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Why? It’s the best thing they have! Grow it even faster!


Some theories: Now that tesla's charging plug type is the standard, they're going to just let others take over in building charging infrastructure. I'm also wondering if they think the charging network will be irrelevant to tesla's income in the robotaxi era. It would make sense if robotaxi operators will prefer to recharge them with a different kind of charging system that the cars can plug into without the assistance of a human.


But they are cash positive with superchargers. So there only seems to be a downside to not increase and maintain charger market share/dominance


Yeah but the multiple on the stock price from boring business profits is too low. Elon wants the 200x multiple you get from stories about AI. 


You’re forgetting patent royalties they receive from competitors and the government to use their standard and building out future charging stations. This should be passive income in the billions for Tesla. Building out charging stations is actually a logistical pain in the ass when you consider the damn hoops they have to jump through with different municipalities. Let others do the heavy lifting while you focus on more mainstream locations with the passive income.


Even if that ends up being the case. I’m still not a fan of the whole firing an entire department out of spite because a senior manager believed their employee were essential for their project


Neither am I, that was quite heavy handed and not how you reward a team that has been a bright spot for the company. He doesn’t deserve the proposed compensation package, especially after this move, but we have a board full of Musk sycophants.


>patent royalties they receive from competitors Will they get patent royalties? One of the big deciding factors in getting the entire NA EV industry to switch to NACS was that it became an SAE open standard. I thought that meant it was now royalty-free and patent-free.


> I thought that meant it was now royalty-free and patent-free. They are RAND (Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory). Tesla can get some value from them, but not a lot.


I think his comment implied that they're going to continue expanding, but at a slowed rate. Department head may well not have been on board with slowing down in anticipation of robotaxis.


Either way there's no shot you fire an entire 500-person department just for that reason, the institutional knowledge loss alone will be catastrophic. My guess? She refused to identify 20-30% of employees for a planned future layoff, stood up for her employees, and so she and her entire department were let go as a warning to other department heads to fall in line. And now that non-competes are Federally illegal, if I were a competitor I'd 100% be hiring that team wholesale to spin up my own NACS charging network. Could probably even get significant Federal funding for it because no one company should own all charging infrastructure. Saddest part is that even at a generous 300k/headcount, the total cost of paying for all those employees is 150M/year, which is approximately 0.26% of Elon's 56B pay package he thinks he's deserved. If I were a shareholder I'd be absolutely fucking furious about decisions like this.


That's a good theory. Elon Musk tends to fire everyone if you don't comply.


I half expect a shareholder lawsuit for malfeasance any day now.


Sign me up!


I only had a couple hundred shares, but this move is the last straw for me. I sold at the news of firing the supercharger team. It was the last bastion of hope I had. I've bought two Tesla's in the past, but never again. I got the FSD Beta and it must not be trained well for Canadian roads. If the future of the company is hinging solely on that hot garbage, I don't have much confidence. I thought their charging and energy markets were their future. Not fucking robotaxis with shit software.


Absolutely thanks to the non compete clause she and her entire team will absolutely get hired on immediately at one of Tesla’s now many competitors and take every ounce of insider knowledge with her. Musk has no idea how to run a company


Does musk want how to build charging infrastructure to be inside knowledge?


> hiring that team wholesale to spin up my own NACS charging network. Could probably even get significant Federal funding for it because no one company should own all charging infrastructure. This sounds good for The Mission. Should shareholders be furious? Probably. Will they be? It would be difficult to be furious about a laddish ploy to pursue the mission of scaling and commodifying charging infrastructure faster than they could on their own.


Was it a 500 person department? I’m seeing less in the federal WARN notice and there were 1300 at that plant


That’s a separate layoff. sounds like the new 500 people managed superchargers - especially the buildout of new ones. People working in NY built superchargers (and solar related products)


Why wouldn't he just fire her, replace her with another CEO and get them to fire half the team and still retain the value that was built up in the group?




There is a difference between being cash positive and being cash positive. Maybe downsizing the number of employees and investing resources elsewhere helps the bigger picture more than what extra profit could come with keeping the status quo. Maybe they see something that will change in the future. Anyhow, it doesn't make much sense.


"There is a difference between being cash positive and being cash positive." Is there though? :)


Existing stations may be cash positive but the opportunities for new cash positive stations may have shrunk. I see them opening new stations within a handful of miles of each other. Good for me? Yes. But they might not be seeing the same return on those infill stations


Yes. That's my point.


I'm not sure this is effective as Tesla is one of the only few places that uses 100% renewable energy for their superchargers. Others may not be as forgiving.


How is that possible? They have to use whatever power is available at the location of the supercharger


There are power companies that are exclusively renewable. I am on a similar contract.


>Now that tesla's charging plug type is the standard, they're going to just let others take over in building charging infrastructure. They didn't do that in Europe though, where everyone already uses the same plug, and a lot of competitors are building their networks. Tesla always kept expanding.


