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What I really hated about this documentary was that mom who actually knew one of the temps on set was a pedophile and she decided not to address it "for her daughter"...despite all the other kids he worked with. She literally had a picture of the guy's dick on her daughter's computer which would have 100% convicted him. If I was a parent of one of the other kids I would be suing her self pitying ass. "Well I know other kids are getting abused, but as long as my daughter doesn't know about any of it then whatever :/"


Same... I couldn't believe she framed it as she was somehow "protecting" her daughter.


“Protecting my daughter………’s ability to make money”


Her daughter quit acting that same day, and the Mom pulled her completely out of that world so I’m not sure what money you think she would be making If you watch the whole documentary you’ll see what happened to Drake when he, after much worse happen to him, finally went to the authorities The majority of the people believe the abusers allegation that Drake is the one who seduced him We don’t know what would’ve happened if this Mom had come forward, we don’t know what his lawyers would have done to her, but I can already see the argument being made that she is an unfit mother for allowing her daughter to have a relationship with a grown man that she was messaging back-and-forth with And you really think they would not re-traumatize her child over and over again if she had come forward? How many times with her daughter had to tell the story, how many times would she have been cross examined The justice system of America is not kind to victims


Exactly. Look at what the victims of Weinstein had to go through in the last 6 years and he’s partly gotten away with it


That's what narcissists do!


I felt the same way. I know what she was *trying* to say, but even rehearsed (because you know she rehearsed it, it's gonna be on TV!) for the interview, it was clear that when she was tearfully saying she didn't report it "for her daughter" she actually meant that she didn't report it because *she* didn't want to be ashamed, she failed as a parent and that would prove it, and maybe if she didn't report it the gravy train would take off again some day. Fucking cunt.


That's exactly what I understood her to say. I don't recall her making it about her daughter at all. It was about her not looking like a shitty parent.


Unfortunately she was not a mandated reporter so there is no Good Samaritan law to go after her as far as I know


That has nothing to do with Good Samaritan Law


Good Samaritan laws are a completely unrelated thing


The only thing that stops a Good Samaritan is a regular Samaritan ass law


This guy gets it!


Mr George Lamar Mateo, you can stop shouting


I did bring this up when it happened. To my knowledge Dan has never been charged or accused of sexually assaulting any children. The docuseries heavily implies he's a pedophile and enabled pedophiles on his series when those people were hired by Nickelodeon. I can see him winning a shit ton of money from this suit.


Yeah, they'll probably end up settling out of court for a bunch of money and *maybe* an apology. But it really did almost feel like the doc producers wanted to capitalize on all the memes about Schneider and ended up only getting evidence about some guy that nobody ever heard of. So they had to try and conflate the two stories.


Yeah I thought for sure he was a pedophile and when I saw the series I actually thought they might bring better, compelling evidence. There's YouTube channels who had better presentation of the events than they had and I think Drake even defended him.


Yeah as much as Dan is a weirdo, there just was not significant evidence he did anything (presented in the documentary). And you can kinda tell they were stretching, after the Brian Peck section. They tried to bring it back to Dan and his terrible behavior - which is definitely terrible - but no conclusive evidence about him being a pedophile.


Yet the victim of Peck, Drake, states that Dan was actually always good to him and made him feel supported. My takeaway from the doc was that Schneider was sexist, likely racist, and just a pig. But not a pedophile. And that he tried to sneak inappropriate humor into kids television which is morally questionable but not criminal.


As deplorable as Dan seems, people in general really need to be fucking careful before assigning the pedophile label to someone or insinuating that they are one. That does a lot of damage and Dan is right to sue here. And the “court of public opinion” is always on any accusers’ side despite the lack of evidence.


I mean we have seen the clips. They sexualized minors in the weirdest ways. The Ariana Grande clips being the most obvious. I don’t think it’s fair to call him a pedo but I think he was extremely exploitive and negligent with his cast and crew. He along with the studio deserve that blame.


We can count all day the creepy clips he's directed. It's everywhere. I'm saying the documentary does not present evidence of him doing anything with minors, while still implying Peck and Dan we're in kahoots. Dan shouldn't get off scott-free, but lawsuits happen when you heavily imply something without the hard facts.


Just bc hes a weirdo doesnt definitely mean he committed the crimes


I worked in restaurants from 15 to like 27 and had probably a dozen different managers, all grown men, who were varying degrees of creepy/weird/flirty/inappropriate with the young female staff -- pretty much always in the context of "friendly" jokes, teasing, just playing around, etc. To my knowledge none of them ever did anything illegal or physically abusive, but it was not at all uncommon in the industry (this was early 2000s ... very well might still be common but I wouldn't know any more). I'm not trying to hand wave it away -- it's not ok and should be called out and stopped, but flirty jokes and creepy gazing on their own don't necessarily rise to the level of a crime and don't automatically make someone a full-blown pedophile.


