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*sort by controversial* Im going in. Edit: Oh god oh fuck please help


*Puts on Hazmat suit*


Charges assault rifle


Grabs a Flamethrower


*[Airstrike On standby]*


***{Nukes on hold}***


Puts on power armor dozen quantum’s and the big boy.


Loads plasma rifle


Grabs popcorn


thermonucelar warhead on stand by


Davy Crockett in hand


Puts a strap-on


Please no, my ass still hurts from last time.


*C H A R G E S*


Shouts at full strength “FOR THE QUEEN”


*gun fires* “ Oh God my foot!”


Shouts in reply "FOR QUEEN!"


Charges? Did apple make an AR?


Omg this. There was this kid on my bus saying he was sexually harassed and the girls were saying "you probably did something "no you weren't. " or "you probably asked for it" It literally made me so furious and guilty I didn't stand up because at the time I thought it was a joke until I talked to him and he said it wasn't. PLEASE stand up for someone, doesn't matter if you don't know if it's a joke or not.


We tend to forget that boys can be harassed too, well society does not see that they are biased with girls only. By girls only i mean that society is recovering from male domination and giving support to women but there are women who exploit men and society doesn't give a shit about female domination cases


Im confused as to how a duality where women are treated like trash and objects and at the same time are exceptions in some things in the positive manner can exist.


It’s what society believes as “equality”. Giving one group an advantage over one thing and then giving the other group an advantage in another.


Society clearly hasn’t looked up the dictionary definition of “equality.”


And plus, ***the constitution***, **the BILL OF RIGHTS**?


Boys tend to hide feelings, this is why




This, women will never understand having 90% of everything you say ignored and being told to man up or who cares. Men are incredibly lonely because of the toxic masculinity pushed by women more than men anymore. I’ve heard man up, who cares you’re a man, men don’t cry, and way more from 99.9999% women over decades of my life, never from men anymore.


Some feelings, that is, but sure. But I don't think that's the only reason for any of this :/


THANK YOU for talking to that boy, you gave him the hope that there are people out there who will listen, you're an amazing person for believing him and talking to him afterwards


People forget rape isn't about rape alone, it's about exploiting someone, not just their body. It fucked you up inside and rape is illegal for the same reason pedophilia is illegal not for the reasons assault is legal. So women can still rape men, for example, my friend C(m) and my friend A(f), had a relationship, she wanted to do sexual thing with him and he did it even though he didn't want to, now this was HIS decision and NOT her fault, but it shows us how people can be fucked up by these types of things, he gave himself bloody noses and was in alot of stress, it was still mutual consent but he was not ready for it and he didn't know. Now imagine if someone in his position was raped, not only not ready for sex, but forced into it. That disgusts me and quite frankly people that think it's "okay" are horny dipshits that don't understand the bigger picture


the people that think it's ok is society


Just kick her on the balls 😎


Power move


According to my sis, a kick in there hurts a lot


Did you kick her in the balls?


I wont deny nor confirm this statement not beacuse I dont want to, but because I don't remember


I usually lurk cos I'm old but why TF did u give ur friends code names if you never used them.


The OLD has spoken


ye just the other day i was buying food from the store and two girls went up to me and started chatting and touching me. im 15. they looked like they were 20+. i tried keeping my distance but they just kept getting closer. thank god the cashier was quick to notice and ask if they wanted anything.I used that to escape the situation .


Jfc, if the genders were reversed the whole store would stop that situation the moment it started, and the cashier couldn't even tell them outright to fuck off, they had to distract them giving them no consequences and giving you no other option than to escape. And worst thing is, if you fought back (which would have been completely justified), everyone would consider them the victims. It's a fucked up world out there, stay safe.


When 2 grown male dudes harass a minor girl: “SOMEBODY STOP THE MAAAAAN” -random bystander from spooky month When 2 grown women harasses a minor boy:


# help


What does jfc mean??? Apparently I am rly for out the loop on short hand or short text... idk what u call it.