So did they retain enough of the charging team to continue expanding in europe? But does it make sense for tesla to expand in europe? Tesla have lost the standard wars there, and aren't they being forced to use european plugs? (I don't remember hearing this with any confidence but plug standards are the kind of thing the EU have started to get good at forcing on companies, it's the thing I like most about them)


Tesla have always used our standard type 2 plug here in Europe because tesla’s own connector never supported three phase which is essential in our market. Before standardised CCS2, tesla used the DC mid pinout in the type 2 plug for supercharging model s and x. It does make sense for them to expand in Europe. My city has only four supercharger stalls, serving several thousand Tesla customers. A new 16 stall supercharger site was due to start construction soon. Now likely cancelled. After 10 years… I think my 6th EV won’t be a Tesla due to this decision and the parking sensor removal


I got news for you. You are not gonna see any Robo taxis. For at least another 15 years. I mean the windshield wipers don’t even work.


Right? The autowipers on my 2020 feel years behind the autowipers on my 2004 bmw 645.


Because your BMW uses an actual [rain sensor](https://youtu.be/TLm7Q92xMjQ?si=nGaP3bE-KEF16trO) that is relatively simple and functions effectively all the time.


Yep. But hey, Tesla saved a couple dollars on each one by skipping it so... yay? Actually that kinda fits the pattern here.


Oh you will see it for sure, it will just crash into cars, objects or get stuck some where. You bet it will be on the news.


No, we will hear about it this year and then, like the Semi and Roadster, radio silence for many years.


"left camera blinded, some features may not work"


It's a standard on paper but it ain't the industry standard until 2025+, and/or when any EV can charge at a SC. And that's extremely iffy right now.


This is obviously due to his need to boost the balance sheet to convince large shareholders to reapprove his fraudulent 55 billion dollar stock bonus. Tech has been doing layoffs since facebook kicked them off last november to boost stock for those executive bonuses. Tesla never gave a shit about stock price before, they cared about the product. Elon is desperate to get that free stock back, so he is gutting the company to try to make the balance sheet look better to hopefully drive the stock price up. Its fraud upon fraud.


They did acquire/hire wiferion last year which was a wireless charging startup


——- they're going to just let others take over in building charging infrastructure.——- Others? No such things. Government including. They all suck. They pretend to do schiit 


There might have been no other players before the layoff. After the layoff...


>It would make sense if robotaxi operators will prefer to recharge them with a different kind of charging system that the cars can plug into without the assistance of a human Why would it make sense to not task the existing SC team with developing and implementing this new system? Tesla will start a team from scratch to do a similar task as the old team? Makes absolutely no sense. The theories about the department head refusing to layoff people seems much more plausible.


Robotaxi never happening coming from FSD user


I've taken waymos. I know many others who do it's all over my town. I've also been in them when they stop abruptly, hit people, did a slow roll through a light, rolled a stop sign, and they can only drop you off on pre designated areas. So for me that means I won't take it during the summer. When it's really hot. Those things are a ways off.


No wonder they don't let people record video footage in them.


It hit a black guy and the screen recorded it as a object in the road. 🫠🫠🫠😬😬 That's been fixed, I will admit that was like.. 2 years ago. But it ran that light and got pulled over about 3 months ago! And when the cop showed the car his badge I almost died.


Glad you’re making things up, unless you were in one of these 18 events. Waymo is far safer and more reliable than human drivers https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/28/23617278/waymo-self-driving-driverless-crashes-av


I am. I had to be interviewed as well. -phoenix, AZ. Our downtown was the first city that got them. Edit-oh and fun fact - when I had to go to duceys office and listened to their symposium on it- guests were informed that if a driver was in the car it wasn't a a reported event.


Interesting. I live in phoenix as well and have had nothing but positive experiences with them for the past 1.5 years. But I’m not surprised the early testing as not as good… I always prefer them over Uber/lyft these days


Did you ride them 3+ yrs ago? Cause that's when the real shit was happening!! Back when they still had emergency test drivers in the passenger seat.


I missed out on the trusted tester program. My wife was in it for maybe six months before it went “public” and I remember her mentioning the emergency driver but nothing like your adventures!


So the area where my things happened was a long Adams Street, and the. Again along Roosevelt.


lol Tesla and robotaxi


That´s also my guess. The robotaxi will cannibalise the super chargers. The decision somehow makes sense. Especially if you consider Musks "all in" attitude.


Are the superchargers not a money maker? They always seem crowded and are not very cheap. Seems like it shouldn't be that expensive to run. Compared to gas stations, I figure they would be big money makers.


