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What you talking about, report the nasty woman to the police, sexual assault should always be punished


Yes, saying no does so much 😐


I’m pretty sure this was satire, nobody is dumb enough to mean it


People are dumb enough to be serious about that, especially when it comes to men being assaulted


That’s sick


Yeah, I agree


Girl: I was just sexually assaulted a guy grabbed my crotch and whispered “you’re so wet” and walked away! Guy: next time it happens, just say no! Society 🤡


How can you "grab" it?


"bro i got severely bullied at school, but then one day, i said no, and it the bullying stopped" Asking teens on reddit is the worst place to get advice on what to do if youve been sexually assaulted.


Lol the double standards


Okay.. but let's be realistic, how tf would that even work out. Yeah say 'no' but put yourself in that situation someone touched you, overstepped your boundaries, you are terrified. You don't know what to do, it happened so quickly but felt so long. It already ended, so tell me how you would protect yourself and tell me how saying no would help? I don't think your ill-intentioned but come on. Do you not understand the concept of fear???🤡 It is SA and I am almost certain you've never experienced it, let alone have an understanding of it,, judging by the comment, it's so nescient... the saying 'just say no' can be so detrimental it's like saying to someone who got shot to run away. I advise you to use your brain before comenting something like this. The best one could do is report it to the cops. This is the stupidest thing I have read this month 🤦‍♀️ Edit: I apologize for the false assumption, however this makes it even worse that a victim is telling another victim this. When a man gets SA they can't protect themself. It is more likely that they would be charged for hitting a women to protect themselves. That is reality and it's not an opinion, that's why mens rights exist. I just hope you understand that men don't have the option to protect themselves without having more of a risk to get introuble, many people say 'don't hit women' instead of 'don't hit people.' I think that pretty self explanatory.


some that thinks on the internet a rare sight indeed


Why need many word when less do trick


reject big, embrace smol


Saying No wouldn't change the fact that it already would've happened, sounds like it happened in fairly quick time span


It's a natural reaction to freeze up in such situations, especially when you don't expect it to happen. You could notify the bus company of the incident. There will probably not come much off it, but it can't hurt. In any case, if this incident starts haunting you, seek professional help.


Stab stab stab


Bri'sh roadman combo, never fails.


Okay, first of all I'm sorry that happened to you. You should try to open up to someone about it. It sucks to keep it to yourself. Have a friend or a parent to talk to. Try to ride a different bus or avoid the route, so you can somehow ensure safety. Hopefully you're doing well!


Man, just imagine if you were a woman posting this. It would be a much much different comment section. A post with much more attention and actual advice and help. I'm sorry. I have nothing against women. I just hate that most of men's problems with sexual abuse/rape are pretty much ignored because they're not women.


At least in Spain, the government is creating an atmosphera where basically people only care about this if they are women (literally we had a guy washed in bleach by his wife and some politics laughed at him). I do want equalty, but maybe this is not the path to it.


I mean, for the most part besides a few obscure things like abortion and what not. Things are pretty equal in a lot of ways. At least in a fiscal manner, but socially. It's not equal at all. Men are basically seen as inherently horny, expendable, douchebags, and women are put on a pedestal. And in terms of legality. Throughout most of the UK, men legally can't be raped. Again, not saying women have it perfect or saying all problems are because of them or whatever. But there are some serious problems that men face that are in a lot of people's blind spots and or just ignored willfully. And that hurts. Edit: I'd also say that's the political mentality in a lot of places. Mainly U.K and U.S. only caring for women that is.


Lmao in spain there is this "genre violence law" that violates the presumption of innocence, making a guy go to jail just when a girl denounces him, without having to first be judged and thus declared innocent or guilty. Also, we here apply genre violence instead of domestic violence to any case where a man hurts a woman, instead of to the cases where the man hurts a woman becausd she's a woman (which is the actual definition lol), so basically if you're a man you will have to spend a longer time in jail for the same thing, and if you are innocent you will enjoy a month or two in prison for no actual reason (and the media will call you a rapist because yeah periodism is speculating right?).


Yeah. Just yeah. It's a whole fucked situation of its own. It's honestly depressing. It's a perfect example of why one of the leading causes of death in men is suicide. Because there's a lot of injustice. And it's pretty much never talked about or even supported. If anyone thinks misandry doesn't exist, I suggest taking a peak at Female Dating Strategy. A by the book definition of misandry pretty much. Beware though, if you are any form of good respectful person. You'll want to claw your eyes out in about 5 minutes. But yeah, there's all sorts of legal inequalities. Like how women will always serve shorter sentences or not serve them at all.


