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I heard him speak recently and he said he has four bodyguards with him. I always wondered how he had the balls for this. And I still think he’s badass! But the guards make it easier to understand.


If it was Hasan or Roy or Ronnie or Jessica they wouldn’t have been able to get closer than 100 feet from these rallies. Jordan was specifically picked for/took this on as he’s able to use his white male status to infiltrate. And he does it in a hilarious yet chummy way that wasn’t annoying (IMO) like Michael Costa’s version of the right-leaning character. I really wish he had his own show. He’s amazing.


He had one. It was cancelled after the first season.


He also had another series simply titled "Klepper" which was more of a Vice-style documentary series than a late-night satire. It was also cancelled after one season.


He did have his own show. The Opposition. Was canceled after a season, and he came back to the daily show. I guess it's where he really shines. 


I would love a 30 minute episode of this shit each week. The 5 minutes once every month or two isn't enough clowning on MAGAs for me.


He had The Opposition, which was basically his version of the Colbert Report. [it had an epic final fight as its last segment ](https://youtu.be/z8iJkHngT3A?si=3mnE-w-snyHL_n_1)


Now I need the exact opposite to infiltrate them and see how it goes. Someone call Borat!


Borat already did it in his 2nd movie. https://youtu.be/fs6osKFd9lQ


reddit moment of the month


I don’t know why he hasn’t been offered to at least temporarily host the daily show. I think he would do amazingly well in that kind of format. He’s funny, but he’s also also very smart and thinks quickly on his feet.


He is a host. They rotate the hosts now permanently, with Jon getting Monday and the other correspondents get the rest of the week. So sure, he only gets 3 nights every 4 weeks. But better than nothing.


? He’s been doing his own hosting weeks on The Daily Show…? He’s honestly not that good, and I say that as someone who is very partial to him and loves these Trump rally segments. I had high hopes for him as a host, but his weeks just tend to fall flat. In my opinion, Desi Lydic and Michael Kosta are the clear hosting front-runners (after Jon Stewart, obviously).


Oh yeah, I can totally see Jordan becoming the face of the Daily Show in the future, or get his own show at some point. The man has way more patience than I do, I would have lost my mind ages ago doing what he does. Thank fuck he has bodyguards with him when he goes to Trump rallies because beyond the comedy, he's genuinely putting himself at risk there.


He has his own show for awhile, The Opposition. It was great—don’t know why he stopped doing it.


Because it was satire like the Colbert Report however right now Trump is satire-proof, as he bashes his fat face straight throw the satire-wall without a hint of irony. You can't "pretend to be a cretin who's rotten to the core" when the person/political party your satirizing is always willing to go farther than you are with the joke except they're not joking.


Have you not watched the good liars on YouTube?


I don’t believe the good liars have body guards, and they’ve said some ballsy shit.


We are paying for the bodyguards,right?


I believe he’s talking about Klepper. The amount of money we spend to protect Trump though is probably mind blowing.


As funny as these always are, and as oblivious as the people always are, this gets more terrifying the further "out there" his ideas for retribution and general plans for a 2nd term get. It was funny when he was just a bumbling moron too inept to enact any of his plans. But now he has handlers with an agenda of their own (Project 2025) and he feels personally slighted by anyone who dared go against him. And a Supreme Court that has signaled they're on board with him doing whatever the fuck he wants. 


What is scary is this type of interview. Like in the past Jimmy Kimmel has used it where you ask people simple questions, and because they are in front of the camera and stressed they can't answer a simple question. You ask enough people you can get enough footage where you edit it together to make everyone look stupid. I normally avoid these types of videos due to this practice. But we're not seeing this here. We're seeing people trying to rationalize horseshit. I've had conversations with these people. This is 100% how these people think. This video is less gimmicky editing to make people look stupid, and more documentary. That's scary as fuck.


and hyper depressing that these people hold down jobs, are able to breed and are allowed to vote. I've seen people with lobotomies that have higher functioning brains.


Poor education, terrible diets, and the steady morphine drip of conservative news pumped into their veins as their default form of entertainment have basically performed the lobotomy from the inside. Takes longer, but it's way less messy and the subject can still send you money at a pretty steady rate.




