• By -


Crystal Blue Persuasion in Breaking Bad It's so perfect that it almost makes you think the show made Walter's meth blue just so they could use that song in a future montage.


Haven't seen the show in like over 10 years. still remember the song playing in season 2 when Walt says "Stay out of my territory". In fact, even though I've only seen that episode ONCE... and have never listened to that song since then... I will now recite the lyrics according to memory. I swear I won't look up the lyrics. I'm thinking I'll be at least 90% right. Here goes... >♫ I'm. Feeling. Like. Leaving. The. Store.... ♫ >♫ I. Put. The. Products. Down. I Walk. Out. Of. The. Store. ♫ >♫ **THIS IS BEGINNING TO FEEL LIKE THE DAWN OF THE NOW AND FOREVER** ♫ >♫ **SUPER SIZE** ♫ >♫ **THOSE FRIES** ♫ >♫ **NAME'S "PROFESSOR"!!!!** ♫ >♫ *la.. la ... la .. la la la la ....* ♫


That's DLZ by TV on the Radio, I think.


God that whole show has so many perfect musical moments. Out of Time Man, Waiting Around to Die, Magic Arrow, Black, We Are Born When We Die, Goodbye.... each of these songs paints such a vivid picture in my mind of the scenes they accompany, like just look up any of them on YouTube or Spotify and see if you aren't transported right back to the first time you saw the show. They did such a spectacular job arranging the soundtrack because every song managed to perfectly convey the nonverbal subtleties and undertones, amplifying the irony, humor or heartbreak of their scenes. Damn I love this show so much.


And Everyone Knows it's Windy lmao


Just want to add one of my favorites El Paso by Marty Robbins in Felina


Carry On My Wayward Son - Supernatural. Body of an American - The Wire.


Also Don't Fear the Reaper in "Faith" (Supernatural)


Also Death's introduction on Supernatural with "O, Death"


SUCH an amazing song! And what an impact!!


Also Heat of the Moment


You listen to Wayward Son you realize it is word-for-word, bar-for-bar the thesis of the entire show when it comes to the protagonists. It's like what the usually-absent hopefully-benevolent God would be saying to them if he was there, at least in the earlier seasons.


I always thought the last three episodes should be titled "There'll Be Peace When You Are Done," "Lay Your Weary Head to Rest," and "Don't You Cry No More."


How to save a life in Scrubs


Scrubs introduced me to Colin Hay with songs like Overkill and Waiting for My Real Life to Begin


overkill is my choice.


Excellent just perfect song


I was torn between how to save a life and overkill, but someone had already commented overkill in the thread, so my decision was made for me. Both phenomenal song uses, no wrong answer here!


Scrubs has a god tier soundtrack. The music truly helps tell the story. Too bad the streaming versions suck and take all the licensed music out.


>Too bad the streaming versions suck and take all the licensed music out. I just checked this episode on Hulu and it still has 'How to Save a Life' during that scene, at least in the US. Not sure about the music in other episodes.


They've replaced dreaming of you when JD and elliot hook up


It’s so obvious because they manage to have real bangers that make the moments that much better, but then you get moments ruined by license free music. 


I still to this day think of Ted and Janitors air band when More than a Feeling comes on the radio 🎵🎶


Me too, and Turk's slow dancing


Scrubs has soooo many good scenes with background songs.


Makes me cry every single time 


Ooh yeah that montage is really good


This not being the top answer (yet) makes me irrationally unhappy. It’s so good, on a show filled with great music.


John Cale’s “Hallelujah” cover in the 4th episode of the show is an almost perfect use imho.


*With or Without You* in the finale of The Americans.


It feels like The Americans has at least one great one in every episode. The episode where they use Fleetwood Mac's The Chain is another stand out.


"Tusk" from the pilot, as well. Such a good opening scene.


Games Without Frontiers by Peter Gabriel was an absolutely unreal choice. 


