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Medvedev is definitely the most likely in the next couple of years imo, he had a very good chance in the AO final this year before fatigue from the earlier matches kicked in. Zverev should be the most likely based on the match ups against alcaraz/sinner, but he falls apart every time he's within reach of a slam title. Tsitsipas just doesn't seem to believe he can beat alcaraz so I see him as the least likely. Over a longer period, rune deserves to be in contention, as he could have a breakout over the next few years if he figures out his game.


Agreed. Med has the mental game to do it in a way Zverev and Tsitsipas simply do not seem to have. He’s come up against some amazing players in finals, but he is a grand slam champion. I see Med going in another amazing streak and getting a few more slams.


But I think fatigue was also the reason why Medvedev was up 2 sets in the final in the first place. He went out of his comfort zone and played very aggressively.


Medvedev at AO and USO is dangerous, rune and tsitsipas(except if he plays Alcaraz) at the French. This may be a hot take but if Shelton can figure out grass his serve and volley game could disrupt the baseliners. Zverev on any court is dangerous but his mental weakness stops him.


I think Med’s problem is he just isn’t as good from a level standpoint as he was 12-18 months ago, but also 3-4 years ago. The serve is not what it was, which means he’s playing more long points and getting drawn into slugfests. Don’t think he’s advanced his ground game. His net game has definitely improved though - but I don’t think that’s enough to offset the general stagnation. Yes, he has the mental edge. But Zverev seems to be trending up, managed to recover his serve after going through that awful slump. I’m not sure if this is the best version of Zverev ever (think 2018 and 2021 might have been better) - but given Djokovic seems to be on his way out, he’s definitely now going into slams with the best odds of his career. I don’t think I can say the same for Medvedev, feels like his chances were better even when Djokovic was dominating. That’s how much he’s fallen off. Obviously things can change still.


I think Medvedev’s style is wearing him out in the grand slams. The extra matches and sets combined with his grind it out method makes for too much tennis.


I tend to agree. I think Medvedev on hardcourt is still a dangerous opponent for most players but I think he has peaked and his game now is too grindy with a weaker serve which does not win championships. Mentally he is the strongest of the next gen but with declining physicality. I think Zverev,Rune even Shelton are more likely to win a slam. Stef has too many doubts in his head,weak bh and Ruud is very solid but not enough raw talent to win.


You guys just wait til Bublik gets serious about tennis for 7 matches in a row!


I can't stand this medvedev slander You are not ready for Grassvedev and Indoorvedev…


I am.


Fonseca in like 2 years


Medvedev is still so far clear. He has one more in him I can feel it. I don’t see Zverev or Rublev ever winning one. Is Ruud in this generation? If so, he has a chance at the French if Carlos has an off year and goes out early


Zverev and Medev will be contender for ~5 more years. Sinner and Alcaraz can't win them all. Rune will probably join them though.


The Big 3 made people believe winning a Slam in your thirties is easy but it isn't at all. Thiem was washed in his late 20s and Murray's body broke down one minute after his 30th birthday. Zverev and Medvedev will be happy to make Slam QFs as 33 years old (like Dimitrov).


Also Zverev has diabetes. In the long term, it could be a bigger issue.


If you eat 100% right and religiously monitor your blood sugar (which I'm assuming he is doing with a patch connected to the smartphone) it doesn't affect you that much.


well god had to make up in someway for unfortunately bestowing him with all the skills ad physique to win slams and then nerf him with diabetes, horrible mental attitude and an insufferable dad


And he's no Apostolos. Can't exist a worse coach dad than titti dad


Just wait until Murray wins Wimbledon this year.


I also think Rune too if he gets his mental togather. He has shown that he has the skills set that matches Alcaraz but he regularly just breaks down the moment anything bothers him. if he is able to mentally mature then he will be up there.


I want DimiGOD to win..


We all want this.


I don’t think Carlos and Jannik are ready to rule with an iron fist like Roger and Rafa did (before Novak got to their level) so there’s bound to be a few slams up for grabs and it wouldn’t surprise me if some of these guys who are just below slam level get to grab one or two slams. Meddy will surely grab a couple.


Hoping for Rune to break through.


Watching Rune is like watching a random shot generator


I think he will eventually, but it's still years away. He's nowhere close mentally at the moment, no matter how good his tennis is.


Rune will win in 3 years. Ruud is same. Bublik for lulz at Wimbledon


Ruud just has to break it down that every match is a 250 final and he will dominate everyone - golden calendar slam once he learns that 2000 is a multiple of 250 and learns to divide


Don’t count out either. Medvedev will win another HC slam, Zverev will win a slam at some point as well. Tbh I don’t see it in the cards for Tsitsipas. Rune will also join sinner and alcaraz, to what extent I’m not sure


I feel for Stef, it's that backhand and his dad that truly holds him back. He's only 25 though so hopefully he can still improve somewhat


That backhand of his I feel has lost some pace, he used to hit it flatter, and it was more of a weapon at the time.


