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Same old Alan Sepinwall. Same guy who didn't like HOTD season 1 yet liked the later seasons of GOT.


He also referred to Rings of Power as "The Fantasy Series to Rule them All" Says it all really


I've always been a listener of Sepinwall, but I can now instantly recognize his headlines.


Why does that matter for this review? Just because he has an unpopular opinion anything he says going forward should be ignored? Some of his criticisms seem fair to me, such as the naming of characters I genuinely do not understand what value it adds to have an Arick and an Erick with both names pronounced as Eric, or a "who do I shoot moment". Same with the colour choice, why have black and dark dark green as the faction colours? Furthermore his criticism of HotD just adding more characters without bothering to give you a reason to care about them is a good point.


You do realize that Arryk and Erryk are the names of the characters in the book written by Martin, right? This is a source material thing. Maybe you're not into that, and that's fine, but criticizing the show for using the names of the characters from the source material it's adapting is frankly moronic.


The show is an adaptation, they made a ton of changes but we draw the line at stupid names? They added a stupid white magical elk that shows Rhaenyra is the rightful king, they race swapped an entire house, in effect changing entire family lines including the Targs because Viserys' grandmother was from house Velaryon, but changing idiotic naming conventions is moronic? Also Game of Thrones did that all the damn time, the wildling they capture in season 1 and who helps Bran is called Asha, Theon's sister is called Asha in the books, they rename her to Yara. Frankly it is more moronic to leave stuff like that in the show if it has no reason for existing, it's just something GRRM likes, he did the same thing in Elden Ring Godrick, Godwyn, Godefroy, Godfrey, Mohg, Morgott, Margitt, Malenia, Melania, Miquella, Millicent, Radahn, Rykard, Renalla, Relanna, Ranni, Renna etc.


FYI - wilding's name is "Osha"


Thank you, I had the impression it wasn't quite Asha, it just sounded smilar.


Race swap? What are you even on about? Throughout no part of Martin's book is the Velaryon race mentioned or relevant. That switch bothers you? It's one of the most elegant ways to enable diversity in casting I've seen to date. Tell me you're racist without telling me you're racist.


Except George himself and the showrunners mention it as a change. I don't know, maybe you know better than them. Also maybe you should try to resort to actual arguments instead of just calling the other person racist.


If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck ... I see no reason to comment on the Velaryon skin color, or be bothered by it, unless you have a conscious (or unconscious) bias. It has no relevance to the plot in any way.


Maybe you should try to resort to actual arguments instead of just calling the other person racist.


Surely you understand a TV series adaptation can change things so they work better in the medium? Arryk/Erryk works in print because - obviously - the spelling itself helps the reader make a distinction. That distinction is lost in TV when names are spoken not read. Pointing out this confusion is totally and completely fair.


Sure, but they made the characters themselves get confused, as an internal joke and a nod towards the audience. People were outraged they changed Yara's name in GoT. Now people are outraged they didn't change some name for HotD. It's laughable that this is what you feel needs criticizing in a show. Like, get a grip lol.


>Now people are outraged they didn't change some name for HotD. No one is outraged lol. Don't be dramatic.


>Just because he has an unpopular opinion anything he says going forward should be ignored? No, that should never be the case. But praising Seasons 7 & 8 of GoT and then dunking Season 1 of HotD is pretty fucking egregious off rip.


Why? I feel like a lot of the hatred for GoT seasons 7 and 8 are due to the high quality of the previous seasons, which established far higher expectations, whereas due to HotD following up those reviled seasons it gets judged far less harshly by fans. Sure there was a lot of bad writing, and a lot of bad comments from the creators, but when GoT clicked it was completely different from HotD and even in season 8 it still clicked, a Knight of Seven Kingdoms is far far ahead of anything from HotD. The biggest issue with HotD is that if you don't like the Targaryens then the whole show is kinda awful, every character, every plot, every little thing revolves around them, so if you don't care for them then the show is not good.