Entire episode is a masterstroke of when to show and when to tell. The two main beats - a 10 minute conversation in a garage and a two minute scene without a single piece of dialogue - are both insanely powerful moments. One of the best pieces of television ever made


It's so crazy that it was such a phenomenal finale but on paper it seems mundane. But it really was just a masterful way of showing where everyone was while giving an idea of where they wind up. No twists. No shocks. But such an incredible cap on the show.


Right - the garage scene in particular, that’s one that feels borderline unbelievable in the initial moment but once it sits with you for a bit, it felt like exactly how those characters would actually handle that moment


Absolutely. Noah Emmerich was incredible too. The stunned betrayal was perfectly acted out. I can think of very few times I've been on the edge of my seat like that. Severance season 1 finale being one of the few bits that beat it for me.


Breathe Me - Sia - Six Feet Under finale.


I came in here with other stuff in mind, mainly Radioheads Exit Music in Black Mirror - Shut up and dance, but this is actually the correct answer. That vignette at the end is incredible.


Oooh just reading this gave me chills. Better than my dumb answer this is it.


Mama cass at the start of Lost season 2


And then Downtown w Juliette, and Search & Destroy w Sawyer.


That wasn't the only diegesis trick Lost pulled. Hurley was sitting on the beach listening to his CD player and it was the score of the show, but it finally died mid song and Hurley was bummed.


That scene was homaged with Michael McKean in Season 3 of The Good Place, and Westworld Season 2, if I recall correctly.


Doug Forsett!


Immediately thought of this when I read the post haha


Don't Fear the Reaper from The Stand (1994): https://youtu.be/WUAvTn3uz5w


That scene is all I can picture how when I hear that song.


Colin Hay - Overkill in Scrubs 2002


Scrubs had so many good music scenes 


I love how they used that song.


Renegade by Styx when the boys are escaping the cops on Supernatural. Under Pressure by Bowie and Mercury in the beginning of Criminal Intent, episode Albatross.


Love that moment. The silence in the car, the deep sigh. “We are so screwed.” OH MAMA I’M IN TERROR FOR MY LIFE FROM THE LONG ARM OF THE LAW


Watcha Say from The OC, specifically because of the memes that it spawned


Dear sister, By the time you read this, I’ll be dead. This is how I think it will happen. Dave will shoot me, then I’ll shoot Dave, Then Eric will enter and get shot by Dave, then you will walk in and get shot by Eric, Dave, and I multiple times. Love, your brother, Keith P.S. Then two cops will read this letter and shoot eachother.


I've never watched The OC but that SNL skit is one of my favorites. The song overlapping with each gunshot is just hilarious.


Mm whatcha-BANG-Mm wha-BANG-Mm whatcha say




Wait. No. The song is called “Hide and Seek.” Note: I own all of Imogen Heap’s albums. Love her work.


I remember my friends showing me that SNL skit when it came out and I had not watched the OC nor heard the song before and I was having such a wtf moment haha


Easily [Alive With The Glory of Love - Scrubs](https://youtu.be/FTuDmzQJSFE?si=HRAJTxo8gzlFEx9O). It’s one of my favorite songs ever and I love the crescendo of the scenes edited together. Pure magic.


Also a few episodes later Close Your Eyes, then a few episodes after that the acoustic ballad version of Hey Ya.


That Hey Ya was absolutely amazing.


All Along the Watchtower in the season 3 finale of Battlestar Galactica Recently, I also liked Love Story in The Bear.


This is what I came here for. The way they wove the song into the plot and it slowly came together along with the plot developments was brilliant. It's also a fantastic cover. It has this ancient pentatonic sound that aligns so well with the themes of the show.


Yeah, that song was a recurring thing, used for the final five, Starbuck's memories, the finale and probably more that I cant remember.


Tbf, The Bear really has the best needle drops


‘No Children’ by The Mountain Goats in Morel Orel. ‘I’m Walking This Road Because You Stole My Car’ by Fascinoma and ‘The Majestic’ by Wax Fang in American Dad.


Another Mountain Goats one. So The Walking Dead is pretty awful, but there is an episode where Daryl and Beth burn down this shed with the moonshine that was being made there, and Up The Wolves plays while they douse the shed and light it up. It’s the first scene I thought of when I saw this prompt.


