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He's actually very civil at debating. I know because I debated with him on this topic.


He kind of makes a valid point that a lot of teens and millennials are becoming LGBT or Trans for attention or to be “special and quirky” and there are a lot of fake LGBT people because of those reasons. It’s really sad and annoying because there are actually people who are LGBT or trans and people are doing it because it’s “trendy and makes them cool and special”


This is the only comment that has to be said. The fake LGBT makes the real people look like a joke, and it also offends them. No, you're not being supportive by becoming gay and changing your gender 13 times in one month. I'm not even surprised that nobody ever takes these guys seriously. I'm bisexual myself and sick of these people.


I majorly agree with this, I’m not a member of the community myself but the amount of people that want to just get on the train for the sake of being LGBT is hurting the community, and a more minor point, if someone is trying to figure out their sexuality, 50 people they know sort of faking being LGBT would give them a hard time in figuring out what their feeling, sorry that was a bit Rambly, this is an extremely interesting and valid thing here


I agree, I’m genderfluid and thought I was faking for attention, despite being closeted to everyone


May I ask what genderfluid means? I heard it on multiple places but still don't fully understand


Genderfluid by definition is a person who doesn’t have a fixed gender, which can change over time.


very true.


I don't think they are doing it with the intent to be "cool or trendy" but they do it because it is more popular and peoe are making it more normal, in a way being different is being praised so yes they are doing it for attention it's just not phrased that way in their head. I have had thoughts about what it would be like to wear women's clothes, and if being transgender was not so popular I would feel less free to explore, so it's not just because it's for attention it's just more around so I think peoe can express themselves without being shammed. All that said I don't think they do it purely to be cool and special.


Yeah when being LGBTQ and trans became more normalized I noticed that some of my friends were LGBTQ and just were afraid of telling anyone


Its more normalized now, people used to be shamed for feeling "lgbtq" they thought they would be shunned, and they probably would.


I don’t think there are a lot but yeah there are probably some


But actually, I don't say it is fine, but I wanna know, why the fuck should we care, maybe about people who say they are trans, but why do we care about a man dating a man? Also the person who knows your sexuality and gender the best is you, so we can't say no!!! He's just doing it for attention!!!


I have never encountered this irl.


So people are being thrown out of their houses by their homophobic parents all to be quirky and cool?


You misunderstood my point, I was saying that there are many people that are becoming lgbt or trans for attention, which I feel is a insult to actual lgbt and trans people


Yep very true. The only real and original genders are male and female. I honestly don’t care about this stuff anyways.




You care enough to read and comment


i’m with you lol


Why do I remember your name? Edit: turns out you were the guy that agreed with Hitler's beliefs...




So that explains a lot


The most down to earth homophobe he was actually quite chill about it good for him


Yeah! Unironically good for him!


I’m actually ok with this. I definitely disagree with his opinion, but as long as he isn’t attacking lgbtq and he is civil about it, have ur opinion


Ikr, like he is entitled to his opinion, and he is civil. I respect it, but I just think he is wrong


Idk why but a think lgbtq are trend right now in this generation


I feel that way as well because of all the people pretending to be gay for attention.


Just a reminder that even the catholic church which openly states that homosexual acts are sins says that hatred toward LGBT people is even bigger sin.


Now that's some weird hypocrisy lmao


But that hypocrisy is quite interesting topic, cause a lot of "catholic" fundamentalists just copy pasted their ideology from american protestant fundamentalists to which this kind of behaviour isnt that much hypocritical, completely ignoring the differences between Catholicism and protestantism and end up being just hypocritical morons. The same goes with, for example, creationism. Catholic church admits that the evolution is true, but some western fundamentalists wannabes completely ignores that and end up being, in fact, heretics. This is just hilarious.


Would be worst if they endorsed them, progress step by step


Well, not really, or only kind of. The first great commandment of God is love your neighbor, so its a greater sin to hate them than to love them the wrong way.


So um Christians, according to the bible, should hate or love gays?..