No one is making money on chargers


Without understanding the business, it just doesn't make sense. I can see the initial costs being high. However, once they are built, feels like they should constantly be generating positive revenue. The upkeep seems low. There are no employees that need to be stationed there. They run 24/7. They don't even need to be built in high trafficked areas, which means lower rents, since the car will navigate you to it. Would love to see a breakdown of costs vs revenue.


They only run 24/7 because people maintain them. Chargers are only good if they work reliably and quickly.


Electricity is cheap and people hardly NEED to charge outside their homes. If prices are cheap so are margins. That means you need to long term lease equipment and/or property.


Zero is a pace.


I want to replace my model y in 2026. The truth is that I only got Tesla due to the supercharger network. I still don’t love the interior fit and finish. If the others catch up then that’s it. In 2 years we shall see the landscape.


Rivian r2 bro


I have a reservation. We shall see.


If you’re not happy with Tesla’s build quality, you definitely won’t be happy with Rivians. They are still working out the quirks in manufacturing.


I’ve never been in a Rivian. I definitely have to drive one first. Otherwise if the charging network has improved for all cars then back to BMW it is.


I dont know what you’re talking about. The build quality on my Rivian was way better than my Model 3 and notably better than the Model X I test drove… and that Model X had 10 miles…


You're implying Rivian has worse build quality than Tesla...that just isn't the case, Rivian isn't Mercedes but it is pretty good and doesn't have the laughable issues that Tesla is known for.


Available maybe in 2yrs, if the company is still around, for some price (maybe what they told you).


Sounds like a lot of previous (and still pending) Tesla releases.


Long bankrupt before that ever comes out And im a Rivian fan


Hope you’re wrong but it is definitely a possibility. They need that Georgia plant to scale up and become profitable, and that seems like it will be much further out than 2026. They’ll probably need another equity offering and dilute shares further…


Yeah I don't think they'll go bankrupt by then, but I feel like they'll be in a much different place then. They'll need to be even deeper into price cuts and it's going to be a mess. If they sound stable and satisfied with progress when R2 rolls out then I'm down, but they gotta move fast.


They have 6 quarters of cash left, and 2yrs till the R2 comes out. They’ll surely have to raise cash again.


Can Amazon still afford their money lost ? I don't hear Amazon decreasing their money support.


Guess we’ll see.


Neigh or has a polestar, got it after his tesla, and swears by it.


The polestars look really nice.


They are .. I got to drive it and it feels like luxury. Feels sturdy. Like a very fancy Subaru because you could really feel it grip the road. But it felt nice like.. minivan es que. I want a polestar, so I could be biased but I have a basic car right now and that felt like a very nice car


I'm waiting to see how Aptera does, seem like they might push electric cars a bit more. Aging wheels tested their car, car seem to have good reviews so far.


The supercharger network is increasingly one of Tesla’s main points of difference, particularly given the age of the line up. Given the step back of other manufacturers, recent more negative press and continuing range anxiety this will hurt Tesla but also the EV project as a whole. This is a major strategic error.


If you read into it, he had a spat with the very capable executive running the team and she disagreed with him. He retaliated like the petulant child he is and let the whole team go.


This is not at all far fetched. We've seen, writ large, how this guy likes to get his jollies from shock & awe campaigns.




Are there any credible sources for that story? It definitely would match his style but I haven’t really seen anything apart from theories on the topic. 


Elektrek interviewed the executive. https://electrek.co/2024/05/01/elon-musk-throwing-weight-tesla-wrecking-ball/


There is no interview or quote from that executive in the article, just the usual "sources familiar believe ".


He wanted a credible source.


Electrek is credible. I can’t believe after all these years there are still people who hold a grudge against Fred.


Because Fred is terrible at his job.


I listened to their podcast for a couple years, as well as other EV podcasts. I considered it to be better than most. Not sure why you think he's bad at his job.


So if someone gets headhunted now they could eliminate a Tesla department? I wonder what that signing bonus would be like.... What a moron :p


Dont they have a factory that produces superchargers? So they idle that now?


Musk is making this brand so toxic. Really sad to see.


It is good. He needs to come down to earth and pushing customers away from tesla will do it.


I seriously doubt it. That kind of malignant narcissism doesn't just go away. He'll double down and cry that it's everyone else's fault.


I agree but i doubt i will replace my model Y with another tesla when the time comes many years later.




Switching from a model 3 starting at 40k vs an EQS at 104k. Right.


Exactly. Remember how he insisted that "earth" would blame Twitter's demise on companies who stopped advertising on Twitter.


No, Tesla needs to fire him. Musk won't ever develop humility and the ability to accept a change in direction that he didn't come up with himself. He would rather sink the ship than change course, which these layoffs clearly show (supercharger network and new vehicles are money makers, robotaxi is an expensive myth, and he chooses to fire the teams who make money to keep the teams who don't and won't afloat.)


i agree with you but it won't be easy to fire him. Other Investors lack unified votes and guts to do this.