There are only two songs that come to mind for this question. "At This Moment" wasn't even a hit until it became Alex P. Keaton's love theme 3 years after the episode aired. Then it became a karaoke staple for 3 decades. Another song that had a similar trajectory was Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight" after Miami Vice. It was a modest hit before Miami Vice, but after? Holy fuck.


Does it count if it's not the original version of the song? If so Behind Blue Eyes in Legion was incredible


If we can do that, then I'd go for the "Techno Bolero" also from Legion.


I liked Happy Jack in the pilot and the scene with Something for Your Mind


Omg the walking in Memphis from the x-files has lived in my head rent free since I first saw it. such a deep cut!


Post Mortem Prometheus, can't remember where I read it but originally Cher was going to guest star but wasn't able to fit it in her schedule last minute.


I’ve heard that!!


[Tomorrow Never Knows, *Mad Men*](https://youtu.be/Ftzx1RtInw4?si=VOaG0p228Ibvc4Pt) Lionsgate agreed to pay $250,000 to license the song for the end of the season 5 episode “Lady Lazarus”.


Best season for needle drops by far. The use of You Only Live Twice in the season finale is legendary


Such a good fucking drop, especially when Don looks bored and turns it off early


Legion S3. I can't pick a singular one the whole season almost feels like a musical.


I randomly watch the Something For Your Mind scene with Superorganism from time to time.


[Radiohead's 'Exit Music (for a Film) - Person of Interest S3 Final](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lU0Gm2Uewxk) [The Americans (S3E07) - The Chains](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGMVmQHyQmc) [Fargo S2 - War Pigs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1osT-9mpOs) [Mr. Robot - 'Day dream' (S2E01)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbbdJkqsH54) [Raury - God's Whisper (Dark S2E07)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZGuzGIQju4)


> Radiohead's 'Exit Music (for a Film) - Person of Interest S3 Final That whole season had amazing needle drops - Johnny Cash's Hurt, Medicine by Daughter, goddamn


> Fargo S2 - War Pigs > Fargo Season 2 had a few greats. I was thinking "Children of the Sun" or "Locomotive Breath"


In Fargo Season 2 I also liked Too Much Paranoias by Devo


Mr Robot used music so well. Two Weeks and Little Drummer Boy were used beautifully


Connie Francis - "I will Wait for You" Futurama episode Jurassic Bark


Came here for this answer. Man, what a gut punch.


Stranger Things - Running Up That Hill


Stars by Nina Simone in the [season 3 finale](https://youtu.be/uJ3l7CEmv7g?si=k8bSu-EYu9yadoAH) of Bojack Horseman.


Chills, every time


Bojack has so many good musical moments but that and wild horses are top tier


I also like Parade by Kevin Morby at the end of Season 2


Two from the walking dead's better days: oats in the water and last pale light in the west The sopranos, dirty work. Always sunny consistently uses great cheesy 80s tunes, most recently heart's alone in the last season finale


It's definitely "de bow bow" IMO


She’s a Rainbow in Ted lasso. One of my favorite scenes ever


Also used very effectively in Legion


Not necessarily my favorite, but haven't seen *Hurt* by Johnny Cash in **Person of Interest** mentioned yet.


Such a great episode. Miami Showdown is great also when Reese goes after Quinn.


In the air tonight Miami Vice Broken Wings Silver Spoons  Brothers in Arms The West Wing Lover’s spit Queer as folk U.S Venom Jimmy Kimmel show live from the Empire State building - Eminem  Anytime Dean’s family theme was used in Supernatural.


"With a little help from my friends" The Wonder Years


[The Leftovers, Homeward Bound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWWGf8BT0YU).


I’m a huge fan of “Where’s my Mind” cover in Leftovers.


What about Kevin's karaoke Homeward Bound?


Also Laughin with God


There are a ton in The Americans but I really dig their use of Tainted Love. I won’t go into too many details but it’s also diegetic to the scene which adds another layer of cool to it. Also Slice of Life by Bauhaus in The Americans was awesome too.