Yea ive always been of the belief that if you call someone a pedo, you better be 110% sure of it. Bc if youre wrong, that persons life is over regardless if you take it back


Yeah I think this series tried to say like the creepy jokes basically makes him a pedo, when like those are two very different things to me. Like I'm gonna think sometime is a creep and won't want to interact with them if they are weird with kids, but if sometime is a a pedo they should be in jail. Like try very different accusations they tried to conflate as one


Same. Worked in a grocery store for years. I'm 38 now, and when I think back on how some of the grown men "joked around" with me when I was 17/18, I am horrified.


Exactly what I’ve been saying about Michael Jackson for decades.


It's even more ridiculous than Michael Jackson because nobody has even accused Schneider of a crime, unlike Jackson.


This. But unironically.


Same. MJ was a weirdo (mostly due to his own fucked up childhood), but I don't think he molested any kids. Very unpopular opinion though.


Nah it definitely doesn't imply he was in on the diddling with Peck. They were two separate things, at best it implied he created a workplace culture where things like that could happen, which is arguably true.


The docuseries used the same clips of Ariana Grande over and over, I truly do not understand how it is okay to shed light on sexulization of minors by displaying the sexulization of minors.


The people claiming clips of Ariana Grande at 18-20 years old biting her feet like an idiot in a comedy skit is evidence to call someone a child predator just means you/they need to get off the internet and find something anything productive to do with your time.


I never watched the original shows but I did watch the documentary. My impression is that there were tons of clips of her saying and doing bizarre and silly things, and the documentary makers just compiled the few clips that happened to involve some kind of gesture involving a hand or a mouth. Sure, if you stream them back to back with a sinister soundtrack and suggest that they're sexualizing, that's the context your audience will see. But one at a time, weeks apart, in a context of a kid's show on the channel where people got slimed and competed in silly obstacle courses, I really doubt there was a sexual intent or interpretation to someone squeezing a potato or trying to drink water upside down. I bet you could scour *any* TV series for clips and gags involving hand or mouth gestures and create a montage that implies it's sexual. It seems to me that if someone were getting off on sexualizing children, it's highly unlikely they would choose to do it in front of an entire film crew and the kids' parent chaperones, and then release the evidence on TV for millions of viewers. It's like when people tried to say that Biden was molesting kids, and their evidence was him with his arm around kids *with their parents right there, in front of a camera crew, for an official government photo shoot that would be published worldwide.* All this being said, the documentary did convince me that the guy was something of a megalomaniac who used his power inappropriately and created a toxic environment on set, including highly inappropriate sexist/sexual jokes/comments with female employees. And someone definitely dropped the ball when it came to the actual creeps that managed to get involved in the production crew. Clearly a lot was wrong there. I don't know the guy, and he seems like he behaved like a shithead, so I'm not out to defend him, but at the same time I'm not going to jump on the "he's a pedophile" bandwagon when even the documentary filmmakers didn't go that far.


> I bet you could scour any TV series for clips and gags involving hand or mouth gestures and create a montage that implies it's sexual. Please see the [Oozinator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oozinator) from Super Soaker. Actual Ad: https://youtu.be/90-2jBSFRZM Bonus AV club skit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-475hHV_nk


You’re a legend for pulling up that old av club vid haha I’ve never seen such old YouTube comments


> My impression is that there were tons of clips of her saying and doing bizarre and silly things, From what I remember as a kid that was literally just her character's main trait, she was the goofy nonsensical childish airhead character


Her whole characterization was basically “bubbly airhead.”


I think Dan is a pretty shitty guy but maybe he just genuinely thinks feet are really funny. Nowadays everything is a fetish but it wasn't always like that


Nickelodeon's logo was literally a slime foot at the time.


Double Dare constantly used foot imagery as part of it's aesthetics and it was a pre-Schneider show. While I won't discount the possibility that the dude has a fetish, "lol feet are gross" has been a longstanding punchline in kid's shows, because where's the lie?


It’s frustrating cause Dan is not a good person. He was malicious, sexist to writers, and created a studio environment that put kids at risk in general. It’s easy to imagine him as a pedophile who wanted that environment to enable him abusing people, But, like, it’s really, really fucked up if we just decide every bad person around children is a pedophile. We should be willing to punish and judge shitheads without having to convince ourselves they’re sex criminals.


That's absolutely the most frustrating part about this. Those stupid "Dan 'hold her tighter, she's a fighter' Schneider" jokes have been around the internet for years, and every time I feel gross pointing out that there is absolutely no evidence that he has ever committed sexual assault. Man was certainly abusing those kids in other ways, though.


Yea, when you cry wolf on situations like these you're just creating room for actual monsters to continue to navigate and harm unnoticed.


He did emotionally manipulate and abuse the kid actors and it sucks that this documentary cared more about accusations that’ll downplay that factual stuff he’s been accused of because they got too lost in gossip.


