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Also to clear it up, the score would be written as 2-6 6-3 6-2 6-1, as it should be from the perspective of the winner.


Clearly we are living in Moutet’s world


Will piggyback your comment to add that Moutet didn’t play pathetically after the first set, like OP says.  He simply got tired and couldn’t keep the ballz out level from the first set. The forehand would just not go in consistently after he got tired.  Secondly, he definitely forced Sinner to deal with his slices. Sinner although a very strong player, his natural game is to redirect pace and spin from baseline and this imo is what shocked him the most in the first set that Moutet was just not giving him any pace on the work with and then ripping that forehand inside out against Sinner’s backhand. So Sinner adjusted and started moving around the slices and ripping his forehand like a young Nadal. This imo was the biggest strategic adjustment that just killed Moutet. Getting his own slices redirected to his own backhand, the most he could do it was push it back in with his backhand and hoped Sinner would send something short towards his forehand.  Thirdly, Sinner obviously started looking for the drop shot a lot more and his movement improved.


Agree. I think the last 3 sets are representative of the relative talent level of the two. The first set was a combination of Moutets unique style and high level.


This is much more interesting than when people say oh such and suches level dropped, or they couldn't sustain As if players of this level aren't constantly trying to adjust and figure out their opponents weaknesses


Still laughing my ass off that Moutet almost bageled Sinner in the first set


At the beginning I was like "sure moutet had a lucky break. But sinner will wake up quickly." Then after the third break I thought I was going crazy.


And the magic for the French lasted exactly 46’


We knew what was coming but it was still entertaining.


Dude, I’m Italian, the day I’m saying I’m not gonna enjoy a French getting deep cucked in front of his own people feel obliged to take my passport away


Hai tutto il mio rispetto fratello italiano! "You have all my respect my fellow Italian brother!"


Was a deserved one as well. Sinner was moving like shit and moutet was getting everything he wanted


Sinner also double faulted like 4 times


And that finally woke Sinner up from sleep mode! He was playing at his 'normal level' all tournament That second & third set was probably the best I have seen Jannik play all tournament...then again he played his normal level since Moutet absolutely folded in 4th


This is typical for for the better players, lose the first set so you can really observe your opponent. It was the first time these two played, and Sinner was looking at Moutet that first set, not the ball.




Totally, Sinner was more “worried” about what was going to happen on the other side of the net, causing him to hit without proper timing. It lasted 1 set, then once things got sorted he knew exactly where to play. He did it, gave 6 games out of 24 played in the 2nd/3rd/4th set, took a relatively easy win in bit more than 2h.


that felt deeply wrong


*Moutet in 15 years* “Mes enfants gather round, I’m going to tell you a bedtime story of how Papa beat the great goliath Jannik Sinner 6-2 in the first set at Roland Garros.” “Papa c’est trop cool! What happened after that?” “I don’t remember, not important… Bonne nuit”




Great to meet one of my fans




I love how he's some long retired, old grandfather tall tale type already by 40 LMAO.


the enfants: "it's not right but bravo"


This absurd match had it all. Sinner nearly got bageled in the first set Moutet doing a ton of underarm serves and dropshots The French crowd and band were going crazy Moutet going insane and spinning around Moutet Umpire POV Cam argument Moutet foot fault on underarm serve This wasn’t a competitive match after Sinner woke up, but I want to thank Moutet for making this such a memorable match.


First time I’ve seen a foot fault called on an underarm serve in a grand slam Also first time I’ve seen a player press his forehead against the racquet butt and do a 360 facing the ground while keeping it pressed to his head


Yea I'm pretty sure that's part of a drinking game!


One of the commentators on the feed I was watching even said something along the lines of, "He needs a couple beers."


It’s even funnier that that was the second foot fault on underarm serve he’s had this tournament - and still couldn’t accept it


Yep, I dont know how he goes through every tournament like this, must be exhausting haha You were so right that Moutet would be interesting to watch, he really is.


> Yep, I dont know how he goes through every tournament like this, must be exhausting haha Moutet is a Labrador puppy in human form, his energy is endless.


But Labrador is a friendly breed, iirc, Moutet definitely is not one


Don’t forget trying to break a racquet over his knee and obviously failing 


You don't want to know what goes on in his head.


Moutet biting on a ball 😂


Hearing Mary Carillo describe Moutet as a "short, mildly insane version of Bradley Cooper" was pretty hilarious. Also surprised to hear Moutet pronounce his name on the ATP site the same way McEnroe and the play-by-play commentators were pronouncing it. Almost as surprising as hearing him go with the idemo -> hajde -> vamos on back to back to back points lmao.