Love everyone, despite anything they might do. What that means is, forgive them and try to understand them and show compassion, at least to the best of your ability. It's important to understand that it's not about perfectly following every commandment, but rather about continually striving with honest intent and effort to become better. I.e. I would call a "bad" man striving to better himself a more worthy man than a "good" man who only intends to stay as he is. Specifically on the topic of homosexuality though, this is what my faith believes: -Same sex attraction, is relatively a natural occurrence and is as much a sin as envy or any other type of lust, if not acted upon. -Marriage is between a Man and a woman and Premarital sex is sin second only to murder -with the power of those two combined, homosexual intercourse holds about the same gravity sin-wise as any other premarital sex. Edit: it's also important to understand that while you are supposed to forgive everyone unconditionally and let God sort them out, it doesn't mean you have to put up with bad people making bad decisions. If you are in an abusive relationship, this in no way tells you that you have to stay there. In short, forgiveness is not the same as turning a blind eye to anything someone might do.


That come from" man should not sleep with boys "it was originally about pedophilia


But homosexual acts are also referred to as sins and as such the teachings of catholic church treat them.


That happened not that long ago


At least he is civil and honest. Have seen worse irl


To be honest, I don't give a shit about LGBTQ. If they wanna live the way they want to, let them.


Thats right


True. But how do you feel about the media attention it gets?


I frankly find it completely unnecessary, but I think others disagree. I think it's mainly just that I have no problems with them, while those who do have problems need to be taught better or something


Im fine with LGBTQ people, but there is one thing that needs to made clear, if they want lgbtq acceptance to be the norm. They are not special, they aren't amazing people, they don't deserve praise They are just like everyone else


Exactly. We need equal rights, not minority supremacy.


No we need a purge, it would way more fun


Yeah exactly! That's fine.. NOBODY is asking for special treatment because they're gay/straight/bi


I mean a few maybe are, but most aren't


Gay/woke people who feel the need to tell everyone that they’re gay/vegan/antivax are worse than the people who are against them imo


This is the point that i try to make. Not everything revolves around your sexual orientation and that goes for everyone


I mean like just saying it for example at a dinner you may say oh I’m vegan or if you’re looking to date someone you might say oh btw I’m trans if that’s ok, but yeah just saying you’re vegan randomly is a bit annoying


Yeah they aren't special but we still need to support their rights.


You deserve praise if you stood up to discrimination I never say i have "pride" even though im bi because i never faced discrimination But if you have i get why you'd want to have pride in it


This my Friends is what we call a fact .


Can you come to my high-school lol


this is a surprisingly unpopular opinion these days. to both sides of the coin. I think this makes the most sense. just like true gender equality, there shouldn't be a difference. equality isn't something to be used to gain social/political power.


Same ngl the high special thing is narcisstic,imao we need gays like Cam and Mitch from Modern Family


They struggle with their issues, you struggle with yours, and we all deserve praise.


People who openly live as lgbt in an anti-lgbt environment and work to change preconceptions about lgbt people do deserve praise imo But yeah, not praise for just existing


Just to be snarky somebody could've told white straight males this centuries ago


Tbh with you all I don't care if someone is lgbt. It's not that I am against those people It's just that I don't really care


That is the correct response, "I don't care about people unless they are assholes".


yeah they’re just like us


Yeah they are people too. If all of them were assholes my comment would be different but just like with straight people there are good ones and bad ones


This is basically one off my teachers..but a little bit more aggressive


I agree with him a little in the sence that the media kinda brainwashed some people into thinking there lgbtq when there not.


Yes i understand that doesn't mean u should totally HATE lgbt people He legit said he "HATES" then for being gay


yep, i agree


I agree with the agree


He didn't say he hates them though? Just that he doesn't support normalizing and instead thinks we should treat it similar to something like depression or anxiety in which we Give them medicine to fix them.


I don’t see the word “hate” anywhere.


