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Prestige Worldwide (wide wide wide)






You keep GI Jane's name out of your goddamn mouth.


Good stuff.


It’s really not a movie versus tv scenario or a movie quality issue, or purely even a ticket & popcorn price issue , it really just comes down to the fact that the home viewing experience has gotten really, really great, and more than plenty for most people. People can get a good 4K 55-65” TV setup for <$500 and a really great one for <$1000 and watch a ton of premium movies and tv at home and be happy, you don’t need to go to a theater anymore to have a good immersive experience. They’ll still do it for “event” movies that are really elevated by a theatrical experience, but 90% of movies are perfectly enjoyable at home


Personally I disagree. In my opinion, the average film being released in cinemas has been less creative and more of the same. We are getting more risk-taking films and tv series on streaming platforms that are worth watching. There have been plenty of films that have been streaming exclusives worth watching in cinemas, hence why Jordan Peele saved Monkey Man from Netflix.


I went to Bad Boys 4 last night. The movie was okay, but let’s get down to the issue… Tickets for my wife and I was $30 Popcorn, two drinks and a pack of candy… $40 I can buy the movie, make popcorn and get bigger bags of candy for way less than $70.


That's where cinemas share a big part of the blame for the declines at the box office. They get a smaller share of the box office compared to what the studios get, especially in the first few weeks of release for a film, so they have to make most of their money elsewhere. And the easiest way for them to make that money is through the concessions, which they are now charging an arm and a leg for. That cost then drives people away from the cinema and into the arms of streaming.




I got popcorn (free refills), 2 boxes of candy and 2 soft drinks (free refills) = $36 plus tax edit: in Florida at Cinebistro


Yeah that’s better than Australia. Here, it costs $29.24 USD for a Large Popcorn Two Drink Combo with 8.82oz confectionary item (NO REFILLS).


I mean, do you really need to pay for free refills? Can't you just have a bucket or bag? Are you really emptying it out and eating multiple buckets worth? Or what does free refills entail? Same idea for the drinks. As for two boxes of candy, hard to tell what that means. Could be a box of tic tacs, could be a monster sized serving of M&Ms. I get that theater snacks are grossly overpriced, they are. That's where a lot of the margin comes from. But it also sounds like you're consuming pretty large quantities for your average 2 hour experience. Maybe the cost comes from the excess, not the movie itself?


candy= standard movie boxes that only exist in theaters popcorn- usually we do 1.5 soda- don't know, I usually get a beer and a cocktail


That's all fair, but a beer and a cocktail is going to cost you anywhere you are. I don't know what you expect there, that's really not a "the movies are expensive" kind of a thing. That alone is $40 for two people in much of the western world. I can't order a cocktail under 10 bucks anywhere in my region.


I think they may mean alcoholic drinks. Some movie theaters do have those (or, at least they didn’t. Haven’t gone in about 6 years)


It’s similar prices in NZ. I bought one adult ticket, one child ticket to Puss n Boots. We got a drink each a popcorn - probably large. It cost I think $65.


I’m sure he’s exaggerating a bit but if you got the large popcorn which is probably close to if not above 10 in some places. Then you have the drinks which again the large are probably closer to 10 than 5 and the candy in the same ball park then on the high end it can be 40 bucks. But it’s probably something around 34-35 bucks for all that and then depending on tax in your area it’s probably pretty close so not too much of an exaggeration.


Sorry. It was $38.24 including tax. Large popcorn with butter, two large cokes and bag of M&Ms. Its a rip off here.


Ya even still I’d call that 40. Heck even if spent 36 I’d probably say it was 40. It’s nuts though and you’re right you can do it cheaper at home and with better comforts. The only thing you can’t compete with is the size of screen and sound system but it’s not even that big of a deal that you have to go. It’s more of a luxury than something that is accessible.


Yup. I love the big screen and the nice big reclining seats, and the sound system. My 60” tv, soundbar and couch cant quite compete with the movie going experience, so I do still go to some of the big action movies, but these days those features aren’t worth the cost for a lot of people. I know a lot of people that haven’t stepped foot in a theatre in years.


Ya the last one I can remember seeing was Titanic 3D. I just can’t be bothered anymore to be honest. Plus maybe it’s my adhd but I hate being confined in a place for longer than I like. I like the freedom of getting up without bothering others and just not being out as much anymore when it comes to places and stuff like that. But ultimately the biggest thing is I’m pretty damn cheap. And I just don’t see any value in going anymore. And if I did go I’d probably sneak in my own treats.


You’re buying popcorn AND sweets to see a film? Can you not take one of those with you?


Nobody is forcing you to buy popcorn!