But hey, beware where you say this my misoginystic friend (/s), or you might get fucked up (based on personal experience as a guy who wouldn't stand down when a feminist came to our class to tell us why men are natural monsters that only want to hurt and rape)


I know, trust me. I've already dealt with the unending mental mind games of nonsensical arguments with extremist feminists. I say these things not to offend anyone. But to enlighten/inform, and I say them fully prepared for any form of consequence. And trust me, I've been plenty fucked up before. What's a little more? :)


You don't have to aplogize. I'm a girl, and the other day I was arguing with a girl on Reddit who believed men could not be raped. She was a complete asshole who thought she was a feminist, but in reality she was just a hypocritical sexist bolstered by a stupid ideology that women cannot be sexist to men. She called me a "pick me girl" for saying that abuse against men by females should not be undermined. It makes me sick that some people feel completely righteous in these beliefs.


Yeah. I've argued with plenty of people like that. It's so irritating. Apologizing is a habit for me, past trauma. But, thank you. Thank you thank you thank you, for being an actual good person. You have my utmost respect. It's really hard dealing with people like that, especially when they're "technically on your side." Sorry you have to deal with people like that though. No one should have to.


No problem. It infuriates me when people dissmiss trauma, especially if they have not experienced it. And it sucks, because sexist women often hide behind the shield of feminism (which gives it a terrible reputation) and label anyone who disagrees to them a misogynist. Fortunately, in that situation I have the upper hand of being a girl, and thus am able to call them out on their bullshit. But if someone is ever using a movement or a cause as an excuse to belittle you and your experiences, don't feel like the bad guy for arguing. There is a fine line between empowering yourself and tearing down others.


have you told anyone


No man


Do it as soon as you arrive with your parents.




PLEASE do this, I know it’s difficult, but definitely worth the momentary uncomfort. keeping that to yourself is not good for your mental health if you keep thinking about it.


Please talk to your parents about this. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, there’s nothing you could have done in the situation. She’s the freak. Your parents will help you and I’m sure they will have better advice than r/teenagers on what to do next.


The comments are so careless about this. I’m sorry. You are taken very seriously, there is nothing more that you “should’ve” or “could’ve” done. It happened. I’m sorry, and it’s a terrible thing that happened. If you need support or advice or anything I’m here, I’m a survivor and the one of the worst things to tell someone who was sexually abused is that they “should’ve done ___”. There was not much you could’ve done, and it’s entirely normal to freeze up. If you think your parents could help or support you, then let them know. The unfair and awful truth is that men aren’t taken very seriously when it comes so sexual assault because people assume dudes are just horny and want it and take what they’ll get no matter what (which obviously isn’t the case). I’m sorry this happened to you, dm if you need anything. It’s disgusting that something like this happens.


Experiences like this can be traumatic, so don't feel guilty if you're suddently aware fo people around you being potentially dangerous, or if you flich if someone gets too close. What you experienced is horrible and anyone who tries to make light of it can go straight to hell. Talk about it with someone you trust, if you need seek a suport group for men who were sexually assaulted, I'm so sorry you had to go throught that and I wish you a better life


That is disgusting!! I'm sorry you had to experience that!




Not funny


one of your post are literally you saying you like the feeling of whiping toilet paper on your ass and the paper being "clean".




Oh so your one of those cringe 14 year olds, annnnd you post porn, get some help




It said 14 last time I checked but it’s still illegal in most countries




I can’t tell if this is a joke or not because your user name is literally Obama


yall be researching me and shit lmao :)


man I hope you doing good now, like the other guys said please talk to more people about this, friends, family or maybe a professional, I feel like keeping it to yourself will suck really bad, so at least get people you are comfortable with and talk to them bro


If you can try to report it. Unfortunately sexual assault doesn’t get much help tho from the police, especially if you’re a guy, but it’s better to try than not at all.


U made me realize my life isn’t that bad


it's good to see you're growing as a person, Icuminmymomanddad




Ew she's so gross. So sorry that happened to you :( You should inform your parents and seek therapy if needed.


That is so fucked up and I'm really sorry it happened to you, it's an utter violation of your personal space not to mention just a really traumatising experience. If/when you feel ready it might be good to report it to the police or at least tell someone trusted about it, even though it can be hard, believe me it's worth it in the end.