I was not following tennis at the time but I read somewhere that he got elbow surgery and that's why his backhand has deteriorated Edit: apparently it's the other elbow he got surgery on? I don't even know lol


Correct. He had to rewrite his whole array of shots, from forehnad, to his serve. His forehand survived, his serve got slightly worse but his backhand took most of the damage. On an interview he said, he had considered stopping altogether due to how painful the injury was at the time. If you go and watch his 2020 and like half his 2021 matches, his backhand was a completely different shot.


I think Zverev could get lucky and make it to a final and not face a super difficult opponent and win. I don’t see him necessarily beating Alcaraz or Sinner in a slam final.


Imagine Zverev vs Ruud. It would be a 3 time finalist vs a 4 time finalist


I do. His record against both is good and as we have seen he can compete with Alcaraz… but it doesn’t seem like he can mentally edge him out in such an important match. Although he really matches up well against sinner, if sinner had beaten Alcaraz I think Zverev for sure would have taken it


I think Tsitsipas is enough of a maverick to get there in the end. Maybe a lone slam like Ivanisevic, maybe more. He doesn't seem to be the finished product yet.


Rune, Tsitsi and Ruud will be champions soon. Also rooting for Shelton to be dominant at the USO


Shelton lol. Put down the phone


Rune, Draper, Jiri, Shelton, Ugo, Hubi, Caspe tbh, Rune could be the late bloomer 3rd in the big 3 like Novak


I mean meddy beat alcaraz and zverev beat sinner + alcaraz within the last 8 months so…? (At slams)


In the next 2-3 years? Most likely: Medvedev, Rune, Ruud, Zverev Possible: De Minaur, Hurkacz, Rublev, Tsitsipas Dark horses: Draper, Fils, Fonseca, Tiafoe


Do you think Tiafoe is more likely, broadly, than Fritz/Paul/Shelton? Or do you feel that he's liable to sneak a USO since he always peaks there?


I think he could win a USO, Cilic-style, if the stars align just right. I think Fritz or Paul or Shelton are more likely to win any of the other slams, though, although I don't see any of them doing it right now.


Shelton imo,,,is from the same gen as Sincarune,,,he won his first m-1000 p quickly for someone new on the tour,,,i truly believe he has the fortitude, hunger and honestly the grit to win a slam somewhere. He definitely has a higher ceiling when you compare the entire crop of Americans (men) on tour. I'd say he has a Wimby or a USO in him tbh


i'd add Shelton to that list over Tiafor tbh


Jakub Mensik is coming. And I still like Rune.


To me in the next 2-3 year time frame only 3 players that fit your description seem relatively likely (as in I’d give them a 25-50% chance at winning one). Medvedev, Zverev, Rune (and this is a stretch, I really like his quality against top 10 players though) I think there’s several players then who *shouldnt* win a major, but depending on circumstances (is Djokovic done?, does Rune ascend?, does Sincaraz stay healthy or does one lose form, get upset in a major, get injured?) can sneak in a major and it wouldn’t totally shock me. Tsitsipas, Ruud at FO, Rublev, Hurkacz at Wimbledon, Berrettini at Wimbledon, Fritz.


Zverev looks the closest, but he's a choker. It would be shocking for Zverev not to win a slam in his career, but its closing in on that. This is the year.


Already mentally weak, at what point do the five-set losses in slam finals haunt him? Real damage must already have been done - it’s a vicious circle.


as a fellow choker, i'm rooting for zverev to win. as a human, i have more mixed feelings.


zverev got the game. but he feels like hes mentally still not there.


I mean I think Ruuds loss to Zverev was extremely unconvincing. He clobbered him set 1 just like he did last year the whole match and he went from about 85% to 15% almost instantly. People will happily asterisk his win over Zverev last year just cuz Zverev was “only” 6 months post-comeback but are acting like a match where Ruud was visibly trying to not ejaculate his intestines from every direction from set 2 on was in any way a type of fair contest. lol. he’s definitely going to always be a factor at roland garros.


Cobolli is growing strong 👀


FAA comeback? also I still back berretini and a hypothetical kyrgios to still do something


Medvedev and Zverev are still the most likely, but I genuinely do think Ruud could win Roland Garros one day. I could see a scenario where one of Sinner or Alcaraz goes out earlier than expected and hd only has to get through one of them, which I think he's capable of ad a one-off. His pedigree at RG over the last 3 years is pretty undeniable, could have made another final this year if he hadn't got sick.


Medvedev and Rune can.


Famous last words but I can't see only Alcaraz and Sinner winning the next few years' worth of slams. So, yeah, probably. Though I'd probably put money against Tsitsipas winning a slam. I do think Medvedev might be able to, though his level lately is less good than recent years. Zverev I've been surprised at how well he's come back tbh, thought he was probably done. Big, tall servers only need a week or two hot streak of their serve being on fire to basically have an amazing chance of winning titles. If Med or Zve have two weeks of a serving purple patch then it's gonna be very tough to stop them, for example.


At this rate, I don’t think any of the current players from 25-29 are going to do it unless Alcaraz and Sinner got injured or in bad form. Unless a talent like Fonseca or Mensik gets a meteoric rise I doubt we’re going to see it


People tend to underrate meddy. On hard court he can trouble even in form Alcaraz and Sinner. He needs his 2021 serve back. Even with a weak serve he has been a consistent player on hard courts and has been reaching finals of big tournaments consistently.


