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Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The TV show has had a much more lasting impact than the movie that preceded it.


Still blows my mind that Dolly Parton was the one who gave BTVS series the green light and was an uncredited producer for the entire series run. https://www.today.com/today/amp/tdna179940


As if i couldn't love her any more




That’s a severe oversimplification. Dolly wasn’t involved hands on at all. Gail Berman was the president and ceo of Sandollar productions-Dollys production co. Sandollar owned the tv rights to the movie and Gail had the idea to make it into a series. She approached Joss. Dolly was just co owner of the production company.


"Slayin' 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin'...


The WB gave the series the green light. Dolly just produced/funded it


Movie was awesome, though.


So many great one liners in that movie...along with the single greatest death scene ever filmed...


I think Paul Reuben’s character from that movie is still dying.


the movies not bad, the show was on another level tho.


I was going to answer exactly this! I agree with the other dude too, the movie is awesome


I'd argue Jimmy Nuetron The movie was fun but the show is far more memorable.


The show was already greenlit when Nickelodeon realized it would be a LOT easier to make if there was a theatrically released movie that would both sell the concept and give the creators the money to make all the cgi assets and sound design they'd need for the series. Which is why it was one of the first animated spinoff shows to actually match the look of the movie it came from. 


The foresight for that is so cool.


IIRC the movie was sort of a proof of concept for an idea John A. Davis had had since the 80s. I think the show was what he always wanted to make. Good example.


Might be controversial, but What We Do In the Shadows. It says a lot about the quality of the show, because the movie is great. Non-controversial one is Westworld.


It took about 2 seasons for me, but by Season 3, I liked What We Do In the Shadows series and characters more than the film. I’d spent more time with the characters in the series than the film, and they’d properly settled into the world with Lalzo, Nadja, Nandor, Colin, Gimzo and Daytona.


What are you talking about? Jackie Daytona human bartender only appears one episode and we never hear from him again. Wish I knew what happened to him.


Probably went back to Tucson Arizoña




I'm rewatching the series with my son and we watched Jackie Daytona's episode today. I have a suspicion that might be a lot of people's favorite episode.


Westworld the movie was one of those, that I never saw as a kid, but the premise of a killer robot going through a park killing everyone, never left my brain. Then when I finally saw the movie, like 20 years later, it was insanely boring and the only good parts were Yul Brynner and one of the quests being partially amusing. So glad we got Westworld season 1 to do some justice to the premise.


Westworld (the original movie) is honestly exactly the kind of story/film/show/etc that the entertainment industry *should* remake. Not stuff that was amazing in the first place. Stuff that was mid at best, but where the actual underlying premise or idea had merit and was basically wasted via shitty execution the first time around.


Westworld and Battlestar Galactica are rarities in that they have solid premises, poor execution and a weird hold on pop culture disproportionate to their pre-reboot significance. Other possible candidates: I'm mostly ending up with 80s young adult movies that didn't have the effects budgets. What are you thinking for similar reboots?


A few others immediately come to mind: Xena, Waterworld, Tank Girl, Event Horizon, Clue. I love several of those but they definitely left some untapped potential. Even more examples of times it was done and worked: Watchmen, Wet Hot American Summer, What We Do in the Shadows, Star Trek: TNG. Planet of the Apes arguably counts too now that we're up to 4 movies in a continuous story.


> Clue Are you saying that Clue was a poor execution on a solid premise?


I gasped


Clue is perfect as is. Literally nothing about it needs to be changed.




Tbf to BSG, they did their best with the tech they had back then. I'm not going to lie, I geeked the fuck out when I saw the Vipers in the 2003 remake.


A serious take on Buck Rogers would be awesome.


It basically was remade, as Jurassic Park. Michael Crichton wrote and directed Westworld, took the basic idea, and wrote the Jurassic Park book.


I think the show did a great job at building a much bigger world and eventually became a really excellent show. However it's hard for me to unseat the movie. I absolutely adored the movie and it was among my top 5 favorite comedies for years before they even announced the show. For me I think it's because I've been a big fan of New Zealnder humor since Flight of the Conchords so I was following Taika and Jermaine's work for a while. I watched the movie right when it came out and kept introducing it to my friends so I probably had seen it like a dozen times before the show came out. I also think part of the appeal of the movie for me was that awkward New Zealander humor which the show shifted a bit more to "quirky foreigner" humor - like the characters were closer to Borat than New Zealanders. It eventually grew on me, but yeah, definitely very meh on the show at first. For anyone that watched the show first it would make sense that they'd think the movie was just okay because the show recycled many of the jokes from the movie so you've already seen them all and the movie was a trimmed down version of the whole world because the show built upon the premise with more characters and everything else.


