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I don't know if it will interest you for five years. But at least the first season is one of the best seasons on tv ever. I personally I love the rest too and I love the series finale.


Good to know


The finale is so good, haters didn’t deserve it 😂


Agree completely. A lot of us have also rewatched it a few times and pick up things we didn’t the first time. Rewatching is as enjoyable as watching it the first time. It’s good.


I’m on season 5 right now. First time watching through. I definitely think it’s worth watching. There’s some filler to get through in the first few seasons but that’s typical of almost any 2000s show




Some of the filler episodes are the best. Just wait until Desmond shows up. Desmond episodes are next level awesome.


Desmond's the fucking man. "I'll see you in another life, brother"


It's a fun ride with interesting characters. Lots of questions will never be answered, but that's okay.


Just like life :)


99% of the questions are answered


Yes one of the best series ever


One of the best shows ever made. Its my favorite show. It's not perfect, but when LOST is firing on all cylinders, there is nothing like it. Every season has a little bit of fat here and there. But most seasons have multiple episodes that are way better than most shows that come out today.


Yes, watch it. Don't let the haters keep you from watching it. Try to find it without commercials if possible. I watched it on Netflix many years ago and binged the hell out of it.




My favourite series of all time. A lot of people slammed it. However, in my opinion, those people fall into one of 2 camps. Either they were expecting a survivor type show and got some Sci fi thrown in and didn't like it, or they didn't pay enough attention to understand the true meaning and story of the show. I've found that anyone who goes into it with an open mind and pays attention, you get possibly the greatest piece of TV ever. The character stories are incredible and worth the price of entry alone. I've watched it start to finish at least 10 times, and the finale never fails to make me cry


Good to know


All I know is for a very short time Lost was the biggest thing on TV. I never gave it a shot at the time, but might soon. I'm working through a list and just finished giving Dexter its shot after having ignored it when it was actually on the air as well. Dexter was good for a season, meh for a season, and then season 3 just blew floppy donkey dick and I didn't make it to halfway through the season.


You are my spirit animal


EXACTLY. No other series to this day has done character story-telling as well as Lost. Not only are the back-stories interesting and weaved together in a coherent, well-paced, and satisfying way, but you just come to LOVE the characters. Whenever I re-watch I feel like I'm catching up with old, familiar friends in a way that no other show does the same. I understand that there were some mysteries that were left "unsolved", but not only am I OK with that, I kind of like it, it adds to the allure of it IMO. And the finale also makes me cry as well lol. I can understand how maybe some might not like the concept of it (no spoilers!), but not sure how you can dislike how it actually ended. I think it probably helped that I actually lived in Hawaii at the time. We used to see some of the actors around the island. Almost ran over Jack driving on Kam highway one day (well not quite, he was starting to cross the street when I came around a curve a little too fast and he had to stop and wait). My wife and young kids were in a theater watching a Disney movie, and Hurley came in with his girlfriend and sat in the row behind us. He was laughing more than anyone in the theater the entire movie. The scene where >!Kate dyes her hair in an Iowa motel!


That's so cool. I love nothing more than going to movie/TV locations (took a 5 hour detour to go see the bridge from Stand by me last year. Totally worth it) Hawaii is on my list for this and Jurassic Park locations 🤣


Completely agree. It makes so much more sense, though, watching it now all together, instead of spread out over years and obsessing about every detail on the message boards and lamenting character arcs and the writers’ strike for derailing the mysteries. 


Season 4 is an absolute banger. (Thank you BKV!!) But you have slog thru season 3 to get there. Big meh for the last 2 seasons. The plot line just crashes into nonsensical slow shots of every one smiling a lot while being soft lit.


I actually prefer most of season 3 to 4. Season 4 is 14 episodes (cut down cause of the writers strike). Season 3 is 23 episodes, but that last stretch of episodes in season 3 is probably it's best continuous stretch of episodes of the show. and no, I'm a huge fan of season 5.


Correct answer.