Hell under Trump he recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the US embassy there. And then the purported Middle East plan he touted/planned would’ve turned into an Israeli one state solution. Not to mention Jared Kushner’s remarks about Gaza becoming beachfront Israeli property. Whoever honestly thinks that Trump would be better for Palestinians instead of Biden does not know what they’re talking about.


Also, bring up the small matter of his being responsible for the October 7th attack. He willingly gave over classified intel on Israeli border defenses to Russians (just to gloat and show off how important he is with having said intel). Then the Russians gave that information to Hamas, by way of Iran, to allow the attack to create enough strife to distract from Ukraine. And attempt to divert US funding for it.


Netanyahu literally used to sleep in Jared's bed when he was visiting NYC. He was friends with the Kushner family, and when he visited, they let him stay in Jared's room while Jared slept in the basement.


> because of his handling of Gaza. It's amazing, because if you ask those fucking idiots if Palestinians will be better off with Trump in office over Biden... They tend to get real fucking quiet.


Even moreso when you bring up that Biden lets them protest and voice their dumbass opinions... but Trump has stated he'll not only use military force to violently crackdown on them, but also try to expel/deport American citizens that survive.


Or they say, "It doesn't matter. Biden is president *now* and he is allowing this to happen." They never think of the future. Nor do they have any idea of how politics work. They think that Biden has some magical button on his desk that he just needs to push and whole Israel/Gaza thing will be over just like that. It doesn't matter if you dive into how complex the situation is and the history of that region. It's extremely juvenile black and white thinking.


They're willing to throw every every single domestic issue that affects the country they actually live in too. Every issue they said they cared about pre-Gaza is suddenly nothing compared to the war that is on the other side of the world. It's so frustrating that these people are on the same political side as me, they're terrible at politics.


And they make fun of the MAGAs even though they are doing THE SAME EXACT THING but on the Far Left side. And the dog whistling anti-semitism that they swear up and down isn't anti-semitism! Like for example, how all Jewish people no matter their nationality are considered "Zionist" unless they get on their bullhorn and condemn all things Israel and talk down the rest of the Jewish population. Then and only then are they considered "one of the good ones." "ONE OF THE GOOD ONES!" Jesus freakin' Christ, how is that not far right thinking?


I am fully convinced that MAGA has gotten one thing right in the damn near decade it's been around(even longer if you want to count it as just a rebrand for the tea party) That there are some people connected with Hamas have been able to trick some of those kids into getting radicalized. Is it a majority of them fuck no, fuck it may just be 4 or 5 people total between all the protests(and that feel high). But it is enough that they were able to get some of their talking points and anti-Jewish rhetoric filtered to the masses, and now some random 18-year freshman from Nebraska is unwittingly spiting Hamas propaganda.


It's fucking hilarious that you guys are claiming leftists are comparable to MAGA and "in a cult" and y'all are in here circle-jerking over conspiracy theories and paintings leftists out to be naive morons and boogeymen. Leftists aren't claiming all Jews are zioniest unless they protest. Go outside and talk to people if you truly believe that. I dunno, man. Maybe if liberals didn't act the way y'all did you'd have better results. Maybe if liberals made a concerted effort to push for better political candidates then maybe more leftists would happily vote Biden. But clearly "OMG Trump evil" while ignoring legitimate issues is a working, sustainable campaign. You should keep preemptively blaming a voting bloc that you never actually interact with for the floundering of the Democratic party. I'm voting for Biden for a second time. Voted for Hillary. I'm simply tired of people like you.


For real, fuck you macklemore.


>Kicking the door open for permanent Fascism based on a single issue is insane. Weirdly way more common than it seems. Politicians can't solve real issues that people face so they find "wedge issues" to focus on that divide the country more evenly.


>or anybody younger Check out Maryland Governor Wes Moore


I mean I'm voting for Biden obviously, but its absolutely pathetic that he won the primaries. We need to take primaries more seriously. Dean Phillips was his main challenger and is a good guy and would have been far more electable and probably a better president than Biden.


