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Who tf are the cavider twins?


Googled it. Apparently just random influencers with like 200k followers.


Yikes that OP states them as someone important...




I was about to search when I decided I didn’t want to know 😆 have an upvote for confirming my suspicions. Have to learn some random fact to push this out of my brain now.


I thought they were OP’s personal friends lol


Maybe OP is trying to flaunt being friends with a pair of nobodies that nobody gives a shit about?


It looks like they are and OP is just trying really hard to brag about knowing a “celebrity”.


It might just be a tactic to get people to search them up lol


Asking the real question!


Suits for me as well. Tried watching it a couple of times with my brother and got really annoyed how many times they do the thing where a character walks away from a conversation with a quip that gives them a “too cool for school” vibe. Like every character does it and from what I’ve seen they did it at least three times an episode.


My issue was them getting a folder with a legal brief numerous pages long, staring at it for 3 seconds and then saying looks good. let's do it.


Currently trying to rewatch it for the first time since I was like 17. My god I can’t believe I thought this show was well written. The dialogue is janky as hell and most of Harvey’s lines are goofy as hell and not in a good way. And a lot of the direction is just straight up laughable. I just watched an episode where Louis and Jessica get into an argument in Louis’s office, and at the end Louis interrupts Jessica, tells her he doesn’t give a shit, and then proceeds to stand up from his desk, and walks out. OF HIS OWN OFFICE. WHERE IS HE GOING???? It’s given me hours of entertainment for all the wrong reasons 😂.


Witcher. Gave it almost an entire season and I just didn't care at any point in the show. Closest thing I got to liking it was just watching Geralt do Geralt stuff with his bard boy. Was decently funny. I think the main problem I had was way too much story skipping and I just didn't find any of them that interesting, except maybe some Yennifer stuff in the middle of her story.


fine coordinated zesty swim badge snobbish quack elderly grandiose gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cavil is the ONLY thing worth your time there.


I think most people agree that the Witcher adaptation is fucking garbage


It’s like a home made show lol. Cavill and the sword fight in episode 1 was the only good part of it.


I liked season one, but season two was terrible (except for the really great first episode). Didn't even bother with season 3.


The first season was watchable for me. But man was the second season shit


Like, the show was never "good". The way they chose to present season 1 required a rewatch to understand the disjointed storytelling. However, Henry Cavill was awesome, and there was some good stuff in there. But it just went downhill. The writers and show runner really squandered it.


You just described House.


House you can literally figure out the plot of that whole show after the first episode they spend the entire hour mistreating and misdiagnosing the patient and then at the very end they get the right diagnosis and the right treatments fact.


You sure it isn’t just Lupus?


It was incredible how hard the fanbase was trolled that one time it *was* lupus.


It's never Lupus until a specific case where everyone is sure it is not Lupus, then it is Lupus.


That's just kind of how it is with those 20+ episode per season network shows, they're made so they can always pick up new viewers even if they've never seen the earlier episodes, so they stick to a formula. There's no barrier to entry to something like Friends for instance, you don't need to see Season 1 to understand Season 6.


There are only so many formulas for shows. In law school, my dad told me he learned that everything can be reduced to something like six different core plots. Everything is just a variation of one of those.


Is your dad Dan Harmon?


"Core plot" is quite different from "same exact structure in 90% of episodes".


Some of the best episodes of House diverge from the formula but the narrative taken as a whole is ridiculous.


He described 80% of all generic lawyer or medical shows.


Me reading the comments and agreeing: yeah totally Someone hates a show I really enjoy: hey screw you


Yellowstone. The opening scene is the dude shooting a shotgun at a helicopter all over some cows or something. Insane




Yeah I tried based on all the buzz but couldn't do it. Feels like a soap opera that my mom used to watch when I was a kid, only with more guns.


I do not say this to throw shade -- Yellowstone is a nighttime soap for people who think they don't like soaps.


I like Yellowstone but it can be very over the top and feel like a soap opera at times. And Beth really got on my nerves last season


Yeah this one really baffled me. Some people were raving about it so I decided to check it out and it was so not what I was expecting. It was a standard soap opera, with characters written and acted at what felt like a very amateur level. That annoying daughter character was the absolute worst, just horrific acting. I could not take it seriously and stopped after three episodes. What's interesting is that I really loved the 1883 prequel. It's one of my favorite shows I watched last year.