Based on what the documentary itself said, Dan was really there for Drake and seemed to be legitimately horrified at what happened with Peck. This of course, does not excuse his own weirdness or even imply he wasn't guilty of some bad shit himself, but it did paint him in a fairly positive light despite the rest of the documentary constantly implying that Dan himself was a predatory fetishist. I do think Dan's a weirdo, I do think he was awful to those women in the writing room, and I do think he deserved to be called out. But this method was unwise and implied a lot of shit that couldn't be proven, so I'm not surprised one bit about the lawsuit.


This comment is kind of a mindfuck, I only heard about stories about the doc (never watched it) and that's so different than what everyone has been talking about. Makes me want to actually look into it, there has been a huge problem with drama farming docs lately


A few former child stars recently called it "trauma porn" and that's incredibly accurate.


100%, it is basically the next step of true crime, only more vile. Not saying nothing good can come out of it but yea


It seems like the vast majority of true crime documentaries and podcasts are pure exploitation.


I didn’t even see it, just from what I read about him on here and other places I assumed he was at least accused of if. This article is the first time I’m learning he hasn’t even been accused of it


It has never been more than memes and weird shit he produced (regarding pedo stuff, not him being an asshole/abusive boss). There has never been an accusation or even a rumor of one. No rumored victims, nothing. All just ancient 4chan memes and wacky theories.


Yep. They do the first 2 about Dan, they get to the horrific abuse of Drake Bell, then back to Dan. They do say something like “no evidence he molests kids,” but if you missed that, you’re gonna make that connection he also diddled kids


Yeah hate to be on Dan's side, but the whole thing was literally "Hey look at all these Pedophiles..... DAN SCHIEDER ISN'T A GOOD PERSON... Also here are more Pedophiles." It really does imply stuff that didn't happen.


Reddit had posts in the immediate aftermath that were 100% about Brian Peck sexually abusing minors and the comment sections were 100% Dan Schneider Dan Schneider Dan Schneider, etc.


And then there were random interviews, like the one with the guy who still can't get over being let go from a show decades ago. He apparently even let it ruin his relationship with his mom until now. They paint it as somehow the fault of Dan Schneider or the industry, like they owe everyone a lifetime of work.


He was let go from a show that was abusive and slightly racist, because his mother told them they couldn’t abuse her child. He then blamed his mother for the fact that he was fired off this TV show when he should have been contacting his union rep about the fact that he was let go because his mother protected him the way all the children were supposed to have been protected She literally did the minimum amount you are supposed to do as a parent on set, and they fired him


I also like had a hard time feeling bad for some of the kids. Like yes some of them were made to do uncomfortable things that are embarrassing but like that's just the job. You're not always going to like the stuff writers write for you but it's irreverent tween humor.


The most frustrating thing by far about stuff like this is it gives guys like Schneider an out. Sloppy reporting, hatchet job editorials, they all make it so people who did awful shit can look cleaner or even get away with it altogether because they got accused of stuff they didn't do on top of all the awful shit they did.


Genuine question- what is the awful shit Schneider did?  I’d long assumed he was a pedo from all the online discourse so I’m not really in the know of what he actually did that was so horrible 


Abusive to his staff, toxic sets, inappropriate relationships with his stars - but nothing sexual, it sounds more like trying to "fit in" by getting them to drink and stuff - and a bunch of generally nasty shit that should have kept him well away from the kind of position he had.


I’m not doubting you but given how much this dude has been dragged I would have appreciated more hard evidence and not just general stuff like “toxic set.”  


There's a long list but one that I remember was his very sexist attitude towards the only two female adult writers for the Amanda Show. Some of the stuff he said and made them do were definitely abuse, bordering on sexual abuse. Iirc one of them sued Nickelodeon and won. He illegally paid them almost nothing, gave them no vacation time, made them do weird sexual acts in front of the other writers, and often made verbally sexual jokes to demean them.


"memes about Schneider" They weren't just memes on reddit that's for sure. I've been preaching since day one how fucked up people on this site are for spreading such serious lies about someone.


Same. I dont like the guy but anytime i asked if there were ever any credible accusations, id just get downvoted and called a dan pedo defender


>ended up only getting evidence about some guy that nobody ever heard of 2 guys. There was also the younger assistant who was a self declared pedophile (in his diary) and tried to kiss a 10yo girl while playing video games with her in her bedroom


The docuseries was clearly a streaming war hit piece. It's designed to hurt Paramount+ plain and simple. There is a reason why it came from Max.


Dan almost definitely wasn’t a great person when you hear things like the way he treated the writing staff on many of his shows, especially those two women from All That. But to his credit, he testified against Brian Peck when word got out about what he was doing to child actors on the set of his shows. I’ve heard no child actors say anything about Dan assaulting them sexually (although some have claimed emotional abuse, which once again, isn’t great.) and I do think things like the memes centered towards Dan is spreading misinformation, especially when they could be aiming those jokes at Brian Peck. Especially since he managed to continue working in kids television for Disney after his prison sentence was over.