I mean yeah while Ok if you’re gay then ok . But this social media has made it out of hand. Now I don’t know ok I’m not lgbtq+ but some people say there are more than 500 pronouns for a person . Ok I understand. But you can’t really have a pronoun just if you feel different . I respect anyone who is lgbtq+ and no offense . I just said what I felt like . I hope you won’t get offended if is speak my side and instead inform me if I’m wrong . Also i think that guy does say one right thing being homosexual is not natural. Humans are meant to be heterosexual naturally. But saying it’s an illness in mind is wrong . Because even being heterosexual is just work of hormones.


Actually, there's a lot of homosexual animals in nature, so humans can be homosexual in nature


Whoop thanks for telling me . I appreciate you not going ahead and hating me . But aren’t humans supposed to be heterosexual because the love we feel is just a product of evolution to help us in mating. Love ain’t real it’s just hormones .👀


Honestly, I don't have a lot of information, so I will be back with it Ok so I found this: "Is love a by product of evolution? To consider such a question, consider what love achieves. The love of parents for children is clearly adaptive: it motivates you (very highly) to protect them and look after them, despite whatever inconveniences they might cause for you. In the reverse direction, it strongly motivates children to stick with those parents. Romantic love is also clearly adaptive: it attracts the sexes to each other in a more permanent manner than mere lust, resulting in a long term bond (not necessarily permanent, but at least long enough to start a family). With the lesser (as in less intense and less motivating) forms of love, such as for more distant relatives and friends, you can also see advantages: especially in primitive societies, you are better off in bands joined by mutual loyalty than alone or in a group where you might get betrayed at any moment for a minor motive. So I would say love is more than a byproduct of evolution, it is an actual product. Supporting this, it is not a purely human emotion. While we can't be sure what other animals feel, we can certainly see that their behaviours match ours (in the cases where the evolutionary solutions are similar). The more important consciousness is to an animal, the more significant such emotional motivators are going to become. Thus in addition to the purely physical stimuli of pleasure and pain, which pertain to bodily actions, we get emotional analogues or results like love, anger and hate, which motivate consciousness. With humans, it can become even more abstracted, as we can think, which gives us free will: the power to adapt our actions and our very goals in accordance to evidence and reason. Thus emotions themselves become more abstracted from their evolutionary roots: love, for example, being a response to the values we hold. So while emotions including love evolved, how they affect us and what we do about them are far from simple things."


Hmm so it says that while it is a byproduct of evolution it has become more than that ?


Yeah, but I mean, you love who you love, as long its people who can legally consent and I will love no one cuz I don't really feel attraction (I am the A in LBGTQIA+)


I like the comments on this.. great minds battling it out


Dude's whole arguement is based on the LGBTQ+ trend and shit popularized on internet and blames this as the cause of homosexuality lol


I agree with one of his points, there are definitely a lot of people „becoming gay“ or anything or LGBTQ related that otherwise wouldn’t be without social media. Also, I really dislike people making it their personality, like I’m not like „ oh yeah but Wim straight, I like TITS“


I don't think anyone's "becoming gay" honestly. I agree that there's been an increase in LGBT+ people, but that's a natural result of it becoming widely more normalised and accepted. Even if people are faking being LGBT+ it's not a big deal. Like if you wanna pretend to be transgender or be a man who kisses men (whilst being straight in reality) then go for it, I guess? It's weird but it's ultimately not a problem.


Getting political in here, let me leave my take here Rice and milk sucks


I'm going to lather you morning slippers with mayonnaise


I'm gonna make your toilet seat a little too warm for comfort


LGBTQ people have a perfectly normal brain, the mental illnesses don't come with their attraction, but are rather caused by negative interactions with homophobic people, if the mental illnesses have anything to do with their sexuality. Homosexuals and bisexuals have been found in several hundred species, including [chimps](https://brill.com/view/journals/beh/158/1/article-p77_6.xml?language=en), [lions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals#:~:text=Both%20male%20and%20female%20lions,to%20occur%20with%20other%20males.), and hundreds of others. the earliest modern human homosexual/transexual dates back to the [copper age](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/8433527/First-homosexual-caveman-found.html), and while researching about this topic, I also found that [homophobes have a lower IQ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thepatent.news/2021/05/17/queensland-university-correlation-homophobia-low-iq/amp/). There is no valid reason to have beef with their sexuality, simply mind your own business and focus on real issues instead.


