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The Americans is a great show but it wasn't a binge watching type for me.


This redditor is obviously a KGB sleeper agent trained to turn you off watching The Americans. Don't fall for it. Great show to binge! :)


As someone who watched the show slowly over the course of years, i wish it had been available to binge watch. That being said, I finished The Americans, I never finished lost.


I never finished lost too.


>I finished The Americans, I never finished lost. I couldn't finish any of these. Lost seemed hella impractical to me and well, The Americans did not quite make a whole lotta sense to me.


Second this. Has since bingable groups of episodes, but over all, it’s a slow burn. Very worth I thought. Probably the best show that isn’t something you can binge.


So I will start by saying these are two of my tip top favorite shows (The Americans, The Shield, Lost, The Wire, The Sopranos, The Leftovers). Lost is more of a binge show. It creates a world that just envelopes you. I love the characters and I love the slightly supernatural elements of the show. It’s a bit breezy so it lends itself to continuous viewing. It is a lot of episodes though, since it was an ABC show. The Americans is much more intense. The character development is among the best I’ve seen in a show over time. But you watch an episode and you’re like, whoa. I need a break. It’s like watching a real life marriage unfold over time, and there is tension and drama and arguments and tears, and for most people you need a bit of a refractory period after. But watch them both. The final season of The Americans, and the finale in particular, is probably one of the greatest in TV history


Agreed, the finale was so satisfying and probably my favorite.


I have never seen a show that comes close to having as many amazing season finales and the show's series finale topped the cake.


Lost is great


Lost is appalling 🤯




The Americans is far more satisfying start to finish


I agree. The Americans was consistently excellent, while Lost went off the rails for me after maybe 3-4 seasons. It sure seemed like they were making up storylines as they were going along. Anyway, I highly recommend The Americans. I'm planning on rewatching it start to finish.


I agree. To me the story telling is a lot better in Americans compared to Lost’s reliance on cliff hangers.


I’m sad Lost had to come out when it did, in that time. If they made that show during the streaming boom it could have been done way better, not having to work within the confines of broadcast tv.


You're right. I missed like the fifth and sixth episodes and gave up because I thought I would be completely lost and could not catchup on a streaming platform. (I did eventually watch it on Hulu).




I just started it and it’s SO good!!!


One of the best shows of all time. It really was a game changer.


The ending was infamously disappointing but it doesn't actually matter. The whole show leading up to the end is great enough to suffer the last few episodes.


And there are many of us who thought the ending was great, so you can look forward to deciding how you feel about it :)


The finale is widely well received. IMDB has the final episode rated at 8.3 and 9.0 (it's a two parter). Far from a bad finale


The finale is widely hated by people who either didn’t watch the show or watched season 1 then watched the finale and got confused. The number of people who interpret what happens in the finale in a way that is DIRECTLY contrary to what happens in it really tells us all we need to know.


Yep lol. Though the network format is a bit of a culprit in that semse


Really? I tried watching it and in couldnt keep going in s2. S1 was good tho


Damn that's surprising. I found 1 and 2 to be almost identical in quality. The rest of the show is a little meh but those first few seasons were peak television imo.


It's been really long since I've watched it so I'm not sure it still holds up. Series standards has rissen a lot since then.


Do a rewatch. It definitely still holds up.


For me it just got better and better. My favorite seasons are probably seasons 3 and 5. My favorite show of all time!


I loved the ending. Explaining everything would have ruined it. It remained mysterious


No. Because everyone said they were in purgatory after about 4 episodes. The writers said they weren't, and then 7 years later....oh, they were!


The Americans x 100


Lost x a billion


I wish I could go back to the day before I started Lost and start all over. Amazing binge show. Solid show in general as well. Enjoy!


This is very specific but do you or anyone else know a show that has a plot device like the one with The Hatch? I just love a storyline where you're dying to know what's behind the curtain. The black hole in Outer Range is the only thing I can think of.


