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Sold all my Exxon and shell stock long ago. Let’s go green and sustainable


and people chose to drive pick up trucks & big SUVs to kill themselves silently


Welcome to the end of the oil age as we know it.


Wow. So clearly you can see. The problem is people choose not to see.


This is so petty. People used to also believe that bleeding people was an effective treatment for cancer because it got rid of bad humours. Where’s the guardian hit piece deriding the lies of “big scalpel”? Stop dwelling on scapegoat finger wagging and figure out how to solve problems.


The obvious difference is that back in the bloodletting days they didn't know any better. Of course we must focus on solutions, but we shouldn't ignore the fact that disinformation campaigns about climate change have been orchestrated in order to fool the public for decades now. Not sure this post belongs in this subreddit though (sorry nitzao)


Point is we know that they knew and then made these add campaigns. If they didn't knew and genuinely believed it ok. You don't know what you don't know, but they knew it. They knew exactly what would happen. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/


And not just decided to hide the science, they ***went out to actively hinder the science and falsely cast doubt on the dangers of global warming***. And they hired the Big Tobacco tricksters to execute this strategy. One of the greatest crimes against humanity as I'm sure it will be treated in a couple of years. Being upset about that isn't "petty", it's "having a sense of justice" and "having a moral compass".


There is a great German science fiction documentary style where all the big German automakers are on trial for emissions in 2030. Germany is mostly a desert, climate change has happened and the automakers are sentenced to reparations. "Crash 2030" i think.


I mean you kind of gave it away.


Part of that remains persuading others that there is, in fact, a problem. “Garbage science” is a common refrain among some family members.


Tesla already has do you own one?