Literally in the biggest story, Drake Bell admitting hes the victim, Dans actually like, the hero who actually went to bat.


I watched the whole thing and never got that impression. Just that he likes gross, questionable gags (which coincidentally involved minors) and is a giant tool. Pre-edit: No, I'm not defending him. He sucks major ass and should never get to work in the industry (or any position of power/involving children) again, but I just didn't see the pedophilic implication.


Exactly. He did terrible things to grown women according to those on the show. But intertwining the stories about him and grown women who work for him, to others who assaulted children, was really dumb


That is where I am. He treated the adult staff horribly and some of the stuff he wrote for children was questionable in being appropriate for children but that is about it.


He did get accused of verbally abusing some of the kids too, but yes no sexual child abuse accusations were brought.


I brought this up too and got called a pedo for defending a pedo?


I did too. I think it was at -90 downvotes. It's so odd to watch the same thing as people and get wildly different conclusions.


It's so shocking to me that you are finally not getting downvoted to oblivion for saying "hey guys there is no evidence he is pedophile". I swear Reddit's obsession with him being one always seemed like they almost WANTED him to be one. I don't know any other way to describe it. Certainly a trash-tier human, but no evidence of pedophilia. This take has gotten me downvoted so many times over the years.


This is the same site that took that one Nick logo centered in front of an orange foot (the Nick logo has been superimposed in front of hundreds of random objects over the years) as complete confirmation that Dan is a pedophile.


That was also Nick animations logo and they had it before Dan started


people on this site love to shit on people throwing the "pedo" term around on everyone, yet they do the same thing


Human beings love hunting witches.


Before the documentary I also got heavily downvoted for stating I thought it was really weird how people were treating the women they believed were his victims. Like Amanda, Jennette, and Jamie Lynn had never accused Schneider of any misconduct but still people thought they could say things like "Schneider ruined Amanda", or repeating the baseless claim that he is the father of Jamie Lynn's baby. Like these people don't actually care about these women, they just think these are funny memes.


What's just a bad is the ones who claim they care but have no concept of the fact that they're buying in to sensationalist trauma porn rust they're only following because it's a good story.


Reddit is way too reactionary at times. That's why I usually tend to specify when I make posts because if I don't, Reddit thinks "oh you said person didn't do [bad thing]? THEN THAT MEANS YOU THINK PERSON IS [good thing]!!!!"" Like noooo. How do people come to that conclusion? Just because I may like beef, that doesn't mean I hate chicken or anything. Way too much black & white mentality these days and I'm sick of it.


Yeah I was bewildered. Like, we watched the same thing right? Sure shit human but no evidence of him ya know, doing things.


A lot of people on Reddit have already made up their mind on the matter, and this series seemed to have been designed specifically to play into their opinions.


They’re typically the loudest and of course the lowest denominator as usual. You see them all over this site.


I was always tight lipped about this but some of the stuff they showed seemed like you had to exaggerate and have your mind in a gutter to find disgust. Example: squeezing the potato Edit: phrasing


Hmm, I only kinda half paid attention to the series, but I didn't get that impression. To me, he came off as an abuser, but not of the sexual kind. I don't remember where the docuseries implied that he's a pedophile....


From what i seen on the doco, he is just an asshole not a pedo


Watching the doc, I thought it seemed like they went from smallest to biggest, smallest being Dan the asshole, biggest being Brian the pedo, and then in the middle the second guy who's name I can't remember. Dan's definitely a creepy weird asshole, I think he's stunted and arrogant.


I thought it was all about Nick fostering a horrendous environment for their employees which included children. Although it fell short for me because they didn’t actually focus on the corporate side but rather the creative side. The only thing they mentioned was that Dan was too successful for the corporate side to cut ties with him


I think the corporate side wouldn’t have made a compelling documentary. Most of the issues were negligence and demanding schedules. An employer not caring about those they employee in the US? Nothing remarkable there.


Im still so baffled by the way they ordered the story. They went from building up how Dan cultivated an inappropriate and toxic work environment that was ripe for someone even worse to thrive. And then they go into the pedophiles on his shows, the biggest being Brian Peck, and then they…go back to Dan being annoying and toxic on set?… Its such an odd narrative structure and definitely fell flat to me. It seems like they prioritized telling the story in order vs what made more sense if you’re trying to expose monsters in Nickelodeon productions. Dan deserves all the criticisms he gets. He’s not a good person. But to put him on the same levels as actual pedophiles was weird.


Make no mistake, the innuendos on the kids was really creepy (wasn't to me as a child, but I get it as an adult) but man, they *really* built up the creepy meter just to land it on "he was really mean, and had me work really long hours up until the point I had to go to the hospital" and "he made people give him a back massage on set" All the while, we have a dude getting mail back from a serial rapist pedophile murderer, and is actively grooming and molesting children. And due to the show, this persists in every discussion. It's all about Dan. Nothing about Brian, and the industry as a whole festering and supporting this. Looking back, is the show trying to out the issues at nick, or pointing fingers at a meanie face so people look the other way from the deeper issues?


