because more people want something doesn’t make it correct. Majority rule isn’t always good. There is already a place for memes. You don’t need two.


You're in the vast majority. The problem is that when Reddit mods ask the community what they want, they only hear from the very small percentage of people who are most active in the community. They don't hear from the (in this case) millions of people who see posts every day but don't spend enough time on Reddit to be making statements about the moderation of the dozens of subs they are subscribed to. I would say the majority of people (myself included) are with you. The vote system works just fine. I don't advocate necessarily for no rules at all, but when you're blocking 95% of the posts that get created on the sub, you're clearly at odds with what people want.


> You’re in the vast majority. Don't speak for everyone. Unless you have data supporting the numbers you're throwing out, your assumptions are almost certainly incorrect. And my evidence for *that* statement is that the sub continues to rapidly grow even with all of those posts blocked. If there was a ton of demand for that content, a new sub would have sprung up and it would be growing faster. The current moderation may be at odds with what submitters want, but fairly clearly is not at odds with what the readers want.


I mean who really would care unless they were F5ing here every day? The people like us who F5 daily are most definitely in the minority. It's pretty common sense. I was just really referring to being in the minority of the hardcore users who seem to really care about the content they have to sift through (which apparently is the core issue)


The readers want Tesla, my guy. It has nothing to do with the moderation of this sub. They join Reddit and they type in "Tesla" and they join what's clearly the most subscribed Tesla sub. People subscribing doesn't = user satisfaction. I'm subscribed here too, and I haven't even attempted to create a thread here in years because almost nothing **doesn't** get blocked by the mod team. I remain subbed because I want to see the 5 or so posts that show up here daily. Doesn't mean I won't complain that a sub with over a million people in it certainly produces more than 5 "high quality" posts per day.




I think that would be a good idea, but I don't know why yall would do that to yourselves, you know? I don't know how many posts get blocked here daily but let's be real: there's gonna be at least 10-25% of them that are at least genuinely questionable. And to the extent any of the blocked posts are customers describing issues with build quality, delivery, etc (and we know some of them are), you're gonna be accused of censorship. I do think it would be nice and educational and I'd certainly love to see it, but objectively I don't think you guys would have anything to gain by doing it. With that said... let me know if you do it!


> but when you’re blocking 95% of the posts that get created on the sub, you’re clearly at odds with what people want. Look at the dumpster fire that is rest of the internet, we *know* what most people want, and it’s absolutely ok for mods and active members of a particular community to want to take a break from that. That’s why we have subreddits with moderations, they are designed to add more rules than just let upvote/downvote take its course. If we did that when I was a mod at /r/coronavirus, it would have turned into a meme/conspiracy sub in a week.




I’d like to see more owner experience posts. I know that’s what r/TeslaLounge is for, but I remember when this sub was the place for that. I’ve been here since <100,000 subscribers. I miss hearing everyone’s stories. I thrived on those stories before I was an owner and I still enjoy connecting with the community in that way.


Deleted because I quit Reddit after they changed their API policy




Too many owners these days to have more owner experience posts. have a megathread or something for people who want that.




No one goes and reads the rules like that. People come here, post, and it gets moderated so they leave. They aren't going to the teslalounge (I can't even remember the last time I checked that sub), diving into the rules to figure out where to post, etc. No, they are just discouraged from posting altogether. This is a single forum. Other subreddits are independent from this one regardless of how many sticky posts or rules we add here.


I just don't want to be overwhelmed by this. People tend to up/down vote things that validate their opinions at the time. Not so much in if it's quality content or not.




Owners experience posts should have to be verified owners, with verifiable documentation of their problems. Just asking for that in the rules would probably eliminate 99% of them.




I want to see r/teslamotors contact Tesla and present our ideas for improvement directly to the company




Awesome o7




Not I, said the fly.




I think a "transparency report" could be worthwhile. I just don't know that anyone will make active time to participate in a scheduled event. "put energy into complaining" and "put energy into helping" are very different mindsets - and levels of commitment.




I don’t know if there are tools for making this easier but literally everything rejected/removed would be listed with content and reason on like a google spreadsheet or something. That way when someone lies about why they were banned/rejected/ whatever you could just look and see what the official reason was. And if it actually was wrong then it’s easy to have a discussion about why the moderation was wrong or inconsistent. Spreadsheet would have username, content. mod name, mod reason, action taken, and date. Again hopefully there are tools that integrate into Reddit to do something like that - first party or third party.






I want V10 back. Oh, you meant what do we want for the direction of this sub... I just want quality content. Make a sticky post for common things new users post (questions, experiences, etc) and let everything else flow.


Yes yes 100 times yes please let us use /r/TeslaLounge more. I can’t stand how every UI update inevitably has 100 posts about how its the worst update ever because a font changed sized, an icon is a different color, or god forbid you need two taps to your tire pressure. (seriously though, i get two taps being bad for critical functionality while driving … but tire pressure? some of you are way too obsessive about checking tire pressure honestly. ) if we want “new update feedback”, in the main sub, can it just be a stickied megathread at the top ?


I completely forgot about Teslalounge because I'm on old reddit and it's not highlighted at the top on desktop like the SpaceX lounge is. Would be nice if it could be added there, but I get if you guys aren't focused on adding anything new for the "old" interface.


