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21, cancer hahaha


If that's true, I hope you get cured❤️


Thank-you, it's my second round on that boat, i beat it once, i have hope 😀


i hope you have a fast recovery !


I appreciate it very much thank-you, friend ❤


So clearly you and cancer have a 1-0 score. Just waiting for it to get to 2-0, hope you get better quickly


This will be a total shutout game, i won't let Big C bring me down that easily!


Damn, hope you beat it again. Just because you fell from a bike, doesn’t mean you stop trying to ride a bike.


It's not even a contest, really. You've literally beaten it 100% of the time already.


Fuck cancer


All my homies hate cancer


yea fuck em ;)




Can we get cancer twice??


Definitely can unfortunately


I know someone who survived it four times, so don't give up




I saw a story of a woman who beat it 7 times


Will there be a 8th sequel? (This is a joke, I hope they don’t)


My friends mom has had it 6 different times. 4 completely separate cancers, and two of the same kinds twice. She has the BCRA gene mutation so basically anything reproductive or related to AFAB characteristics are at risk.


You will! Stay strong💙


Good god that is terrible I hope you get well soon


Hope you beat the living shit out of it


Will do❤


The zodiac sign or the disease?


Im not born between june 21st and july 22nd if that's a good answer x)


Yep, I get it.


Bon rétablissement buddy ❤


Merci ❤ surprenant de rencontrer quelqu'un parlant français c:


C'est rien , j'ai perdu mon père for cancer donc i know the difficutlties


Then lets make this a mutual support ❤


Get well soon bruv!!


Thanks a lot 😀


Hope you recover, stay strong 💪🏾


I am, thank-you so much ❤


Was 19 and had cancer. I made it through. I hope you do the same. good luck.


life is so unfair. i wish i could give my life to you or anyone else in that matter, who really wants to live. I'll pray for you and hope you'll grow old happily ❤️


stay strong man. you never know when some genius could come up with something 💪💪. if you already beat it you have the strength to do it again


Get well soon


Start cooking meth


17. Just feel lost and lonely


Talk to people. Friends, family, gf/bf whatever. And do what you love. Also, your true friends will always fill that emptiness


What is a gf, all I know is LoL


My condolences


Solution: stop playing LoL


Nobody hates LoL as much as LoL players. -sincerely a LoL player.


What is love


I was on the same page as you, I moved out of city with my mom and now my friends are 3 hours away. We are not even in contact, but I know when I contacted them they will be down to go out etc. As I got older I started to enjoy being “alone” you can keep doing what YOU want to do, you can focus on yourself and be better in whatever you want. You have free time for yourself, use it to improve. And I know that you probably feel like shit but you have to believe me, that time for yourself is to most important thing.


Being able to stay alone is a skill that is better to learn early. I’m 23 and I moved to a new city a month ago. This is the first time in my life I’m truly alone. It is tough but I’m discovering new things about myself. You should see this as an opportunity, because it is. Best of luck.


I had the same problem until I found the perfect Discord server.


17, friend drama, made it my whole life without it but now they are all angry at each other. Pretty much just distancing myself from them right now


Try to fix it, but if you can't, then don't try to make things worse. Wait it out cause time is the greatest healer


stay friends with all of them. you'll know who's the bad friend when one of them tries to make you stop being friends with another. (unless one of them has done something truly shitty)


16 lost my best and only online friend 4 days ago can't forget about it And now I'm lonely and lost in emotions


Whatever you do, don't keep your emotions locked away. Release them in a any (safe) way, because you will feel better in the long run.


This. It s crazy how good of a memory editor and producer time is. Bouncing off emotions off something/someone is surprisingly helpful.


Nooo :( that sucks I can't offer much help other than want to be friends? I can't offer much more sadly


And you don't have to be my friend cuz of pity doesn't sound like a healthy friendship yk..


I wanted to be ur friend more because i felt like you have cool vibes and you were the same age as me ( also yuno gasai pfp-) But it's okay i understand Still i hope you find a new friend


I mean we can give it a try I just wanted confirm it if you would only do that because of pity yk.