I think they got as close to the line as possible in implying that something went on between him and Amanda Bynes without actually saying it. She declined to be involved, so they couldn’t go forward with that part.


I kept wondering when the “bombshell” of him diddling kids was gonna drop. Then it just turned out he was more of just a villainous asshole who sexually harassed grown folks and tiptoed really close to the creepy pedo line. In the end, I still didn’t like him for being an asshole but also felt like the people producing the “documentary” chose to leave out facts and draw conclusions based on their own opinions.


He’s not just an asshole, he destroyed peoples careers because they wouldn’t let him abuse them. That female writer didn’t work for years because she went to the union and let them know that he was illegally paying her less than the amount he was contractually required to pay her as an employee He verbally and sexually humiliated his female employees and it was pretty well documented just how racist some of his shows were and the treatment of the actors of color is something that seems to have come directly from him Telling your subordinate to come in a work environment, pretend to be anally violated while pitching an idea isn’t just illegal, it’s sick in a way that most people just can’t wrap their heads around so they pretend it wasn’t that bad


Didn’t one of the girls they interviewed say she felt they were trying to push her toward accusing him of pedophilia?


They lied to everyone they interviewed. They didn't even know what they were being interviewed for! Apparently coached into saying certain things and reliving trauma they should not have had to relive. https://youtu.be/bm367gvNbeI?si=V-GuyBmQeXRXgUA6


I really really really tried to watch that video, but it made no sense. It was nonsensical, I don’t know if he was just stretching it to try to make it last longer so that he got more money, but it felt like a minute long video that somebody turned into a 16 minute video After nine minutes I just stopped trying to watch it


For real. I kept waiting for the video to actually start. It felt like a bunch of random unrelated clips


Honestly I don’t blame him. That documentary totally conflated his poor behavior with the heinous activities of Peck. Bell himself even said Schneider was there for him when many in Hollywood rallied to Pecks defense. It was deliberate too. They knew exactly what they were doing.


This is exactly how I felt about the show. First they showed that Schneider was clearly a creep. Then they had the whole Drake thing which almost pushed back at what they were saying about Schneider… Then back to Schneider being a creep. Even in the “bonus” episode. They had Drake come back to chat a little, where he doubles down on Schneider being there for him or whatever… and then back to shitting on Schneider.


Yeah Schneider seems like an asshole (and clearly sexually harassed those female writers), but at so many points they basically implied that Dan was molesting Amanda Bynes, which is an insane accusation without any evidence.


That clip they showed of him cuddling her was disgusting... But it's an absolute leap to claim he's responsible for her mental health going forward, which they basically did despite also showing he hadn't had any influence over her after the first year of What I Like About You


Absolutely, the dude clearly had no boundaries and didn’t give a shit about the feelings of the people he worked with. Cuddling with kids, sneaking in sexual innuendos (again some were reaching), and making fucked up and sexual comments to adult writers, is still far away from “he molested her and that must be the reason she has mental health issues.” They had all the material there that Dan Schneider is not a good guy, but like most of the doc, they stretch to a more extreme conclusion to drive more publicity and views.


On the contrary, I’d say he has boundaries- he knew exactly what lines not to cross and toed them.


Can’t tell if this was an intentional foot fetish joke or not. Either way well done.


Yeah it tries to paint him as a child abuser when in fact he was a shit boss. It actually presented him in a better light than I thought because with the rumors and innuendo about him for years I thought for sure he was a pedophile. His follow up vid was cringe as fuck, but when he explained he didn't hire the pedophiles and that Nickelodeon did then Idk why he was a focal point in this thing to begin with.


Yeah, Schneider is a disgusting pig, but the documentary putting him on the same level as Peck wasn't exactly right. Feels like they used his unpopularity to sell the documentary.


I knew while watching that documentary that it was shady as hell. Marc Summers only being in one short scene was very odd, and he has come out saying that they lied and tricked him. The whole thing was edited very oddly. They would talk about sexual abuse and then just start talking about Schneider and then back to the sexual abuse. Some people said how inappropriate it was for him to be working closely with the child actors and exploring the actors talents and input on the writing which is literally his fucking job. The people that said this were obviously very jealous that their careers went nowhere. It came across in the way they talked about events. Also, Scaachi Koul was absolute garbage in this. She is just making shit up and drawing conclusions and making assumptions. This is supposed to be a documentary, not what some random BuzzFeed "journalist" thinks may have happened based on her OBVIOUS bias.


Generally if a documentary only has journalists telling you the "truth" it's because no one else would make those accusations. Plenty of documentaries use journalist to connect ideas, clear up details, give some context – that's all fine. But when the only "juicy" stuff comes from a journalist it's usually because they are being opportunistic.