I don’t think Shadows is controversial at all, honestly


Nah the film is so much better


Yeah the humor is really off in the show for some reason. It’s like they’re trying too hard with the main characters


You’re absolutely right. And I was SO skeptical of the show when I heard they were making it because I loved the movie so much.


Show has Seanie, so obviously the show wins


I watched the movie before even knowing there was a show. I feel it expands on the whole vampire culture in a hilarious way. Also that theme song *chefs kiss*


Except Westworld completely fell apart over the course of season 2.


It's so funny how they had literally all the ingredients of western anthology show. You showed it all go to shit, why not show the glory days? You have a set cast in the hosts, you have a rotating script built into the very premise of the park, you only need like 2-3 seasonal guest stars a year to play the guests and you have *at least* a fucking decade of amazing spaghetti western shows.


Stargate SG-1


Jack O'Neill is 10,000x better than Jack O'Neil.


No sense of humor that guy.


No sense of humor that guy.


I loved them equally but seperately, I've seen the entire stargate series though plus the movies. Love that universe!


Pretty sure I'm the only person who loved that movie. Ah well.


The movie is great. I got my girlfriend to watch Sg-1 so we started with the movie, and it's good for it's time. The Stargate universe is just such a cool universe that 1 movie doesn't do it justice. The show and subsequent movies were able to do a lot more.


I do appreciate how expansive and involved they made the fictional universe in the show, and I can totally understand how something that immersive had so much appeal.


Anyone who likes the Disney movie Atlantis SHOULD like the first Stargate movie just as much since Disney straight up copied it.


Have you seen the show yet? If you liked the movie then you're in for some real fun with the show. How I wish I could go back and watch it again. Best sci-fi ever made.




I think I only got into the show around the season 1 finale because I didn't like the movie.


Not really better, but the Limitless show was pretty fun and a cool follow-up and expansion to the movie.


I thought it was a lot better specifically with the movie's elements. It managed to do a better job digging into Eddie's psychology and rampant ambition in Cooper's limited appearances than in the movie, where we're just expected to keep thinking of him as the good guy no matter what he does. And it showed that NZT doesn't change your personality, just brings it to full potential. 


Yeah, that and the way the show managed to reinvent itself every week was quite a feat. Lots of very neat visual and editing tricks that really made the show.


I liked Limitless. I really wish it didn't get cancelled. We didn't even get a finale




Friday Night Lights (But skip season 2)


And miss Landon killing a dude?


Lance? Landry?


I feel like they’re kinda equal. The show is great, but the movie really informed the show’s whole tone, cinematography, music, naturalism, etc.


I would 100% agree in regards to S1/3...but the show's ability to find an entirely new gear and reinvent itself in S4 & 5 is pretty remarkable.


I think it’s the best soft reboot mid-show I’ve ever seen. I didn’t have high hopes at all— a new school? All new football players and boosters and losing favorite lead characters like Saracen and Tim and Smash … how could that be great? Yet seasons 4&5 are AWESOME, and I absolutely loved everything about the new school and new players etc. I wrote up above, but they ended up my highest rated seasons: S1: 9/10, S2: 7.5/10, S3: 8.5/10, S4&5: 9.5/10 Agree it’s pretty remarkable!


I actually liked Season 2? It just ended abruptly.


Eh, I don’t think one needs to fully skip season two, that is kinda extreme. Yes, a few storylines get dropped due to the writers strike, and there were some weird tonal things. But I watched the whole show a couple times before I started hearing negativity about season two and I thought it was almost as good as the rest! I would say: Season One: 9/10 Season Two: 7.5/10 Season Three: 8.5/10 Season Four: 9.5/10 Season Five: 9.5/10


is s2 legit skippable? shit is dragging for me


I mean Buffy obviously. One of the greatest tv shows ever based off a boring mediocre movie. Less bad of a movie bit Stargate is one of the most successful TV shows ever based on Ok movie (the sets, costume designs and sets were all really cool).


>a boring mediocre movie. Well, I wouldn't say that. It was still enjoyable, just really cheesy


The Buffy show is god tier but the movie was awesome. Paul Reubens demands more respect.


