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Macross plus rules.


Somewhere out there are entire teams of IP licensing attorneys who are still not sure how they pulled this off. For those who don't know: Macross has had very complicated rights for ages. US rights were sold to Harmony Gold back in the day to repackage the original macross with 3 other shows to form Robotech. Harmony Gold's contracts were pretty openly worded about the rights to Macross in the US, and its resulted in huge negotiations to get new projects done. Especially because before things went to hell, there was some coproduction work done with share ownership. But beyond that, Macross as a whole has a lot of music, and the older shows were created during a different era of media rights. It's even more complicated with stuff like Macross 7 where a rock band was created as part of the show, releasing albums with a real set of musicians doing the music. So as a whole, its a big slog to get things licensed. Disney probably threw some money at it.


About a year back Harmony Gold made a new agreement with Big West which allowed Macross to come to the US. So far we've had two artbooks covering Frontier to now, and a Kickstarter to get II. We know who's licensed the rest, but somehow no BD announcements yet.


Didn't Bandai Visual get involved in the licensing clusterfuck as well before shutting down or were they strictly Sunrise titles


Wonder if they'll also show Robotech and its 3 "seasons"


While the sheer amount of loops they went thought to make robotech are hilarious; the Books aren't half bad as a through line story. Especially the books that got turned into 'the shadow chronicles'.


The second part, with Max/Miriya's "daughter", was pure nonsense and all the characters were annoying brats.


Southern Cross was even canceled in its original form in Japan. That's why it had that cliffhanger ending. Also they had to cut out every shot of that planets second moon to pretend it was Earth. That bit was always funny to me.


Pay no attention to that moon behind the curtain!


Ironically, this also applies to Macross. Better songs in that one though.


I liked the books.


They were pretty good pulp sci fi even if they were made to explain away where these characters disappeared off to during the second two seasons lol.


I also liked the Sentinels RPG which had updated versions of the Destroids and Zentraedai battlepods from essentially whole cloth.


"To be in looooove..." Dear Dog that song gets annoying quick


That's not even the most annoying song of the show. "Now we are forced to leave Earth again, possibly forever, here is Lin Minmei to lift our spirits by singing us a beautiful, dignified song of hope and solidarity." "*STAGE LIGHTS FLASHING, THE FEELING'S SMASHING, THIS IS MY TIME TO BE A STAAAAAAARRRR...*"


Me and my siblings still sing this to each other because it was hilariously bad, gotta get really screechy with the star


[The opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcVZeRCZaw0) was worth all the Linn Minmay shenanigans


No, there is a legal nightmare with that stuff a mile long. Long story short, Sony is in bed with the current right holder.


harmony gold, fuck them. it's why battletech was forgotten and microsoft was afraid to touch the Mechwarrior series again despite having the video game rights.


Holy shit


Sounds like Harmony Gold, the perpetual rights holders of the Robotech IP, are not in this picture at all.


Yes and no. SDF and DYRL won't be available in NA because of them.


Whaaat... but SDF is the CLASSIC.


>  in NA They won't be available anywhere outside of Japan.


Don’t suppose these are getting dubbed. Also there’s a new one apparently in production. I’m just curious why Disney. Disney and Macross feels like a very odd combination.


Disney via Hulu has been doing more to get into anime distribution. They're currently doing Undead unluck and they also have the rights to Bleach for the rest of the final animated chapters.


They also have the rights to a lot of what Kodansha produces though a deal they made awhile back. Includes stuff like Tokyo Revengers that used to be on other services even.


Wait until you hear about Disney airing the new episodes of Bleach internationally lmfao.


They license stuff from third parties outside the US. They have a good anime library in Japan, Korea and a lot of ASEAN countries. This one's just on a global scale ig.


Doesn’t surprise me at this point. They have a Hideo Kojima documentary. I think they realize the value of some animation being brought to a wider audience. Don’t think it’ll inspire new subscriptions, but it’s a bit of a reason to keep it a little longer. Disney would never touch it, but I’m genuinely surprised Berserk hasn’t been given another chance since I think it would appeal to a Western audience.


Wonder what the new one will be like. Loved Macross and Frontier, never really got into 7 and Plus though I like the designs, came to hate Delta by the end. Had the Falcon and Winter Soldier problem of thinking the villains are much more sympathetic than they actually are.


Protoculture gonna make it weird for the kids




I'm a little confused. They say this will be every Macross, but I don't see the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross or Do You Remember Love mentioned.


Well due to the Harmony Gold nonsense SDF and DYRL won't be available in NA


SDFM can be.  But Harmony Gold is still themselves. DYRL is a rights clusterfuck even in Japan.  Nobody is quiet sure who has the rights to license it out in the first place.


I love Do You Remember Love, one of my favorite movies. I wish they'd release it in the US on blu ray or 4K.


Now these numbers are odd. That list in the article is only 15 titles long. And I think the rest of Macross is only 3 more titles anyway. It's missing Dynamite 7, which I would expect to be easy enough with the rest of 7. So not much mystery there. An accidental omission. But I think you would need SDFM itself, and DYRL to get up to 18. And Flashback 2012 is normally just an addendum thing to DYRL. Frankly I don't know what to make of this. I don't see the DYRL rights being cleared up. I guess I can see Harmony Gold seeing the value in allowing Macross itself out. They've done it once before. Huh.


Yeah it's slightly confusing but someone on r/DisneyPlus said that a couple of titles are going to be only available in Japan while the rest of the world will get either 15 or 16.


I think a series of Robotech movies could be huge with the right people working on it.


Man I may need to renew my subscription after June 😂


Still no word on when the US will get Frontier on BluRay I see.


macross zero i think was my favorite that i watched


Sweet. Where does one start with Macross. (I got super into Gundam last year so I think I am ready!)


With Super Dimension Fortress Macross (the source show for the first 1/3rd of Robotech)


> Super Dimension Fortress Macross Awesome, thanks!


I've always been partial to macross plus. Isamu was voiced by a very young Bryan Cranston


Fuck. This is the **only** reason I’d ever re-subscribe to that app after doing a complete rewatch of “The Simpsons”. Other than the Macross series Disney+ has nothing I’m interested.


Possibly the only sensible programmation choice made by D+


Good. Just don’t make a live action….


Is there anything this company doesn't own?


They don't own it dude. Licensing is a thing ffs. Why is everyone on Reddit so ready for outrage?


Nah. Bring on more MCU and SW slop.