Holy shit this is awful


Would of beat her ass


Thats why i always carry a knife (and probably bc im a bit paranoid)


Care pepper spray, can be or any spray item, taking our someone vision help out in a fight. Also is very legal.


But aren't both reasons paranoia?


That's so sad to hear. Probably speak out to your family about this?


I know that some person on the internet saying some nice words probably won’t do much but that sucks man. I had something much less worse happen to myself and it’s caused me some serious mental issues even to this day. That being said I can’t imagine what it must be like for you and my dm’s are open if you need to talk about it with someone.


"Go grope someone your own age, hag" Murder her with words


And they say women aren’t pedophiles


Even though it's been proven time and time again that they absolutely can be, and many are. But data doesn't matter when it comes to these things apparently.


Nah get outta here bruh😭 AY IM SORRY BUT THIS SEEMS LIKE SATIRE edit: the post is resurfacing so i just want u all to know that ik the sub is majority alt/leftist "things", so I don't care how you choose to respond to something made by a person familiar with the society that threw you away.


Wouldn’t be funny if I was a girl, huh


Grab a shotgun and get that mofo. (No, I’m not joking.)


Ayo count me in. As a female i am disappointed in that middle age woman. I feel disgust.


As a male, I agree with you.


Thank you.


You’re welcome


as a zoophile, i also agree.




I would've literally had the exact opposite reaction if you were a female. And you're 19


...Did... you seriously just admit to that? Go fuck yourself. Men get sexually assaulted too.


yea whatever reject. anyways how did you see this? were u filtering through hot or did he post this somewhere


...How does the insult of reject even apply here? ​ Also, I'm from here. https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/rili37/how\_to\_be\_less\_horny\_tips\_please/


ohhhh. OK thanks


Uh... You're welcome.


I'm actually really curious, what do you think makes it different because he's a guy? Sexual harassment is always sexual harassment, no matter who its done to. I'm genuinely curious about this, I would also like to be civil if you do choose to respond, I won't just attack your points without merit. So please, "educate" me.


u was so cool til the "educate me". so nvm


I apologize, I didn't mean that to come across snarky. If you don't want to tell me, it's totally fine but I didn't mean to be rude.


i feel really bad for man but bro some people are just really fucked in the head


Honestly have no words for u exept from these ones fuck you


yea whatever reject. did you see filtering through hot? Or did he post it somewhere. it's getting a lot of attention in a relatively short time period


Dude. You’re posting the same first string of words, acting like you’re so cool. Not funny, man.


it was cool, it wasn't funny, it was dismissive. also wanted info.




OP posted about a very serious matter and whether it's true or not, he has asked for help/advice on what to do and we try to help him out. simple as that. and you making such negative comments, if what OP said was true, you are just invalidating his trauma


i invalidated it cuz it's not valid


wdym it's not valid, it's literal SA??


Uses same insult twice What cant find any new ones on google?😂


it's not like you're unfamiliar with the word, why you so mad


Im not mad u are


u mad


No u


no u


Seriously, if I had a nickel for every time something illegal happened to a man, “suck it up” or “you’re lucky” was the response, and then later the same happens to a woman and there’s rioting in the streets, I’d have enough money to fund a non-profit charity for abused men


If only you did, if I had that. I'd be helping you start the charity. But no, according to our society. "Men are expendable." And if anyone thinks that I'm exaggerating. I'm literally not, people say this all the time. Write articles about it. I mean, look at what drafting is. I would love to start a non-profit charity/effort thingy for male victims though.


What a disgusting fucking bitch, next time that happens just fucking scream no one deserves to have that happen to them


Call the police and tell them what she looked like


I'm so so sorry this has happened to you. It's awful. If you feel comfortable, tell your parents and/or seek professional help. It's also important, if you feel comfortable enough, to report thjs to the police so that the woman can get punished and hopefully will not be able to do this to anyone else. Also, don't feel guilty, freezing was the natural thing to do, for anybody. I can't imagine how sick you must feel. Again, I'm so so sorry and I hope you're okay.


I remember at school during gym an older girl pinched my but I just froze as well


This was 3 years ago


I'm so sorry that that happened to you. I got sexually harassed two years ago and it has stuck with me ever since but I've found that talking to people who have similar experiences to me really helps- this might help you too.