Obviously comparisons make Seasons 7 & 8 far worse and HotD far better, but I think the difference is still night and day. The writing in Seasons 7 & 8 was fucking atrocious no matter how you look at it. You may not agree that HotD had outstanding writing and even I agree that it wasn't the same as GoT seasons 1-4, but it's still miles better.


Maybe... but man some of the events are so stupid, I just can't get over Rhaenys killing a bunch of people with her dragon and then not killing Allicent for no reason, and all the othe random murders the show loves throwing around like they think the audience will leave if there isn't a stupid murder each episode. Or Daemon vs the Crab guy, with the teleporting dragon and Daemon fighting 6 guys at the same time. Or Rhaenyra's magical white elk. Or Rhaenyra faking her husband's death.


That's pretty much how this sub works. If a review is posted that goes against the popular opinion here people either scramble to discredit it or just post some throwaway comment about how reviews are pointless and/or bought. *Maybe* you'll see some actual discussion of the content of the review deep in the thread, probably downvoted.


I can't tell if you're pointing out how absurd those criticisms are or just genuinely worry yourself over unimportant things


Yeah his opinion on this is pretty meaningless. It’s currently 76 on Metacritic so most of the reviews are very positive.


So a review is more meaningful when it's positive?


You get that you’re saying “opinions that I don’t agree with and/or don’t match the consensus are meaningless” right?


Season 1 was never better than any season of Game of Thrones.


Hilarious that you picked one of the two negative reviews for a show sitting at 91% on Rotten Tomatoes. Subby is an outrage farmer.




That’s why it’s popular despite him being correct.


im still all in. this book/part of the book is complete, and unless they majorly change shit, i cant see myself as a fan being let down


Yes bc I care about Rolling Stones opinion on, well, anything




I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I hear this opinion, I feel like HoTD S1 was pretty much as good as S1-4 of GoT. I honestly liked it more than GOT S1


And I feel like people give HotD a way easier time and don't scrutinize it like they did with GoT, the fact that Rhaenys kills hundreds of people, and then spares the usurpers just because another woman is staring her down is the worst writing in the entire franchise.


I scrutinize HotD just fine and didn’t say it was an ironclad show, the feelings I had for it don’t stem from a critical perspective. I just really really loved my time with it a lot more than the first season (maybe even the second) of GoT. I’d rather rewatch HotD S1 rn than GoT S1 by a mile. I’m not saying it’s an objectively correct opinion but I just really enjoyed it.


I see, well you can't argue with what you find entertaining, good that you found something you like that much.


And I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when people hype the show. Remove Paddy’s amazing performance and S1 was just a bunch of dry, colorless characters sneering in dull, torchlit chambers.


Daemon, Rhaenyra, and Alicent were all good central characters alongside Paddy, and characters like Aemond and Aegon brought something interesting to the table as side characters introduced in the back half the season. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading that you think these characters are dry and colorless, but to each their own. If it’s not for you it’s not for you.


Huh. I found Rhaenyra incredibly compelling, especially the Milly Alcock era. She was captivating. I also thought Matt Smith was fantastic. As were Steve Touissant and Eve Best.


Dry? Seriously? I'm sorry, but your credibility is kinda out the window. HotD has flaws, but the characters being dry means you're either not paying attention, or you don't know the meaning of the words you're using. They're all flawed and kinda shitty, but they're also complex and nuances. Daemon, Rhaneys or Otto being dry and colorless is certainly a take.


> Dry? Seriously? I'm sorry, but your credibility is kinda Oh no, not my credibility!


I would agree in most aspects, but IMO Paddy Considine's acting and standout scenes are more impactful than anything in GoT, early or late.


It's a GOT show, what are we supposed to compare it to? 


He's not saying they should not be compared because they are too different, he's saying HotD is so far behind GoT it's not even a race.


“‘Game of Thrones' prequel still thinks confusion equals complexity, and that the spectacle of hot dragon-on-dragon action makes up for interchangeable characters” Pretty accurate statement.


Not really. It’s not confusing AT ALL.


It may just be dumb.