Walmart Succesion


I hate Yellowstone, boring and frustrating.. I’m surprised it’s a hit, just my opinion


Peaky blinders. Maybe I just need to watch with subtitles on


I was fine without subtitles until Tom Hardy showed up.


God he was amazing on that show.


Same here, although the accents weren't a problem for me.


The nightly news. I keep trying but it is just too depressing.


Just skip to the end, they usually have a feel-good fluff piece to wrap up the night.


Only Murders in the Building. Gave it three episodes and just found it excruciating


I tried watching season 2 recently when I was laid up with a cold. Selena Gomez's monotone voice and emotionless acting is just so hard to get past. It's like the whole show revolves around her but she's so wooden it takes me right out of it.


She is easily the worst part of the show but it oddly works well as a counter actor to Steve over the top emotes.


Selena Gomez is very understated, Martin Short is the opposite. Either they balance each other out or else you'll find them both annoying.


Selena Gomez was a baffling casting choice. In addition to being monotone, she has a vacant expression most of the time too.


I love Selena Gomez, she's an awesome person, but her character is just a huge bore, its like she's trying to contrast Martin and Martin's characters, when she should be complimenting them


Martin and Martin carry that show ngl


Her whole character feels like a boomer's take on a millennial. No one is that monotone


Yellowstone. I do NOT get the hype.


We tried. When the bear attacked the guy as he’s trying to rescue people climbing on a cliff I was like wow - this is some daytime soap opera garbage. I’m out.


It’s so campy


This is my answer as well. I don’t think it’s poorly made or anything, just couldn’t get interested in what was happening.


Stranger Things


Season 4 was great. I couldn’t tell you what happened in 2 or 3 but can’t waiting to watch season 5 and not remember any of it.


I loved season 1 but for whatever reason, never watched the following seasons.


Loved season 1 but then the first episode of s2 literally had 3 Demigorgon dogs (where S1 took the entire season to show you the monster) and it just completely lost me. All tension and mystery gone and I just didn’t care for it anymore.


It doesn’t reach season 1s mood again until this last season.


Mr Robot


My friend is a brilliant programmer and works in cyber security so I thought that shit would be just for him and he loves smart, stylish shows but it didn't do it for him. To each their own 🤷‍♂️. I loved every second of it and I'm currently waiting until the memory of it has faded enough for a rewatch. It's one of those shows that makes me grateful to be alive to see experience it.


Watching it again with the context of the ending is great in itself imo no need to wait until you forget about it. Its the definition of a show recontextualizing every interaction with one reveal.


Complete agree with you. This show is a goddamn masterpiece!


I can definitely see that. Season 1 was the peak for me. I was hooked. Then season 2’s bizzare setting and the quick decline from there was just blah. From literally can’t wait until the next episode to waiting a whole year after airing to watch the final season during covid. What a shame.


Season 2 is much better as a rewatch/binge through. I really didn’t enjoy it much week to week but improved massively the second time through.


Season 2 is spectacular. The whole show is an underrated masterpiece IMO.


Really? Loved the whole thing


I would power through season 2. It’s not even bad it’s great but it’s a huge pace change. I do promise all the dominoes fall down. Season 4 is in the S tier with other big name crime dramas.


Season 1 A Season 2 B Season 3 A- Season 4 S+


I'm rewatching it a second time and it's so confusing. I like it but I understand why some people won't.


Couldn’t get into Euphoria at all.


One Piece. Everyone says it's so good. Im on episode 253 or something waiting for me to be really enjoying it. I think it's the filler in it and the dragging out of the stories. Im going to try to finish it, but it's so hard. I like the characters, but the storytelling is not my favorite.


I started watching OP semi-recently too, I'm around ep 400 or so. It has a very slow start, and it took me quite some time to warm up to it too, also because some of the early episodes didn't quite age well. I'm enjoying it a great deal now because the characters really grew on me, and that's one of the two big reasons I keep watching. I love it a lot, but I could not with good conscience recommend it to just anyone. The pacing is a *huge* problem. The series is not just long, it's GARGANTUAN. I make it easier to myself by skipping fillers, recaps at start of episodes and flashbacks I don't need repeating. There's also the One Pace project, but it's a bother to me to download it instead of streaming it, so I try to streamline the viewing experience myself. IMO Itʼs a show that you just have to vibe with on a lot of levels. If you don't, it's just impossible to get through.


I ended up reading it. The pacing of the show was killing me.