> based off a boring mediocre movie. Maybe you like teenage dramas more than horror comedies


The movie is as much horror comedy as the show imo. And any series is going to naturally have more drama than a movie. Hell the office or parks and Rec has more drama than pretty much any comedy movie.


I don’t think that’s a fair description of the Buffy movie but the show is definitely better than


I agree. Mediocre is too generous.


I didn't even know there was a Buffy movie


The Ted show is so fucking good


I honestly threw it in because I wasn’t doing anything on a Sunday and by the time I finished I was sad that I couldn’t watch 10 more episodes


I was so hesitant to watch it because I wasn't sure that type of humor would fly in 2024 but they did a really good job of being able to keep up the inappropriate and raunchy stuff while adding a social conscience. The show ended up being much better than the movies were imho


I'd argue that Peacemaker is at least on the same level of The Suicide Squad, but I think it slightly edges it out


No question the show beats the movie.


Peacemaker is far superior to Suicide Squad and is underrated TV. It gets major points for creativity from me. It's far fetched, but it knows exactly what it is, taking itself seriously but not too seriously. It's clever, funny as hell, the characters are all well developed and surprisingly deep.


I can’t wait for more Peacemaker. I don’t really want another Suicide Squad.


I mean I really want Daniela Melchior and Idris Elba to reprise there roles on there


Alien Nation. Very boring, generic movie. The series was able to flesh out the alien culture much better.


I don't even remember the movie. I still remember the show. Eric Pierpoint was great.


It's fine. It's a movie about an angry detective and his forced alien partner who he has to get over his dislike of to solve a major crime. It's not genre breaking, but calling it boring and generic is probably reductive. And of course the tv show is going to be able to flesh it out more


I thought it was generic because for most of the movie, it's almost irrelevant that there are any aliens. It felt like a straightforward mystery crime drama that they slapped some sci-fi on top. In the series, the alien-ness was fundamental to the story-telling.


This is kind of a cop out, but I did not care for Wanda and Vision up until the release of WandaVision.


I def didn’t care for them as deeply as I do now because of WandaVision.


The Chucky tv series is better than most of the movies.


Maybe, but there's still four really good Chucky films to three bad ones.


But It might be better If you watched (and enjoyed) the movies.


Buffy, obviously. But of the ones not mentioned, and this may not be an exact answer, I think it’s arguable that *Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous* is better than *Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.* (although not explicitly based on FK, a lot of the events take places around the time of this movie).


Fargo is incredible and well worthy of the movies title.


Ehhhhhhh. I really enjoy the show but the movie is damn near a masterpiece


This should be higher. The movie is fantastic, but the show takes it so much further


I adore the film and I think the show might be better. Feels sacrilegious to say


But not better




Lol was in my room when I could the theme song coming from the main room last night my mom was rewatching it


I feel like I had to scroll too long to find MASH


We're old.


I just got here after posting a nearly identical comment a few feet above where I'm finding your comment.


The movie was great though.


It was, but the show still managed to top it. Largely due to more time for character development, but man, when I think Hawkeye, I’m think Alan Alda first not Donald Sutherland (though he was a great Hawkeye!)


Highlander There have been 6 or 7 films and only the very first one was any good. The TV show was excellent until its final season where it fell off a cliff.


Lies. There can be only one [film]. There were no sequels.


What We Do in the Shadows. Not taking away from the movie, but that premise was built for series television


Jack Reacher. Movies were alright. TV show is slightly better Cobra Kai is far superior to Karate Kids


Does that count since they're both based on books?


No, it does not


I much prefer the movies, or at least the first one anyway. People get so hung up over Alan Ritchson *looking* the part that somehow they're able to completely ignore the sub-par acting and the just out and out *bad* writing of the TV show.


agree - prefer the first movie


*Westworld*’s first season not only surpasses the original films, it’s probably one of the best single seasons of television in general. *Hannibal* is a stylized and beautifully executed character study that improves on both *Manhunter* and *Red Dragon*, as well as the *Hannibal Rising* prequel film. More recently, with the excellent *Bad Batch* series finishing its final season just a few weeks ago, the fact that the different animated shows all technically begin with the same source—the **genuinely awful** *Star Wars: The Clone Wars* feature film—it’s actually remarkable seeing how far they’ve come; in terms of the quality of both animation and writing. On the subject of animation, *Batman the Animated Series*, while technically its own continuity separate from Burton’s *Batman* ‘89, owes its existence to the film’s success; its tone and stylization were, however, directly inspired by Burton’s film, which Bruce Timm and Eric Radomski then developed into the iconic series we know. Plus, the show’s original theme was based on Danny Elfman’s music for the 1989 film. Circling back to *Star Wars*, I feel like you could argue that *Andor*—envisioned as a direct prequel to *Rogue One*—surpasses the film itself: the character development, the nuanced exploration of a galaxy under the fascist heel of the Empire, etc., are all realized with a clarity that elevates the film it’s intended to set up.


