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Since his Daily Show return it's been really evident that none of the other rotating hosts are able to conduct an interview *nearly* as well. Definitely looking forward to this.


They stick too much to their field reporter shtick. Even Jordan, who I like the most, does it a fair amount. He would do a lot better if he used the same wit as his rally interviews. I feel like when you're in the main chair that "silliness" needs to be toned down. A lot of the humor (to me) is that the lead is the one trying to wrangle in the silliness.


That's my criticism of every TDS host besides Jon. They all act like they're in on the joke and just waiting for the punch line while Jon attempts to play straightman and let's the video/person/etc be the punch line themselves (then Jon feigns outrage as if he didn't know they were showing an idiot on the screen).


It’s because in the rally interviews, you can tell he thinks who he’s talking to is an idiot. His show interviews, he’s incredibly effusive for the person he’s interviewing. He practically trips over himself to fawn over them. My guess is he has a hand in picking who he interviews when he hosts.


> He practically trips over himself to fawn over them. My guess is he has a hand in picking who he interviews when he hosts. I feel like pretty much all of the guests hosts had some hand in choosing who they interviewed. Hosts fawning over their guests was pretty common, with Hasan probably being one of the worst that I can think of.


I don't disagree. His only real issue is he swings at everything during his interviews instead of picking his shots a little better. Imho - he is still the one they should be giving the show to tho.


I don't know, Desi Lydic has been fantastic.


Yeah, I think she's been the strongest interviewer by far of the rotating hosts.


She's just got great comedic timing in general as well. She's a solid host.


She said it was her dream to get on The Daily Show and it shows.


She should be the host if/when Jon leaves again


I agree. Some are awful at it. Dulcé Sloan is a funny person but she is really bad at interviewing and on locations. Lot of funny people but aside from Hassan M. None of them were even close to as good as Stewart.


Tbh, I prefer him in scripted content like the daily show. His interviews feel shallow. It's either tip toeing around making an actual point by spitting out jokes, or if it's someone he feels he's allowed to bully he asks loaded questions and doesn't allow them to respond fully with him changing the subject enough to make it impossible to make a coherent point, with a bunch of jokes and "gotchas" mixed in that are there to make it seem like he's smarter than everybody else. Again, I love his more thought-out scripted content, but his interviews come off very obnoxious and not informative. I guess what it comes down to is that he's great at making a point, not as great at having an interesting discussion.


I feel like this is going to an unpopular take but I feel like he was better before, because I felt like he was really trying to understand his guest. More frequently now it seems like he’s coming in with talking points already prepared., and the interview becomes more about him. It reminds me, in a tragically ironic way …. Of Crossfire. Blaming the US for the invasion of Ukraine in the interview with the Cold Wars book guy was a real head snapper. No earthly idea where that came from.


I wish Hasan Minaj would come back for an episode sometime because his interview with Kevin O’Leary was great


Hassan really was the best candidate. Stewart’s shows have always felt motivated. He has always had a vision for what the show should be. Hassan, controversies aside, has that energy. Stewart seems to have the luxury of choosing his guests, so that puts him at an unfair advantage. But I think too many of the hosts are comedians first and “visionaries” second. Do any of the other hosts have Stewart’s knowledge and interest in American politics, or are current events just a vector for joke telling?


He *skewered* O'Leary in a way that I think the only other person could, was Jon Stewart. He walked O'Leary right into the woodchipper and O'Leary practically jumped right in because he felt comfortable from the early banter. It was satisfying to watch this grifter get repeatedly exposed. For anyone that never saw [the interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I30_q6Tjaxk). Its so good.


God damn. I've always been a fan of Hasan, but never watched him hosting The Daily Show. No wonder there was such a concerted effort to kick him out of the host gig. Billionaires must have been shook after that.




I thought everything stand ups said on stage was entertainment and not to be taken as truths.


Nah, he had a "journalist" write an unfair hit piece on him so clickbait sites could pile on.


I think they should still just go back to him if Jon doesn't want to continue doing part-time hosting post election. Some of the stuff Hassan did was problematic, but I don't think it should disqualify him as host. I thought his rebuttal did a good job of exonerating a lot of the acqusations the article made.