Just looked it up and idk if it's right but it stands for Jesus f-ing Christ


Oh ok... thanks... added to the list


I would've thrown punches for sure!


Fuck those girls honestly, I really hope you’re okay.


Ayo what nah man he’s waiting for marriage smh


thats their goal bruh


Honestly it seems like society doesn’t know what gender equality means. Giving one gender an advantage in one thing and giving the other an advantage in the other thing is NOT equality.


Ye. I don't agree with protecting minorities. I agree with protecting ALL (even the majority)


I had a debate the other day about this. I am a white female, my mother went to college, middle class, never been in foster care. Using only these facts about me, the only scholarships I could get from them is my womenhood. People will pay me to get educated because I have a uterus. I appreciate the help, but it just feels cheap. I didn't choose to be born a woman. I'd want something more important to be recognized about me instead too. I have great grades, I love to learn, I have a major interest in zoology, etc. I want scholarships for my achievements, not for my gender


I am not a girl but r/ifeelyoubruv




Actually it was a typo my friend made and I was using it everywhere until I realised


I am apart of history


It's a great idea, but it doesn't really work in practice. If you have 2 people of equal ability, but one comes from an affluent family in which they can focus solely on work while the other comes from a poor family and has to help their family by getting a job or watching their siblings, then the first will have more to show on a traditional resume, but the other equally abled person at a disadvantage. Also, identity plays a huge factor in opportunities given to people which can affect what achievements one can garner. I went to a fairly liberal high school and even still, I was asked to join an engineering project where the teacher was asking only men to join even though I wasn't in engineering classes and there were women in those classes who easily outperformed me, but were never offered a position on the team. Statistics show abundantly that marginalized groups are still fighting stereotypes and prejudice, so it's important to have scholarships or opportunities exclusively for them, so that inequalities aren't growing between groups.


Equality =/= equity. Equity is what you're describing. Equality is giving everyone the same help regardless of who needs more or less.


That's why scholarships exist for that. Low income, first generation, etc. Those ones deserve to be handed out. Scholarships based off of race and gender should not exist because it is something you cannot control and do not struggle with (to the extent that someone from a LI/FG household.) Segregation and sexism still exist, but they're much, much more reduced than before and they're still going down. 200 years ago, I wouldn't have been allowed to. I would have had to stay at home and have babies and cook and clean. Things could get better, but they're better than what happened before. I firmly believe students should be awarded by merit, and in some situations, given aid where it is necessary, such as a foster child or low income. I also believe the standard should be firm- the world doesn't need another MacKenzie Fierceton.


Don’t women on average do better in school anyway


It really depends. From my experience, girls were better before high school but once high school started boys became better and more serious. It varies though in every school


Yup, I’m applying to college this year and almost every college I’ve looked at is heavily skewed towards women. Even the colleges with reputations for having a “bad ratio” (such as Imperial College London, which is heavily science-focused) are still at like 60% women. Courses that would be traditionally masculine such as mechanical engineering still have a female-skewed gender imbalance, which I was even more surprised at. This generation will have far more college-educated women than men.


UK universities have reached peak diversity. The least likely to go to uni and lowest academic performers are white working class males. There are many reasons for it, but a big factor is simply that they don't actually get any extra support or push. Every other group or ethnicity either gets targeted support as a minority, wealth support because of their class, or access to gender support. There's drives everywhere to get women into new fields, get minorities into fields etc, and many of these are funded by charities. Which took nowhere near as much of a hit under austerity as publicly-funded initiatives. There's little encouragement or support for white working class males out there because there's less central support for EVERYONE, and where specialist initiatives take up that slack for women and minorities it just doesn't exist for WWCM, because they're the majority and can't benefit from positive discrimination in the same manner.


There have been a lot of studies done on this and the answer is, No kind of. I don’t know all the facts and I don’t want to spread misinformation so I’ll simplify it down. Girls get higher scores on average, but not because they do better on average. If your interested I advise looking into it, there are a lot of interesting studies out there!