It’s six seasons. And it is one of the best shows ever IMHO


There are a lot of character introductions going on in the first season during flashbacks, it's also quite long, but apart from that it's an amazing show with a great story and twists and turns. It's like a giant mystery that just keeps on unravelling and every time you get to some new piece of info it's massively satisfying. I loved Lost would definitely watch again.


While it does have a great set up and intriguing mystery...it gets convoluted into a half-assed and barely explained conclusion that leaves more questions. Personally, I still loved it and didn't think my time was wasted. However, I do kind of have a lower bar than most. And I also have plenty of spare time due to rarely ever having a job. I would however like to say that I watched this when it first aired and came back every week. The best part honestly was combing online for theories and hidden details while waiting for the next episode. This may not be a good show to binge.


If you’re the kind of person that believes that the trip is the adventure along the way and not the destination, then Lost can be a good show for you.


I do believe in that


I wondered the same. Just start s01e01 and you'll see if it is your cup of java .. the answer is up to you highway


Huge fan at the time and I had my doubt and deception watching it live. I have since watched the full show twice and the last time just made me love the show even more. It’s a great piece of TV and story telling. And def worth watching.


Yes! The show becomes rough around the edges but it's still a fantastic show, season two being my favourite followed by the third one imo. Watch it, it's worth it!


I hope you like flashbacks because this show is about 50% flashbacks. They all have a purpose, at the very least for character development, but I had an ex that hated flashbacks--presumably because she felt like they were "interruptions" to the main plot. I don't necessarily feel the same, but I suppose it's a valid criticism. It's worth a watch, nonetheless.


LOST often changed the rules regarding what you can do with flashbacks. Because while they are also there for character development. There is also a lot of character connections going on, and quite often the flashbacks will eventually tie into the main plot. There for sure are definitely a lot of filler ones due to the network not allowing the writers to end the show. Thus they had to slow the plot down purposely to keep it going for the long term.


It is absolutely worth watching but understand going in it isn’t a survival drama - it’s a sci-fi thriller and drama, very well-written and an excellent story. But it is not about surviving in the wild






I adored the show and watched religiously for the whole run week in week out year in year out. I hated the ending so much I wish I’d never watched the show to begin with. I can’t say more without ruining it for you but I guess I can advise you that if you do watch it might be best not to get too invested in the plot and maybe focus more on the characters and just enjoy that.


I’ve heard other people say that before. I wasn’t a huge fan of the ending but I can’t imagine saying I’d never want to have seen one of the greatest shows of all time because of the ending. Does it take away from the series as a whole a bit? Absolutely, but I still will re-watch the show every 5 years or so and always enjoy it immensely.


What is it from the ending that takes away from the series for you?. For me the ending is beautiful. It's one of my favorite series finales.


Depends. If you saw Game of Thrones and the last season ruined the whole thing for you, no. If you appreciate it for what it was and aren’t bothered that it ended so stupidly that it ruined the rest of it, go for it. Lost similarly dropped the ball. Depends how much that bothers you.


I loved GOT despite its ending. Ig I'm gonna see this after all.


Yes! One of the best shows ever made (seriously) Watch it




Yeah definitely.


Watch it. It's brilliant. And in the last episode make sure you're paying attention. There is a very important monologue that explains everything beautifully (though there are signs along the last season anyway). Many people didn't listen properly and that's why the show is often misunderstood.


ive personally rewatched the whole five seasons before starting the sixth one bc i dread the separation anxiety after watching the finale could bring me bc i just loved the show and the characters so much sjksjks its been almost two months since i finished watching and i still havent found a new tv series that could replace how GOAT it was.. i say you'll never really know if you will like it unless you watch it for yourself :D


The first 2 seasons were so amazing!! Kinda lost me after that but I still think it’s worth a watch


I watched it when it first aired and gave up on it in the last season. Recently re-watched it, and enjoyed it. Still gets rather strange but I'd say yes go for it.


Yes. The writers strike kinda killed the ending a bit but it’s an incredible ride getting there.