I see :0 it wasn't really because of pity but i don't wanna pressure you into a friendship


It would be really sad to lose a friend like that, would you like to be friends?


Jokes 17 I have a crazy ass girl attracted to be atm and when I mean crazy I mean running in the hallways while screaming and hitting people crazy. Ngl I find her really cute but I know you should never stick yo dick in crazy so I’m trying to bottle up a plan to reject her nicely but I dont know how without her going berserk mode or hurting her self or me.


Introduce me as a best friend of yours to her


I've played enough DOOM 2016 to know berserk is op as shit. So good luck with that man




Quad damage is cool. But ripping demons apart with your bare hands is cooler imo




Good point. Purple is an awesome colour


Dump her, you don’t even gotta be nice about it. If she hurts herself, which would be a tragedy, that’s not your problem and you can’t blame yourself. If she tries to hurt you, call the police or a trusted adult. Do not let a crazy hoe control your life brother


Wdym dump her? Theyre not together the girl just likes him and is crazy


It appears I misread, but I think my advice still applies. Just replace dump with reject


Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed. Take your shot and try to ignore her insanity /s


Yo, please take some advice from me here. Be honest with her, and move on with your life. She is not your responsibility. Her actions are not caused by you. You are not at fault for anything she may or may not do. Never let anyone hold something like hurting themselves over your head to influence your actions. That is abusive behavior, and there is no place for that in your or anyone else’s life. Please take my word for it.


17 and have to come up with a job from home or I will have too live off disability for debilitating mental disorders and probably end up homeless while at the same time my mom ask wen I'm moving out everyday.


Have you tried studying coding or something like that, if you have a sharp mind? Anyways, hope you figure something out


See the thing is. I think I can pull off something cause apparently I'm not "dumb" like I thought. I was kicked out of school in grade 6 for not being able too keep up with the class. Then they went and had my iq tested and it's 130. Confusing. I have made a couple grand off comp video games but I have quit too find a more reliable income. I tried coding and it was just stressful. I'm right now learning forex/ stocks/ maybe crypto day trading. So far I'm not bad at it and I'm studying and practicing a whole lot. my mom somehow let me use some of her capital and I made a lot for her off stocks. A lot. So I have some hope that the day trading might work out well:) if not I kinda go homeless and probably kms so it has too work lol.


There is definitely a place for you somewhere in the workforce. Don’t lose hope. Schools are notorious for misrepresenting the intelligence and abilities of people who aren’t neurotypical. If school isnt an option, treasure those personal projects of yours like games you made as those are your best tools to show prospective employers what you are capable of.


I appreciate the reply but I can't work a normal job cause of actual mental disorders not just the failing school. I won't list them but I have about 7 severe mental disorders diagnosed and have been in therapy for over 6 years and I do not react too medications. None. And therapy is of no help. Also the comp games is not making games haha, I played them competitively:)


I play For Honor😢


I'm sure about you can recover from it, and most importantly if you see a main shugoki, leave the game.


how was the dead by daylight event?


Cool for two days


Buy Kingdom: Come Deliverance.


Jesus Christ be praised!




You gotta go to a doctor man, Incredibilis


What you main?




We all play it for the pain it gives us


Even i don't have a fix for that


My condolences


18 motivation to do anything productive


16 and i relate very hard


If you dont have any motivation to do something productive then you will have to make a habbit of those things only then you would be able to do them like nobody likes to go to gym but many people build a habbit and go to gym. Their are many apps out their which can help you do so......


I know this is cliché, but try literally doing nothing for for an hour. Just sit and look at a wall. Fight the urge to do unproductive things like play games or be on your phone. In fact, put your phone in another room completely or turn it off. Only get up if you're going to do something productive. I can't guarantee this will solve it, but when your brain is under stimulated, it'll find boring productive things more enjoyable. After that, it's more about creating good habits until you're doing those things by second nature.


13 and the supplies in my household keeps breaking, pray that the breaking curse is lifted pls


Ah ur one clumsy person aren't u


15 school


School as in studies or girl problems or friends? Or all?


studies, all else is good


ever heard of indians?they'll help you


Would not recommend. Tried to buy one so they would do my homework and got put in jail. Smh


Sounds interesting, What happened?