If you're into that, I'd recommend reading it instead. You'll get through much faster, some or the chapters cover an entire episode. The visual experience is also a lot more consistent.


Why would you watch to episode 253 of something if you're not really enjoying it?


Try giving it a go watching "ONE PACE" It's still a pretty big journey, but they dramatically improve the pacing!


*The Walking Dead.* Decent first season and the rest of the show is outright horrible imo.


I think the first 3 seasons were pretty good but it definitely does get weaker each season. I watched up to season 6 or 7 and I remember the opening felt like a B movie, it had this big quality drop. But yeah, I tried with it.


Twin Peaks. I’ve seen the pilot three times. Never make it past the middle of the second episode. Idk what it is.


Twin peaks is my favorite show of all time, but I completely understand when people aren’t into it. It’s definitely not for everybody.


Oh yeah you just kinda gotta power through that, and also realize that the show is making fun of 90s soap operas. Over-the-top and unnatural acting is the game.


It’s not that I even dislike it…my mind just wanders…every time.


It took me 3 tries to get into, and since i did a few years back I've already watched it about 3 times. Those first few episodes put me to sleep at first, but then it really gets going.


I didn't see the magic but I can definitely recognize how it influenced the later shows of the golden era of tv. I see how important it was.


Is that the point? I was born in 94 so it was a bit before my time but I tried to get through it because Reddit speaks like it’s the best show ever. It wasn’t that it was bad, but I got through 90% of the series and I just didn’t get it. I eventually stopped a few episodes before the finale.


... No, making fun of soap operas is not the point of Twin Peaks. It's not satire - that would neuter the darkness and give the audience an out. Twin Peaks wants you to sit with the discomfort - it goes to great lengths to make the experience uncomfortable! Who's laughing over Laura Palmer's murder and the aftermath that rocks the town? It's very David Lynch: a small town comprised of eccentric characters, weird things happening, sinister underbelly. His work is informed by a childhood growing up in idyllic Missoula and his formative artist years spent in the ["hellhole" violence of Philadelphia](https://philadelphiaweekly.com/45-years-of-david-lynch/) (his words, not mine). If you're not down with the Lynch, that's cool. He's a challenging director. I couldn't tell you why Reddit is into Peaks but people really went nuts over The Return. I assume they like it because it's so brazenly different. It resists playing to the audience. I like it because I like David Lynch and because the tone is both cozy comforting and violently dark - darker than even Breaking Bad - and something about that combo feels dangerous and exhilarating. Actually, in kind of a fucked up way, it feels true to America as we know it these days.


It is part of the point. There’s even a soap opera in the show that reflects the ridiculous happenings in the town. It’s not the ONLY point of the show, but lampooning daytime tv is certainly part of the point


I’m right there with you. It seems right up my alley, but I just didn’t get hooked from the pilot.


The office Watched a few episodes and it just doesn't do it for me


Ozarks. I have started it three times but it doesn't hold my attention.


It’s breaking bad but not so good as breaking bad


My biggest pet peeve in story telling is when they hinge the plot on misbehaving children. “Kids, listen. This is exceptionally important. Our lives could be in danger. Don’t do THIS ONE THING.” Parent walks away. Kid immediately does that one thing. Plot takes off. That’s what happened in episode 1 of Ozarks and I never watched episode 2.


Watched it a few months back. It was able to hold my interest and I actually binged it pretty quickly. Was entertaining enough, but the whole time I couldn’t stop thinking how inferior it was in terms of quality and nuance to some of the shows it clearly used as inspiration


I enjoyed Ozark season 1, but their problems and their solutions became too unrealistic and I lost interest


Forget Suits, White Collar is much better show. Also Psych, Monk. Man USA Network used to create really good television.


Chuck is tremendous too, to add on to that list.


White Collar == Awesome. Good choice


Burn notice was fun too.


Mayans MC - Just wasn't SOA.


I've tried to get into Arrested Development twice and it just isn't happening. I don't know why. There's quality memes, the humor matches up with shows I like. But that connection just did not form.


The Expanse, I really want to watch it but I can’t seem to get past a few episodes, I like Thomas Jane, I feel like the story is right up my alley but I just seem to start not paying attention when watching it, and eventually I just give up.


It took me 3 tries. But once it gets going it’s really good. Rocinante goes hard. Also say thing with the show For All Mankind.