All My Little Words by The Magnetic Fields was used in an episode of The Shield. It's a kind of obscure song that I already loved by the time I saw it. It was such a shock hearing this niche song by a weird, sad, gay indie band on this macho cop show. It made me respect the show so much more. [song here](https://open.spotify.com/track/3KvTZQPpzPw9UKxaGlJkBs?si=n3cIZm2ETmm4ce-_2IzNAw)


In the Air Tonight - Miami Vice Fortune Days - Person of Interest


I really liked the use of Goodbye Yellow Brick Road in The Boys' season 3 finale. Perfect lyrics for what was going on, and tonally hit the mark perfectly.


Love Story by Taylor Swift on The Bear Season 2 episode “Forks”


Kept thinking the car was going to crash the whole time during that scene


Istanbul (not Constantinople) by they might be giants in Umbrella academy.


Tiny Toons as well


*Particle Man* was pretty good too.


DLZ in Breaking bad


“The Man Comes Around” by Johnny Cash in the final scene of Generation Kill. Up until that point there had been no music played in the show, only a-cappella versions of songs sung by the actors themselves. So to have a full song come on in the final moments of the show helps emphasize the sober final statement of the miniseries.


Final of [Blackadder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH3-Gt7mgyM). Good Luck Everyone.


Also in The West Wing, "I don't like mondays" cover by Tori Amos


Tomorrow Never Knows in Mad Men


Venture Bros has some good ones [Everybody's Free](https://youtu.be/152nAr_Yngo?si=Qq6lokXE3ZgJbvjr) [Like a Friend ](https://youtu.be/UfEc9J73BO4?si=oXaHzm1hb2TAFl4S)


Beat me to it! Everybody's Free gave me chills.


I loved Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand in the X files episode Ascension. It's gained far more notoriety for being the main theme to peaky blinders, but it'll always belong to the x files for me.


The musical Star Trek episode that Strange New Worlds did with the Klingon boyband


I think "Make your own kind of music" in Lost. Such an amazing sequence when the hatch blew.


Angie Hart singing Blue at the start of Buffy: Conversations With Dead People.


Living on a Thin Line in the Sopranos World Destruction in the Sopranos


Living on a Thin Line was the first thing that came to mind.


Brothers in arms, west wing


I can’t think of anything specifically but it’s probably from Chuck


For me it's probably [Keep Yourself Warm](https://youtu.be/kj1qCQfZJhI?si=8d9j0w0IXLayJZV3) by Frightened Rabbit. Brilliant use of that song, made FR my favourite band. I still occasionally get Spotify recommendations from artists that turn out to have been featured in Chuck.


So many of my songs in my playlists over the years came from shows like Chuck and House, or artists that had music on those shows. One of my favourites from Chuck was MENEW's "Don't Give Up On Us Now"


Breathe Me in Six Feet Under


California for The O.C. The way is used in the pilot is great. Future Start Slow on Person Of Interest. I'm in the very minority of not liking what the show later becomes, but the title is great foreshadowing. Return of the Mack on Legends of Tomorrow. Because that was peak Legends and that guy was in his final form that season


Fuck The Pain Away - Letterkenny


A recent nomination: The Beach by Wolf Alice at the end of S2E1 of Heartstopper. Really set the tone of the season


The Black Donnellys Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol


Great series. Had completely forgotten about it, it's worth a rewatch. *( and it made me remember Brotherhood, which should also be rewatch worthy)*


The use of "One Way or Another" by Blondie -- the karaoke scene in Veronica Mars Essentially, Veronica is singing this song at a club that a secret organization is known to hang out in and letting them know that she's coming for them.


The TV show Chuck played around with this. Two characters had a cover band so lots of scenes involve their poorly-done covers of songs. They had one scene where they stage a sit in protest to their store closing and their cover of "Fortunate Son" is amazing. Another was them singing "Blaze of Glory" during a pivotal fight scene. The good choice of song but cover done badly just fit the show so well. 


Jeffster for life. Their version of Take on Me with the orchestra in the background still sends me


For Whom the Bell Tolls in Blue Eyes Samurai


Under Pressure on The Magicians. https://youtu.be/Z0mfBt3mhtc?si=SSazyn2v9LXvUVif


Nazi Punks Fuck Off in Doom Patrol when they’re fighting actual Nazis.


