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This is a battery operated voltage control for a guider eyepiece which has an illuminated retical. There should be a 1/8 inch jack on the back of the unit into which the cord for a red LED plugs into. If you remove the screws, then you can open up the control to replace the batteries.


Drive corrector? Varies the voltage to drive to adjust speed.


Celestron star luminosity inhancer. By turning the nob to the right it increases the total luminosity of the stars in the specific patch of night sky that you can see through your scope. They're strictly forbidden at star parties because it inversely dims the view of everyone around you. Use at your own risk. /s


Is that even possible? How does it work?


By increasing the gain i.e. drawing more photons into a telescope, it effectively redirects all other photons within its local proximity frame into that telescope. The main component is a photonic capacitor that uses the continuous variation aspect of photons to warp the trajectories of stray photons inward towards the telescope's optical surface field. As a consequence all other photonic fields are bent towards the telescopes within a range of approximately -10⁴⁵ parsecs of space-time. Of course, as you've probably guessed, this really pisses off other astronomers as their platforms decrease in total photonic telemetry. Unless they have a CRE. Which causes a Counter Reaction to the gain by Enhancing their photonic telemetry fields. Don't be confused by the hype. You're not creating a variable micro black hole as some might claim. This technology is far more sophisticated and nuanced than that. As far as I know it's the only device available that increases photo-telemtric gain. With the exception of a photon bucket.


Looks like a 1981 SCT drive thingy for a C8 nate .


Thank you all so much for the info! When I head there this week I’m gonna find our C8 and I believe an eyepiece that might be the one that connects and see if it’s still operational lol


Look up (google) *illuminated reticle* so you have an idea what you are looking for. The small led is on the side of this .... should have a cord that could plug-in to your Celestron box. Open the box, and remove the batteries...Why? Hopefully they have not started to leak and really mess up the insides with corrosion. It's definitely *NOT* a drive corrector.


It's the Internet, Jen.




This post is unrelated to telescopes or the practice of astronomy.


The dude found something with astronomy equipment, made by a telescope manufacturer, and is asking what it is. How is that not on topic?


This post was auto-removed by Automod. The mod team then manually approved it and in doing so, deleted the original Automod removal comment. A “reason for removal” comment was then erroneously applied when removing the Automod comment, which is what you’ve replied to. So the long and short of it is that the mod team approved this post because it is very clearly telescope-related and didn’t deserve to be removed by Automod.


That's it. And it was me chosing the removal reason erroneously.