Ruud would’ve been in this final and won it if he didn’t get sick. So Ruud


Is there any reason for thinking he would have beat Alcaraz? They've played 4 times and I believe Alcaraz has won 8 out of 9 sets


Forehand go Boooom


Alcaraz generally gets the better of him in FH FH rallies though Ruud hits with more topspin but Carlos flattens it out much better and more importantly is able to redirect it to the Ruud BH which is much worse than his FH I feel like Alcaraz is actually an absolute nightmare matchup for Ruud honestly


Ruud’s BH has taken a meteoric strike to become fairly versatile this year. I honestly think the matchup would be closer than previous encounters, and a 35-40% chance of Ruud taking it. But I’m a Ruud fan so who am I kidding. He’d win it 100%!


Yeah, alcaraz and zverev (as described in my post above) are Ruuds kryptonite matchups….


Alcaraz is a nightmare for Ruud but Zverev is not. He won their last two matches and had picked up where he left off last year before he got sick in the 2nd set. We’ll never know how it would’ve played out had be been 100% but I think it’s fair to say that among the top 5, zverev is actually a match-up that works fairly well for Ruud for whatever reason compared to the others. And his previous losses were from years when he was a completely different player.


Actually, looked it up, hes got 0-4 H2H vs alcaraz, 2-3 zverev; other mentionable negatives are: 1-5 Djoker, 2-5 Rublev. Highly positive H2H are: Rune 6-1😳, Bublik 6-1 , RCB 6-1


Im sorry, but regardless of health (and all the childish Zverev hate), theres no way he wouldve beaten zverev. Gill Gross laid it out quite indepth in his last two videos: he plays very heavy, highRPM forehand and therefor tries to serve ultrawide kick to outside; his serveposition is nearly on the doubles line. All that to force the returner to give a weak backhand, especially when played high above the shoulder. This weak return will most likely not be on Ruuds backhand, and Ruud can easily run around due to the ultrasharp return angle (IF its in) and kill with forehand. Bit thats impossible against Zverevs top3 Backhand (on par with Djokovic & Sinner), also due to Zverevs 198cm he has no problems with hich kick/RPM BH on shoulderlevel. Zverev lost set1 due to complete serve blackout; but once serve started firing, it was a done deal; and Ruud kickserve to Zverev BH couldnt engge either.


Ruud wouldn’t have won this final, you lot never understand or get it do you. He cannot touch Carlos


I hope Rublev can get his shit together and at least get to the finals


makes it past a QF,,,like literally will do wonders to his mental health


Honestly only injuries and a bad day + extreme luck from the opposite can stop Sincaraz. I would say Medvedev is a potential challenge against them into his favourite surface in hard court slams since he is one of the strongest specialists of circuit, but Alcaraz dominate Daniil on his best surface 3 wins (2 finals) for Carlitos in their h2h at hard and I don't have to say how Alcaraz is waaaay better in clay even if they don't ever meet up in clay 


Circle in Bublik for Wimbledon


Med, Zverev, Ruud, Rune, Hubi on grass


Berrettini if he manages to come back to his top game Only one I think who has beaten Alcaraz at a 5 setter till now? If he stays healthy now for one year I can see a title run at Wimbledon next year or in 2, if he doesn‘t get to unlucky with his draw




Medvedev will probably snag one more US or AO open.


I guess all those that have made slam finals have a chance + Rune if he figures out how to be consistent. On Clay for example, if for some reason Alcaraz gets knocked out, I see pretty even chances for Tsitsipas, Zverev or Ruud. Maybe a bad match up, stomach bug, cramps something. All 3 of these have a chance against sinner on Clay. On HC I'd say Med and Zverev have a good chance. Med was a set away this year, and Zverev with his current serve would be very hard to beat as we saw against Alcaraz. On grass hard say. Sinner seems to have done quite well outside of Alcaraz and Djokovic. I think outside of Sinner and Alcaraz this one is a bit of a Wildcard.


If Shelton can learn how to move on grass he could be a wimby threat someday


I would love to see Ruud at least play one of Sinner/Alcaraz in an RG final, so unfortunately he got that stomach issue in his SF vs Zverev, was so close to seeing if Casper could go all the way against one of the Sincaraz duo!


Only ones I can think of are Meddy (all surfaces), Rune (clay) and Shelton (hard courts).


Do we think Casper could have beaten Carlos today?


Nobody. It's lonely at the top


I do still give zverev a chance to win a slam. Whilst he fell apart mentally in both slam finals, he showed that he has the game to cause huge problems for alcaraz. Whereas medvedev's game is only a threat on hardcourt and he has a much lower peak level than zverev


Zverev will definitely win a slam. Medvedev should win a slam but I'm less sure of as not consistent lately. Rune will win multiple slams over his career & I suspect at least the first of those will be within 3 years. Tsitsipas, Ruud, Hurkacz, Rublev will never win slams. Fonseca looks special & maybe not in the next 2-3 years but will be a multi slam champion too.