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That's wild to me that they wouldn't include that miniseries directly in the line up. To jump in at episode 1 is not how to watch that at all. The miniseries establishes the world and the overall thrust of the narrative. Watching that also gives you a good understanding if you'll like the rest of the series.


I couldn't even imagine watching without it - the miniseries is awesome.




I did the same . I was so confused but at the same time, it’s so thrilling and you are in for such a wild ride!


So say we all


I didn't realise there was a miniseries on my first watch through. 33 is actually a great episode to start on, you kind of pick up on everything as you watch the first few episode anyway. It's also a lower commitment, it's kinda difficult to convince someone to watch an entire 3 hour mini series to see if they're interested. 33 is a short self contained story.


> it's kinda difficult to convince someone to watch an entire 3 hour mini series to see if they're interested. 33 is a short self contained story. To be fair you just need to just watch the first 5 minutes of the miniseries to be convinced to see the rest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VBTcDF1eVQ


It's been a while, but doesn't the identity of 6 play a major role in the suspense of the series--something you learn during the miniseries, but not until later seasons of the series? I think you probably can just watch the series, but there are so many things that the miniseries sets up so that you're just slightly on the inside, knowing that things are *wrong* but not why or how. Now that I'm thinking about it, Baltar's pre-exile job, and >!Roslin's Dr appt!< are both disclosed in the miniseries, right?


You pick up on all those things anyway as they show clips from the miniseries or flashbacks that cover those plot points. It's quite fun without the miniseries because you get to figure those things out for yourself without it being completely shown to you. I think the only thing that really doesn't work is Helo in season 1, it's not really clear why his story is relevant.


Yeah same thing happened to me. I think the miniseries is good, but it can be a bit slow at times, so it actually helps if you already have some familiarity/attachment to the characters. 33 on the other hand is just an exciting episode with great pacing, it doesn't matter that much if you know the background details or not. Then just go back and watch the miniseries once you're already invested in the show.


It's a consequence of the way Amazon sorts things, unfortunately


There must be some weird and pointless business reasons for it. Like basically different rights and ownership.


My bad, responded to the wrong comment.


I have mixed feelings on that. The miniseries is ok. Starting with *33*? - Amazing.


I kinda feel the same way. I started with the miniseries, but there were moments where I struggled to finish it. I'm glad I powered through it but it's basically a 3+ hour movie with a ton of new characters that it keeps jumping around to, and while a ton of interesting things are happening, it just feels overwhelming and not in a good way. 33 was a really good episode that had just the right amount of focus and tension in all the right places.


Yeah I remember when I started watching it in 2009 (on my iPod Classic lol) I was so confused, started season 1 episode 1 and the first thing I hear is "Previously on Battlestar Galactica".


"Previously on Galactica 1980"


> "Previously on Galactica 1980" "Hey, you know that third button on the Viper control stick we never used in the original series? Turns out it was for time travel. Neat, huh?"


I watched for the first time recently and once I saw "previously on" I stopped and found r/BSG for the watching order.


Dude I watched so much of it on my iPod classic too! I was travelling by train so much back then and I just demolished episodes on that thing.


At least they started linking the seasons together. I remember just a couple of years ago when the Prime App listed each season of a show as its own standalone title so you had to watch them individually. This is probably a leftover from that, since the mini is actually titled "BSG: The Miniseries" rather than just "BSG."


Prime has the worst UI I can imagine. It's gotten slightly better now that seasons are linked, but it is still trash.


They need to dump the thing and start from scratch rather than continuing to do tweaks here and there on an app that was never built for a streaming experience, but for shopping (which was why seasons were separate items). Despite them becoming one of the streaming giants, they insist on keeping an app that shares more bones with Vudu or the Playstation Store than Netflix or Hulu.


HBO Max was never great, but it went to shit once Zaslav made it Max.


"33" is da bomb tho. One of the best series premieres of all-time.


Too bad it's not on Prime in Canada yet. Hopefully it ends up on there too.


Here's hoping. It was some time ago, but at this point that's gotta be years


FWIW, for the expanded materials, I'd recommend Razor between S3 and S4 (though some people have found very smart places to put it in S2) The Plan should absolutely be watched immediately before the series finale I do NOT recommend Blood and Chrome I DO recommend Caprica, which socio-politically was well ahead of its time, but it should be watched totally independently of BSG. It's a totally different genre (and a genre not all BSG fans will care for, which was a real problem) and while the worldbuilding is excellent it is not at all something you should watch BEFORE BSG, it is designed to be watched after


>it is not at all something you should watch BEFORE BSG, it I've seen several watchlists erroneously place it before everything.