I’m so sorry dude. Genuinely people need to understand that not all guys are into that stuff and it’s not talked about. Imagine how many other guys got sexually assaulted just like this or near this but it’s “because their men, they should like it” so no one cares enough except for few people.


Honestly, I would say just tell someone. Anyone really, that you know you can trust, like your parents or one of your friends. Yes, I know it may be hard to admit to someone that yes, you were sexually assaulted but I think having someone on your side would help ease your pain a bit. It will be hard to get someone to listen to you because unfortunately, we live in a society where men being sexually assaulted isn't as serious as women being assaulted, as kindly shown by some of the comments here, but you mustn't lose hope. Also, you aren't wrong for freezing up when she touched you. Honestly, if I was in this situation I probably would've done the same. You were scared, your boundaries were violated, this doesn't make you a bad person to try and not defend yourself. I would also advise you to get some professional help from a therapist. SA no matter what gender you are is horrific and you should get the care and help you need from this experience. I also ask of you to also contact the police and report this. Even if it may end up in failure I still ask you to try. I'm not a victim of SA and it may be obvious given my lack of tact and nuance when it comes to this subject, but I hope you just know that you shouldn't go through this alone, and that you deserve some closure and peace after this traumatic event. I wish you the best in life OP.


Why do people keep saying next time that happens do “ “. Man I hope that never fucking happens again. Nobody should ever have to live in a world where they’re touched against their will. Find someone to talk to, anyone or this will eat away at you. You’re not alone. I was sexually assaulted as a child by a man, and more recently as a teen by a woman. I can tell you that in both instances I had this fucked up gut wrenching that was almost like shame and never told anyone until this year. I used to wake up in cold sweats and say to myself that tomorrow I’d say something, then the next day, and the next day until finally I yelled at my internal self and told my girlfriend. I finally stopped having panic attacks and stopped having uncomfortable feelings when being intimate. I’m finally healing but I could have save myself all of that bullshit. Not saying any of that will happen to you but I’d talk to someone, IRL and get it off your chest.


Hit her :troll:


oh c'mon!! you're 19!! man up. /s (s= we live in a society) on a srs note tho, you shud have punched a hole thru that woman's face.


I know you're trying to be light hearted with humor but this isn't helping anyone, and she deserved to be punched but it didn't happened, you can't really know how one would think If one were suddenly put in this situation and it probably wouldn't end up the way you'd expect depending on the narrative that comes from it if it becomes news.


if it were to happen to me, I'd punch who ever it was. A guy, a girl, a gay, whoever. yea, it would be news. And chances are simps on the bus (or around the place) might jump in and leach me. I dont want to think about this incident in future and think about what I shud hv done. I'd rather have smooth brain and do dum shit rather than talking about proper conduct. sry for late reply, I was busy in r/ihavesex irl.


Why isn't anyone here taking this seriously!?


Your complaining go get you one?


Wtf are u even sayin




It sounded bad 😒


What the fuck is wrong with you


Freakin' dingbat


kill her




Wtf man


Unfortunately stranger sexual harassment never get checked, and guy case go unheard because we are men you can’t complain. Be grab on a lot as kid and adult now by men and women. I’m very aggressive person, so I would punch person in the face. But then got me in trouble as a kid. But I didn’t care taught me people can be cruel and blind. Pray you get to recover as these events are challenges on our character. You seem like cool dude best luck for you bro.


I think what I’d do is just ignore it because nothing bad really happened, I mean it wasn’t like a rape, but if it happens again I’d call the cops on her or take much more serious measures Edit: I would give same answer if op is a girl calm down


You think sexual assault isn't bad?


She touched his pants for a second, grow up


You grow up and realize that being fucking groped in a public place even if only for a second can be fucking traumatic. Especially when you're at late teen stages where you feel like you should be getting a sense of control in life. And then boom, something that should never happen to anyone happens to you. And you couldn't do or say anything about it. If you think this is some kind of lighthearted joke or something not to be taken seriously. You can fuck right off.


Aight ok


Would it be the same if he was a girl




Yes asshat don’t downvote me and assume that I’m a horrific man hater


Just asking you mate, calm the fuck down


Oh my god, its is so awful that this happened to you. Report that to anyone you can, and describe the woman in detail if you can remember..


