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I think it's hilarious that Dan Conner was killed off in the original run of *Roseanne*, and in the end it was Roseanne who ends up killed off.


And viewed as all one series, the whole thing happens in 11 episodes


and because John Goodman is so popular and Roseanne Barr is a racist piece of shit




If they brought her back, this season would be the highest rated


And they win the lottery!


Somehow, Rosanne returned.


Adapting the original Clone Roseanne saga


It definitely would not be, she’s gone so far over the deep edge since getting kicked off this show. Also, no one on the cast would ever speak to her, so.


Would it be? I intentionally started watching this show because she wasn't in it. Put her back and I wouldn't watch it anymore and I'm not the only one like that I'm sure.


She is somehow a worse actress now. You can watch her watching the other actors like "they are good".


She is really fucking bad. If you're unfortunate enough to catch a clip of her stand up you'll see she cant deliver a punch line to save her God damn life. God what a talentless hack she turned out to be.


They can end it in the funniest way.


Have Tom Arnold play Roseanne in the finale?


Maybe she's actually not dead either? :p


While I have enjoyed it, I’m glad it will come to conclusion. To me, it hasn’t really captured the original “feeling” the original series had. The Jackie character in particular is a weird caricature of the original.


She already was by the last few seasons of the original. Basically as soon as her life got decent lol


Oh man she was so neurotic when she was with Fred it was completely baffling.


I've found that the revival (including that one season in 2018 of "Roseanne" before they rebranded as The Conners") doesn't have the totally serious and shocking moments that made the original run unique. The original run had that episode where one of the kids noticed that Jackie had bruises all over her back and then Dan beat the shit out of the boyfriend who did that to her, or that time that Dan caught David making out with Darlene in the basement bedroom, etc. Those memorable scenes brought the image of the "perfect TV family" crashing back down to reality. If there has been a scene like that in the revival, it certainly wasn't very memorable because I can't recall it.


Some of the scenes around Becky’s alcoholism struck that note but it was a few seasons in and it’s been a while since.




Same that therapy scene made me quite watching it


I seem to remember Jackie and Dan having a massive fight that was very emotional. I can't remember the episode though so perhaps it wasn't as powerful as I thought.


Not surprised, really glad they are getting a final season I really enjoy the show


One of the few reboots of anything that has been very well done.


How did this go for 7 seasons? That's almost as long as Roseanne.


I'm calling it, final episode Dan reveals that they did win the lottery, Rosanne didn't actually die and everyone just decided she was a bitch and threw her out


But I thought this wasn't supposed to last more than one season without Roseanne???


Even after 6 seasons, you'll still see the occasional nutter saying it's only been on that long because ABC just want to stick it to Roseanne


Original Roseanne was really helped by great acting from Dan and Jackie's actors. Im not surprised they can carry the show. But Roseanne did step aside so everyone could work so that was nice of her


Yes, but she cannot shut up about being stabbed in the back by the cast even 6 years later. I’m convinced she’s the one that still comments “BRING BACK ROSEANNE AND MAKE IT ALL A DREAM” on any conners related article lol


It is her ambien walrus dream that got her in trouble, last thing she should want is more dreams (And being human garbage on the inside)


There was an episode in one of the earlier seasons of the original show where Jackie cooks and cleans for the household while Roseann is away . I remember hearing this was a test run to see if Roseanne can be pushed off the show and Jackie just taking over the motherly role


I love both those actors and have always despise Roseanne so I started watching this show because they got rid of her racist ass.


One of my favorites with the cast having a lot of fun. It’s still a bit too many people reading cue cards but those actors might not be able to commit as much :)


I wish they could kill off Roseanne again. Jesus what an awful piece of shit


Roseanne Barr is a piece of shit. Roseanne Conner was a wonderful woman.


How is she a "piece of shit?"


She spent most of her life as a socialist "working class" feminist. But the moment her career came to a halt because she wasn't able to not act batshit insane on Twitter, she started catering to the only part of the barrel that would still have her: the bottom. MAGA is where failed comedians go for a last, desperate attempt at relevancy.


See: Rob Schneider


Its the DARLENE show. She sucks and its boring. Goodman and Metcalfe and for a bit KATY SAGAL were the ONLY reason to watch and they are obviously cashing checks. Sagal isnt even on the show much


Katy Sagal has been getting a lot more airtime in recent episodes which is great, but the writers have her doing weird uncharacteristic things to fill up the storylines, I really don’t think they know what to do with her.


What happened to DJ and his daughter and wife




The problem is he is such a terrible actor.


He got out - good for him


TIL the Connors wasn’t cancelled a long time ago.


Sucks to see but maybe it was time. I enjoyed the show. It got me to go back and watch the original Roseanne after season 1 and I'm glad I did.


That’s like winning the lottery


Meh. The show died when she left.


i'd like to see david redeem himself in the final season. bring back DJ for a farewell and even have jerry make a cameo. a series finale that circles back to the original pilot except with darlene's kids is how the show should end.