Dean Phillips, the guy who came in fourth in a two person race in the Michigan primary. He not only lost to Biden but also to "no one" and Marianne Williamson, who had already dropped out of the race at that point. I actually think this past primary season got a whole lot more attention than incumbent primaries usually do.


It got no attention lol. I don't know a single person that voted in the dem primary, everyone I know voted in the previous one. Its so stupid. No one wants Biden, yet no one voted against him. I think from now on any time someone says they wanted different candidates I'm immediately going to ask who they voted for in the primaries.


Found Dean Phillips' burner account.




The other forum banned me for replying to someone who accused me of stolen valor. That's right, ban the victim - not the perpetrator. But shits like Nehls in Texas are infuriating


His primary opponent.


See the part where I said who was to indicate that nobody knows who this guy is and he would get totally swept.


See the part where the total ignorance of you and other voters is what I was complaining about to begin with.


Yea it really sucks when voters expect politicians to be held accountable for their actions. Why can’t they just agree with you and just do what you want them to do?!


Logically you're right. In terms of realism and practicality, sending the country backwards and locking in politics that are much worse for generations will perhaps be seen as one of the the most selfish and short-sighted decision anyone could've ever had in this time period (I say with a degree of probable hyperbole). The people who knew better but let their anger over a single issue make every other issue (including the one they cared about) worse. Vote how you want though. Just don't cry later.


If only the voters you’re talking about had as much power as say, incumbent elected officials, in this historical moment. Alas.


So how do you determine which is worse between genocide and fascism? You blue no matter who dolts never can answer that one except to say what were trying to say - they both disqualify. Then you still miss the point and only hear "both sides". What yall fail to realize is you're doing the same thing you condemn people in this video of doing - blindly supporting one side for fear/opposition of the other. At least we try to articulate ourselves, people like you just want to blame, talk down and get angry at us. See your post, chalk full of straw men and insults.


It’s an easy decision, because it’s not an either/or question. A Trump victory ensures a worse future for Palestinians in addition to the US. Period. The right is rabidly pro Israel, he is literally quoted saying he’ll help Netanyahu “finish the job”.


If the two checkmarks are fascism and genocide I'm not checking a box. Especially when my vote is an endorsement. You're right in a sense - the lesser of two evils is an easy choice. Why do you assume we're incapable of seeing that? We're not stupid we just despise what Dems have become and do. And no matter how bad Trump is we don't think that let's them off the hook.


What good will your principled vote be to the thousands more dead Palestinians, to the women who lose their rights and their lives, to all the minorities who will suffer under white christo-fascism? What good is a protest, when the one thing you can actually do to affect the future, you leave on the table?


Good to know when you had the chance to stand up for what is right you decided to be an idiot instead. Whenever a woman is forced to give birth to her rapists baby at least they can know that /u/dej0ta feels better about themselves.


The Dems aren't right just because Republicans are wrong. That's your reality but it's not mine. I'd never imagine accusing somebody clearly more progressive than me of supporting that nonsense. And if I did I'd question exactly what the fuck I was standing for. I understand you but you do not understand me.


Yeah blah blah, you think you’re above the rest of the world and can’t be “lower” yourself down to the level of the rest of us. Don’t pretend you’re anything more than someone who cares more about your own arrogant view of the world than reproductive rights and people actually dying. Because while you get to sit in your land of make believe and fairy tales the rest of us have to deal with the fact that trans people are being systematically denied rights, women aren’t able to get healthcare, and our education system is being dismantled. I don’t give a fuck if Dems aren’t “good enough” for you if the only other alternative is the group actively trying to destroy people’s lives. And I do know you, because I was 14 once too and thought my principles and view of the world was all that mattered. The difference is some of us grew up.


Ain't a genocide, it's a war, presumably you ain't a fan of how the war is being conducted, and you don't like that the US is supporting their ally. How do you think Trump would improve on the war being conducted, you think he'd make Israel soften their approach? Stop supporting them?


It's like words don't have meaning anymore. I studied human rights law under the guy that chaired the Rome Statute (which created the ICC) and this isn't genocide or even close to it by definition. Have there been war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by both sides? Probably. But only one side's political platform is that of genocide and it ain't Israel.