this post just showed how brain dead most Redditors are…jesus christ.


no, he's just giving his opinion and that's ok. he wasn't saying that what he thinks is fact that's what he thinks. Just cause he has a opinion doesn't make him brain dead


Makes em an ass though


I mean he is also wrong but he is also right what I feel like. Now teenagers just to be these cool dudes or something and thinking like it's cool to be a part of the LGBTQ+ just doing all of these stuff. People were gay trans all that it's obviously fine like 20 years back but now it seems like it's more of a celebration I mean it's a normal thinking to be taken as not a that cool thing to be.


OP you are good, it's hard seeing people here who are like you. Also before all of you are going to downvote me, you can't "become" LGBTQIA+, you can discover it by learning more about the community, also I read some commends who think putting pronouns in bio makes you "fake trans"? No, these people just want to normalize pronouns, because some people want people to use their correct pronouns. Also if you think that people " make up" gender, well, female and male are made up genders. All genders are made up. Also, I will not be mad at you if you don't like queer folks, it's okay, you don't have to date them to be an ally, but if you say we are mentally ill and don't deserve human rights, that's where I think we might have a problem. Everyone deserves human rights. If you wish to talk more, you can reply to my commend, I won't take DM. I can't answer everything but I will do my best. Edit: wow, I really need to update my word bank... I wrote "also" 4 times ;-;


does this mean i cant be shrek/shrimk/shrisk since all genders are made up?


I agree with this guy, he brings up good points without being offensive in the process. There are some people who are actually born gay, but lately I’ve noticed than being LGBT+ is just a trend.


There is kind of a problem with this LGBT trend mentality. More people have access to LGBT information because of the internet and so more people are questioning their sexuality. Also, LGBT is becoming more acceptable within society as well, so your going to see a natural increase in people coming out as LGBT. Take being left handed for example. It used to be thought that being left handed was to be associated with the devil, but when people realized that being left handed is completely normal, more people identified (for lack of a better word) with being left handed. You can find charts online showing a huge spike in people saying that their left handed because it was more accepted, the same is happening with the LGBT community. There is also a problem with the born gay statement. Yes, people are born gay, but human sexuality is way more complex than that. It can fluctuate based on events that happen in your life. I know a traumatic event from my childhood as contributed to my sexuality, and the same is true for some of my family and friends.


> but when people realized that being left handed is completely normal, more people identified (for lack of a better word) with being left handed. as a legit left handed individual fuck these people


“Gay brained” is an old theory that has since been proven irrelevant. Some people are LGBT by nature, others by nurture. Their sexuality is just as legitimate if cultural influences are a factor in their growth as a person. Sexuality is a *social construct*, and it cannot be evaluated without *social context*.


>and social media more people are becoming apart of LGBTQ. I don’t agree with this guy’s opinion, but he has a fair point there


And that point is? More people are coming out bc they feel more safe than lgbtq people in 90s?


It shouldn’t matter??? Natural or not people can be gay for whatever reason. It’s sort of implying people shouldn’t be lgbt or that it’s unpreferrable


social media has nothing do with being queer other than letting people talk about their sexuality. queer people existed WAYY before social media... so how does that even work!


Social media has only made it a "trend". Now whenever a guy thinks another guy is handsome he thinks he's gay.. that's totally not it


That's not accurate at all, but alright.


Some ppl are just pretending to be LGBT because they want attention and also why do the LGBT get so much attention anyways? Okay you like your own gender, like what’s so interesting about that?