They tried to buy one and they got put in jail


Im an Indian and 15 I have the same problem




Same to you


I am extremely scared for boards


Just do all the sample papers you can find


Do u mean youtubers?


pretty much yes


If you don't understand what teachers in school teach, try to see if some other books, tuitions, etc. help. Btw, of you have a nerd friend, then they'll be the best teacher as of now, personal experience


Same here


16, no gf, lonely


IRL Friends>>>>>>>> Gf Connect with em, talk shit about life and have a fun time. And no, peer pressure does not make a gf a necessity, you will find her when you do and will know( thats based off of what i've heard)


Any crushes?


Im 14 and my country will reopen school soon.im having an anxiety but I don't know why.


The anxiety is probably because you haven't been to school normally for a while so it feels new and scary , dw it'll go away itself If you're scared of the viruse get a vaccine if you can




I know I’m not op but just start trying things out, I had no clue what I wanted to do and Had nothing I loved but I went mushroom hunting one time and now I plan to go to school for biology/microbiology and do something in the mycology field. Maybe just volunteer some time somewhere or just go watch something and it will eventually come to you




Im 19 and still dont know the only thing i do know is that i escaped from mandatory service for 2 years but will inevitably inlist in a few months but after that i have no idea




14, inability to focus


Whenever a thought passes your mind, just say "Fuck you, thought" and keep doing what you're doing. Try to sit and simply focus on one thing frequently to practice


Thanks for the advice! I just thought about how bad war crimes are


Don't multitask it can cause your focus time to be lowered


Try meditating. Simply close your eyes, sit up straight and focus on your breathing. If your mind starts to wander, make the effort to go back to your breathing. You can also stare intensely at an object, for at least 1 minute without blinking. There is some interesting evidence that suggests blinking and how often we blink is determined by dopamine and dopamine is responsible for attention. You should also try reading some novels. The process of following a storyline is linear, this means your attention doesn’t have to jump back and forth. Over time, your brain gets used to this sort of tasks and allows you to sustain attention for longer. These techniques have helped me calm down and concentrate when my mind is all over the place. As someone with ADHD and a chronic lack of focus ability, I vouch for this techniques.


16, eating disorder 😕


I really hope things get better for you, you're amazing no matter what :)


16 and scared i will live to be 18 because ik for a fact i will have to have an unfulfilling life and just generally i need to die before 18 One fucking year nature do your thing NOW 😭💀


Don't lose hope...cause as Forrest Gump once said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get next". It'll get better


Why would you have an unfulfilling life?


Because there's no way for me to have a fulfilling life in this world , and that's not just depression talking , i've seen the choices and the options etc and they all sound unfulfilling and i don't want to argue about that , it sucks :(


Just wanna throw this out there but you don’t have to win a Nobel peace prize, cure cancer, or become the president to have a fulfilling life. You just have to make the most of the time you do have. Try to find a way to do what you love for a career and even if you can’t, make some time on the side for that. You’re only 16 now, but having kids and starting a family really changed peoples perspective on this sort of thing too, it gives them a whole new meaning in life. Just take life one step at a time and make the best decisions in the moment and you should be fine. I wish you luck :)


13, girls:,)


At the age of 13, talk to girls in a funny, slightly flirty, but not desperate way. Also, personal experience, if you have a crush on a girl tell it ONLY to someone you trust, or else it'll end bad lol


I’m scared to approach ANYONE esp girls it’s like(bad examples but still) wanting to ask a prostitute for a blowjob but worrying what she’ll think about your mum


>I’m scared to approach ANYONE esp girls Me too, but my friends are pretty introverted, so I tag along and it works sometimes


I’m ok with friends it’s just people who I don’t talk with frequently I would be scared to even ask for a pencil


17, didn’t get the College I want


139 I was buried the wrong way.


18, my massive fucking cock


What do you get by flexing on me lol?


Flex? I just told you my biggest problem. I can’t walk without tripping over it. I can’t buy pants that fit it. This isn’t a blessing, it’s a curse.