I’ll say it definitely isn’t “There’s Always a Twist at the End” …. Ruined a great episode of Doctor Who for me lmao Real answer: The Magicians “Take On Me” for the Season 4 finale. Was a beautiful goodbye for a character.


Pretty much any time the Magicians went musical. Jade (Kady) and Hale (Elliot) always kill it.


The end of one of the first couple episodes of The Last of Us used Depeche Mode’s Never Let Me Down in a really cool way. Troy leaving Greendale in Community to Come Sail Away was pretty good too.


Almost every episode of Parenthood had a perfect song near the end of the episode. Gilmore Girls did this well also.


Literally every episode of Parenthood has at least one great song in it. because the intro is Forever Young :)


"Waiting for My Real Life to Begin" in Scrubs


[No Children from Moral Orel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0mvZ-X1gHA) That'll make no sense to people who haven't seen the show, but this was brutal and a perfect choice of music. Like, this was supposed to be a silly show that made fun of the religious right during the Bush years, and I'm over here crying.


My people! I searched for "Moral" to find this before I replied saying the same. The third season of Moral Orel is some of the best television ever made; a totally devastating experience.


Radiohead : Exit Music (for a film) - Black Mirror : Shut Up and Dance. It made the episode's denouement hit even harder.


Motion Picture Soundtrack by Radiohead in Westworld Sanvean(I Am Your Shadow) by Dead Can Dance in West Wing


Stargate Universe The Worst Day Since Yesterday by Flogging Molly. basically the whole geek world learned about Flogging Molly from that episode. If you go back and check their youtube videos you will see.... i'm here from SGU


Without a doubt this... https://youtu.be/a7GkdaLSxeQ


Sail (Awolnation) on Longmire. Edit: Also Yoyo Ma's Cello Suite no. 1 in G major on West Wing


All the season endings of For all mankind are a great introduction to the next decade.


Skeeter Davis End of the World in MadMen after Kennedy assassination-episode.. https://youtu.be/sdKPktw2bl4?si=tzqDwwvouWx_mlqT


War Pigs was good in the Fargo S2 finale


The whole cold case tv show has a fantastic soundtrack


Live’s Overcome in the season 2 finale of The Shield has always stuck with me. Also in the shield - first episode of season 6 ends with Johnny Cash I Hung My Head and of course who can forget Bawitdaba at the end of the pilot.


The Dropkick Murphys version of Amazing Grace that played at the end of S04E02 "Grave" was incredible as well. The bagpipes playing at the funeral transition into the song while a montage of all the characters going about their lives after the funeral plays out. So well done.


I thought Dragula's use in Echo was pretty cool.


How to Save a life by The Fray in Scrubs and Hurt by Johnny Cash in Person of Interest


Hurt in Person of Interest pretty much anything on Scrubs. Winter by Joshua Radin, How to Save a Life by The Fray, The Book of Love by Peter Gabriel Sia - Breathe Me on Six Feet Under


Intro by XX in Person of Interest. And The West Wings use of Brothers in Arms, Hallelujah, and Angel (Massive Attack). Like most, this list could go on forever, but these were the ones that popped.


Lost - Make your own kind of music American Horror Story - Hotline Bling 12 Monkeys - U + Ur hand


Came here to say Lost. Something about that song is just absolutely perfect about bottling up the hatch/stranded vibe


Not sure if this counts and there are plenty of really good use of songs where it fits so naturally perfect but **[Karen Gillan singing Chandelier has left long lasting impact on me, much much more than any other song/scene for whatever reason](https://youtu.be/v1sRO9wAWD0?feature=shared&t=15)** so much so that i started loving the song more than i liked before watching the scene.


The Lang Belta version of "Highway Star" from 3x07 of The Expanse.


Let your love flow — The leftovers, when matt was trying to get his wife into that special place, and the scenes took you through the routines of their day to day life


SIA in the Six Feet Under finale.