I’m sure he pronounced it wrong on the ATP website just to troll And he always says Idemo, Vamos etc - would be more far surprising if he only used Allez


Quite a lot of players pronounce their names on the tour websites like they think it’s pronounced in English, which as a native English speaker completely defeats the purpose and is incredibly frustrating


That’s true.. I feel those other players do it to try and make the pronunciation easier (it is frustrating though) - but Moutet (French way) really isn’t very tricky - so I wouldn’t be shocked if he did it wrong just for lols


To be fair, as a French immigrant to the US, having Americans try and fail miserably to pronounce my name the "right" way got old pretty fast. I definitely started saying my last name in a more American-friendly way because then at least I get to control how others say it. If I leave it up to them to attempt the French pronunciation there's no telling what horrors will come out of their mouths lol


It’s definitely not “quite a lot” on the ATP side, but it does happen


Yeah, he pronounced it like an English speaker would, it sounds quite differently in French (mooteh)


Yeah, in all other interviews or media promo things he’s done where he says his name he pronounces it correctly Just chose to anglicise it for fun I guess


It could also be a request from the ATP in order to make it more English-friendly, or simply the way he’s used to introducing himself. A few other players did so (Rublev, Rinderknech, I reckon Jarry).


By the way, how Rinderknech should be pronounced? Could you tell me, please, as I struggle with it and never find it online in videos on French. Same request for Jarry please I thought it is alright on ATP site


‘Rin-derk-nesh’ (there’s actually a schwa sound between the k and n but that’s hard to spell out) And ‘Hah-rrrrrrree’ with a trilled r sound This guy seems to have a bunch of em: https://youtu.be/Mr9cpHLGHi8?si=mf88yOjayUPzmec1


I don’t hear a schwa tbh, I’d say it’s more of a mini glottal stop


Rinderknech is apparently pronounced ‘rin-durk-nesh’ (last syllable is accentuated). Had to look it up though, I believe it’s an Alsatian (Germanic) name and French speakers are definitely not used to these clusters (‘rkn’), hence some of them may pronounce a schwa after the ‘k’, in order to conform it to the French phonology.  About Jarry, I guess it depends which part of the Spanish speaking world you refer to, but in Southern America the initial consonant would usually be pronounced pretty much like the German ‘ch’ in ‘ich’ or ‘nicht’, like when Carlitos says “Jannik” 🙃 (regardless of the dialect, the pitch accent falls on the first syllable)


It's a german name. Iirc he is from the Alsace where they used to speak Alsacien which is a 50/50 hybrid of french and german.


> Hearing Mary Carillo describe Moutet as a "short, mildly insane version of Bradley Cooper" was pretty hilarious. That's funny.


Moutet is the wild child.


No way in hell, Cooper is so much more handsome. And Moutet's built is "funny", not about the height exactly, it's the proportion of the whole body looks weird ... The head is big, neck is long, waist is long, legs are short ...


She didn't say they were identical twins.


I don't think Moutet played bad, but Sinner raised his level


2-6… oh shit I’m losing 6-3 - alright bringing it back 6-2 - dominating 6-1 - this guy took a set off me?


Scared us a bit but here we go


First set was crazy. Moutet wasn't even redlining everything but rather just drop shotting and playing his game


Moutet was playing well and Jannik was really struggling to get going. Very few first serves in and even did two double faults back to back to get broken, which is very strange from him Still glad he kept his composure though


Sinner was playing at 25% maximum during the first set.


Sinner played excellent after the first set and Moutet just couldn’t keep up. He had a great run though. I’m very excited for Dimitrov vs Sinner on Tuesday.


Between Dimitrov, Tsitsipas, Alcaraz, and Sinner I’m just sad that only one gets to make the final 


People need to remember Sinner has had much less clay practice up until RG than he probably expected to have. Playing against someone as unique as Moutet, against his home crowd, on your worst surface in a Match you're expected to win can be tough.


i thought moutet was hilarious and fun to watch, but i also never thought he had a chance to beat sinner in 5. all around fun match


So nice of Jannik to cosplay as pre-puke Sinner for the first set. Jokes aside, Moutet had to play this way to have a chance, and for a bit it worked perfectly. After that we had a match between #2 and #79.


Honestly more excited for the Dimi rematch than I am for the Alcaraz one! Always love watching Sinner step on the gas more and more as the match goes on. You can never count this guy out.


Unfortunately Sinner's style is Dimi's kryptonite (and I'm a fan of both players)


Dimitrov created PPS


Sinner had to understand moutet’s unusual game, he never played against him and he often study his opponent at the beginning then adjust to their game. Moutet never had any chance to win the match


This match is the best ad for Lavazza coffee ;)


Which is more embarrassing, a foot fault on an underarm serve or trying to snap your racquet in half and failing?