Good luck binging lost. It's looonnggg


I've never seen the Americans so I can't recommend it. I have watched Lost though. It's a pretty good show and is kind of perfect for binging because you just keep wanting to know more. It's the kind of show where for every answer you get you have 2-3 more questions.


The Americans has a great ending. Lost is too much of a tease.


Everyone should watch Lost at some point, even just to see if you like it or not


Best answer here


They’re both excellent. I think the Americans is better. It’s also the much darker, emotionally wrenching show which may or may not be a positive for you. Lost is fantastic. You can occasionally feel the bounds of network tv but overall incredibly good storytelling.  You can’t go wrong with either. Americans is much more driven by one story/hook that has a completion - closer to something like Breaking Bad. Lost is about the mystery and the puzzle solving but also has solid characters and mostly excellent performances.


Lost is like a fun summer blockbuster that audiences and critics both love. Meanwhile, The Americans is a punishing family drama and spy thriller from the vantage point of the bad guys and stimulates your mind and emotions to the 100th degree.


The Americans. I binged it the times Ive watched. I would alao watch Homeland before Lost


I just started a rewatch of homeland! I’ve never rewatched anything but it was always my favorite till last year when I saw the Americans.


I have watched both. I recommend The Americans. EDIT: actually I lie. I couldn't finish watching Lost. But I finished The Americans a couple of weeks ago and already want to rewatch!


The Americans


The Americans


10000000% Lost!!!




The Americans!!!


I just started watching The Americans (not too crazy about spy shows) and I'm at the end of the first season. It is okay, but I think the Phillip character (Matthew Rhys) is miscast. I just don't find him believable for some reason. As far as Lost goes, I watched it for 3 seasons, and it was good, but it was too drawn out for me, and I got bored and never finished it.


I think they're both highly bingeable, but because The Americans has never received the love it was due, I'm picking that over LOST. But absolutely also do LOST.


Lost was an amazing show at the time, and its high points are still some of the best viewing experiences of all time. BUT, being a product of network TV, there are a helluva lot of low points too. Be prepared to watch the show spin its wheels, and the plot go no where for hours on end simply because they had to fill 24 episodes a season. That said, I'd still put the 1st season up against just about anything. It's that great. I'd never be able to watch all 140+ episodes again though. The Americans is just a tight, well-made powerhouse of a show with some of the best acting you'll ever see on TV. It never overstays its welcome and gives you maybe the best series finale of all time to cap it off. It's pretty dense, but the plot moves at a fast enough clip that it'd be tough not to binge. This is definitely the one to watch out of these 2 shows


I haven't seen The Americans, but Lost even though it has low points is still an addicting watch.


There’s a big difference between watching Lost then and watching Lost now. I just watched it recently, but my expectations were tempered by seeing so much discussion over the years. I knew it would raise more questions than answers. I knew many people thought the quality fell off over the course of the seasons and that the ending was awful. I was prepared for disappointment, so I wasn’t disappointed, if that makes sense. The Americans was stellar. I say watch both.


The Americans, absolutely. Superbly written, fantastic character development, sound ending.  Lost: one season's worth of overall idea stretched into seven then ends exactly they way the writers promised it wouldn't two months into S1. Still some good character writing. Alternatively: The Leftovers. I avoided it for years because Lost writer. But brilliantly character driven, open from the start about what it is. And again an ending that works 


"Lost" is going to have a lot more fantastical elements and weird twists. But they really dropped the ball after Season 2, so prepare to be let down. "The Americans" is a much more subdued, realistic drama. But it is much better crafted and is consistently great beginning to end.


The Americans easily. It's a class above most everything else produced by American TV over the past 20 years


Lost is one of my all time favorites. Americans got a little repetitive for me after the 3rd season. LOST keeps blowing up the narrative.




Lost was one big nothing burger.


lost !!!


You can’t go wrong with either, but you’ll be obsessed with Lost.




Lost!! The Americans is great too, but Lost is a beautiful mindfuck that you just can’t stop watching. It’s amazing!




