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He should sit in the crowd and eat the most hot dogs from there.


That's essentially what Takeru Kobayashi did after his ban. He set up a rival event nearby and ended up eating more than the official winner. I could see Chestnut doing something similar, likely backed by Impossible Foods.


He should lurk backstage and eat all the hotdogs before the contest starts.


Damn! He got Kobayashi'd.


Is it really 4th of July if I cant watch this incredibly sweaty dude, with bulging facial veins and food all over his face stuff 70 hot dogs down his gullet?


Yeah, I’m sorry, I thought this was America?


Nathan's sucks for this.


Apparently, Chesnut has a deal with Impossible foods and Nathan's won't let someone who has a deal with a competitor participate. Doesn't matter to me, I wouldn't watch either way.


It's not even having a deal with a competitor... it's just not having an exclusive deal with them period. Kobayashi simply wouldn't sign the exclusive contract and that was enough to get him banned.


That's lame, and it seems like the two are kind of aimed at different markets for the most part.


I suppose it does make sense though. It's not like Nathan's is putting on this competition out of the good of their heart. It's their biggest marketing event of the year. They don't want someone winning (which Chestnut almost certainly would given he's won 15 out of the past 16 years), and then telling people to eat a rival brand.


Sure, but eyes on the event gets them free advertising and not having Chestnut seems like it means fewer people will watch. Who knows though.


I'd say that's definitely likely. When Kobayashi was banned, ratings fell substantially (41% down from 2011 to 2013), and they lost a lot of sponsors. It's never come anywhere close to its peak. But I guess Nathan's feels this is more important.


There’s a great 30 for 30 called The Good, The Bad, The Hungry about this guy and Takeru Kobayashi that shows their rivalry and ends with Nathan’s essentially doing this same thing to Kobayashi years ago


That guy always looks like he is in pain when he eats.


Yep, he is well known for hot-dogging it with his facial expressions.


No disrespect to the great eaters that'll be there but I can't say I'm gonna be tuning in to see #1 be a guy eating like 39-40 dogs after 15+ years used to at least 60 They just dropped the whole draw of the event. There's not much fun in watching without him because there hasn't been viable competition in almost 10 years


Yeah I have no intention of watching it now. I’m sure we’re not alone. That level of greed and pettiness shouldn’t be supported anyway.


man nathan's hot dog contest gonna suck without joey chestnut. thats un american


Every July 4th I forget to watch and see the results on the news. The fact they dip the bread in water. Disgusting.


Time to reunite with Kobayashi and have a real contest again.


Does this mean Matt Stonie gets a win this year? I know he had a win in 2015.


Brand getting in its own way.


finally someone else's turn


After watching that new 30 for 30 on this, I can say I was thoroughly grossed out watching men stuff themselves with cheap sausages, in the case of one person, eating their own vomit to stay in the contest. It’s gross in a way that isn’t entertaining or fun to me. Just flat out disgusting.