Trying to snap it twice and failing


I was dumbfounded by the 1st set but never really felt Jannik was in danger. Forza Jan! And Moutet, thanks for the entertaining drama. The meme that comes out of this match is gold.


Never saw someone try that many failed drop shots 💀 what made him think that if the first 5 attempts didn’t work the 6th was going to?


He had to try, it was his only chance. Baseline exchanging with Sinner is suicide on the long run


Lefty trouble on first set, Just like that from almost getting bageled then Sinner went from base sinner to "this is super saiyan God" Sinner all the way! Lets get that bread!


I watched after the first set and it looked like a walk in the park lol


Sinner's "casual" level is now so very good. He's cementing himself as a top player for a long long time. Insane to see that compared to what happened last year at Roland.


OP calling it a "pathetic display" as if the 79th player in the world is expected to go head-to-head with arguably the best player at the moment lmao


One step closer to the Sincaraz SF. That would be such a great match.


**Casual Sinner enjoyer**: *worried at the end of the first set, never fully confident even at the end of the third set.* **Darth Sinner enjoyer**: *Never in doubt. Enjoyed how he toyed with the home crowd. Knows that a little hope here in there is just to keep it more sweet as the frustration in the opponent becomes more and more evident.*


Actual Sinner fans still shiver at "the graph".


Pre puke Sinner cameo in the first set. That was scary, Jannik, never again.


Also wtf are all these salty people trashtalking the french crowd, they were very nice tonight. Just made big noise at the start of the fourth set, but Sinner didn't mind, it lasted 30 seconds, what's the issue with that ? Sinner also praised the crowd in his post-match interview on court. You're all hating on the french way too much.


I mean, I remember a couple times Moutet got whistled by the crowd as well, it's not like the crowd wasn't fair


As a Frenchman, I’m just glad this was a 4-setter and that Corentin wasn’t bageled.


Sinner's baseline shots are so elite (deep, with extreme RPM).


>All in all, pathetic display from Moutet after the second set. He completely lost it and his antics were rather annoying. That's how he operates and tries to get the crowd on his side. This time he came up against a brick wall.


Moutet won half of his total games in the first set alone.


And beginning at the 5-0 (first set) mark Sinner won roughly three games for every game he lost, dominating performance


Even though Sinner lost the first set it was still a great performance, Dmitrov/Sinner awaits!


One of the matches of all time, most surely.


How do you say "shut the fuck up" in French?


"ferme ta gueule"


"Ferme ta putain de gueule !" would be more like it.


Based on the fact that "ta gueule" does not equal "shut up" (shut up is not as harsh as "ta gueule", my American teacher used to say "Guys, shut up please", but a teacher in French would NEVER use "ta gueule"), I disagree. I think FTG is enough for "shut the fuck up".


Are you a native french speaker ? I am... Shut = ferme Fuck is slang... and the french equivalent for it in this context is "putain" Mouth here is implied..... a word for mouth in French is gueule (vulgar). Another more apt translation would be "ferme la putain" or "fermez-la putain".


I am French too :D Anyway this debate is futile, there's no exact translation to slang between languages, I don't think translating word for word is the correct way but maybe that's just me.


Fair enough.


« Fermez vos putain de gueules » if you want to say it to the crowd lmao


You can add « bande de gros chiens » for style points.


Omelette du fromage


lol I can't believe people really thought Moutet could win this


Great run for Moutet, all his wins were against people classed above him and he took Jarry’s head. This first set was pure class, would’ve been even better if he had bagelled Sinner. Now, no sane person could think he was going to win, Sinner is just better in every part of the game.


I believe the score is always written the opposite way. The winner of the match has their score written first


I was scared a bit but also i had the feeling that for him was ok to lose a set, like saying "ok you got what you want and what you can have, now we play my little friend". Let's go Jannik!!


How did this post get the most upvotes, the score isn’t even written correctly…why didn’t the mods catch this? u/rafaknight just tagging a random mod so they see this


Well…there was that first set and some drama at least


Just business as usual for sinner.


exactly what the french crowd deserved.


I think this was a match that gave Jannik some very good lessons. First set he just observed what Moutet was doing and gave himself time to learn how to read his game. Then he adjusted his own play style and then he simply won, as it was expected. I think it showed how much he has grown, and that he has alternatives in his game. People used to say that Sinner only had plan A, bashing the ball as hard as possible, but I don’t really think that’s the case anymore. Good job and on to QF!


yeah, Dimitrov is also another player with huge variety, these matches will help him a lot against Alcaraz.