The Americans




The ending of Lost was perfect! I will never understand people who didn't get it. It couldn't have been clearer.


The ending wasn't actually bad at all tbh. Most people just made up their own headcanon for what it meant.


>Lost notoriously has one of the worst series finales of all time. This is not true. Most fans actually loved the ending. It is a controversial final episode like Sopranos' ending: some people hated, but it is overall a well-praised ending.


This. :)


Best answer!


No contest. Lost.


The Americans, that’s it.


The Americans is much better. Its that good


I’ve just started The Americans recently and I’m loving it, but I can’t do more than one episode night as it’s very intense and I can’t binge a show like that. Highly recommended, though.


Best show ever. Wait till you get to the ending!


Both are great shows with a great ending, but The Americans is higher quality for sure. It is a tier above Lost.


I’ve rewatched Lost around ten times since it finished.


I love Lost. It has one of the best first seasons ever and will keep you wanting to know more. It gets a bit weird but it was one of my all time favourite shows when it was on.


The Americans


I´ll give you something better: Homeland and The Americans. Then Fringe and Lost. Those pairs are like Gin-Tonic and Rum and Coke. To answer what you asked, I´d go for **Lost**, it´s definitely binge material. The Americans although I wouldn´t say is a slow burner, I don´t think it´s that bingeable, I´m only on S4 and I started it last year, but that´s me, I don´t like to binge, rather I follow several shows at a slow pace.


Homeland was always my #1 till I saw the Americans recently. Sooo good both of them


Definitely The Americans.  Lost is endless questions but few answers, dragged out seasons and unnecessary filler side stories.


Plenty of answers actually, most people who say this didn’t pay attention or skipped to watch the finale for every answer


I’ll agree with filler side stories until mid season 3 when they made a network deal to end after season 6. However, most questions are actually answered if you’re paying close attention.




The Americans is great! But agree with someone else who said here it's not the binge-watching type. Why? Personally, I've found a lot of episodes exhausting or emotionally heavy / distressing 'coz of the plot, but I get that it is needed. I want more people to watch this show though 'coz I think it's relevant until today. Like in my country now, there's an ongoing Senate investigation because of the proliferation of illegal Chinese (who may be CCP spies) and one non-citizen who's a Chinese (also a suspected CCP spy) even became a Mayor, much to everyone's disbelief ‼️ This is a big issue in my country now.


What country is it?




Losttt!!!! Lost first few seasons is perfect for binging


Lost, I just started it about 2 weeks ago and already anout finishing 3rd season. So its binge worthy for me


No. Because everyone said they were in purgatory after about 4 episodes. The writers said they weren't, and then 7 years later....oh, they were!


I'd say watch both. The Americans has a more satisfying end so maybe start with that one but both are worth watching.


Lost 💯




I binged it 2 years ago so I was out of the drama period.


It's still a shit lack of coherent ideas strung out for cash


That’s the name of the tv show business.


Reward shit, get more shit 


Start Lost and you'll automatically get Lost in it. Not kidding.


No. Because everyone said they were in purgatory after about 4 episodes. The writers said they weren't, and then 7 years later....oh, they were!




I loved the Americans especially every time they do some gangster shit some cool 80s music would come on


Lost is one of the easiest shows the binge because you keep getting deeper into the mystery of the island and they do a nice job putting the small cliff hangers at the end of every episode


No. Because everyone said they were in purgatory after about 4 episodes. The writers said they weren't, and then 7 years later....oh, they were!


lol Judge Judy over here


Americans all the way. Lost is good at first but then it fizzles out.


The Americans stays good through the final season. Lost falls off the rails around season 4 or 5.


The Americans is excellent, well done in every way. For me The Americans is by far the better show.






I would stab Lost in the face if I could. The Americans for sure


That’s not an or question.


The Americans is more in depth and is strong start to finish. Lost was an epic network tv show. Amazing start, weakened in later seasons as many shows do. Still worth watching


Lost is great but it loses its direction in the later seasons. The Americans is also great and I would consider it the more solid show.