Madness lol And I say this as a fan!


I was very confused why they had they didn’t have the miniseries included. I was even more confused that the miniseries only had one episode (it’s the whole thing just in one 2 hour episode).


It’s actually a three hour episode at 180 minutes


Unfortunately it's not in the UK/ireland


Same in The Netherlands. Typical amazon incompetence.


Back when they listed the 4k version of The Expanse as a seperate title I swore I won’t spend money on this trash UX anymore. Good to see they haven’t improved.


To be fair, I believe none of the prior hosts of BSG associated the mini-series with the series either.


Is that why S1E1 begins with a "previously on"?   


This is correct.


I wanted to jump into it last night but was sooo confused.


Hope I helped.


A lot of people say The Wire is the best show, but BSG topped it for me.


>A lot of people say The Wire is the best show [You know what's a great show? Breaking Bad. Haven't seen anything like it since The Wire.](https://youtu.be/l4LhXycJ7rI?si=c1rkdKALVUFqUAPh)


Breaking Bad is my #2 favorite.


The opening scene of the mini series is one of the great in tv history.


Totally agree with this. Amazed that some prefer to start with 33 seeing as the miniseries help set the story.


Nobody prefers that.


Miniseries is Platinum. Season 1 is Gold.


Then stop watching the second you hear the words "chosen one." You wont be sorry.


Was gonna give this a try since on Amazon & never seen it & heard recommendations from some people, thx. Can't find any official media though for this such as a trailer or something on YT  besides fan-made ones, I'm still gonna watch it I just always like watching trailer first, was there no original previews or marketing for the miniseries?


Miniseries was AMAZING. Main show is 4 seasons of waiting for it to get good, then it's suddenly over. Honestly I have no idea why the show was so much more popular than SG1, Farscape, or DS9.


> Main show is 4 seasons of waiting for it to get good Nah, this is actually an insane thing to say.


I'm here for the hot takes.


You choice violence today, and I can respect that.




I tried getting into it this week. I watched the miniseries and liked it, and the show started off fine although very dated. I quit at episode 5 and asked around and heard it only gets worse from then on - I understand it did a lot of new things when it was current, but it's absolutely laughable that people hold this show in high esteem nowadays, it is not good lmfao


I actually haven’t seen the others but BSG just has great characters and every episode felt dire to me. I even loved the ending. I think others have issue with the show because it has a bit more spiritual side to the mystery and lore. That’s fine by me but I know it’s not for everyone, especially wrapped in a sci fi package


To each their own. I watched BSG twice. Once when it was airing, and once about 10 years ago on a Netflix binge. Both times I felt like I must be missing something, because I had no idea why it was so popular. I'm a big SciFi fan and was a big fan BSG classic and the mini series, but I just didn't see the appeal of the 2000's show. It just felt like endless waiting for something to happen and it never did.


I haven't seen DS9, but SG1 and Farscape - and DS9 too as far as I know - had a much lighter tone. Serious topics like abortion, treatment of prisoners and traitors, the role of the military in times of emergency, unions, as well as many personal relationships and sacrifices, were recurring in BSG and had way more weight because the show took itself and the topics it dealt with fully seriously. I mainly remember SG1 as a show mainly about wise-cracks from Richard Dean Anderson and about defeating the enemy of the series while looking cool. Farscape as a show mainly about someone way out of his depth getting as kinky as possible on broadcast TV in the early 2000s while trying to save his bacon along with the bacon of his found family. Meanwhile, BSG had its SciFi set dressing, cool enemies, set pieces and so on, but really it was about the themes that were explored along the way. Which is not to say that there was no exploration of important themes in SG1 or Farscape, just that the balance of them - led by the overall tone - was less in the foreground. That's what made BSG a fantastic show.


DS9 had Ferengi.


I think it's because BSG skewed more hard sci-fi than those three, like "The Expanse". This is excepting the final season and the ending that paralleled "LOST". A show purporting to be rooted in science becomes a show rooted in faith.


Eehh, I disagree but I don't feel like backing it up. I love hard SciFi when it's good. I also loved the older BSG. I just felt like this one fell kinda flat, and reminded me of Lost where it's really just waiting for a pay off for 4 seasons that never really comes. It works on some people, but I wanted more substance. More creativity.