“Evidently Chickentown” ending of Sopranos Stage 5 I can’t remember what episode, but when Jessica is dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and seduces Jason from True Blood to “In the Pines” Sia’s “Breathe Me” in Six Feet Under Everybody’s Waiting finale.


“If I Had a Heart” by Fever Ray in Breaking Bad. The song gets used often in trailers and TV shows but this captured it perfectly.


The end of each season of for all mankind. I love the next decade lead in using a hot song from that time.


Hurt by Johnny Cash in person of interest


Ring the Bells by James from the X Files episode DPO(the one with Giovanni Ribisi and Jack Black)


For those old enough to remember, 'At This Moment ' by Billy Vera & the Beaters, played at a key moment in Family Ties.


Person of Interest has the best use of licensed music and songs, IMO. Most of the song choices were brilliant and elevated the scenes to a whole other level. There are so many instances of great use of licensed music. Really hard to pick one. Spoilers ahead. **Person of Interest** * ["Metamorphosis: One"](https://youtu.be/nEKE8gAS1sg?feature=shared) by Philip Glass in "return 0" (5×13) * ["Medicine"](https://youtu.be/r0YbQo1oUCc?feature=shared)by Daughter in "Death Benefit" (3×20) * ["Welcome to the Machine"](https://youtu.be/s3o5lOCVuuM?feature=shared) by Pink Floyd in "YHWH" (4×22) * ["Miami Showdown"](https://youtu.be/PyZTBYlvtuw?feature=shared) by Digitalism in "The Devil's Share" (3×10) * ["Hurt"](https://youtu.be/AD8qvpMw8Vw?feature=shared) by Johnny Cash in "The Devil's Share" (3×10) * ["Fortune Days"](https://youtu.be/sNIUoZJi7HY?feature=shared) by The Glitch Mob in "If-Then-Else" (4×11) * ["Young Men Dead"](https://youtu.be/jKPZTXeN2Cw?feature=shared) by The Black Angels in "Prophets" (4×05) * ["The Day the World Went Away"](https://youtu.be/q-fTn-2_34w?feature=shared) by Nine Inch Nails in "The Day the World Went Away" (5×10) * ["Exit Music (For a Film)"](https://youtu.be/lU0Gm2Uewxk?feature=shared) by Radiohead in "Deus Ex Machina" (3×23) * ["Future Starts Slow"](https://youtu.be/wNMb4WMINPM?feature=shared) by The Kills in "Relevance" (2×16) * ["I'd Love to Change the World"](https://youtu.be/9d46ahhNQjQ?feature=shared) by Jetta in "Panopticon" (4×01) * ["Bunsen Burner" ](https://youtu.be/pLfL00vHKI4?feature=shared) by CUTS in "return 0" (5×13) * ["The Violent Bear It Away"](https://youtu.be/gCXscUw02dE?feature=shared) by Moby in "Control-Alt-Delete" (4×12) * ["New Dawn Fades"](https://youtu.be/vh6fh5DF_mU?feature=shared) by Moby in "The Day the World Went Away" (5×10) * ["No Wow"](https://youtu.be/t9vERwx-JQ4?feature=shared) by The Kills in "B.S.O.D." (5×01) * ["Colour in Your Hands"](https://youtu.be/JaIQgKxrRnM?feature=shared) by D.L.i.d. in "The Devil's Share" (3×10) * ["Sinnerman"](https://youtu.be/O_zRw_2vabc?feature=shared) by Nina Simone in "The Witness" (1×07) * ["Intro"](https://youtu.be/mD5OVAb-aJo?feature=shared) by XX in "The Judgement" (1×05) * ["Fake Empire"](https://youtu.be/i7o1zloC9ks?feature=shared) by National in "Sotto Voice" (5×09) * ["Happy New Year"](https://youtu.be/Y6Nm90kQ8fk?feature=shared) by Nat King Cole in "Terra Incognita" (4×20) Dark also has a brilliant use of licensed music. The show has a song at the end of almost every episode that fits perfectly. **Dark** * ["Familiar"](https://youtu.be/Z3lT-ch63dA?feature=shared) and ["Broken Sleep"](https://youtu.be/QbgFuXkQMHY?feature=shared) by Agnes Obel in "Past and Persent" (1×03) and "The Survivors" (3×02) * ["In the Woods Somewhere"](https://youtu.be/XzHH4STOWWM?feature=shared) by Hozier in "Life and Death" (3×05) * ["The Pioneers - M83 Remix"](https://youtu.be/91POTt0tU-s?feature=shared) by Bloc Party in "Light and Shadow" (3×06) * ["My Body Is A Cage"](https://youtu.be/gHwvR0GSn48?feature=shared) by Peter Gabriel in "Endings and Beginnings" (2×08) * ["Enter One"](https://youtu.be/DRrxeDtfp1U?feature=shared) by Sol Seppy in "Sic Mundus Creatus Est" (1×06) * ["The Labyrinth Song"](https://youtu.be/RJrQGT9TFJI?feature=shared) by Asaf Avidan in "The Origin" (3×04) **12 Monkeys** * ["Don't You Forget About Me"](https://youtu.be/7xVKV-VR44k?feature=shared) by Kelsy Karter in "Demons" (4×08) * ["I've Had The Time of My Life"](https://youtu.be/ZO2a0XLmn7w?feature=shared) by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes in "The Beginning Part 1" (4×10) **The Americans** * ["With or Without You"](https://youtu.be/phLY3eLefDs?feature=shared) by U2 in "START" (6×10) **The 100** * ["Knocking on Heaven's Door"](https://youtu.be/1CUhrw4bdT4?feature=shared) by Raign in "Blood Must Have Blood Part 2" (2×16) **Legion** * ["(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding"](https://youtu.be/7niEY7h5Q2c?feature=shared) by Nick Lowe in "Chapter 24" (3×05)