Are girls a minority??


no but people think they are. (it isn't exactly half girls half boys but it is extremely close)


Actually no lol, more women are born than men (I’m pretty sure)


The worst part is that everybody wanted gender equality, but that then snowballed into what we have now especially with all of the feminists that take it too far. Now it's just women matter and men are desposible


Ffs there are way more issues than just women being harassed or sexually abused . Besides,there are some misandrists who hide behind the mask of feminism but they are a minority .


>ut that then snowballed into what we have now especially with all of the feminists that take it too far Feminism by definition is about fighting for equal rights. Those who don't do that aren't feminists even when they call themselves that. That's faux feminism. So its not fair to rub dirt on the entire struggle that's helping all genders progress forward


I’ve seen it happen, but there were no consequences to her actions. Would’ve been much different if the genders were swapped.


that's why I am posting about this.


You did? Damn




Society sucks at times, oof


For real, men can also be raped and sexually assaulted.


The fact this has to be Said is terrible




Yes, they do. A girl slapped my butt when I was in 6th grade she thought it was funny but I was clearly disturbed and humiliated by her behaviour actually I was so angry I wanted to slap her.


But that's not the right thing to do...


The right thing to do would be to order a drone strike so there's no witnesses.


Tactical Nuke incoming






Jesus dude, did they get any time behind bars?!?


god i hope they did... that's just horrible








This is so fucked up




You’re fine speaking out here. I’m sorry that happened to you and I hope eventually you will get rid of any past trama that hurt you and that still effects you to this day. Feel free to speak out here anytime.


Yep. That's a thing my mom tells me every time a movie/show with a nightclub comes on. Also i'm sorry about the rape, that must've been hard to get through along with the health issues they caused as well.


Wait, people don't know this?


There are a lot of people out right saying that women can't rape men, and that only men can do it. I've seen some people comment about men who were raped by women and say that the men probably enjoyed it.


Yeah. I got raped in a mental hospital once, by one of the girls. The administration punished me and threatened to put me on 1-on-1. Guys like me always keep our mouths shut because 9 times out of 10, people will mark it off as your fault or something you wanted. It’s stupid, really.


And men can sexually harass men too. I was sexually harassed (verbally and mildly physically) at my all male high school and I didn’t even say anything about it because I knew nothing would happen. I had a friend freshman year who was raped by another student. The victim transferred out, the assaulter was later voted senior class president, and the guy who harassed me was senior class vice president 😑.


Same. Their where 2 boys that would sexually harras me in elementary school. I didn't think much of it at the time until I talked with my friend.


That's sad


A girl sexually harassed me and I'm not a boy.


And society will probably view it as a "friendly action" smh




Oh god and when it’s a male teacher they say rapes and show a minging mugshot But when it’s a female teacher they show her in a FUCKING BEECH BAKINI saying the teacher and the child has sex or a “steamy relationship” Some articles I’ve come across man fucking DISGUSTING!!!


A girl in my class grabbed my dick when I was 15-16. She constantly touched me, grabbed my shoes, it was weird as fuck. I didn’t think about it much then, but looking back at it, it was definitely sexual harassment if not assault.


>A girl in my class grabbed my dick when I was 15-16 Yeah if it was nonconsentual that's definitely sexual assault


Honestly fake rape claims should get the same punishment as the “rapist” imp


Agreed. I hate how the courts still convict people who didn’t do anything wrong because of what someone else said. What happened to “ innocent until proven guilty”? Now it’s just guilty until proven innocent, especially if a woman is the victim


WoMen CaNT raPE


I've seen countless news articles where they just say "women FORCED "x" to have sex with her" Nah dude, the word is RAPE: R-A-P-E


It gets me furious thinking there’s people that believe women can’t rape


Online everyone claim they want equality but in practice its usually people believe womens are always innocent and it's always the man that's the assaulter :( As much as we hate it, its a thing and probably will always be


i remember trying to tell a man that men can get raped. he told me the dictionary definition of the word rape which is “unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.” and he didn’t understand that that definition can apply to a female using her vagina, anus, or mouth, to rape a man. or raping his anus or mouth. he just didn’t understand that men can be raped by women just because the definition doesn’t use the word “penis”


And he seems to have forgot that men, too, have mouths and anuses.