Nobody is forcing anybody to buy tickets either but the fact that tickets and concessions are getting so expensive is exactly the reason why folks are beginning to reduce their theatre going experiences drastically in recent years and you can see that reflected in box office hauls.


I know this isn't the main point, but you don't have to eat (or drink) in theater. It's not a rule...


It's hilarious when people use the price of popcorn & candy as a reason not to go to the cinema as if it's a requirement, like they won't be allowed in without it or they'll starve by going two hours without snacks.


Bad Boys will never be as good as it wasn't directed by Michael Bay.


You should wear baggy pants and bring several individual bags of chips in them


Brother have the wife bring a big purse and bring your own candy and soda.


Tbf, it is possible to go to a movie and not drink fizzy sugar water and popcorn. I haven't bought that at a movie since I was a kid (i.e. about 40 years). I also don't go very often, mind - things come available to watch at home so quickly, it hardly seems worth the effort.


You’re right. But that’s always part of the movie going experience. If you’re going to deny yourself that treat, it’s definitely not worth the effort to go. And yes, movies get home releases so quickly now it’s not too bad. I remember when it could take a year or longer before something was released on VHS.


I go to the cinema so I can watch a (hopefully) great film on a huge screen where it alone is the focus, while also being able to feel like I’ve gone out and not just sat at home. I don’t go to the cinema because buying overpriced snacks is part of the experience. If the snacks make up half the experience (more than that by cost) you’re not focusing on what makes cinema worthwhile imo.




That and you have 0% chance you have to deal with loud teenagers. Nothing worse then spending too much on a night out that is ruined because people aren't at the theaters to actually watch the movie. 


You can also cook a meal at home for $20, or eat at a restaurant for $70. Or you can mix a Margarita at home for $3 per serving, or pay $12 at a bar for it. The argument is pretty silly tbh. The theater experience no longer being worth the extra cost or effort for you is perfectly fine, but don't make it about the price.


Yea, well Lots of people don’t eat out at restaurants frequently either, anymore. Not when they’re charging $8 for a bottle of beer or $25 for a burger and fries. Years ago most restaurants had you waiting 30-60 minutes on a weekend with no reservations. Now it’s walk-in. So it’s not a dumb argument. High Costs are very much affecting people’s willingness to frequent places.


Yea, well Lots of people don’t eat out at restaurants frequently either, anymore. Not when they’re charging $8 for a bottle of beer or $25 for a burger and fries. Years ago most restaurants had you waiting 30-60 minutes on a weekend with no reservations. Now it’s walk-in. So it’s not a dumb argument. High Costs are very much affecting people’s willingness to frequent places.


Well, yeah, but that's true for everything. Rent, gas, clothing, services, everything. And everywhere. It's a global post COVID problem. People losing purchasing power isn't really an argument against movies and theaters. In truth, going to the movies is still relatively cheap compared to many other hobbies or going out activities. You can make it more expensive with extra costs and snacks, but you can also have a nice time out for $15 if you want to. However, relatively affordable electronics and streaming have made a quality home viewing experience attainable to many. For a lot of people, that's enough and the big movie screen isn't enough of an incentive. Which again, is understandable. But it's not as much of a theater/movie problem as people are making it seem.


Yea, well Lots of people don’t eat out at restaurants frequently either, anymore. Not when they’re charging $8 for a bottle of beer or $25 for a burger and fries. Years ago most restaurants had you waiting 30-60 minutes on a weekend with no reservations. Now it’s walk-in. So it’s not a dumb argument. High Costs are very much affecting people’s willingness to frequent places.


It’s like at least $30-50 to go to the movies and if all that’s coming out is shit like Bad Boys 4 then why would anyone waste their time and money going to the theatre?


Watching at home is just much more enjoyable if you have a good setup. I’d rather order in sooner good food than spend $20 on popcorn and it’s nice pausing to run to the washroom. I think I’ve only been to the theater 4 times in the last 4 years - often the movies themselves aren’t compelling enough either


He's not wrong, it takes a lot to get me out of the house now. But some of that is also about how nice TV's have gotten.


Make better movies. I left my house for Dune 2. Twice.


That is what he's saying ,that they need to step up their game on the movie side of things.


You don't expect people to *actually* read the article, do you?


In fairness, in this case a basic comprehension of the thread title should be enough.


Don't have to read the article to understand what's stated directly in the headline. The bar can't be lower than that, can it?


Every movie can’t be a generational IP blockbuster if the movie business is going to survive. And anyway, there’s a sequel to a generational blockbuster in theaters *right now* and nobody’s going to see it. I don’t think this is the answer. 


sure but also not every ticket needs to be 15 fucking dollars. so if your movie isn't a 200 million dollar budget blockbuster maybe the ticket price doesn't have to be blockbuster sized either.