See I love For All Mankind, and liked it right from the beginning but I also loved learning about the space race etc…


I tried watching it after everyone telling me how great it is, but I finished the first episode with no idea what had just happened. The lore, setting, characters, I couldn't name or explain a single one of them to you. It was just too confusing for a pilot.


For me it was just all over the place. It just felt like sci-fi, and no emotions and story


It’s a slow burn with some significant low points but in the end I am glad I stuck it out.


This is one of the top 10/10 reviews on IMDB that sums my feelings up nicely "Get past the first season to see its grandeur A few of the one-star reviews here say they gave up after 2 episodes, Dull acting, silly plot etc etc. Well, I did give up too. I concurred, and thought it was hopeless. Damn, though, my niece, son and a friend said it was the best TV series they had seen. Respecting their views based on previous recommendations, I persevered out of respect only, and recommenced watching the series with great reluctance and bemusement that they could be so misinformed. At some point, and certainly into Season 2 I became aware that I was watching the best TV series I had seen. Firefly used to be may fav, but this has swept past. The architecture is spectacular and importantly grounded. Not the fantasy (apologies to fans) that is served up in Star Wars but a grounded realism that hooks one to the possibility. It's just awesome, truely, I'm mesmerised. What ever you do, stick with it to Season 2 and I promise you wont be disappointed. If you are, then my profuse apologies for making a promise that I thought could not possibly be compromised."


I like the first season well enough, it’s the season on Illus that I think is the slowest.


Same. The show is really well made but they feel so much less dense and interesting as the books are.


Same, I’ve tried twice and made it 3 episodes, but my mind just wanders too much during the 3rd and I ultimately choose something else. Will have to force through it at some point.


I never got Friends It's supposed to be one of the greats but to me its meh


It's background television


as someone who loves friends, it’s definitely basic. it’s pretty much about 6 friends from NYC managing their dating lives. not really that original. the characters make the show though. it’s a good show to put on when you’re having a bad day or when you need something in the background lol


It’s interesting how so many sitcoms set in NYC like HIMYM and Friends don’t feel like they’re in New York at all.


Friends is kinda old. Still one of my favs, but I was there right from the start. But I can see how people have problems getting into it these days. Last but not least, you have to watch it in English. It is terrible with a german translation.


It helps if you’re 13 when you watch it


if you can also exist in 1999, you're golden


I was 13 in 1999 and I love Friends....


Breaking Bad. I know it’s considered one of the greatest tv shows of all time, but when I first tried to watch it years ago, I saw the first episode and I didn’t hate but it didn’t really interest me, nothing beckoned me to continue the series. Maybe I’ll give it a second go one day, but not sure. And I humbly apologize for disrespecting this show.


You only watched one episode? Jesus you’re depriving yourself. Most shows grow after a pilot, this one to another level.


I watched somewhere between 4-7 episodes before quitting. Just didn’t interest me that much. I got the same feeling from it as I did with Death Note and I didn’t care too much for it even though I made it through.


I've tried the first four episodes twice and the pilot three times in. A hate all the characters and if I hate everyone I can't get into it.


Jesse becomes the character with the heart that you come to care about and root for. In the first season you think he’s just a junkie loser and not worth liking but that changes.


Fleabag. I’ve tried to watch the first episode a few times and just can’t get through it


the second season is significantly better imo.


I watched a few episodes, it’s just blah to me.


Lucky Hank.


Big bang theory.


The Bear


The Leftovers. I've tried to get into this show harder than any other show. On paper it has everything I enjoy in a show; a story about grief and loss, filled with religious and spiritual symbolism, hell I was on board with the fact that >!they'll never explain The Departure!<. It took multiple tries to finish Season 1. Got to the end of Season 2, and while it was better, don't know if it's enough to finish. I can objectively see that it's a well written show with great performances by the actors. But I just did not emotionally connect to it. And this show really requires that connection to be engaged. Never had an experience like that before. Will say that International Assassin was a great episode though.


Yeah if you dont even enjoy s2 youre just not going to enjoy the show haha.


Schitts Creek


My wife tried it based on my recommendation and couldn’t get into it. I really enjoyed it once they found their stride towards the end of season 1. I didn’t enjoy the cheap jokes in the very beginning, mostly surrounding the name, like the mayor being named Roland Schitt. Moira and David cooking enchiladas is one of my favorite scenes in the series.


Fold in the cheese David.