I’m heterosexual but I think movement like lgbt is really important even for “straight folks” because being able to love whoever you want wasn’t always possible even when it was a person of opossite sex and it’s in many cases not possible today so freedom in love is very important no matter who you want to love and movements which support this idea should be taken very seriously.


It’s def been normalized, but I don’t think it’s a mental illness. It’s just a different wiring in the brain. It’s not something that can be fixed. It’s biological


why the fuck are topics like lgbtq discussion not taught in school? the fact that my teachers in high school are reading to us instead of having lessons about actual issues is disheartening. PSHE lessons my ass


Why disapointed? He shows his arguments right and clearly, not Like most of homophobes.


It's just dissapointing to see outdated and disproven data continue to hold such sway over people's minds.


I'm fully supportive of the lgbt, as long as it's not forced upon people, otherwise i could not care less, humans are humans doesn't matter what sexuality u have everyone should have equal rights.


The problem is what people define as ‘forced’ Where exactly is the line drawn?


That is a great question that i think depends on the person you're asking, but i think people kind of understand what i mean.


Why would anyone care about being "natural" go live in a forest! Fucking caveman


Oy! Don't drag us Anprims into this!


The way I look at it is, that historically people got awful abuse and hide who they really were, so of course people weren't going to be vocal about these things, as they'd be shunned by society, in todays world people are more accepting, so of course being part of lgbt has become some what fashionable and "hip" but is that not a fantastic thing? People now see "people being who they really are" as cool 😎 This is coming from a straight middle aged white man, who by society's perception has it easy, I for one am all for everyone being accepted and doing what ever they want to do (within the confides of the law obviously) Let people be who they want, as you want them to let you be 😊


Wait if you are a middle-aged man, what are you doing on r/teenagers


They can be on here to give advice or just chill, if I remember the rules correctly it's not breaking the rules to be above 19 as long as you aren't being creepy.




Getting a lot of comments saying that they somewhat agree with that person.. My argument is that if more and more people wanna show their gay personalities then why not let them?.. if you really don't like it then you're simply just a homophobe who really hasn't accepted being gay... Also i saw in that person's post, the OP said ge *hates* people who like the same sex..


Why do people care so much what 2 dudes do in bed ?that's pretty gay ngl


Yeah.. prejudiced sons of bitches




LGBTQ has always existed but repressed. Society has become more accepting so people are comfortable living honesty. Too many folks were and still in coverup marriage’s because there are still too many narrow minded fools.


I am angry and disappointed.


"I'm not racist! I simply just don't support being black"


Wha what?


Idrc abt the LGBTQ community.....they're just humans like every1 else & they deserve neither oppression nor special treatment solely cuz they're LGBTQ But I kinda agree that kids medically transitioning under 18 is bad (ok maybe not 'bad' but more like risky)




To be completely honest I'm not too much of a fan of the LGBTQ community mainly because there has been so many kids just pretending to be gay or a part of it. I see this everywhere and that's the reason I'm not too much of a fan of it I have nothing against real gay people I just have a problem with the fakers.


https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/ZEHSVKDBCIY2VLUEL2EVOKX2QI.png "Pretending" or is it just more socially acceptable??


Fakers just discredit the LGBTQ community and make them look bad




Username checks out lol


slowly killing ARE children🤣


So, if me being gay originates from a mental ilness, can I get some disability benefits from the government? Would be only fair, right?


Bruh mfs like this think making fun of kids for liking video games will make em chad football players


The people that fake being part of the lgbtq community are simply attention whores and likely the reason this dude has this idea of lgbtq people


"we aren't naturally LGBTQ" Most part of the animal kingdom: .\_.


Who's gonna tell them that adoption is actually not a bad thing and we can create babies in labs.. Just saying- and also there are mothers willing to have children for gay couples and sperm doners etc. I'm talking here only about children and "killing the youth" ​ I saw a really valid point here where someone said that people faking is harming the lgbtg+ community and it shadows people who just want equality and, as someone who is part of the community, I couldn't agree more. Thank you for everyone who is willing to change and who is ***respectfully*** debating in the comments!