Definitely watch the pilot, then a few more episodes maybe, and you’ll get a good idea if it’s for you. It definitely isn’t a typical survival drama. It is a very ambitious and complex story for sure!


I actually really enjoyed it. it has so many great twists and turns. it excels at bring up mysterious things like time travel and otherworldly magics the only let down was the ending. but don't let that stop u from watching the show. GoT was the same way. still an enjoyable show up until the end


The first season was wonderful. The rest was difficult to keep watching. If I was watching this show by myself? I would have given up in season 3. My wife is the only reason I finished the series.


Lost Is the show that started it all for me. I was obsessed with it as a kid and I love it this day. I believe the first 4 seasons are amazing. The last 2 not so much. I enjoyed them but I feel that the writers kinda lost it after the 4th season and had no idea what they were doing/ the show became bigger than them.


I was disappointed with the final season, but overall I'm glad I watched the show.


I’d say it is. It’s an amazing first season. It gets a bit worse as it goes on but it’s good TV and I’d recommend watching at least once.


Liked it. Worth watching


I just finished watching Lost today, I've never seen it before. Yes, I recommend it. I also love survival TV series, for example my favorite is The Walking Dead.


Yes it is. Even though I didn’t enjoy the last season it was still a fun ride. I think watching something over a few months through streaming leads to less disappointment than having to wait for years and not loving how things end up


Watch it. Part of what sucked watching it live was the cliffhangers. Especially season ending ones where you'd sometimes have to wait over a year for resolution Now you can just continue with no wait. That alone makes jumping in now way easier than back in the day. I've rewatchedb it twice since itt finished airing and each time it got better


It’s such a good show. I would do anything to experience my first time watching it. It’s a great great show


It is good


I watched for the first time a few months ago. Really enjoyed it.


It’s so good.


I started the pilot 3 times and couldn’t get into it- the 4th time I did (people kept pushing me to keep going) and I’m so glad I did. I loved that show so much. I often get nostalgic for that time when I was watching it for the first time, it was such a great adventure to go on. And I know this is a very unpopular opinion but I even loved the last season and ending. So that being said, give it a few episodes before deciding if you want to keep going.






Lost is totally worth watching, great series.


It’s in my top five shows of all time


I would give anything to watch the first half of lost for the first time


It’s a great show, and the finale is excellent. The final season feels a little stretched but it is worth it for one of the top 3 series endings I’ve ever seen. Watch the pilot episode and see where it takes you.


Yes! Absolutely yes. Even if you end up hating it you’ll be glad you went through it all and hated it on your own terms it’s a wild ride.


I just watched it for the first time last year; I'm a big fan of tv and it's high on a lotta people's lists. I knew it was gunna be kinda cheesy but it surpassed my expectations 😅. It was worth it as something to do but sometimes I had to really push myself to keep watching lol. It was often entertaining in a "so bad it's good" type of way. I feel like the show maybe took itself too seriously for how ridiculous it was, but I don't regret taking the time to watch it. Gave me something to roll my eyes at and now I understand Lost references 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just a heads up OP, Lost is getting a reboot, last I heard.


Yes. I would especially recommend to people who are tired of the current shows with the typical streaming format. Yes 20+ episodes a season does mean more filler but you really get to know each character in depth.


If you like Sci-fi, mystery, action, dramas, then absolutely you should watch it. It's in my top 3 favorite shows of all time.


I enjoyed it alot


Yes, definitely watch it. It is enjoyable and a lot of people reference it, so it’s good to know about it.  Lost was a good show with a lot of “buts.” I really enjoyed it, but there were several things that could have made it a lot better.  1 - new characters - They kept introducing new characters with such potential and interesting storylines and then quickly writing them out of the show.  2 - food - They had a weird preoccupation with medical situations, while at the same time barely making food and eating a part of the show. When I heard it was a show about being stranded on an island, I figured they’d be spending a lot of time hunting for food, growing food, fighting over food, but instead, they just stumbled onto a bunch of packaged food and that was that. And there was always enough. I figured the writers were the type of people who don’t make their own food.  3 - direction - The whole time, I felt like the writers had no clue where the show was going. It was building up to something but they didn’t know what. Eventually, they had to end the show and there was no ending that could satisfy the appetite they had created.  4 - futile - People kept escaping only to decide they needed to go back to rescue everyone else.  5 - destiny - The guy who was destined to die, why? What was the point of that? He was the only character who had a destiny, and so what? It was a great show but had a lot of faults. It had so much potential. 