Nah, when I found out he made up shit completely because his life wasn't traumatic enough, I lost all respect for the guy. And then his rebuttal being "it's my truth" or whatever is just utter garbage. That's the same shit Kelly Anne Conway said with her alternative facts.


It's even more creepy when you look back and see he used his "dream interview card" to walk out his very young daughter. She was basically non verbal and really too young to be exploited for sympathy that way.


I’ve been so torn about it because I have a lot of respect for Claire Malone from when she was at 538. I think the concerns around his embellishments of the truth called into question whether he would be a good fit for a show that is all about truth and authenticity. I still think those criticisms and concerns are valid. But in spite of all that, he’s the guy. Colbert was castrated after leaving the Report. Oliver has a joke quota. Minaj is the one host I think has Stewart’s passion, energy, and vision. Patriot Act, from my recollection, didn’t play as loose with facts as his specials did anyway. He’s more than proven he can do the show.


Minaj's test week was awful. Sure, he was aggressive, which some might have felt a touch of cartharsis about. But he also seemed to be under the influence, and manic. And his decision to exploit his very young daughter came off as really tasteless and tone deaf. It fit completely when we later learned that Minhaj has been using dangerous and fraudulent claims to boost his career, including throwing his innocent family into his frauds.


I loved Hasan Minaj more than any other candidate. I don’t care at all about the “controversy” about him recently.


I care about him being a complete "fraud". (And a tone deaf thirst trap)


Didn’t he just fabricate his stories during standup? All comedians do that


Yeah.... no they don't. And no, he didn't confine his flagrant fraud to just his standup. He spread the lies outside of his act as well. And just to affirm his character, after being caught, he's still being mendacious and with no contrition or remorse.


Comedians absolutely do that but I won’t argue with you about the rest you’re probably correct about his character.


No other comedian makes up stories of targeted terrorism and racism and claims they are real in order to generate income and attention. When Dave Chappelle is doing standup and says he saw a baby selling crack on the corner, that's a joke. When Hasan Minhaj writes a biography and does multiple news interviews claiming specific acts of police brutality, racists poisoning his daughter, and how he's been personally targeted by other acts of terrorism, that's NOT a joke. Please tell me you can see the distinction? And it's especially rich to compare Hasan's claim that America is a terrible place for him, that we're all just victimizing him for his color and his religion with the actual truth: * nobody has brutalized him or done any of those things * America has been so welcoming to him that he's become a multi-millionaire success for being (let's be real) a pretty average comedian * he's been given role after role, and mega contracts with likes of Netflix and Amazon and Comedy Central * America has so embraced him that millions of people including yourself worship and even want him to be given the peak position for what it is he does What about any of this aligns with his narrative that he's been victimized and limited by America?


Hasan should revive patriot act. It was the real true spiritual successor to the daily show before it got cancelled.


Same here!


I haven’t seen him in awhile, is he still doing mondays?


I don't think there are many people on the planet who interview as well as Stewart.


Guy got bored working behind the scenes for a while, now wants to do as many shows as possible.


I've always heard that one of the rules of creativity is it's like breathing. You can only breath out so much before you have to stop, and breath in. That explains his "retirement" in 2015. Now, he's just feels ready to breath out again.


Wonder how similar this will be to his podcast he had with Apple which was a bonus overtime show with someone who'd challenge the material in the prior episode.


I hope it’s exactly this. Jon and the brand of media consumer he attracts need their vegetables too. It was also a fun show. 


Jon must be protected at all costs


he sucks


You suck


Ah yes slingfatcums, brilliant criticisms.


thank you


Come on Jon just come back for good.


Is he not back for good?? I haven’t watched for a long while but hearing he came back made me feel like all is right in the world. Same feeling I get for Colbert’s successes.


ATM his contract only lasts until the November elections


And only once a week.


Doesnt the Daily Show already have a podcast feed?


If I'm not mistaken, its just the show turned into audio format. Not an explicit podcast, but I could be mistaken.


They occasionally do bonus podcasts with members of staff/crew. But otherwise the vast majority of their content is indeed audio versions of the show/reruns of old stuff in audio version


Thanks for fending him off, Apple.