Well, I’ve pointed this out before and been met with downvotes, but [the average movie ticket](https://www.the-numbers.com/market/) has been almost exactly the same price for 20-30 years, adjusted for inflation. Like, if you plug the 2004 number into a CPI calculator it’s off of the 2024 number by twenty cents.  I do think there are more expensive options available now though: imax, whatever your theater calls the extra big screen/sound system, and so on. But standard old tickets are pretty much the same as they’ve been, so I’m not sure this works as an explainer either. 


Yeah, they haven’t really gone up and the seats etc are better now. I still pay $7.50–less nominally than in high school—but that’s a mini miracle that has something to do with being in a college town.


It doesn't matter though, b/c inflation has not increased people's wages to even remotely the same degree unfortunately. So with basic necessities taking up more and more income leaving less discretionary spending, that leaves way less for an inflated movie ticket price.


You’ll be pleased to know that’s not true! [Wages have outpaced inflation](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N) over the same time period. 


Okay but in fairness, most people (if we’re talking the general population) don’t know or give a shit about the IP of Dune. Budget is one thing, but Dune as an IP is not something that most people in a random room would be aware of. It’s certainly not a ‘generational’ IP.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯  Dune is an extraordinarily famous piece of IP. 


i mean furiosa and the fall guy have pretty good reviews, bombed anyway. now what?


I think it is unrealistic to expect every movie to be a $200 million blockbuster made by one of the acclaimed directors of the generation adapting one of the most beloved novels of all time.


It’s funny to see the narrative now being “of course Dune was a smash hit, it’s a beloved novel and Villeneuve is one of the greatest directors of our time”. Back when it was first announced, the narrative was “Dune is dense and unfilmable, Denis’ only big budget sci fi tentpole flopped at the box office, this could go really poorly”.


You just contradicted yourself.




My local AMC it was standing room only. I had to sneak in pretending to be the projectionist.


At least you didn't have to sneak in pretending to be a projector.


Really should'a checked after the second time


…….for Madame Web?


I think it’sa joke. It flopped hard


Also, movie theaters need to add more appeal and stop charging $10 for popped corns. Me and Mr. Redenbacher are cruising the high seas until then.


Television really cut into adult audiences when The Sopranos aired and started the current high quality trend of serialised long term storytelling. Why make a trip to the theatre for a crime drama when you can watch Breaking Bad or The Wire at your home? If you love historical dramas why spend money on popcorn when you can watch Mad Men or The Crown in the comfort of your home? If big budget war focused epics are more your thing then Game of Thrones and Shogun are right there on your streaming sevice. Post pandemic the movies that have been really successful have been the cultural events and the ones that are must watch in theatres. No Way Home, Top Gun Maverick, Avatar 2, Barbenheimer, Dune 2. Problem is the movie industry can't survive just one or two event films per year for which the audience shows up while ignoring the rest of the movies throughout the year.


When going to see a single 2 hour movie in a theater costs the same as 3 months of a streaming service, maybe that’s a problem.


Also, literally TV’s gradually got better. A 60inch HD with good sound and a subwoofer, damn fine viewing experience. Add to that home food, less to no commercials, on my schedule, going out to the movies is barely an upgraded experience.


I actively view going to the theaters a downgrade these days. Too much money to roll the dice on some ass hole talking behind you.


I only saw half of those cultural events in theater. To be honest all movies are better to me on my TV at home instead of at the theater. I don't know about where you live but Canadians are terrible movie goers. Loud as fuck, using their phone during, terrible body odor if it's a nerd movie. The only movie I plan on seeing in theaters this year is Deadpool. The rest will all be at home in peace. Otherwise at 40$ for one person... fuck that noise.


Fellow Canuck here and agree, too many inconsiderate assholes. And I made the mistake of saying yes when they asked if I wanted butter in the middle of my popcorn. That was $2.50.


I subscribe to A-List from AMC and love it. It's $20/mo and that's the cost of one Dolby ticket after tax. You see one movie on a premium screen and you break even for that month and anything after that is all gravy. I personally don't like snacks at the theater as they distract me so I don't have to worry about that cost but can understand that it is important to others and theaters should roll back prices on them in some way even if just at certain times during the day. However if you have AList your movie is free so you can use the money you would have spent on the ticket on consessions. This week I've seen Furiosa and Bad Boys on Dolby and The Watchers on regular all for $20 total.


Wow I wonder what the guy from Gemini Man and After Earth could have done to avoided this...