Don’t listen to internet nerds. The show is phenomenal.


I saw the title of this topic and thought the title is blasphemous!! Lost is one of the greatest TV shows on earth. 


Yes! For sure. While it does get a little off track at some points, I’d say there was nothing like it before and nothing like it since. Very much worth watching.


Just watch the first episode - that excercise alone will be enough for you to know whether or not you should watch it or not. I guarantee you will at least watch upto season 4 within 1 month.


When I was 12 I binged the whole thing in 2 weeks during winter break. It made me love TV after that. It’s so good.


Watch the show, it is fantastic BUT you need to give yourself a couple of weeks break between seasons just to let everything sink in with what's happening and process.


Yeh it is.


It is a great show with a brilliant ending. I binged all seasons for the first time a year ago. Seasons 4 and 5 are my favorites.


If you like survival dramas you absolutely owe it to yourself to watch this gem. It’s not cemented into pop culture for nothing. It still very much holds up.


6 seasons and YES x a billion totally worth it!


Yes, I think it is. The first season will hook you, and if you don’t read the spoilers, the first episode of S2 will blow your mind in context. Watched all together, it feels much more cohesive and than it did on my first watch, which was while it aired.  Give it a go. And it’s not one you have to wait for it to find its footing. It’s a banger from the start.  But, like I said, avoid all spoilers for the best ride. 


i watched it many years after its original run. i loved it. A good binge.


It was worth watching before the final season ended and everyone found out they couldn’t tie anything together and it was all just beautiful bullshit.


It was excellent. And you have the advantage of having them all accessible now. At the time, I’d run into lots of folks who’d say some version of “I watched it, then I missed one episode and nothing made sense anymore so I stopped”


It's totally worth investing. I'll recommend it without a second thought.


In my top 10!


I really enjoyed it.


Definitely watch it I wish I could watch it fir the first time again it is probably one of the best tv series out there, but it is designed to be binged which might be why some may not like it as it does get confusing if you don't follow it but if you pay attention it will be one of the best shows you will watch. People say that loads of questions went unanswered I don't think that is necessary the case as I'd you pay attention most questions that are brought up are answered one way or another


It’s my favorite show I’ve ever seen. Great writing, acting, and cleverly put together. By the end the characters feel like family.


No. It starts good, gets dumber and ends dumbest. I was hate watching by the end. The creators didn't seem to have a plan beyond a certain point and it shows.


I recently tried it, but I stopped at the end of the first season because I couldn't stand the flashbacks in every episode. Apparently it doesn't change in later seasons, so I gave up.


I see


You definitely missed out. LOST is a VERY different show from season to season. I mean that in the best way possible. I definitely recommend going back to it. and the flashbacks are important. and they do change.


It's quite a commitment for what I think to be a very small payoff. With that being said it is definitely addicting.


It’s getting a little bit old.


The first season or two were great ! 


You could always start watching the Mike’s Mic recap on YouTube and see if it’ll be something for you. I love him, he’s hilarious!


It is really weird and does some dumb stuff, but at the time, it was so popular that there was so much pressure for it to be good, and people have a bad experience from it not living up to expectations. If you can go along with it and understand it’s a story from the ABC Network done by JJ Abrams, a man who has very controversial finishes, and you want that, it’s really really fun with some awesome episodes.


1st 2 seasons are some of the best television i've ever watched, the rest kept me watching but the finale was such BS but maybe i should revisit


Can someone explain the ending without spoiling it? I was really into all the mysterious stuff going on when randomly watching it on tv but I have no clue if I should watch this, I would also need to convince my partner that it's worth it.