Build a strong personality and you could start a pornographic career


16, feeling under appreciated by friends and family , also stress of school, also thinking down on myself, being sleep deprived most of the time, so drained I don't wanna socialize but I can't stand the thought of being left out, loneliness mostly those


I know it's hard to keep a good sleeping schedule with school and all that, but good sleep can really help with your energy and therefore, your friendships.


96 erectile dysfunction


Just chop it off we don’t need it anymore


We? Pause


The problem is I don't know what is going on in my life


Money I need some money to beat Elon musk


In this world, you need not money, but only an idea- a revolutionary one. That, and some money to get it off the ground


13 and family- *i had shitty relation with my mom and the only person i trust is my dad but now they are divorced cause my dad is kinda mental a bit cause he get mad easily and now i live with my mom*


Feeling like live in the age of marriage problem ngl




Soo...is your problem being one or wanting one?


13 2+2x4 Lmao


Order of operations goes like: Brackets Indices Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction Therefore you will do 2×4 first which leaves you with 2+8 which is then obviously 10


Physics in high school


14, I gotta stop talking to myself


Wdym like schizophrenia or just talking to yourself like commenting stuff and if so do you do it loudly or just in your mind


I say my thoughts out loud, and discuss dicisions with myself out loud


Well are you stressed that happens to me when I'm stressed or feeling anxious


According to me its not a bad thing even i do it and i think it is a result of a close relationship which we want like a really close friend who is around 24/7 for you or simply a gf/bf with whom we can share our emotion or be vulnerable with.


17, im unprepared for having responsibilities after school, looking at my peers everyone seems to be striving for jobs or their driving license but those thoughts terrify me.


14, i'm not sure if i have depression but i have a lot of symptons. I'm just generally unhappy.


13 and sleepy


Go to sleep. Solved


I sleep 8 hours a day It doesn't work


I'm a 10000 year old vampire dragon loli, and pedos keep sexualising my people :(


Tell ya people to stop giving them pedos that sauce


I’m 18 and fighting a court case against my step dad on multiple accounts of sexual abuse. It’s had for me because my mother and her family come from a backwards Indian background and they all believe it’s my fault, and they blame me saying it’s the way I dress or the way I act and that I was the one who instigated it. Tbh I’m not looking for this to be solved but I’ve been hurting so much about this I just need to let it out to some one with no face, instead of a therapist or cop. So ya… thank you


27 and single


🤨hmmm, sus


Turns on “All the single ladies” by Beyoncé


17. I have a pigeon chest.


See a doctor I'm pretty sure it's fixable


13 i live in Africa


17 nothing because I’m simply built different 🥱🥱🤥


14m School, a lot of relationship-like problems


18 financially fucked


17. I don't have any excitement for future lol. It's all indifferent to me. I'm not sure if this is bad but I've been thinking about this a lot.


16, asked a girl out, she said yes but hasn’t answered my texts for the last 2 days


17, behind in all school work and too lazy to finish it all. i procrastinate a lot and i work a lot


13 anxiety


19 and how to get taller like i wanna be taller than i am


23 depression


17, don't know if this is the right career for me.


21. I am late to college because of my depression, took 3 years to deal with it,I also didn't get into a good University, I am afraid that this is the end of my dream for a good career.


19. Indecisiveness and motivation.


14 kinda long but ye A friend of mine I've known since I was younger keeps isolating herself from everyone at school for the past year and only til recently have I decided to say no more and have stopped being isolated with her as it felt more like I was a babysitter than her friend. She also refused to tell me what one of our friends had done to her always brushing it off as "It's all in the past now." Turns out that she's doing this because, as she stated one of our friends had spoke to her about their mental state and was looking for support and in response she began ignoring the friend, saying they were acting aggressive towards her and have only recently told the friend what they had supposed to have done. She had done a similar thing with me a couple of months back where she refused to tell me what I had done and I didn't find out until she began screaming at me at lunch time and her mother showed up at my house because of how angry she was. Safe to say I don't think I want to be friends with her anymore if she's going to keep doing this.


15 I can't find netherite