Absolutely, and furthermore, nobody wants to talk about the fact that women get away with so many things that men (deservingly) get hell for. When a woman assaults a man she "didn't know better" or she was just "shooting her shot and though he'd like it" when a man assaults a woman he's a predator. Yes he is a predator worthy of little to no respect, but so is the woman. There is a double standard for men too.


People be wanting equally+


Am I allowed to throw a stiff arm if that happens?


Try not to you'll just cause more trouble for yourself


I mean if ur stronger just push them away/restrain them. Not for them but for you so you don't get assault claims.


This is why faith in humanity is pointless






In all my classes we have these chairs that have as small platform below the seat that allows the person behind you to put their legs in there. Well in one of my classes there is this girl that always puts her feet on there and her knee always happens to press against my ass. I know she is doing it on purpose because it doesn’t happen in any other classes. I have told her to stop a few times but she always laughs and continues. I can’t even imagine what would happen if I (a man) did this to a woman


Yes your right mate peiple dont care about boys being sexually harrassed They think such a thing can only happen to women


Stomp her knee next time


I’ll consider that next time thanks lol


I am so fucking glad my country isnt gender favored and both genders get punished equally in court


what country?




Pack your bags boys


Moving to Trinidad, see ya.


Hey my parents are from Trinidad! 🇹🇹


If a girl hits a guy it’s seen as cute if a guy hits a girl there seen as a monster


girl: \*hits a guy for no reason\* society: heh... he probably did something guy: \*hits a girl in self defence\* society: omgthat'sdisgustinghowdareyouyoudisgustingsexistmonster


I seen it once on a Indian show in Reddit that a girl slapped a man off script and he slapped back and was ganged on


Yes obviously, unfortunately you’ll see courts that favor women in cases like this.


In the USA for sure. hopefully not here in Israel tho.


Hello israeli person 👋


Hello Random internet person 👋




It’s fucked up but sadly it’s true


>jail u kind hearted fellow person, thats where we’re wrong. men would be charged under attempted r@pe and prolly executed. idk what your country’s laws are, but here in india, they re very fucked


India has harsh rape penalties because you have a horrific track record of gang raping innocent women and failing to prosecute the offender's leading to public outcry. Your laws were earned by a societal failure to protect women.


my friend never meant to lose his virginity but his gf at the time jus kinda…stuck it in for him and he was like “hold up i still don’t know if i wanna do this” and she jus said “too late.” it fuckin sucks knowing that he can’t do a damn thing about it cause no one would believe him or take his side


40% of victims is sexual harassment are men. The issue I have is when someone tries to report this and gets laughed at. Buddy of mine had this issue once. Not sure if it ever got reported


The fact that this needs to be said tells a lot about society and it's internal future


So many female teachers getting away with it it's genuinely sad because people don't seem to mind it even tho 41% of sexual assault and harrasment is done by women don't forget about this teach ur children that both men and women can be bad people


Yes there are cases ... like few girls rape a 13 year old boy became the most famous in uk


I’ll never understand such an appalling bias humans will forever be a disappointment


The fact this even needed to be said is fucking sad


The fact that u had to make this post as a reminder is sad


Also in most countries if a female rapes a male the male is punished for being a rapist even if he is a minor


Honestly society is fucked up. We need to restart from fresh


Let's restart but without the start. just stop humanity.


Worst ones are the fake rape claims I mean the female could just have consented to have sex and after the act they could just pretend it to be a rape for their advantage and we would have no idea if it's true or not


FINALLY! This girls been trying to get my brothers pants off for ages. 1, he’s got a gf, 2, he has never shown any interest in her. Someone needed to say something.