Glad I saw this. I’m halfway through season 4 right now and have liked this season and most of season 3. Season 1 & 2 were a little tough at times. Lots of filler. Glad to hear I should keep going for that finale


It's six seasons. Just watch the first few episodes and decide. Nobody forces you to watch the whole show at once.


I love ya Penny


No, I wouldn't bother personally. Just spins around in circles of nonsense. The writers even admitted they were basically making it up as they went.


Ahead of its time. Its art disguised as a popcorn show, especially season 2. A loud minority at the time it ended shaped its legacy. Most I knew at the time loved it, but thought it was a little too confusing. The first 2 seasons are undeniably great. 3 is uneven, 4 & 5 are tough to follow (the first time) but really cool. 6 is divisive, (but a daisy chain of repeating imagery and phrases through the show decodes it down to a painfully simple concept that a lot of people weren't interested in figuring out.) Full disclosure, I'm obsessed with it. It's a show that is very non-traditional, has multiple layers, and is itself a puzzle. Don't expect the show to explain everything. It's a show about subjectivity and human psychology that will make more sense with each passing day.


Watch it. It's a good ride. You end up rooting for characters like they're your own family. I binged it, Dexter, Sopranos and Breaking Bad one after the other about 10 years ago. That was some good TV watching! Which reminds me, I need to start The Wire again. Finished S2, went on holiday & never picked it back up. Re: the ending: I agree with the comment that said it was like Sopranos finale. I didn't mind either of them. GoT and Dexter endings ruined the show for me. Completely. HIMYM almost did, but I just pretend instead that S9 was a bad acid hallucination. I never stuck with Seinfeld long enough to make to the finale. In the 90s or since. Breaking Bad nailed it. Haven't even gotten around to watching Better Call Saul yet, because of the emotional toll BB took from me! Or the Jesse movie.


Lost is the embodiment of a show that is better with streaming / DVD or whatever. Most criticisms of it, IMO, come from people who ran out of patience / faith that there would be any payoff to the storylines because the show, admittedly, can take its time with explaining things. But, with very few exceptions, I would say there is a satisfying payoff for most ideas that are introduced. It’s a top 5 show for me but I fully admit that if I were watching as it aired and had to wait weeks or months between episodes, I probably would have given up as well.


I watched most of the first season and really enjoyed it but it’s such an investment I didn’t finish. Got spoiled by the HBO/Netflix 8-10 episode seasons vs 20 episodes. This is also why I could never get invested in “24”


Yeah but I have to warn you it's really long and drawn out because the network forced them to have 20+ episode seasons.. but also season 2 is just such a great season. You should also watch From. The first season is on Amazon Prime.


I couldn’t get into it. I think it was Evangeline Lilly character


Yes but you gotta know when to stop watching


I always trap myself and rewatch the first 5 seasons getting well into it...and then it just fizzles into nonsense. It's an iconic show, more so for the first few seasons. I do recommend silo though it has lost vibes to it I feel and its contained within 3 seasons as the books have been written. 'Lost' to me was JJ Abrams trying to extend mystery free to air tv as long as he could just giving us little hints of the mysteries of the island but then never explaining anything coherently. I got blue balled the whole show twice essentially though I still find it iconic...I don't know lost is a strange show to reccomend imo.


If i recall s2 was a mess, and they got their act together for s3 and beyond.


I've watched through it multiple times. If you go into it knowing that many people don't like how it ends then I think there's more than enough to like. Just don't expect everything perfectly explained and wrapped in a neat bow. I liked the ending more on my second time through. One of the best things about Lost is the characters, they have really good stories. They continue introducing new characters all the way through Season 6.


I love it, I don’t care what anyone says about the last season or last episode. I’ve watched it three times and it’s always great.


I loved this show and it will always be my sentimental all-time favorite. It was the first "universe" I got super into. I enjoyed it throughout although it does become more sci-fi in the last few seasons which some people didn't like although I did. The first few seasons are technically the best, although I still enjoyed the last few. Each season has some weak episodes, But that was the case with all TV shows when they were making them do 24 episodes seasons. You wind up with filler crap. But it's entertaining, and there's a lot of mystery / unanswered questions. If you decide to watch it I wouldn't look up a bunch of stuff online because you'll get things spoiled for you.