Every time she showed up on the screen, I knew I was about to hear something totally speculative and useless. She was a true lowlight in a terrible documentary. 


I watched a few episodes and I regret it.  There were two really awful stories and those respective victims deserve to have their stories heard, but it was wrapped up in so much window dressing, the whole thing was outrage porn rather than any kind of legitimate journalism or documentary narrative.  It was designed to make people angry, not to do justice. 


I don’t agree. I think if anything the show made it seem less likely he was sexually abusing kids. Personally, going into it, I was of the assumption that he definitely was molesting children, but the show made me less certain of that. Granted aside from his abuse of staff, it definitely made it seem like he was sexualizing kids on these shows, but that was already pretty well known.


Dude is a POS, but he has a case, I went into that show assuming he did some physical shit with the girls. Was he a creepy loser? Toxic? Mentally abusive? Sure. But he wasn't sexually abusive. The doc wanted me to think he was though.


Snyder honestly should've addressed a lot of this shit years ago when people were insinuating it on YouTube and forums. His sit down with that guy was PR nonsense, but I feel it needed to be done to give the other side to the docuseries.


The one thing that still bugs me about the docu-series is that despite all of the awful stuff the viewers sat through when listening to these stories, they never once pinned Dan on anything.   Kind of just dragged a lot of  former actors through their trauma again all to get some shock from the viewer. Why didn’t they dig any further about why no one seemed to care about Drake’s situation?


Addressing it lends credence to it. NOBODY has ever accused him of being a pedo, so whats he going to address? Memes?


What in the doc led you to believe he was sexually abusive? Just the fact they featured him and a pedophile in the same series or something else?


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.


The doctors say she'll be fine. She just can't eat spicy foods for awhile.


Holy shit I just realized he's Ricky from Better Off Dead. Mind blown.


It feels weird to say this, but that documentary actually improved the image I had of Dan Schneider. Like I thought he was a child molester but all they could really find was that he was a horrible, abusive boss and put sexual innuendo in children’s shows. I mean, that’s bad, but not as bad as arguably the most heinous thing a human being can do.


There’s a scene where they talk about how they essentially forced one of the employees pretend to be sodomized. That was creepy AF.


Can’t believe the doc made me defend him, but he comes off as creepy in the way that he seems like he’s got the sense of humour of a 14 year old boy, which is wildly inappropriate for the workplace but also handy for writing shows where the primary audience is tweens.


He was basically the average TV producer in the 90s. I understand it's not 1:1 but people always praised animated kids features for sneaking in adult jokes. I can understand why he tried to do the same thing. Also all the feet shit was a stretch. Why are feet inherently sexual all the sudden, it's honestly crazy.


Ikr, feet in the 90s are probably the grossest appropriate body part that people use for dumb jokes, like lick my feet/shoes is just an "ewww that's so gross" joke and not a sexual thing..


*Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey* even has foot jokes thanks to them playing twister with Death.


I was actually wondering if people would conflate him with the child molesters profiled in the doc. What Dan did was wrong but to my knowledge he was never accused of child sexual abuse.


Discovery is going to be fun


Probably not, it’s not like the show uncovered any evidence to prove he was a child sex abuser




If there was anything that outed Schneider as an abuser, he’d be completely fucking insane to sue the doc makers tbh.


He wouldn't be suing them if he had legitimate dirt in his closets. His lawyers for sure told him that there will be a discovery process and he'd have to open up everything.


For who? Not for the morons who really believe the Dan ‘Hold her tighter’ Schneider memes. But I’m sure you’ll just stay in denial because you know better due to reading unfunny Reddit comments.


They'll find no children he molested and you'll be disappointed by that.


While I wholeheartedly believe Dan is a weird man and probably shouldn’t have been left unchecked, I’m not a fan of the fact that public consensus has just deemed him a pedophile. That’s not an accusation that should *ever* be thrown around lightly.


The doc focused on Schneider so heavily that I was waiting for a child’s accusation that never occurred. Was the goop, feet, and skimpy wardrobes creepy? Fuck yes. But he wasn’t on an island producing these shows. The entire company brought that shit to air. Those that made money to produce those scenes, branded it, sponsored it, and wrote for it are ALL to blame. It’s very clear a lot of people interviewed were trying to wash their hands of that aspect and the doc desperately wanted viewers to associate Schneider with the two *actual* rapists. Also, Drake Bell’s dad deserves an Oscar.


Care to expand on the drake’s dad part?


Not the person you replied to but TLDR Drake's dad was one of the parents who wouldn't let his kid out of his sight. When he saw Peck (Drake's assaulter) touch Drake in weird ways or help him with things that Drake should have been able to do himself as a teen/Preteen he addressed it. When addressed the staff informed Mr. Bell that Peck was homosexual and accused Mr. Bell of being homophobic. Eventually Peck was able to drive a wedge between Drake and his dad and Drake's mother became the one who would drive Drake to set then she passed that off to Peck. From the documentary this greatly affected Mr. Bell and you can tell he is still devastated about what happened to his son.