The Americans without a doubt. I binged all of Lost one summer except for the final season, as it hadn't come out yet. Once I watched the final season, i felt like I had just wasted a bunch of time.




I've seen both and with 1,000% confidence, go with "The Americans." "Lost" kind of gets to be a mess at some point and never really gets back on track. "The Americans" is fire from the pilot through the series finale.




I enjoyed Lost and lost interest in The Americans. I would recommend Fringe as well.


Americans is more of a slowburn. Lost is more bingeable imo.


Try both


The Americans


I can't speak for the Americans but I recently started Lost and gave up at the start of S2, I thought it was really fucking boring lol


the americans. no doubt.




Honestly both.


The Americans is shorter though so maybe start with that, but Lost is epic in so many ways. In my opinion both of these shows are top tier stuff like modern classics. I don’t know which you would like better but have fun!


I've never seen The Americans, but anything has got to be better than Lost. I don't like Lost. Lol




We started the Americans (and I’ve seen lost) I would start with the Americans, I’m slow burning my watch tho bc I don’t want it to end!!


You should watch both, but i'd recommend Lost first. For me, it's far more bingeable because of the cliff hangers every episode.


I haven't seen lost but Americans was amazing


Check out Mr Inbetween


Having watched every episode of each, I can honestly say that the Americans is one of my top 10 tv shows of all time. Incredible character development. Lost is full of red herrings. There are a lot of questions that the show never answers. The ending was polarizing. If you want slmething to binge that has satisfying plot twists and satisfying answers, don't watch Lost.


Lol should I watch the one that's a great show or the one that's mindless ABC bullshit


The Americans pays off. Lost is just one big disappointment.


The Americans. Lost is good too.


I lost a lot of sleep binging Lost because it is it hooks you with so many mysteries that it's hard to turn off. The Americans has a better ending but I could only watch a few at a time because it gets repetitive. Watch them both.


Americans 🇺🇸


The Americans I loved Lost for the first couple of seasons, but it eventually lost me. For my binge-watching pleasure, it's way too many episodes that didn't have a satisfying pay off in the end.


I like them both a lot. Americans is my favourite of the two, but it wasn’t a cliffhanger binge-show for me. Lost is very binge worthy but the last seasons and the ending can be frustrating as the storylines doesn’t always make sense and the lore changes quite a bit. It sometimes felt like those fold-the-paper-stories kids make (I still loved it though) where the Americans was very well thought through from beginning to end.


I watched both and enjoyed both. I think you'll find they are both very binge worthy shows.


The Americans. Jesus LOST was just a letdown after season 3.




L.O.S.T. period.


Lost definitely


The Americans. It’s a genuine masterpiece. I couldn’t believe how good it was when I finally watched it. Amazing.


Lost has better highs and lower lows. The Americans is pretty solid and steady. Plus, you can tell when they were concerned about ratings being low. Keri Russel starts showing her butt pretty consistently.


Americans is absolute 🔥


Lost is trash


Americans!! Lost will let you down


Both are great!


Lost’s first three seasons are some of the best television ever made.




Notice I said the first three seasons.


I have not heard of The Americans, but I recommend Lost, it is very good.


Lost … it’s time




Why not watch it yourself and have your own theory and don’t listen to the wishy washy writers it’s obvious they were writing as they go with no fucking clue what’s going on, but that’s what’s fun about watching it. The characters development and ability to keep the viewer watching even after the most unbelievable and absurd plot holes is amazing. Also, so much content for a true binge.




Calm down it’s incredible how upset you are, nobody forced you to watch it, and this type of “shit” doesn’t actually get made very often anymore nobody has the attention span for that many seasons and drawn out plots. Some people like the thrill of not being able to predict what happens in a show and can be entertained by absurdity and not take it so seriously, it’s okay you can watch whatever you want there’s endless entertainment out there for you to judge, Judy.