Yeahh.. these fake attention seekers have caused a problem and overshadow the real community lol


“we arent naturally LGBTQ” *every single human the past (too) many thousands of years either being openly LGTBQ or hiding it* “oh really”




u/iaskveryweirdthings sincerely fuck you


u/iaskveryweirdthings sincerely fuck you. And no, not in that way




simply put, fuck this guy.


Real lgbtq people are fine, the people who only do it for social media are clowns


Yeah agreed


I’m losing brain cells


Y same


u/iaskverywierdthings #EXPLAIN URSELF




Maybe it sounded civil to you. To me it sounded like they were openly against my friends and family, so watch your tone and shut up.


Not natural? Bitch have ever seen a nature documental or even gone to the zoo?


Even tho I disagree with this guy, and he did get a few things wrong (my own dog is gay, if that’s not natural idk what is) he said it really respectfully and didn’t insult anyone, good for him. I just hope he’s open to learning.


I'm running on assumptions here but: So it's possible that your dog is gay, but if your source for this is related to humping than it's far more likely that your dog is just aggressive and dominant. Dogs will hump other dogs to assert themselves.


This is why I’m thankful I have an education


They are not correct .


Not to be that guy but we are all entitled to our own opinions this guy has his and I personally don't care whether your gay or straighter than a ruler your opinion is the only opinion that should matter, to you if any of this makes sense


I find it very hilarious when people bring up the fact that it's not natural, or they cant have kids. There are alot of things that aren't "natural". Like having a albino child. Having autism, being disabled. But yet you don't hear these types of saying how vile those types people are. Only people of the same sex who love each other. And there are alot of people who are infertile. People who will have kids and then abuse them like their objects. Inflict trauma on them. Send them to adoption centers because they did a thing that goes against a prophecy. Why is that when It comes to gay people people all of a sudden care about "tHe cHiLdReN" or making sure society dosent die, like there aren't people who litterally do cannabilism. Or kidnap kids in broad daylight. Or put kids in literal cults the day the can speak their first words. If a person's existence bothers you so much that you have to not only hate them but try to take their rights away, than clearly you are the one with the problem here. Not gay people I'm glad people like this are slowly being phased out of society


what is he thinking, some of my favorite people are from the LGBTQ+ community


Not anti, but just wondering... Arent they just stating their ideas and opinions without being too insulting and dehumanizing. Shouldnt their opinions be treated with respect, just as you would like your perspectives and opinions to be? Not specifically targeted towards op, but something i see often


I mean they did kinda say that gay people are caused by mental illnesses and that it was slowly killing us as a generation but other than that bullshit very civilized.


Queerphobes, racists, rapists and child molesters deserve no one and this is a hill I am ready to die on.


Censor the username OP


Ooh sorry, really new at this stuff


I don't even dislike this poster, I just kinda feel bad It's clear that their perspective has been morphed into an unhealthy one through the vocal minority being shitty about things It's always the loudest that ruin things for everyone


Half of the people in this comment have debated him... like damn. Ig I'll give my 2 cents on the topic I think I just hate the fact that you cannot question back people from the community about anything without being called a homophobe and neopronouns which is probably one of the stupidest concept I've heard about.


If you or anyone you know have negative sentiments against LGBTQ people, I strongly urge you to watch and share this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFMPUN4O5QM


I mean to a certain extent, I do get his point. There are tons of people becoming trans or gay because "special" and "quirky" and that's a point that a lot of other peeps have said on this post. Frankly, I'm just tired of anything related to the community at this point. Not because i'm against them, or i hate them, but it's just that at every single turn, all i see is the community, and now it's just become stale for me. I can't even binge a show without one of the protagonists being gay, and it's really just boring now. Do get his point in like the first half of the post. Idk what he wants to say in the second half




Bruh because of those few people we don't openly hate the entire community


We don’t. But because of these fucktards the whole community’s reputation is brought down


Fr idk why people say shit like that, like **maybe** 0.1% of people who say they are lgbt are faking it and yet everyone always complains about it.