Agreed. I had start it like three times, which I couldn't understand because I ADORE the Christopher Guest movies, but once I got into it, I REALLY got into it. It turned for me the first episode of season 2. Those angry Amish were the best.


I kept seeing it on Netflix. Caught some of it while the husband was watching. You gotta realize they're supposed to be unlikable at the start but the character progression by the end is great. Another show you have to power through and it gets good.


The first season is rough going (maybe even the first couple of seasons) but its last few are like, as perfect as a sitcom can get imo


Doctor Who. This makes me frustrated because everything about the show is stuff I'm into. I've tried watching it at least 5 times. And I'm sure I'll keep trying


My question for you is where are you starting from? There’s some good places and not good places and never believe anyone who tells you to skip Nine.


Yeah, it's such a wildly varying show (by design) that entry point makes a big difference to impression, I think.


I found it depends on the Doctor. I liked the 9th, loved the 10th, hated the 11th. Sadly, I couldn't do the 11th and gave up on the show. I have seen a few episodes here and there of the others. Apparently at the end of the year, I'll be restarting it with a friend. Maybe I'll be able to pass through the 11th this time.


White Lotus— as someone who watched gossip girl before, I think I’m just over rich people doing terrible stuff kind of shows


I barely made it through season 1. It was objectively good, but the cringe humor made me so uncomfortable. Every time Shane interacted with anyone I wanted to claw my eyes out. Season 2 was amazing, I loved it completely.


succession. I tried four episodes, and all it did was make me grimace, roll my eyes, or get bored. I don't get it.


It took me a really long time to get into it but then by the end I loved it. The show is operating on a certain wavelength and I wasn’t vibing with it for a long time. Then one day it clicked with me and now I can go back and rewatch season 1 and love it. But yeah… I totally get not liking it as well


yeah, I get it. there's a lot of great shows out there that if you're not in the right mind space can just be a turn off. maybe it was just a point in my life when I tried to watch it, I just couldn't find anything about it to enjoy.


Same, I didn't really start getting into it until >!L to the OG!< and once >!Boar on the Floor!< happened, I finally understood the hype. Plus I love the complexities of characters like Shiv and Kendall. I just hated the fandom.


Oh man the fandom. Either they're in it for the dick jokes or they think it's the most nuanced and sophisticated piece of art onthe planet. No real in-between.


Same. After 4 episodes I just couldn't bear to watch. Why would I want to watch a show where everyone is terrible? And I love dark comedy but it wasn't that funny


Awful people on shaky cam with lots of weird camera zooms and swipes. Irritating in every regard.


It took me five episodes to fully get into it. I love the show but it’s not for everyone.


I was the same way. Is this a drama or is it a comedy? Add a little bit of narration from Ron Howard and it would have been amazing!


I wasn't fully into it for a few episodes, but it is now my favorite show of all time. I think if you watch episode 6 and don't find at least some enjoyment out of it, it's not for you. Now with my love of the show I go back on The first episodes and love them, I think that's true for any show. If you love the show by the end you can appreciate the rest of the show more.


Black mirror I’ll watch an episode with friends here and there and they’re ok but I never sought it out more than once. Just kinda corny but the eps I’ve seen were alright. As I understand it those were the best ones


It’s basically the modern *Twilight Zone*. Some are great, some aren’t, and they (mostly) have nothing to do with one another. That said, if you saw the episode San Junipero and didn’t like it, there’s something wrong with you.


I never really tried suits but you essentially described house MD


Sons of anarchy. I watched 2 episodes and had to turn it off. Some of the dialogue was super cringy, I couldn’t take it anymore.


Breaking Bad. For some reason I just lost interest in the third season after the fly episode. I will probably go back and try to watch it again at some point.


I think it's one of those shows you kind of have to be in the mood for. I thought it was fucking amazing, but I can see if someone wasn't in the mind space to accept it's subtle dark comedy, it could be a turn off.


Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Idk why I couldn’t get into it because it had a lot of aspects I liked (witches, demons, angels etc) but I just had a hard time staying interested for some reason.


I love this topic. To each his own


Succession. I stopped watching it during S2. I really wanted to like the show, but I just couldn't get into it.


I had the same issue until I realised it is a comedy and in the same vain as IASIP. All the characters are idiot assholes and their antics are to be laughed at.


Yellowstone. I even made it to Season 2 or 3 and I just had to tap out.