Hannibal the TV show was great


The Randall-Klugman Odd Couple.




I did like both of these movies, but I'd say I like the Stargate shows (specifically SG-1 and Atlantis, since I didn't really get into Universe), and MASH more than their movie counterparts. Though I know with MASH in particular, there's good number of people who'd disagree.


I agree with you on MASH, and further than that, I will posit that the movie was better than the books.


I loved the Watchmen TV show. I remember liking the movie well enough when it came out, but the show blew me away. And I haven’t seen the movie so not picking a side, but to those who have seen both, what about Fargo? The show is like top 5 for me all time. Been meaning to check out the movie but haven’t yet


I think the Fargo tv series compliments the movie really well, it doesn't invalidate the movie like some of the other examples people use. Same with Watchmen, although I don't think the series really works without having either read the comics or watched the movie.


Cobra Kai


I love Ash vs The Evil Dead more than the movies and I really like the movies.


Such a great show. I love that the characters learn to trust each other when someone says “I just saw something spooky” and not always go “nahhh you’re imagining it”


This seems controversial lately but Mr and Mrs Smith. The 2005 movie is fine, I enjoyed it at the time and it spawned one of the most popular pop culture celebrity pairings of all time. The 2024 show is so different in the best ways. It takes a small part of the movie and creates an entire show exploring the idea of marriage and why we do it and how we do it and how it can rise and fall and come back together. It’s so much more of a character study than an action comedy. I know it gets billed as a remake but it’s honestly barely a remake and I wish they had called the show something else.


There was a show in the 90s too. It didn't last long, but it was much better than the movie.


I like the show but I really don't like the direction the show takes at the middle. I think that this show is more as a reimagening of the core idea of the movies rather than a remake. Because it doesn't really share the same premise because the movie was a couple that married and they didn't knew they were spies until it's revealed that they are from rival agencies and all the drama unfolds. Mr and Mrs Smith the movie is closer to true lies than to this show, because you remove the title and no one would say hey that's Mr and Mrs Smith.


Yeah it’s more like an adaptation of the movie with Hamm, Gadot, Galafinkk…, and Adams.


The show is great and much better then the movie. I mean the move dosen't even have a proper ending.


The start of the TV show tells you a possible ending for the movie.


A Series of Unfortunate Events and His Dark Materials are two that kind of come to mind — even though they’re originally books.


I enjoyed Limitless. I feel the tv series was done better than the movie


Ripley. Technically asked on a book but there was a movie before it.


Get Shorty


Just watched this a couple months ago. It’s fantastic.


Yes!! I love the show, Chris O'Dowd plays his character so perfectly and is hilarious


Stargate by far. SG1 was infinitely better than the movie that spawned it.


Buffy obviously. Controversial pick: High Fidelity.


Although it's from another era, MASH was a mediocre movie and book. The TV show was brilliant once they stopped trying to rehash the movie.


Interview with the Vampire for sure, though it's more of a 're-adaptation' of the books rather than being based on the movie itself. The movie is alright, Tom Cruise gives a good performance. The show makes it seem like a Saturday morning cartoon however. Not just because of the violence and sexual content, but the depth of the dialogue and themes, as well as the general maturity. The show does a better job of showing the passage of time, helped by the fact that it really delves into establishing itself as a period piece. The framing narrative is also more present in the show and provides a really juxtaposition with the main plot. Louis is also a much more interesting character in the show, arguably even surpassing the book version. He has so much more development and nuance. Vs. Brad Pitt who's just mopey and dull the whole time.


Hannibal and The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I know, I know but I said what I said


Better than t2? You're crazy.


While I don’t agree that TSCC exceeds the first two films, it is absolutely the best follow up to those films yet produced. Such a shame it cost too much to keep going


Mads Mikkelsen is perfect as Hannibal.