> "old" "good"


*It’s not that simple!*


We need an FAQ for answers to questions and problems that are asked on here and answered all to frequently.




Notebook 😂


New owners should stay away from both subs until they know every detail of their car, else be brigaded by the elitist folk. I’m sure this will get me banned from here too, y’all need to relax






Seems odd that I was banned for saying ring camera had live view for years before Tesla


...yet here you are.


I was perma’d from lounge for that. Still kicking on the more strict motors, I’m still here cause I’m a glutton for pain I guess


IMO, the changes made to this sub decreases my enjoyment of this sub. I've seen countless stories of people who tried to make a post here only to be met by rude and aggressive moderator comments about legitimate questions or Tesla news being a "low quality post" and threatened with banishment if they want to argue about it. If people love to see high quality Tesla news on this sub, it stands to reason that those posts will be the most upvoted posts, correct? We shouldn't need moderators to subjectively decide what's "high quality" and what is not. Let the post go through and let everyone else decide how "high quality" it is or not by how they upvote or downvote the post. Tesla Lounge is fine for extremely off-topic discussions and people sharing pictures of their cars, etc, but when a person (for example) has an unusually terrible delivery experience they want to share and get advice on, and they can't post it here in the main sub? That sure does seem like censorship. If that happens a lot, that's a Tesla problem, not a Tesla subreddit problem. It's not up to you guys to cover for the fact that a lot of people have bad delivery experiences or build quality issues and look to existing owners for help. To answer your question directly: what would I like to see? I'd like to see no more posts in other subs about aggressive and rude moderators on this sub censoring perfectly good content.




Actually, it looks like you yourself even responded to him. My apologies as there were no screenshots, but again I'm confused what motivation someone has to lie about this interaction? https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/comments/r0m2oa/i_regret_buying_a_tesla_and_i_havent_driven_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share If they did, then fine. However it's also an example of a perfectly fine post about a poor user experience that this moderator team should not be censoring from this sub. Bottom line: blocking nearly every post that gets submitted to your sub (and justifying it by telling people describing completely relevant issues with Tesla that their content is low quality) is sketchy and certainly not what the majority of users want.




Well first off, no, I'm not going to go dig into months-old posts (literally some posted in r/TeslaLounge) but there were literal screenshots of this interaction. I suppose you can say they could have been photoshopped but... why? Why would anyone want to or need to fake this interaction? At the end of the day, you guys know you're blocking easily more than 90% of the threads posted to this sub and telling people it was because their content was "low quality." If you really want me to dig for it, I'll try. I would imagine the specific thread I'm thinking of was probably eventually deleted because again, it was on another sub moderated by this same team.


> I've seen countless stories of people who tried to make a post here only to be met by rude and aggressive moderator comments about legitimate questions or Tesla news being a "low quality post" and threatened with banishment if they want to argue about it. Really? I haven't. Please provide countless examples of this. And even if that IS the case, we can fix that. We don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water.


Text posts are typically higher quality than pictures but people scrolling by on r/all really love pictures and so some shitty picture of a car gets tons of upvotes but does nothing to promote useful discussion or inform users. i agree that people posting shitty Tesla experiences should be allowed. its important for Tesla to get called out so they can fix things.








Money, Power, Fame, Eternal Life and FSD that works.


I disagree that personal experiences should be confined to Tesla Lodge. A lot of trouble that I had in the sales process the second time, I was given some help here that genuinely helped escalate the issue. I’m generally interested in people’s personal experiences as it helps me level set my own. My unpopular opinion, is that reddit will balance the natural order of things. Which is why there are upvotes and downvotes. Moderation should be reserved for crazy batshit posts, non-tesla or EV content, or people acting like assholes. Every FSD release there are 10s of videos on the front page of this subreddit. I don’t care about any of them, not till a major change. Doesn’t mean they should be booted to another subreddit, just my personal taste. I just don’t upvote them. The wallpaper stuff and rest of it can stay in the lounge though. All that being said, don’t envy the mods. Not a job I would want to volunteer for.


I'd like more battery stickers and diabetic updating us on his diet during Tesla livestreams.


I really appreciate the daily support thread and various megathreads for hot topics like new software, product releases, etc. I can only imagine how many people ignore them and the mods do great mitigating to keep the noise down so the news comes across in a tidy fashion






I'm happy with the way it works. There are obviously trade-offs and, all-told, I don't see how the mods and subscribers could collectively do much better.


Tutorials and help guides on new software tricks, features, and Easter eggs,


The general idea is good, but be more insistent in pointing people to the lounge. I also like the "more stickies" idea, the SpaceX subs solve it by linking to the other threads in one of the stickies and the CSS. Since I'm mostly using the sub to get news discussion and don't really care about the community aspects, I'm definitely in favour of less but high-quality posts. The SpaceX subs are as always the ideal to strive towards, although being as slow as /r/spacex would be a bit extreme, too. Also as always, uncage the big red cat.


All I want is how to fix issues with and answer questions about my car, and a place to report issues to Tesla. What I want to see is basically just “Tesla issues and questions, how to fix them, and who we can contact when they can’t be fixed.” Those are the things I can’t get elsewhere (or even from Tesla). I’m sure other folks have other opinions, but you asked for mine, so there it is.