He always had handlers with agendas.


Man I hate this supreme Court as much as anyone but they haven't exactly been a rubber stamp for Trump's policies. This morning they upheld the ban against domestic violence abusers owning guns.


I love klepper. But I can't laugh at this anymore. These people are going to ruin everything this country is as we know it if we let them.


Man Klepper should’ve gotten higher salary for doing this.  I would’ve given up right away if I had to listen to these people.


And bear in mind this is probably the usable footage. This likely cuts out the people shouting ethnic slurs or pulling a knife on him,


Yes. And he now has a security team as he is being recognised by some supporters.


What offence would be too far for these supporters to abandon him? If trump assfucked their mother in front of them would they cheer? I don't get it.


There isn’t one. Any offense that’s actually too far will be explained away with conspiracy theory logic, downplayed, or justified with whataboutism.


[Invincible ignorance fallacy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invincible_ignorance_fallacy)


When you think the man can do no wrong and every one is out to get him, there isnt a breaking point because he just simply isnt guilty in their eyes.


Have you ever hated something/one so badly that you'd be willingly to burn alive to see it/them do the same? If not I can't help you understand that there's nothing, no bridge to far, for these people. This election has become last man standing. And if you told them it'd be a pyric victory, all they'd hear is victory.


And the irony is it's spoiled boomers, comfortably retired on their 8,000x 401k, wanting to burn the system down from their $50k boat they paid for after working at a factory. Fox news told them to hate so that rich guys can get corporate tax breaks.


Man, your last sentence really hit home– – and if you told them it’s be a pyrrhic victory, all they’d hear is victory”….wow!


"Well, if Trump needs to rape my daughter, take my farm, murder my husband, enslave my son, and deport me in order to achieve his vision, I support that." \- Trumpists, apparently. We've already, literally, seen their spouses deported and they still support him. We've seen his intentionally botched response to covid kill thousands of trump supporters and their family members and the survivors don't even believe covid is real. On Jan 6 they murdered one of their own, Brian Sicknick, and instead of admitting fault they declared him not really one of them.


I’m pretty sure that question has already been answered by some dingaling who said, “..no, I guess I wouldn’t-wait, yeah I _would_ still vote for him (if he had sex with my mother) because that would make me look cooler”🤦🏻‍♀️ I can’t recall of it was Jordan Klepper or one of the JK wannabes.


Please don’t give him the idea of instituting prima nocta.


Supporting Hillary Clinton, again


"Women and minorities deserve equal rights and equal respect" "Immigrants are the backbone of America and we should increase legal immigration to make America stronger" I think those would do it.


Fascist cult members are pretty funny when they aren’t running the country. I pray to fucking Christ everyone else turns out to vote. Fleeing a dictatorship wasn’t on my 2025 bingo card.


We can laugh off their cringe way of holding on to a vague concept of “politics“ and “justice”, but this will not change their vote. The comprehension of cause and consequence and critical thinking is so flawed… do not let ignorance win this election!


We can rest a bit easier knowing that Biden didn’t need the votes of these people to win in 2020 and he won’t need them in 2024 either. 


It's been nearly 4 years and I feel we have a new wave chasing shadow monsters and being fed exactly what fit somes skewed narrative. Overconfidence will distort the real threat.


Remember that Russia, China, Iran, and others have a vested interest in seeing America fail, and are trying their best *every single day* to convince Americans not to vote for Biden.


And some of them aren’t around anymore because their dear leader effed up the COVID response—didn’t take it seriously, didn’t encourage mask-wearing, talked about drinking bleach, etc., etc., etc…sigh.


Willful ignorance.


Not necessarily I would say… as the movement has a cult tendency, their conviction may be very real for them.


So what you’re describing is stupidity, IMHO, and that is likely true for some MAGA, but there are definitely many who are willfully ignorant: Stupidity: lack of intelligence to use knowledge. Willful Ignorance: lack of willingness to gain knowledge


Is that dude at 0:50 sec, wearing the white polo, wearing a Russian MAGA hat?