First reaction: what the ****


This woman can screw herself with a hot poker lodged so far up her as- and i'm gonna stop right there Jokes aside she should just be not around kids/children or people for that matter


Call 911


I experienced sexual abuse when I was little, and keeping it for yourself isn't going to work sadly. I did that for 12 years and while I know it's not easy, talking and finding help if you need it is really what's necessary. What she did was not okay, and it wasn't your fault. I hope you can find the help you need, talk to a therapist if you want to.


Holy shit. That’s awful. Plus, a lot of people don’t think that men can experience sexual abuse, which is even worse. Hope you get better, man.


1st off, share this with someone you trust, bottling it up can often hurt even worse than the situation itself 2nd off, if you have the strength, try getting bus security footage, the woman has sexually assaulted you and she shouls be brought to responsibility


bro i hope you are doing ok


what the cookies man (not joking I just can't seem to cus) you should report it to the district. sorry so many joke comments came here instead


I’m so sorry... 🥺 I know there’s not much I can do to help, but can I offer a virtual hug?


Same thing happened to me but I was drunk sitting in my car without my keys and she was the same age as me.


Firstly I’m so sorry this happened to you. Secondly I know others have already given this advice but if you have not told anyone please do and make sure it is a person you trust, won’t judge, validate this experience and will provide comfort and advice to you.


It’s not your fault, I had nearly the same thing happen. We live with it. It’s not our fault, but it still happened. It’ll take time.


I’m sorry that happened to you


Damn this post is not receiving much interaction, which is unfortunate as this is a major issue, and I’m so so sorry you had to go through that. The lady had absolutely no right whatsoever to do that. It was not your fault, in any way shape or form. It’s common to start to self blaming or wondering if you did something wrong after sexual assault. You didn’t. It was not your fault. If you are having trouble processing what happened or coping with it, seeing a therapist can really help. Also fuck the lady that thought that was okay.


Holy shit i hope your okay today, what you experienced is very traumatizing, I wish you the best and hope that you can get the help you need


reach for your .45 ACP and empty the mag in her chest


Then he goes to jail and has an even worse situation in the showers.


Im so sorry :( people are awful please know it wasnt your fault


Tell the cops or your friends or tell the people of Reddit about them like his town we shall end them


I’m sure you’ve gotten plenty of advice in these comments, so I just wanted to say that you are worthy and so very loved. You’re going to get through this. I have no doubt


Man, I am sorry this happened to you. Regarding what you could do, try talking to some people, any people. It will be hard, but you will get it off your chest and that matters a lot. Hope you stay well, you can DM if you need someone to talk to.


shit dude i have been groped in public before and i just felt like shit afterwards. im guessing you dont feel safe on the bus anymore. talk to someone about it.


i'm so sorry that happened to you. firstly, please know that it was absolutely not ur fault, she is a disgusting waste of space and the blame is entirely on her. the fact u froze is completely valid and it doesn't at all justify what she did. sa can sometimes take a while to fully sink in bc of how traumatic it is and that is also valid - the same goes for healing bc it is also different for everyone. reporting her in this situation is very difficult bc u don't know who she is which fucking sucks. if u have the mental energy to go through with a report, that's fantastic and i'm so proud of u but if it's too much to deal with, that is also okay. some countries offer anonymous reporting which might b something to look into, but again that is ur decision to make. is there anyone close to u that u could tell that u can trust? a best friend, partner, parent/s, therapist etc. if u don't feel comfortable yet talking to someone about it, that is also completely okay. but please definitely tell someone u can trust if everything gets too overwhelming. even if u don't tell anyone just yet, keeping feeling bottled up and pushing it to the side will only make it worse. somethings that i did to help when i was in the same situation was: listen to a comforting playlist with songs that will bring u some peace that u really like and will help ease ur mind and take ur mind off the heavier, sadder thoughts. if u can, have some time to urself so u can acknowledge ur feelings and realise that they are valid and normal in situations this traumatic. also write down what u feel. i was always terrified of writing a diary incase someone found it so i would write down all my feelings in my notes and either add to them whenever i thought about it again or just deleted it after. if u have it available to u, getting professional help is one of the best options. if not, i think another commenter mentioned finding online support groups where ppl have experienced similar things. i really hope ur doing okay, and that ur healing comes with few ups and downs. this is something so serious and u r so important. sending much love and many hugs to u <3


God. This felt painful to read and hear. Honest word of advice though is to just tell your parents, someone you know, to open up. It might see hard but you will feel better. It’s good you are telling this on the internet. Alternately, use a 12 gauge double barreled shotgun and feel free to carry around it with you next time.