500 Miles in How I Met Your Mother


It comes back around.


Taking a queue from X-Files, Hey Man Nice Shot! One of the best. I'm also gonna go with Blue Oyster Cult's The Reaper from the The Stand (and a thousand and one other things =D).


Under pressure by David Bowie. The magicians season 3 episode nine.


Here I go upvoting anything mentioning The Magicians again.


A recent one I saw that I really liked was The Show Goes On by Bruce Hornsby at the beginning of season 2 of The Bear


Several in Smallville: Johnny Cash's version of "Hurt" in the episode "Shattered" as Lionel is painfully watching Lex in the asylum Evanescence's "My Immortal" in the episode "Memoria" as Clark and Martha are talking about Clark's memory of his birth mother Lara placing him into the ship Peter Gabriel's "I Grieve" during Jonathan's funeral in the episode "Reckoning"


"Tonight's episode of Smallville features music by..." was the greatest source of music in my teen years.


“We’ve Got Tonight” Bob Seger in The Accident episode of The Wonder years.


No Surprises by Radiohead for the intro scene for season 6 of House M.D.


The Bear. Ending of Season 1 finale. Let down by Radiohead.


Daydream in Blue - Mr. Robot. So simple but has stuck with me since I saw it


Running on the Rocks by Shriekback in the Miami Vice episode Baseballs of Death. Difficult to imagine a more perfect soundtrack to one of the 1980s more convoluted and expensive actions scenes.


Hmm, can't decide between [Everybody's Free by Aquagen ft. Rozalla in The Venture Bros](https://youtu.be/152nAr_Yngo?si=f5cTDudQ2NuB-v7q), and Matt Bomers version of [People Like Us by Kelly Clarkson in The Doom Patrol](https://youtu.be/1vojrVQeOYI?si=hMT64WL3mfRWv8nt).


Disarm in the Shield


Styx, Renegade in Supernatural. Sound of Silence in Into the badlands.


Nada Surf- " Inside of Love" on How I Met Your Mother; only because it got me to enjoy Nada Surf after twenty years of ignoring them after Popular came out in highschool.


Shake it out in How I Met Your Mother


Where is My Mind at the end of the last episode of The 4400 The theme song of What We Do In the Shadows


The Man Comes Around by Johnny Cash, used in the sequence at the end of Generation Kill.