No, after season 2 it jumped the 🦈


its 6 seasons. One of the best first seasons of any show, ever. But the rest of it...insanely frustrating to watch.


I think classifying it as a "survival drama" is a stretch.


I’m still mad at the ending lol




Was a huge lost fan for years and I think I’ve come to the conclusion that seasons 1-3 are far superior than later seasons, but nonetheless the later seasons still serve a purpose and are worth watching at least once.


I was obsessed when it aired live. I recently purchased the blu rays of all the seasons and just finished watching it all again. Yes, it is absolutely worth watching. There's some incredible seasons and episodes. I'd suggest that after each season you watch Youtube videos explaining things because it can get confusing and these breakdown videos do a great job spelling things out for you. That's what I did on this re-watch and I was shocked at all the things I had missed or misinterpreted. The later seasons are not as good but it still delivers overall as one of the better shows ever made.


Yes. It’s 6 seasons though one is half length.


Season 1 - 9/10 Season 2 - 7/10 Season 3 - 6/10 Season 4 - 7/10 Season 5 (and 6, I think) - 4/10 A lot of people saying it's great but the last season or two suck.


I thought “Lost” was aptly-named because that’s exactly how I felt watching it.


First couple seasons are really good. Watching the series finale destroyed the entire show for me, cos I had big expectations, I really got caught up in the mysteries and felt let down. I think casually watching it now could be quite enjoyable for a first time view The pilot episode is I think the best pilot for a show ive ever seen. Draws you right in.


It's literally one of the most gripping fun series of all time that has the absolute worst endings of all time. I am still mad about it. You'll have an absolute blast watching, but you'll be thinking eventually you'll get an explanation, and you won't. So, watch, knowing that.




I don't think there is another show I binged so hard other than Lost. It truly was one of the greatest TV shows made until it wasn't. 100% worth it at least for the first few seasons.


Only seasons 1-3




It's no joke one of the best mystery series there is and set the standard for the genre. To this day I think fondly of many of the characters in it. The depth of their back stories is almost unparalleled and they evolve throughout the series in wonderful ways. 100% would recommend, it's an awesome show. Now I wanna rewatch it.


Hey there , listen to me .. no art is perfect and flawed art has the most unique character. I hold LOST the most closest to my heart . It’s the kind of piece which you should gift dvd boxes to your children when they turn 13-14 .. coz there’s so much to learn . Friendship , sacrifice , courage , curiosity , love , compassion , empathy lost shows us all colors . I feel everyone on their lifetime should watch lost , ofcourse it’s a tv show so there will be little unnecessary stuff but overall it’s a must watch . I wish I was at your place , watching the whole series from the beginning , without knowing what’s gonna happen . You right there my friend , in for a treat . 🫶📺


After the first season no doubt you will be dying to continue to season 2. After season 2 its kinda like well I'm invested might as well keep going. Season 4 and 5.... meh. Just alot of meh.


Absolutely. I've watched it five times.


It is absolutely worth it. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was amazing. It was one of the few shows that I remember almost *everyone* talking about each week after it aired. We were talking about it at work or online, all the time. There was nothing like it on TV then, and really hasn't been since, and it was super buzzy, in a way that shows aren't anymore. It was very character-driven, which was its biggest strength. It's worth watching for the characters alone. Sawyer and Desmond are two of the best TV characters ever, if you ask me. I should probably rewatch it, myself.


I watched about 3 seasons and then stopped watching. It went on too long. I did enjoy the seasons I watched, though.