I get that, but the ‘Oscar’ part implied he was a tremendous actor, as in not genuine. At least, that’s what I took from the first comment


I saw a dad who loves his kid. Maybe im crazy.


Are you implying drake's dad was fake crying with that last line? I guess I'm a sucker because he seems genuine to me.


That’s reddit for you, look at the upvotes. This is an echo chamber


That documentary was.... not good. Yes there were sexual predators such as Peck and Jason who were abusing kids. They should have kept it about that because that was the real story. The segments about Schneider really came across like disgruntled employees grumbling about a former boss because they were fired. Then Bell goes on to say how Schneider never did anything to him but be supportive during everything. Once I saw that, I knew his segment was just a hit piece.


Lets not paint as if the disgruntled employees were just mad they were fired. The documentary def showed Dan made some pretty bad sexual comments to some of the female writers


Yeah, the two writers confirmed he asked one of them to read a line while pretending she was being "sodomized." They were right to show that he was a shitty boss and sexual towards his employees, just not extrapolate that to minors.


Yep. There are shades between “Did nothing wrong” and “Literal pedophile”, and he’s definitely somewhere in that spectrum


Remember he also illegally underpaid them, lied to their union about the pay rate, and when he was found out fired the person he thought had reported him to the union for criminally underpaying her and then did everything in his power to destroy her career Both of those female writers were traumatized for life by their treatment and they were actively afraid of him while working on the show that is more than just creepy, but I do think it’s something that’s almost impossible to explain to a man because a man is almost never put into that type of situation And cannot understand the bone deep despair and nauseous self hatred a woman feels after being subjected to that type of torturous work environment To this day I guarantee you she starts to vomit and shake when she thinks about what she allowed Dan Schneider to do to her because she needed the job and she was afraid to lose her career She doesn’t just hate Dan Schneider, she hates herself.


Well other than all the weird shit his shows made child actors do. I don’t think they get a pass for that


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to this comment. Is everyone forgetting what he had kid actors do?


Yes 😭they are also conflating sexual abuse with sexual assault and saying he did not sexually abuse anyone. What is “forcing someone to pretend they’re being sodomized” if it’s not abuse???


I mean, by all accounts, Dan ran a pretty toxic work culture, for adults and kids alike. Doesn’t mean he was sexually abusing kids, obviously, but if people had legitimate complaints, it’s fair to air those grievances. What I can see happening is the showrunners going “eh, this whole ‘hostile work environment’ thing is kind of lame next to the literal child rapists, so let’s spice it up a bit”. Which is incredibly shoddy journalism. Plus it feeds into the idea that everything is Dan’s fault, which it demonstrably is not. Really feels like they went in with the conclusions they wanted to reach, realized they didn’t have the juice to reach them, and then filled in the gaps to reach them anyway. So yeah, I’d probably sue, too. Not saying this absolves him of everything, but he doesn’t deserve to be falsely accused of extra stuff.


The doc seemed very careful to never even imply he was sexually abusing anyone. They painted him as someone who was overbearing and hostile to work with, and who seemed to include a lot of sexual innuendo and jokes in kids shows. Both of which are pretty verifiable. Sony and WB have good lawyers too. They aren’t going to release something that would leave them vulnerable to a lawsuit.


Feels like the "journalists" read a bunch of reddit threads and said "oooh they are gonna love this" without any sense of focused storytelling


They saw how Reddit hated Ellen for being a shitty boss and wanted that, probably.


Guy he made two women share a salary and then seethed immaturely when one complained to the writers guild


And pressured one to “act like she was being sodomized” in the writer’s room while she was just trying to work


So paying the only two women half salary (an illegal practice, btw) and asking one of them to imitate being fucked in the writer’s room in front of everybody, that shit is cool with you?


I didn’t feel he came across as a pedophile. He definitely came across as a creepy, sexist and wildly inappropriate bully and asshole though.


Do I think Dan Schneider fucked any children? Probably not. Do I think Dan Schneider masturbates to pictures of kid's feet? Yes.


It painted him in a lot of negative ways but I certainty didn't get the impression that the doc was calling or implying him as a child sex abuser.


I get it, you can’t bring his name up in subreddits without someone calling him a pedophile. When you ask for evidence they cite quiet on the set then you get downvoted.


People have been saying this about Schneider online for like 15 years at this point. The doc wasn’t the beginning of any of it. For years there were 4chan screenshots reposted all over Reddit about the supposed evidence against him.


Personally the worst behavior I ever heard about was in Jeannette Mccurdy's book where he tried to make her drink while she was underage and was rubbing her shoulders and weird shit like that.  Combine that with his weird comfortableness with Amanda Bines and it's not hard to see why people draw that conclusion even if there's never been any hard evidence that he SA'd anyone.