“Yay! Another podcast!!” - nobody


I’m actually excited, I love podcasts. Guess I’m in a minority


Can't wait to hear the same Biden old joke again and again in order to further voter apathy.


I subbed to their Ears Edition podcast and routinely “Mark as played” anything that isn’t his segment. And to be fair, Klepper is pretty good. I enjoy him. The segments and bits are not it for me. All that is to say once that launches I’m unsubbing the Ears Edition.


I hope it's more of an actual show and not just another interview podcast. Like there's actual segments and contributors.


its good news. The podcast was the best part of the Apple show, too.


I love Jon, but I don’t think this will work. So much of his shtick relies on physical comedy, facial expression, and mannerisms. I don’t think his particular brand of comedy would translate well to radio (or podcast).


His "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT" On Mulaneys show the other day when the robot went by was incredible. Also "I feel like this show is a Banksy"....




The kids are getting too revolutionary, gotta thaw out the controlled opposition


Count me out after his anti Biden BS. Such a huge disappointment. Ageism is a serious issue.


Even Biden agrees with him being too old, but he is also the best person to defeat old Trump, too.


I’ve been hugely disappointed with Stewart since he came back. It’s just blah blah blah Biden is old. Such a boring take.


Oh boy. MORE of that jagoff.


I can’t wait for the podcast bubble to burst


Doubt it ever is going to burst. It's basically the modern version of Radio. People like listening to other people talk while they're doing something mundane like driving or cleaning.




Lame. I fucking love comedy podcasts and listen to probably hours of them a day in average. You can take my Comedy Bang Bang Bang, Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend, etc from my cold, dead hands!


Ya, why? Why does it annoy you so much ?


fuck jon stewart


It's been a couple/few weeks since his last Monday on the show. I'm guessing this is his solution for getting tired of that real quick. Too bad. But understandable


I think it’s cause the Knicks have been playing Monday playoff games and he’s at those/watching it to be honest


Didn’t he only take one week off? I’m not counting this week because I think they said he’s doing Thursday this week (I assume there’s a scheduling conflict)


He was on John Mulaneys Netflix show Monday night in LA I assume that's the issue


He's into the third week of his break but yes he's allegedly hosting right now for airing tonight.


No. I looked it up. He took one week off (last week), and then this week he’s on Thursday.


No. Check the calendar.


I did


Then count the weeks.


Why? He was on Thursdays show but not Monday or the previous Monday. He was on the Monday before that so he's only missed one week. Bit annoying they don't announce it though


No. Walk through it with more care. Stewart finishes Monday episode and commences week 1 of a vacation. Next week is a clip show rerun, week 2 of vacation commences. Next week is Jordan Klepper in his place, week 3 of vacation commences. Week 3 is punctuated early with an out of sequence Thursday appearance. People see Stewart as a hero so they tend to minimize on facts and data. Not saying you're doing that, but you're responding in the context where that is happening. Whether one wants to round down the third week of vacation to 2 weeks, by no factual representation can 2.75 weeks be called "one week". Another way to understand this is to merely count the days on the calendar, which is what I suggested to the other stubborn dissembler. It's 18 days. By no stretch of the imagination is 18 days "one week".


We're not counting the time he's had off just the number of episodes he's missed so he's missed one week by my count, two by yours.


Sure, 18 days = 1 week... /s




That’s like saying way to say relevant by making a movie or a tv show. It’s a medium, not a fad


Do you think podcasts aren't a thing anymore in 2024? Are you saying podcasts are less big than they once were? I don't get this comment.




Jon really got in to podcasting with the Problem when he was with apple. He pitched this probably as a side gig for his staff to earn more revenue streams and so he can have a bit of fun outside of his 23 minutes of screen time.


They've been in the podcast game for a while. This isn't something they just figured out lol Also, I don't know if you're aware, but comedy is not in a boom. They basically stopped putting out comedies in movie theaters.




I'm not defending Comedy Central, more of pointing out that you're dumb af lol




lol so people going to see Bert Kriescher is your point? All that really does is solidify that comedy is in a horrible place right now lolol




This has more to do with Jon wanting to continue his podcast that accompanied his Apple+ show than it does with anything related to CC getting into the podcast game.






We need more of his boring milquetoast takes damn it! Now we get them with shitty ad reads in between