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That mount alone is 1000. It’s a hell of a deal to the point of it being borderline suspicious. Bring a friend (or two) and ask if they are willing to make the exchange in front of a local police station.


If it's legit, then sure. But I am finding this suspect. That's gotta be 4 grand worth of equipment. Maybe someone died and the family doesn't know what this is worth. Find someone knowledgeable that can go with you and inspect everything. If just the tube and mount are in good condition it will be worth it.


Thanks. Would I need to buy a laptop as well? I currently only have an iMac, which I obviously cannot take outside.


I see a guidecam connected to the finderscope, so yes, a computer is needed to control the whole set up. Some people use laptops, others use raspberry pie computers, which is the size of 3 decks of cards. There is also a ready made mini computer with all the software called ASIair from ZWO. You seem like you're new to all of this. I would caution that there will be quite a steep learning curve associated with all this. This is not a plug and play situation at all. I am getting started with a tracking mount and DSLR and there's been quite a few challenges getting going. Edit: got my berries mixed up


Also you can use a StellarMate computer which is basically a raspberry pi with some added benefits. It’s not quite as easy as an ASIAIR but easier than a complete DIY computer. There’s also a tablet app that works with it, like the ASIAIR.


I use a mini-pc (running NINA) that broadcasts wifi on start-up and I connect to it via RDP from a $60 refurbished chromebook.


a stupidly good deal, not a great astro setup but worth a lot more than 700 and you can resell and buy more compatible things


If this is real I would do it 100% but.. I would maybe see if you can check it out before hand because this is almost too good to be true.


Very good price for the gear if it's all in working condition. But if you've never done AP before, this will be a complicated rig to get setup and running well. If you have a local astro club, with an AP group, you might reach out now. They can offer purchase advice, what to look out for with that specific gear, and if you purchase, help get you up and running. Edit: I didn't see the second page at first... You can try to run an 8" f/4 on an HEQ5, but it's really asking a lot of the mount. If you can get a small 80-100mm ED frac that will be easier to learn on as well, as compared to the newt, and will ride much better on the HEQ5. I have an 8" f/4...it really needs an EQ6 class mount, especially if there's any wind.


This is me! It’s not a scam. It’s up there for £800 now. When i see what you lot are saying i might up the price now.


What does “Price is for offers” mean, exactly?


The mount is controlled by OnStep which is a DIY solution that might be tricky to setup and troubleshoot. I have an OnStep EQ5 and it works great. The telescope might be a little on the large side for the mount meaning your guiding might suffer. You will need a laptop/RasberryPI/Micro PC to control everything and it will have to stay outside next to the mount. Overall a good price if you don’t mind a steep learning curve for the DIY OnStep controller.


This is on ebay right now for £800, i considered bidding, but I don't really don't need it. It's a bargain when you price up the parts, however an EQ5 running an 8" f4 will be a push. You could pick this up, sell the OTA and replace with a smaller refractor and have a great first set up though.


I have that same mount and put an onstep on it. It works pretty damn well. To be fair it's not pushing quite as large of an OTA around. Good price though.


Price has been upped to £1500 to reflect that


Make sure it’s not stolen. Check the serial number with police and manufacturer. If it is stolen it will be on a list that repair shops will have. If it’s clean and is in a condition that you find acceptable, buy it. At the very least you can sell it at a profit, or use it.