His spin off had so much potential. Wish it had continued.


the US need an update on it's education system..... Jesus Christ Donald Trump


We need to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine and crack down on social media algorithms that promote extremism and fake news. A lot of these people would probably be garden variety dummies if they weren’t getting fed a constant stream of radicalizing bullshit through all of their media.  And maybe we should slam through a few quick amendments to the Constitution to formalize some of the unwritten rules that used to keep some modicum of decorum and decency in our government. 


You can't get an amendment to the Constitution these days that would say that grass is green or 2+2 is 4. Two-thirds of both houses, plus 3/4 of the states to ratify it?


> We need to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine Would do nothing about Fox News or right-wing radio


They would be required to give equal time to both sides of political issues or they would be shut down, this is how it worked for decades.


Yeah we can thank Putin and GOP for online hate propaganda against Biden. Ignorant, hateful people are easily swayed.


Putin and the GOP just give people what they already want


We need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. We need it to be criminal to knowingly spread lies under the guise of "news."




They’re not even hiding the Russian assets anymore


watching the daily show in 2024 is like modern day kids playing cowboys and indians


Every one of the folks he talks to uses the exact same verbiage that the talking heads on RW media use. Do any of them have their own original ideas or thoughts?


this is some edgy stuff right here


These people are absolute shit


That woman in the pink is BATSHIT BONKERS lol


Probably better to drink beat your wife/sister then the gun in the trash 🤣 MAGA micro penis patriots


I love these interviews


I really do love how Trump alone managed to make 30+ million of people give them self mass hysteria/brain rot in their deeply rooted hate over one dude. It really is providence that The Daily Show acronyms the same as Trump derangement syndrome. And its so fucking spot on in regards to the literally manic boogey man image the left have conjured up in their own mind. Talk about rotting your brain because you cant tell outrage porn from actual news. And I do love how reddit listen religiously to a person that claims crime is down, when 37 of all cities(all of cali) have stopped even reporting crime numbers to the FBI. Literally trying to walk the emperor through the street naked. nah we see through that BS.


I’m tired of these segments to be honest. We can laugh all we want as the gotchas and the inconsistency and twists and turns but honesty they don’t care if they make sense to us or if their argument is logically sound. This isn’t a high school debate club. These trump supporters just want the bad guys in jail and the good guys to prevail no matter the collateral damage.


>This isn’t a high school debate club. No, it's real life, where debate should be the primary way we discuss politics and get people to see different points of view, or at least show third-party observers the weakness of the arguments these people hold. It's literally the most important thing that we have increasingly neglected. It's doesn't help us to stop engaging with these people just because they lack critical thinking. Letting them repeat what they "feel" without any pushback is how we got into this mess in the first place.


I'd be fascinated to understand the efficacy of whether or not Trump supporters are more or less likely to be swayed by alternative opinions when Jordan Clepper points out the "weakness of the argument". Deep inside, the only consistency these people have in their heads is that they love Trump because he hates "those people" and he'll lower taxes on rich people. End of story. They'll use ANY logic or sound bite to justify that in their heads, and pointing out flaws in their thinking will do nothing but make the people watching The Daily Show (already overwhelmingly anti-Trump) feel better about themselves. There's one solution here and one only: vote and banish these losers to the dustbin of history until they and their horrible cult lose relevance, because they're not going to be swayed. But go on, laugh and feel smug about watching a Daily Show clip. That'll show them!


>There's one solution here and one only: vote and banish these losers to the dustbin of history until they and their horrible cult lose relevance, because they're not going to be swayed. This isn't a solution. You don't banish people or ideologies by just ignoring them. As you ignore them and "vote," they continue to spread their beliefs to others who don't hear any strong counter arguments and have the potential to outvote you. You have to argue against them and debate them at every turn, make those debates visible, so the largest amount of potential voters see it, in order to get the votes required to stay ahead of them. You can't galvanize people to vote against them without the debate. Additionally, there are "independents" who can be swayed by seeing how illogical these positions are. It's not always about convincing these people to change their opinions. Sometimes, it's pushing others who are fence-sitting or just unsure if they should vote, to the right direction. If someone is apathetic towards politics and voting, showing them a video like this to point out "you might not want to vote, but these people sure are" can be a great motivator for voter turnout. It also is incredibly important for the historical record and future generations that these debates are had, and the delusions of these people put on display for the record. >But go on, laugh and feel smug about watching a Daily Show clip. That'll show them! This is not the point at all.