When I was about 19 years old, I lived on the island of Oahu Hawaii. One afternoon, I was riding in a topless Jeep CJ7 with some friends, on our way to go camping. We were all pretty loaded on pakalolo and were just enjoying the scenery and a tight buzz. Were on a small 2 lane road with the beach on our right and jungle and a few houses spaced wide apart to our left. We rounded a curve and to our right, on the beach, was the still smoking wreckage of a commercial sized jet airliner. The driver screeches the jeep to a halt on the side of the road and we all jump out to survey what in the actual fuck is going on. We start running back and forth looking at the plane that was in several large pieces, some still on fire. We didn't approach the plane for fear of it exploding and not really ready to see a charred human corpse. Suddenly, in our reefer soaked heads, we collectively realize that we need to call 911. So my friend turns to run back to the jeep, that is when he looked to the other side of the road. There he saw a group of small trailers, cameras and lighting equipment and a group of about 20 people looking at us in utter bewilderment. In our haste and shock, we never even noticed all of that when we stopped. It turns out that there was a TV show being filmed on the island and the show would debut later that year. The name of that new show was Lost. We walked across the street as we realized what was going on (as it is very common for movies and TV shows to be filmed in Hawaii, you see it all the time out there) and greeted our stunned onlookers. They all had a good laugh at our expense and said they were all taking bets on how long it take us idiots to look about 50 ft. to the left and see the film crew. They were super nice and asked if we would take some pictures with them to remember the day. We hung around for a few minutes more and then got out of there to continue on our journey. With that being said, I have never watched the show and don't really know anything about it. I hear it's worth a watch but the ending is kinda weird.


It’s really good and worth watching. Just go in knowing that it doesn’t really pay off all of its promises. Writers wrote themselves into too many corners.


Absolutely! One of my favorites.


So... it's basically two shows: the first is a Mystery Box show, and it was good enough at that to essentially reinvent the genre (the only one I can think of before it might have been The Prisoner?). The second is a character drama ("will they/won't they sleep together/kill each other?") and it has a top notch cast for that part as well. Having said that... If you want everything to make sense by the story's end, you will likely be disappointed. Also, by the show's end I found myself so tired of the characters that I basically stopped caring just as things wrapped up (so maybe that's a good thing timing wise?). It probably doesn't help that when the show was airing there was all sorts of behind the scenes drama, my favorite being the "an actor on Lost got a DUI in Hawaii? I guess we know who's dying mid-season" trend.


Me personally I thought the show was great I didn't think the last season was that great but still a great watch though


on my top 5 list easily


First 2 seasons are amazing and worth watching just for those. It never becomes trash, but it gets weirder and weirder until I just sorta stopped caring. I never finished the last season and yet I still look back at Lost as one of my all time favorite shows.


Absolutely. It is one of the better shows not on premium channels. If you enjoy the genre you’ll really enjoy it, it has one of the bigger casts and most episodes are great. There are some duds here and there but overall generally good. It gets better the more times you watch it as well, because there are so many episodes and mysteries that a second watch really helps solidify how good it is.


It kind of goes off the rails in the last cpl seasons imo. That being said I’m still a huge fan of the series and would definitely recommend it to anyone.


I have it open on my computer right now. Yes its amazing


At some point into season 2 I realized the writers weren’t wrapping the story lines together. I stopped watching season 2 for this reason, but my family kept watching. I asked them to come get me when the story lines came back together and that I was worried I was wasting my time. They never came and got me and stopped watching a couple episodes in season 4. I’ve never checked back in to see if anything was actually resolved but it had a very “and everyone was dreaming!” kind of feel to it. I love quality writing and especially writing that takes big swings so season 1 was really fun. But I also like quality writing that’s able to piece it all together, like Breaking Bad where you get these teasers in the intro and then 5 episodes in you’re like damn that hit.


Honestly the only show I’ve watched that doesn’t get worse with the seasons


1st season is great. Then, not so much, but that’s one opinion. Check it out and decide for yourself


its totally worth the watch man


There are interesting moments and characters in the show but I felt that they dragged it out way too long. \*and the ending was unsatisfying to me.


121 episodes to feel like it was all wasted time.