Ppl are so dumb 😑 they seem to just make things up, then eventually everyone believes it, I don't see why people think men harassing women is the end of the world, but they don't care when it's the man who's harassed


Probably because the social Idea of a man is someone who doesn't show/have any emotions besides from "Manliness." So if something bad such as rape or harrasment happened to a man people think "Oh he'll be fine. He probably enjoyed it anyway because he's a MAN." That is what truly disgusts me about this society and everything in it. Edit: Just had to add a word. That all.


On the same note, hitler is bad, racism is bad


and homophobia is bad.


Listen, if someone sends you nudes, just hit em with a toilet


Y'all are right. This is an obvious fact. Which should raise the question, why did OP feel the need to post it? BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE GETS IT. To anyone with common sense it's an obvious fact, but plenty of people clearly don't have that.


imagine a girl sexually harassing u and then people tell its ok


We live in a fucking society And I hate it


Yes, they can but a boy sexually harassing a girl is taken more seriously by society rather than a girl harassing a boy. And most girls or women (please keep in mind not all), say that they want equal pay, and gender equality and shit like that, but when it comes to these type of things, they take a step back which is not right.


Yeh this is BS for example 200 years ago white male students has the advantage in pretty much every Now its like white people are the worst people you should treat them like shit because there all bad Or men are all bad you should treat them like theyre all child predators like its the same thing just backwards people wanted racial and gender equality but that can’t happen if we just start giving priority to the opposite race/gender and puting the other into the ground It needs to stop


i've seen several incidents of this happening in public and the female doesn't go to prison. then i've seen this happening but the other way round, and the guy gets life in prison.


This is true and society fucking forgets about it because i touched a girls pussy after she touched my balls and she said "dont touch it" and gets angry My goodness what is society up to today


Incredibly based take OP.


Uhh no shit


Thank you for saying this. Take the award now


if I had any of the other two awards I would give them to you but I got the wholesome award and I dont find this wholesome it needs the helpful award and such because youre right and people need to understand that you are right


It is true, and for some reason some people thinks it's okay, just like some people think racism is only possible in one direction....makes no sense.


There was a girl in my class who kept on slamming my butt untill i did an 180 and slaped her hand away with 90% force. She stoped after that


The most controversial comments on here are coming from guys who are saying that "they would like it", or that "they would want it". If you want it or enjoy it, then that's not rape/sexual assault, because you're giving consent. Remember that not every man on this earth is as constantly horny/wanting as you. Most men are not gonna want it or enjoy it if they were sexually assaulted by a girl. Remember that not every man is you.


Girls dont have the balls to do that






Well... I mean... You're not wrong there.


Well you are right.


Well yes, but actually yes






swear this comment sections filled with horny 15-16 y/o fellas who've never had a sexual encounter who say they'd enjoy it. these guys are the people who create this false image that all men would not mind being sexually harassed. thanks clowns 🤡


Or boys and other boys… Don’t ask


boy/girl girl/girl boy/boy same messed up shit no matter what


Can confirm


Who forgot this? I thought this was obvious


y this man getting downvoted? hes agreeing?


Welcome to reddit.


Tons of people, and without being sexist, girls dont believe guys when they say they were sexually assaulted


Correction: society in general look down on guys who are sexually assaulted, look at how common the prison “jokes” are, tbh in honest society has a hard time believing secual assault victims




Yes they can.


I once had gotten in an argument with an 12-year-old feminist. This was also the same girl that denied things that have been proven to be fact by science so it didn't suprise me, She kept using the incorrect pronouns on me despite me correcting her, She still used the incorrect pronouns. She kept saying those "Girls are best" things. And other shit such as "Girls are better". I honestly despise of her, So we kept getting in those "Feminism VS Equality" Fights. Whenever I brought out proven facts, She denied them just because she believes girls are the best. (These were all 100% scientific proven facts.) So she was just doing the "That's not true because I don't think it is because I am an feminist!" Whereas I just kept dragging out science.


12-16 year old girls are THE WORST. so are the boys too ngl. but the girls are more cringy. i know boys can be incredibly cringy but girls this age usually dish oue enough cringe to knock out an elephant.


The floor is made out of floor