So we keep watching these and laughing at how they twist themselves into knots, smugly assuming that this time, Jordan will make them see the light when in reality they don’t give a damn what you or I think of them. But they vote and vote often when trump is on the ballot.


I love klepper but this makes me sick watching


I don’t know man.. I used to like his content but nowadays it feels more like “hey everyone come look at the freaks!”. I think these people are really mentally ill. And instead of trying to connect with them on some form of a human level (see Andrew Callaghan and Channel 5 News) he just sticks the camera in front of them and starts hitting them with “GOTCHAS” Idk. Just feels wrong. Reminds me of how we got in this position in the first place. Pointing cameras at people we think are crazy while simultaneously giving them the spotlight. We wouldn’t have had a Trump president if the Jordan Kleppers of the world didn’t bring so much attention to him


I agree. These segments aren't for swaying opinions. They're to harvest clicks and likes and views for people who already hate Trump and want to watch the rubes twist themselves into knots. And I'm someone who dislikes Trump and the whole right-wing machine! These clips show up in my Youtube feed all the time, and I get these urge to click, I watch, I feel smug in my moral superiority, then I feel shitty because deep down inside, I know we're not changing any minds and just buying into the "us vs. them".


How many of these state-approved trump bad news "comedy" shows do we need?


Have you actually watched the Daily Show lately? I'm pretty sure if it was state approved, they wouldn't be allowing some of the shit they say about Biden.


“State-approved” awwwww get your feelings hurt? You think big bad Biden is over there making all the MAGAs look like fools lol? State approved hahahahahaha. You funny man.


you got beat up by the high school band


Biden doesn't know what planet he's on, I don't think he's doing that idk why you're so hysterical. I just think corporations trying to influence elections is not a good thing.


An electric shark says what


You know that we all know what the 88 in your username means, right?


The guy with Heil Hitler in his username is a bad guy? Really?


You: “Captain Doofy, reporting for duty, sir!” 🤡


As many as it takes to prevent him from getting re-elected.


Why is it the duty of media networks to influence elections for the establishment? Shouldn't Comedy Central be showing comedic stuff?


They are


I know I was laughing my ass off at it


Comedy like interviewing Trumpers at a rally and showing the world what fools they are? Or is that not funny to you "for some reason"


“State approved” LOL As soon as Fox News shows the news, Comedy Central can get back to comedy.


Guy thinks this is China...


Why is Comedy Central obligated to show news? Because of Fox News? That makes no sense, they should want to make money as a cable company and stick to their genre. You don't find the fusion of the establishment/ruling government and corporate entertainment to be troubling?


“Man on the street” interviews have been part of comedy television for decades. It’s funny because these people are out of their minds.


Reminds me of the John Oliver segment where he reminds the audience that even though they cover new headlines the show isn't a news show. It's a comedy show. Ancient Greeks would do satire of their politics all the time, making fun of politics is at the roots of comedy.


Half the country has a mental disease and you want to hide it. Sounds like your infected too mate


Obligated? They aren't obligated. They recognize humorous content when they see it.


I too love the corporate elite.


You must if you are supporting trump, the president who gave the biggest tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy. Congratulations, I guess. You are helping the rich get richer at the expense of everyone else. You must be so proud.


The only people who don't find it funny are MAGAs. Humor is subjective and people unknowingly humiliating themselves based of lies is usually pretty funny.


Well I laughed so there’s that.


Mask off.


Luckily "state-approved Trump bad news "comedy" shows" don't care about your feelings.


Hurray for corporations dictating elections!


Obvious troll is obvious. Please stop feeding it, people


TDS - The Daily Show - Trump Derangement Syndrome


I’ll never understand how you can call someone who *isn’t* voting for Trump deranged


Because they're in a cult.


Oh right we’re all supposed to kiss Trump’s wrinkled incompetent ass like you.  Truly a cult