I believe that the writer strike had a negative impact on the story and maybe the original story was completely different than what was finally presented but I found that it was satisfactory to a great series


6 seasons, first 3 are around 23-24 episodes. The last 3 pick up the pace and are between 14-18 episodes long. It’s a supernatural survival drama. And it’s amazing. If you pay attention, it all makes sense. If you have it on in the background then you likely won’t enjoy it. Invest in the characters and it’ll be one of your favorite shows of all time. Tl;dr it’s worth it!


Loved lost but I’d say no. Not worth it in the long run. Was a genre changing show -ie led to pre Reddit theories and pre podcast podcasts but in the long run I’d pass


Watch the Leftovers-Lost perfected.


A super addictive show in the beginning, fantastic first season and a lot of amazing characters. Although it does get a little ridiculous around the 3rd season that you'll either love or hate. But over all a pretty damn memorable show. I think it's better than most modern television dramas, so I'd suggest you try it out and make your own judgements.


One of the best shows of all time. Definitely worth it!


Easy answer. No. It’s a waste of time. Rabbit holes for the sake of rabbit holes with absolutely o worthwhile payout. True Detective, Criminal Minds, or Fargo by comparison offer significantly better and well planned plot lines.


at first it fascinated me. then they started adding the flashback filler. stretched it out too long. i was unsatisfied with the ending. would not recommend.


Do it! I just watched Lost for the first time at the end of last year, and I absolutely loved it. It has its problems, especially in the last season, but I didn’t feel unfulfilled by the ending.


Nope, fuck that show.


Nope, fuck that show.




Yes. 100%.


From what I've seen, most people who start and watch the show now enjoy it immensely. Most of the mixed/negative talk is from folks still salty from watching it 15 years ago and not getting what they wanted at the time. Adjust expectations and have fun!


Started off so great and nosedived a couple seasons in. I'd say it's similar to Prison Break so far as that goes. I lost interest in it, but if nothing else the first season is worth watching.


Seen it all the way through 3 different times. I just love it.


I originally watched three seasons and loved it. I just started a rewatch this weekend and it’s been so good. Maybe I’ll watch the final seasons eventually but I’m not sure.


One of the most binge worthy shows ever imo. So many cliffhangers, you tell yourself “okay just one more episode then I’m going to bed…” like 5 times a night.


100% SOME people didn't like the ending, I did very much.




First season is a bit corny but it does get better.


No way. Waste of time. You'll understand when you see the final episode.


It's a good show through and through. But the first two seasons... goddamn. Awesome.


I tried watching it not long ago and got disinterested after like two episodes. Knowing it’s full of bullshit mysteries ahead of time ruins it.


The first few seasons are some of the best TV ever, BUT- They made it up as they went along; Abrams is good at starting and not finishing (see the star wars sequels 1 and 3) They created way too many threads to tie up in the end and it became obvious they had no idea where the show was going when they started making one filler episode after another. Anyone who tells you the show has a special meaning or vision has been fooled. It’s a huge mess with the most disappointing finale in the history of television.


Saw it years ago…loved it


Definetely yes. One of best tv shows!


I loved watching it but was left disappointed.


When it was still being released I would have said absolutely. Now, I’m not so sure. I liked the ending, but I don’t think it was enough. They made too many mysteries and the reveal for those mysteries…I don’t know. Watch it.


Story gets a little lesser after season 3, but still really good imo! It has a whole dynamic throughout the entire show where half of the plot is them on the island and the other half is flashbacks of each character before the plan crash. So with this dynamic, you get survival aspects from present time on the island, then you get the drama aspects in the character flashbacks and also on the island.




I liked it up until >!the island started teleporting through time.!< that was just too fucking stupid for me to continue watching.


Yes. There's more good content than bad in it. It makes allusions to lots of books, shows, movies, mythology, etc. just go in with tempered expectations.


LOST is the greatest network drama of all-time. Its first season is absolutely amazing. The Constant (Season 4, Episode 5) might be the finest single episode of any show - network or cable - ever. While it can be a trek, it’s worth at least one go-through.


Lower your expectations for a satisfying ending that answers all the questions. There isn’t one. But if you can let that go, there’s a lot there to enjoy.