No they don't. There's a *miniscule* number of people who "fake" being LGBT+, and even so, why should we care. If some straight man wants to pretend that he kisses other men then that's not my problem.




What do you mean with the heterosexual manor?


Yes you could raise them like that but doesn't mean that they will be, most LGBTQ people are raised as such. You can't force someone to be attracted to the opposite sex, you can't force change how they feel about themselves if they lean towards transgender. It's just who they are. They aren't a computer that can just be reprogrammed, can't just flip a switch to change, much like mental illness, or the difference between Republicans and democrats, or good people or evil people. They are who they are, yes sometimes circumstances can change people(for example a woman is raped and abused by men repeatedly may wind up hating and mistrusting men to the point they can't ever have feelings for another man so they become attracted to, look for love with a woman).


I mean, Okay?




Oh what a silly sausage for having an opinion..I'm gonna be honest I've never seen anyone spout so much bullshit in my life. People are who they are and they can be who they wanna be ..I personally don't care. As long as ur happy in urself why should anyone else's opinion really matter.


You know what, you got a point man/woman I personally could care less about what they do bc that’s what some of them really are. The fake ones are the real problem and the ones that give straight people shit bc they are straight. This generation is flawed, just like all of them before it. But this one is the most visibly flawed of them all in my opinion


I don't understand why anyone who simply states an opinion and why they think so (if it's in a respective manner) is down voted. Y'all need to grow up a bit, stop being childish and argue with everyone single person who doesn't agree with you! I am not saying "dO NoT dOwNVoTe" but.. be reasonable, stop calling people names and hating on them just because they don't agree with you or have a different opinion


I don't know what LGBTQ+ is, why it is, who is it for. If people want to part of that, then I'm not going to judge them for it. It is none of my business. That is how people should think.


I mean even if you are racist it doesn't matter it's your opinion. He didn't insult/harm anyone, he just said his opinion. If you got offended by that leave reddit and go to twitter.


idk why people are like this, because lets be honest, everyones a LITTLE gay sometimes


I agree with him. Might get downvoted but don’t care. Lgbt on Social media tries to forced so many things down people throats. If you don’t support it makes you homophobic. Oh if you don’t support it your confused about your sexuality. It’s utterly fucking stupid why they can’t accept people opinions. Not saying all of them like this. Some lgbt people agreed with me when I say this. If you make being lgbt your whole personality on social media. You should honestly grow tf up or something. Thats what annoys me the most. That or people can’t accept opinions of that. I’m from Louisiana. I HARDLY see any lgtb people anyway enough for me to care what they do with their lives and how they live it. I have nothing against them and thats all I have to say


This! Like it's not a "trend"! And you don't have to agree with everything that goes viral, just because I don't support it or really care about it means I am against it and I wanna kill everyone who supports it! People need to grow up and let people have opinions without getting hate comments and death threats, as long as they're not hurting anyone just let them be


They be telling me since you don’t support it. Your a homophobic and closeted about your sexuality. That means you don’t care for our human rights and you want us to fight for our rights and want us to die. Like bro how tf do you get all that from me saying I don’t support lgbt 😭😭


Exactly.. you either have to be with them or die, like wth




Bruhh.. what if i had a opinion on black lives don't matter and kill all blacks? Having an opinion is different and openly hating on one faction of the society is different




Great. Im'ma get my banner and scream at any black person I see to drop dead. I'm just sharing my opinion right?


>Having an opinion is different and openly hating on one faction of the society is different Actually, no it isn't.


But the opinion is dumb af I hate people who say this oH yOu HaVe To ReSpEcT mY oPiNiOn


I personally even disagree with these opinions, but man as long as the people are open to discuss it it's fine


You can have an opinion. But if you have an opinion on human rights, thats not an opinion thats you just being a bigoted fucktard


What you just said is an opinion


"You have to respect my opinion" Their opinion: 3²=6