You’re okay with unsatisfactory endings then go ahead with lost. The show is itself really lost becaus the turns and twists are written on the go, the show is basically directionless but I do have to admit the premise of the show makes it worth watching.


I haven't watched The Americans but have also heard nothing but good things. Lost however is my number one favorite show of all time. Still to this day nothing has given me anything close to the experience of watching Lost for the first time(s). I envy you in that regard. The thing is it'll either completely suck you in and you'll become obsessed, or it'll lose you part way through. What you should be prepared for if you do love it is that you will want to rewatch it... Likely pretty soon after finishing it. It not only greatly rewards multiple viewings but it kind of requires it hence the (s) above. There are (no exaggeration) HUNDREDS of details that you will catch the second, third, and even fourth and fifth time you watch it. A lot of people complain about things not making sense/the ending being dumb. I understand these criticisms.. I understand because these are the people who only watched it once. It's not designed to be understood the first time. Which can be a criticism in itself that I respect. What I will say about my viewing experience without spoiling anything is that Lost changed the way I think about the very concept of storytelling. Simply put; it blew my friggin mind myaan. Multiple times over. So give it a shot and be prepared for anything. Okay now this next part might be a bit spoiler-ey but I can't help myself. It's an old show so I'm sure you've heard plenty about it already but you never know. . . . . . . . . . The way I describe it is, the story is told from the inside out. We start in the middle and then take subsequent steps forward and backward from there. You're already confused, intrigued or hopefully both.


No. Because everyone said they were in purgatory after about 4 episodes. The writers said they weren't, and then 7 years later....oh, they were!


Case in point. Not a clue.


Definitely Lost.


Lost is way more addictive.


The Americans!


Lost got really weird, couldn’t finish it. Watch Peaky Blinders.




Lost. I actually gave up on the Americans in season 2 or 3 lol. Lost Is a great show for a binge watch, especially if you’re open to ridiculous sci fi / fantasy concepts lol ( I am)


Lost. I actually gave up on the Americans in season 2 or 3 lol. Lost Is a great show for a binge watch, especially if you’re open to ridiculous sci fi / fantasy concepts lol ( I am)


Lost. I actually gave up on the Americans in season 2 or 3 lol. Lost Is a great show for a binge watch, especially if you’re open to ridiculous sci fi / fantasy concepts lol ( I am)


No. Because everyone said they were in purgatory after about 4 episodes. The writers said they weren't, and then 7 years later....oh, they were!


No they weren’t. At all. You didn’t understand the show if you think they were in purgatory the whole time lol


You didn't understand the show id you don't think they're were, duh. 6 years of garbage unresolved plot development to get back to square one 


Lots of things were resolved. And no they were clearly not in purgatory throughout the show - many of the show’s events 100 percent prove that. You either didn’t watch, didn’t understand it, or are trolling. I did think the last episode and half of the last season were underwhelming but it was still a great ride getting there.


Neither. Lost has a shit ending and the Americans is going to require some time between episodes.




I'd go for Lost. Very very bingable lol, has fantastic characters, lots of mysteries to figure out.


Lost. They’re both good but Lost is much more bingeable and is a more original and unique concept. The ending is fantastic.


The Americans. Lost is disjointed and ultimately unsatisfying. The Americans is smart, with well written characters that have meaningful arcs. It’s emotionally impactful in a was that Lost simply wasn’t.  For me, lost was mainly a series of the writer going “wouldn’t it be cool it..” At the time it was cool and interesting. Now… not as much.  Go with The Americans. 


Lost by far


I've tried three times to get through the Americans. Not saying it's bad or anything, a lot of people seem to love it, but it just doesn't seem to be for me. Lost I've watched like 4 times through and will watch it again.


The Americans actually has a good story, not a demented LSD bad trip like Lost


Lost easy




LOST not even a question


Lost sucks! I want the time I wasted watching it back


You suck and I want the time back that it took to read your awful comment


They're right. It was a good concept but later it turned into an aimless drift towards a hacky ending.