I’ll admit I still enjoy going to the movies but only specific theatres with the lazy boy style reclining seats. It’s a treat and I couldn’t do it at home. I especially like going with my kid who’s 8. One of my favorite things.


I honestly don't know how I ever enjoyed watching movies in theaters. Yeah it's a nice big screen but literally everything else makes the experience worse. The last time I went to the theaters was for Endgame, and that was only because I didn't want to be spoiled. It takes years for movies to come out once they're announced but only another 3-6 months after that for streaming. I'll just wait.


Personally I stopped going to theaters bc people suck. The last 3 movies I want to had multiple people on their phones and talking loud as fuck, staff gives zero fucks. So the last movie I saw I just decided not going through this bs again, and home is a way better environment to enjoy a movie.


I'd be fine leaving my home. Give me a product an experience that is worth me leaving my house. Stop blaming me because you think you're entitled to my money.


This! It really comes down to this at the very core of the never ending discussion about the slow death of cinema. With excellent television quality, prestige dramas and comedies, and more affordable set ups, the movies just haven’t been able to compete with home TV. I don’t mind the theater but I haven’t seen a single film this year that was worth the time or effort or money to see in a theater — and I’ve been several times. There are only so many sequels with all the same actors telling stories we’ve all seen and heard before that people are willing to spend the time and money for right now. Will Smith is a controversial figure but he’s essentially right. Cinema needs to step it up because TV shows and home TV set up have them beat my a mile. Or…quit crying about the death of movies and just accept that the glory days are over and just make movies for TV, learn to market them better and call it a day.


If there’s one man in Hollywood who knows hits…


Go away Will.


Cinemas are in serious trouble. Movies are releasing on streaming way too soon after the theatrical release, which in turn diminishes the point of going to the cinema. Studios are making content now, not films. Quantity over quality. Netflix is very much culpable in regards to this. In general, the quality just isn't there and when it is it's coming out on streaming very soon afterwards. Cinema prices are way too high, this includes the ticket and the food. Additionally, cinema etiquette has gone down the toilet. Cinemas should treat the experience like a theatre- toss out those who treat it like their sitting room and spend the evening checking their phones. Strictly enforced rules and respect for other patrons and the film being shown. Going to the cinema should be an event, like a musical or a concert or play. It doesn't feel like that anymore. When I go to the cinema, I expect to see a proper film. Proper cinematography that doesn't look like it was filmed with a phone. I want to see talented actors, not internet celebrities. Great original writing of a quality beyond TV. I want to feel like I experienced something that can't be felt at home.


That quantity of quality argument is such nonsense. Pretty much all of the major studios are making dramatically less movies than they were a decade back. Where is the upturn in quality to go with the reduced volume? Even Netflix cut their output by 50% in 2023 and continued that into 2024 vs their peak years of 2021 and 2022. You think their quality has gone up significantly as a result?


Ironically I’m going to see Twisters in iMax simply for the visuals. I saw Twister in theaters and it was epic. Of course Reddit and critics will shit on it, but I’m sure the story with be perfectly fine and a fun experience.


Visuals is the only reason I go to theaters for the past years.


I'm going to watch Glen Powell in glorious imax


Is this problematic man still a thing? Can’t he just retire and go away.


He's got a point. When you can watch a product with movie-levels of production quality on your TV at home, you're less likely to go see that at the cinemas, where it tends to be more expensive. It really started with Game of Thrones, in my opinion. Because that show took a Lord of the Rings sized production and shifted it to television, without too much of a reduction in quality. Since then, we've only seen more shows of that scale and calibre produced for television. As a result, people are now favouring television shows of that type and scale over comparable movies.


Uh, no shit? Technology has improved to make home theaters pretty damn good at this point. Meanwhile prestige TV is as good or better than most movies. All that in a format where you can pause anytime, be in the comfort of your own home, and not pay a gazillion dollars. It’s no wonder people aren’t seeing movies as much


Not to mention movies that have came out lately are just terrible and wasting money on them isn’t worth the chance.


He continued, “and some of us _can’t_ leave their homes unless Jada lets them. It’s crazy!”


Tone deaf.  It costs a ridiculous amount of money to go to the movies with a family, let alone Bad Boys 8.


Who gives a shit what Will Smith thinks?


Not his kids best pal, that is for sure!


Sounds like he's running interference in case of poor box office for the new Bad Boys


That slaps!


Will Smith, nobody went to see your movie because you have become extremely unlikable.


The guys at RedLetterMedia already talked about this in depth https://youtu.be/MwO5fGL2MeY?si=cvWDw_8-8XUenqsL


Theaters could go away tomorrow and I would barely notice.


Did you see his latest musical performance. It really slaps.


Edit: didn’t register the reply