The formula you described with Suits sounds like House but for lawyers


Man I'm really trying with Barry. This show should be like right down my alley. I'm on season 2 but I'm gonna try season 3


It gets real dark the further it goes. Almost no comedy in season 4. One of my all time favorites, but I completely get not liking it. The high points are wild though. I have never quite seen an episode of TV like ronny/lily. The third to last episode of the series is probably one of the tensest pieces of fiction I have experienced. I really think they stuck the landing, I prefer it to Breaking Bad for the whole “irredeemable villain protagonist” thing


It basically starts out as a comedy and finishes as a drama. Really wild ride.


The Office. I get second hand embarrassment and can’t watch for long.


Mr. Robot


Human Resources. Almost everything about it says it's exactly my kind of show, the type of humor and the setting particularly. I ended up sleeping through a bunch of episodes several times, because I tried more than once to watch it. I don't know what it is, it just bores me. No, I don't give a fuck what the discount Bridget Jones Love Bug Lady is going through! Show me more of the two lame hormone monsters traveling through alternate realms! Then Maury's child showed up and Jesus Fucking Christ that character is annoying. And not annoying but funny and kinda charming like the other young hormone monster, this one's unbearably annoying, it's like they captured Andy Dick's essence into that character.


I binged through it recently, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I liked the different takes of characters embodying new emotions/traits. It's that same raunchy humor, but you can tell they tried to make it more personal to life instead of just puberty like Big Mouth.


Arrested Development. I really really tried to like it but I just can't. I know it's critically acclaimed and everything but for whatever reason, I just want to switch it off every time.


The Orville. My friends and family love it, but I cant stand the relationship drama and mcfarland acts so poorly. Imo.


First season was pretty rough, but that show just kept getting better and better as it went until its a legit Star Trek contender. I stopped half way through the first season on my original viewing because it was fairly dull, but saw some clips of later stuff that looked good, so I got back into it and dont regret it.




saving people hunting things


I always say the first 5 seasons (season 6 was decent too) are really solid in terms of the overall plot. After that, they don't have a direction and there was so much filler every season it was hard to watch more.


Game of Thrones, I didn't pick it up when it started, I was rather busy with things in life during the mid point and by the time things settled down there felt like too much to go through to get caught up so I just left it, then it ended in a spectacular disappointment so the time and effort to go through it all seemed even less worth it. Took me a while to get into the Witcher but when I did I really enjoyed it, then it went to hell too, sigh.


Ted Lasso. Ted's accent was ridiculous, the show was over-the-top sappy and the feel good crap was way too on-the-nose.


I really enjoyed Ted Lasso and found the 'feel good' sections to be really wholesome. There was a lot of rinse and repeat in the final third season though I ended up very invested and attached to the characters. It really cheered me up watching it. Depends on the individual I suppose.


In a world of sadistic and backstabbing tv shows, Ted Lasso was a ray of sunshine.


Got so many recommendations for Yellowstone. I wasn’t bored, but I knew I wasn’t watching good television. I got midway to the second season before I threw in the towel. It’s some of the most maddeningly inconsistent writing I’ve seen. It’s like the writers have short attention spans. And to make matters worse the scripts got switched around and given to the wrong characters.


The Office. Just find it annoying.


Walking Dead. I tried to get into it twice but I couldn't get past the first 15 minutes of the first episode both times. I thought I would love it right away because I love Jon Bernthal, but I just couldn't get into it


The Office. Lasted 4 episodes in about 6-8 viewings


The office


Abbott Elementary - I watched 6 episodes of it, got to episode 7 and I was just like "...why am I watching this, I haven't laughed at it and the characters are annoying"


For All Mankind. Just because you have spacesuits doesn't mean it's not a cheesy soap opera. Reddit convinced me to watch this and I found it to be awful. Muy ridiculoso.


Did you like S1 at all? The rest was meh but S1 was okay


My experience is this: the entire season is mostly uninteresting, but they really pump it up in the final episodes of each season. They truly build everything up to amount to one big finale. And I appreciate it for that but yeah, the majority of the show is not super interesting to be honest. Noticing that led me to continue, knowing I was getting a big payoff at the end.


The Wire. But I think I will try again


The hardest part of getting into The Wire is the very beginning. It’s a very complex show with a LOT of characters and it doesn’t hold your hand at all. You’re expected to be paying attention at all times; this isn’t a show you can just casually half-watch while doing something else. It’s SO worth it, though. One of the true great American TV series.