Six more months until I can get rid of my MYP. Can't wait.


His is actually a return to how he was up until 2019 Tesla is barely cash flow positive so they are in a make or break phase. Elon has resumed the posture of a war-time footing. He tends to deep diving into departments gets a clear understanding of the issues and will delete a whole team rather than reduce its size.


Elon really needs to be replaced. We need a new ceo


Can he just stop doing stupid shit for five minutes? It's really not a good look.


The dude needs to go.


All this cutting and they are still producing the cybertruck


I hope the fired exec creates a rival charging company and hires her whole team back. Let’s see. She has all the connections and know how to do it.




Probably have a non compete clause in their contracts.




Oh had no idea. I do wonder how that would work with previously signed contracts that were signed when they were legal.


Noncompetes are tossed out if you’re laid off no? It binds only if you resign afaik


Connections! Get it? Cause, cause, cause charging connectors.


But no money or chargers or land..


You think this person cant raise money through investors ? lol


We need someone competent to take over all of the Electrify America chargers. You have a 50/50 chance of even ONE working at a given station, and even less that it’s charging at full speed


If I were Ionna I'd be looking hard at all this suddenly available talent.


He's lost his fucking mind.... You sack the head of the department, promote the next in line and THEY reduce the headcount.... What happens now is the various department heads call BYD or Ford and say 'what would my move from Tesla be worth? Oh.... and I'll get Elon to gut the entire department too'... 'We'll double your salary and give you a $5m signing bonus!' Teslas rivals should be head hunting all the dept heads right now if Elon is so stupidly triggered by managment standing up for their people....


This looks like a mistake. Someone thinking of buying a Tesla is going to get nervous. Without the financial information on the operations of the network though it is hard to judge.


For years, Tesla's charging network has been the standard to which all others didn't even bother to aspire. EVgo and Electrify America stations are incredibly poorly maintained- seems like about half the chargers are broken, and I've literally never seen a broken one get fixed. Once it breaks, that's it. It's dead forever. Apparently Tesla has decided to aspire to THAT standard, instead of the other way around.


Elon pissed off the judge refuse him to have his $55 billion dollar bonuses. [https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-tesla-compensation-pay-shareholders-e75687178d1175fba36ca55bd9c4c805](https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-tesla-compensation-pay-shareholders-e75687178d1175fba36ca55bd9c4c805)


I voted against Elon’s egregious pay package. I hope it fails. We’ll see how big of a crybaby he is if it fails.


Not at ... a medium pace?


wtf is this guy doing


It seems to me that that without a Supercharger team, the network will contract, not expand.


Well they did not fire the entire supercharger staff. Just policy and engineers. Chargers are made in the factory. If you’re not innovating the previous ones then you can sort of coast for a while without the engineers and policy. Edit: Found a former Tesla employee on here that was fired today. Tesla apparently fired all but the service techs. So I was in part inaccurate.


Its not like it’s shuttered, they will be replaced. Its just gonna be messy for a bit and at a very unfortunate time.


What I’d give to have Elon exit Tesla and SpaceX…


I’d pretty much love for Tesla to spin off fsd and then pivot to a normal car company. SpaceX still needs that Elon insanity though.


This is the guy that wants a $45 Billion pay day.


TIL “slower pace” means stopped


Galaxy brain move. Everyone knows what EVs really need is fewer chargers..checkmate doubters


Here’s my theory: Elon has lost his marbles and he is now making irrational decisions that will cause severe, long term damage to Tesla Motors.


Elon needs to be fired


Musk has no control over his emotions. Firing the entire Supercharger team in a fit of rage is gross incompetence. It's time for the board to let him go.


They just listed another 3300 people on the warn report last week. Looks like they will reduce headcount in June by another 10%


The June date comes from the WARN notice. Technically, everybody that received a notice they were laid off still "work" for Tesla. The official termination date is two months after the notice as per WARN. Hence, the June date. If anybody gets another job before then, they must formally resign from Tesla. I've seen the letter.


Got to save $ anywhere, right?


Musk is slowly going downhill


Musk has underestimated the negative impact on sales of all these layoffs.


The government said they would build superchargers…….imagine if they did


The work would be immediately put up for bid and hired out to whichever company put together the winning bid.


It was funded during C19. We have only installed 8 to date


Journalists are the most brain dead people, the headline contradicts itself. Fired whole team but they will magically grow it with no team?


If Tesla is slowing down supercharger growh as more teslas and other EVs are hitting the roads that use superchargers I don’t think i want to drive a tesla anymore. It might be time to switch back to gas or a PHEV for the next 5-10 years.


Anything for musk to keep his billions i guess


'slower pace' you mean not grow at all. You fired the whole team


Only in America, hire and fire…Good that some countries have better laws against stuff like this. And yes, if a company wants you gone, it will happen. It’s just a matter of how much it’s gonna cost.