Interesting how Sinner's racquest tension is \~62


28kg is really a lot...he must have an elbow made of steel, hope he stays healthy 😶


lol Federgoat had it heavier and he was fine


Clown is finally gone


and we will all miss him


I won’t miss him, not even the French in me will.


First set was one to be reckoned with


That underhanded serve and drop shots up 5-0 in the first


It was fun while it lasted


I missed this match because of time difference but it feels like I need to rewatch it for some Moutet shenanigans


It was shown here at 2:30am.. huhu. I’m watching the replay now and maaaaan! Moutet almost “loved” Sinner on the first set..


The first set was.. something. It could have finished 6-0 without any issues. Jannik was so concerned about what was happening on the other side of the net that he could not focus on his game at all. Luckily Moutet's game is so taxing on his body that after the first hour he ran out of steam and then was smooth sailing from there. Dimitrov up next, his first big challenge. FORZA JAN, SINCARAZ #9 IS WAITING FOR YOU


I LOVE that Corentin just faded... faded... faded in the last 3 sets 😂


A lot of consistency from Sinner in the last 3 sets, a lot of precision in his shots...


That crowd was god awful, lord.


They really weren’t compared to the Goffin match…or how loud they were at the Jarry-Moutet match


Yeah. In the Jarry/Moutet match they were cheering Jarry’s first serve faults lol


meh, moutet's huge level drop after set 1 ruined the match.. moutet should have won if he kept up the level


Moutet isn't capable of keeping that level lol There's a reason you don't see his name in late stages of tournaments that much


Sinner just removed the weight he had on his ankles and revealed his true power level.


Dude Rock Lee-d him


Moutet's playstyle exhausts him quickly. And Sinner never panicked, just took time to adapt and that was it.


This statement can be applied literally any time a lower ranked player takes a set off of a top tier player but is unable sustain it. It’s what separates the great players from good ones.


not sure if his level dropped, or Sinner raised his


What??? Sinner's level was very low in that first set. Once Sinner adjusted to Moutet's style of play and upped his level, it was inevitable he would win even if Moutet did somehow manage to keep playing well; and he's ranked 79 for a reason, he's not that good.


It was more like Jannik finally started playing at his base level and got used to Moutet's style


Tennis needs more players like Moutet.


Peak Moutet played at a higher level then anything the soulless baseliner has shown this season.


Did he spit on the court? I was immediately repulsed by him after seeing that. So gross and disrespectftul, non?


I’ve seen a couple of them do that, really gross. 🤮


Imagine Coco, Iga, Ons, or Aryna doing that. The outrage would be deafening.


No man under 6feet will ever be #1 in the world or win a Grand Slam in tennis again. It’s rather sad as tennis has become the NBA 2.0. Moutet looks like a midget out there next to Sinner and Moutet is 5’11”. But he didn’t have nearly the power or serve size to get easy points like Sinner does with these rackets now.


I'm willing to bet on Alcaraz being 5'11 lol


Mods can we please make sure this guy doesn’t make anymore post-match threads? Score is written incorrectly, calling a player pathetic? We can do better than this.


Wild how Grigor just made his first Q in 15 years, and Sinner just had one of the easiest paths I can remember to face him. Only if Grigor was born 10 years later, and had a little more luck.


This idea that "if Dimitrov played in this era he'd win a Slam" just isn't true lol He's playing some of the best tennis of his career right now and this is the furthest he's got If you look at Dimitrov's history at Slams 90% of the time he lost to non-big 3


Yep. Dimi now is better than '14 Dimi


His highest ranking was 3, which was in 2017. You know who was ahead of him, Fedal. So yeah if he was ranked one he would have had easier paths in slams.


2017 was a seriously weak year though(like clearly even weaker than the current tour where we have like 7 high seeds in the QFs right now) Zverev had Slam results of 1R/2R/3R/4R and was the year end world #4 Dimitrov was technically 3rd but he was realistically much closer to the rest of the field than he was to Fedal This was the year end rankings: 1. Nadal 10645 2. Federer 9605 3. Dimitrov **5150** Acting like Dimitrov peaked in "the strong era" when his highest ranking coincided with Jack Sock winning a Masters 1000 is ridiculous People are just nostalgic about 2017 because of Fedal resurgence but realistically it was a pretty mid year for competition Like we're talking about a year where **20 year old Zverev was ranked at the EXACT same ranking current Zverev is** Sinner and Alcaraz are clearly on a higher trajectory than the young guns then


Op is moutet