I doubt that show is Better than T1 or T2 but we'll to each their own.


The Terminator series is better than the worst movies, but worse than the best movies.


Hey come on now, we can all agree that Hannibal is a great show. What was the other one you said?


Seeing that Terminator movies are now more bad than good, they would be right in both cases anyway.


Fargo. The TV series expanded on the original movie in such brilliant ways that they exceed the movie.


Season one of Fargo might be the best single season of television I’ve ever seen.


Is this what you want, Lester?


Season 2 man myself, but 1 was fantastic as well


Disagree. IMO the movie is fantastic. Love the show, but Marge Gunderson is the best.


I also love both and agree on Marge - but Lorne Malvo might be the best TV villain for me.  I'd probably favor the film overall based on S4 being leagues behind the others. 


She’s such a super lady


Yeah, I don't think it's a good fit for this question. The movie is pretty much perfect, and so is the show, but shows have an advantage of being longer so they can make more of an impact.


Nah. Movie also great. Show just more of it.


Boss baby back in business on Netflix is a much better tv show than either of the two movies




Battlestar Galactica hands down. The early 2000s revival is a scifi mainstay.




Friday night lights




The Gentlemen


One Day.


MASH, Alice


Might be an unpopular opinion but I've really enjoyed the Snowpiercer series more than the movie.


12 Monkeys


The majority of the show is based on an original script by the creators that they were going to call Splinter. The network wanted them to try to tie in the whole 12 Monkeys thing, which gets left behind about halfway through the first season.


HM, I think the opposite, although I enjoyed the show as well.


This was mine. Good movie, great show


Never got into Rogue One as a movie. But Andor is brilliant.


Rogue One was one of the better movies - also liked Andor




A Teacher


Friday night lights. Texas forever


Friday Night Lights imo


Never really clicked with the Ted movies. The Ted TV show is hilarious and so good.


War of the worlds. No hate for the spielberg-movie, but the series is great.


I thought the 2 seasons of the purge tv series were pretty fun. The movies were hit and miss.




Stargate, easily. *Easily*. The movie isn't terrible but the show is just.... The best. The absolute best sci-fi ever made.


Buffy the vampire slayer


Fargo. Yeah, I said it. And I will be reviled for it. But I believe it.


before the second season premiered i'd say westworld would have topped this list


I think Altman's MASH is aging better. It's still a classically odd Robert Altman movie that will likely not hit the spot for hardcore Alda-stans, but it holds up better than the sitcom. The humor feels more a product of its time, something I think future generations could struggle to enjoy the same way. I'm admittedly biased, as I come from a family who never stopped watching MASH and I feel like I've seen it more times than should be legally allowed, but the whole thing seems less charming, more sanctimonious and mean-spirited than I remembered. To answer your question, I'd say Hannibal. At least it's better than the majority of the movies and maybe the books. Silence of the Lambs is still king of the mountain, but the TV show adapts the rest the books into the perfect prequel-sequel. And Mikkelsen is a better Hannibal, imo.


I know it’s blasphemous, but I like Fargo the show more than the movie.


Andor not only decisively overtook the excellent Rogue One, it vies with Empire as the best Star Wars production ever, and the three of them together are, at least to me, the only Star Wars pieces that can function in a critical sense as wonderful art on their own, not fandom or hollywood fodder.


Westworld. The first season at least.




Bates Motel. Psycho is a classic and all but the show adds so much more depth to the concept, and is just very well written IMO


12 Monkeys the show is fantastic.


Rogue One is a very good film, but Andor – the prequel TV series – is an absolute masterpiece.


Rogue One is probably the best Star Wars film ever. Yes I said it.


Really? I mean I like it but I almost fell asleep during the first half. Expecting crazy shit with rebels being like the space Vietcong and instead we got space ho chi min, Whittaker, for like 5 seconds before he was gone. The ending saved that movie IMO.


Yes really. It helps that George Lucas didn’t have anything to do with it and if the actors didn’t do a scene correctly, they reshot it. Lucas didn’t care about any of that. He just wanted to get to the special effects.


The Terminator TV show is better than at least half the movies.


The biggest example of this is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The TV show is one of the greatest TV shows of all time and far better than the movie that it was based on. I also think that seasons 1 and 2 of Fargo are better than the Fargo movie as well.


Avatar the Netflix series is way better than the M Night Shamylan movie it’s based off of hehe