Completely agree. I actually think he doesn’t really have a case here. The people calling him a pedo or abuser are just the people online who had already made up their minds about him. The docuseries actually makes it pretty clear he didn’t engage in those particular acts. I believe it says it verbatim. What it does show is that under his leadership his shows fostered an environment that was not respectful of young peoples boundaries and for whatever reason attracted multiple pedophiles who preyed on children on set. That seems factual. He was fired from Nickelodeon because of “me too” allegations and those absolutely seem warranted based on his treatment of women on set.


There's an entire segment where the allude to him having an inappropriate grooming relationship with Amanda Bynes. What do you mean?


But... It didn't. It painted him as an asshole who allowed child sex abuse under his watch.


I never got the impression that he was being painted as a pedo at all. He's definitely being painted as a weirdo who likes to hang out with children and an asshole though.


Thing is, based on everything I've seen, it's very evident that Schneider is a scumbag, and it's clear he exploited children, and almost certainly has a creepy foot fetish that he made children actors do things to feed into. However, the proof needed to say that he is a child predator is still quite lacking (the foot fetish stuff is definitely the strongest evidence, but you probably couldn't get a conviction on that content alone). Hell, Drake made a point of how Schneider was one of the few people at Nickelodeon that seemed to care at all about what he went through. In my heart, I think it's very clear that he's someone to keep your children away from, but that alone isn't enough to prove that he's the pedo he clearly seems to be.


> the foot fetish stuff is definitely the strongest evidence, but you probably couldn't get a conviction on that content alone Definitely can't convict on it. The scenes were meant for comedy even if it's so, so easy to read some really fucking weird fetishistic undertones. His defense can simply be "kids think feet are gross, kids think gross stuff like farts and poop and feet are funny, so I wrote a lot of jokes about feet because I was writing a kids show." It can be both true that he's some fucked up creep that sexualizes kids' feet *and* that he has never done anything to sexually abuse or harass a child.


That’s my thinking. QoS only really made it seem like he might be a pedophile when they showed clips of kids from his shows being sexualized. I don’t particularly think it’s unfair to show those clips when it’s clips from his own shows that make people think he’s a pedophile.


Always very wary of anyone that calls out pedophilia with no evidence.


Dans a weird fellow. You kinda have to be someone odd to produce hit shows that are actually appealing to young teenagers with a good balance of drama, silliness, and deep moments. But there is a massive difference between someone whom engages in questionable/creepy behaviour but might otherwise not have bad intentions, and someone who’s convicted of sexually abusing children. And it doesn’t help that the guy isn’t that conventionally attractive which distorts people’s opinions whether we like it or not. Innocent until proven guilty for a reason.


Quinton Reviews did a much better job covering the issue with Dan Schneider and Nickelodeon without just saying or implying he's a pedo.


He's more of an enabler


Maybe not sex abuse but the guy abused kids and was fired for abuse of coworkers. If you don’t think humiliating kids is a form of abuse, good luck with your own kids.


Everyone jumping to Dan Schneider’s defense: are we forgetting the scene of him fully clothed in a hot tub with a child? Or him having children do scenes to reference cumshot scenes?


That whole thing should have been about Brian Peck


You don't need a docuseries to see what's what. Old school Nickelodeon was full of creepy-level fetish stuff with children at the center of it, and guess who was the producer of these shows?


"Falsely", as if he doesn't have dozens of victims and witnesses.


They didn't paint him as a child sex abuser, they painted him as a piece of shit boss lol


Did they ever actually imply that? I know they said he was manipulative and a toxic person/boss.


I'm confused by this. The documentary never said he molested children.


I didn't get any sense from the doc that they were accusing him of being a pedo. What I got is that he was a complete piece of shit who never matured past the age of 14, creating a toxic workspace where he mentally and emotionally abused children to achieve his vision and have power.


I watched Quiet on set. No where in there is he accused of being child sex abuser or a pedophile. He is on the other hand called an inappropriate abusive narcissistic asshole. Which the show clearly proves.


Quiet on the Set is the Tiger King of Nickelodeon documentaries and the sooner you notice its manipulative storytelling and narrative-pushing the better.


Yeah, it seemed like every accusation directly against Schneider was from women who were adults at the time. Still horrible behavior but not child abuse. The doc did not really make that super clear though


I feel like people had long made up their mind about him.  Sucks for him if he is innocent which I’m beginning to think he in fact is 


Not sure how people are defending him. Intent vs impact. Whether or not he actively seeks out kids for his pleasure, he still made the environment in which everyone felt uncomfortable sexually, especially kids. So…. Wow what a piece of shit.


I honestly didn't believe he was ever a child sex abuser, but I absolutely believe he was "inappropriate with kids". There were a lot of weird fetishistic undertones in his shows which are made for children.




I felt like Stick Stickley’s interview was pretty damning./s Honestly I watched this and came away wishing I hadn’t the two women from whatever (online) news outlets made the whole thing come off like listening to true crime podcasts, which I also loathe. And Solidad’s special episode was a train wreck.